39 posts
Chapters: 15/?Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships:
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Decided to do a Steddie one shot. Might do more, requests are open if you'd like me to make one for you
Watching Over You
Eddie Munson had died in the Upside Down. He'd sacrificed his own life to save all of Hawkins. The poor 20 year old who was still a high school senior had watched two people die a gruesome death by the hand of Vecna and had been blamed for all the killings. Hawkins thought he was a murderer. A Freak. A Satanist. A cultist. A devil worshipper. But Eddie was far from those things. He was wild and chaotic and untamed, but in the best way. He was a flirty touchy-feely man but he was the funniest and sweetest person that Steve had ever met.
And Eddie was a true gentleman. Always opening doors for people and when they'd gotten into the boat he'd held out his hands for Nancy to help her in. He had a beautiful laugh and a charming, crooked dimpled smile that would light up his whole face. Eddie was beautiful. So utterly beautiful.
Even though Eddie had been on the run, accused of comitting murders that Vecna had actually done, he stayed true to himself. Wild and free, the most incredible person Steve had ever met. Eddie and Steve had spent that week fighting off Vecna along with Nancy, Robin, Max, Lucas, Dustin and Erica. And Eddie had died.
Ever the selfless man, he'd sacrificed his own life to save an entire town that hated him. And throughout that week of fighting Vecna, not only had Steve had a sexuality crisis and figured out he was bisexual, but he'd fallen head over heels in love with Eddie. Eddie was the complete opposite of Steve. A metalhead, a drug dealer and a man who loved D&D. But he was opposite in the best way.
Eddie Munson's death had hit Steve hard. He, Nancy and Robin had left the Upside Down's version of the Creel House and went back to Eddie's trailer only to find Dustin on the ground where a huge swarm of bats was littered all around him, dead on the ground. And Eddie's unmoving body cradled in Dustin's lap.
Dustin was only 14, a freshman in high school. And he'd seen a lot of horrifying Upside Down related things throughout his young life. But nothing could compare to the 14 year old holding his best friend Eddie in his arms while he died. Watching his best friend die in his arms.
When Steve had registered that Eddie was dead in Dustin's arms, he'd wanted to cry and scream and punch something. He'd never gotten the chance to tell Eddie he loved him. Hell, he'd never even gotten the chance to tell anyone that he was bisexual. He was still a closeted queer. But instead he remained strong for everyone else. Didn't cry. didn't show his feelings. They couldn't take Eddie's body back to the real world, so they'd left him there.
And Steve had hated that. But before they'd left, Steve had taken one of Eddie's rings to keep. He already had Eddie's denim vest because Eddie had given it to him earlier in the week to wear when Steve didn't have a shirt. He would keep the vest. But he'd wanted just one more thing of Eddie's.
After defeating Vecna and going back to the real Hawkins, Eddie had been announced on the news as still a suspect for all the killings, still a murderer, but also missing and presumed dead. There had been a small funeral for Eddie's uncle Wayne and Eddie's friends to mourn him, the people who loved Eddie and truly knew that Eddie was a beautiful and kind soul that could never hurt anyone.
And Steve had very quickly and very insistently offered to pay for the headstone and burial plot in the cemetery. He'd cried at that funeral, finally breaking down. He'd sobbed and he couldn't stop. He'd never cried that much before. He'd taken Eddie's ring and put it on a chain to wear around his neck and he would never take it off.
That was his tether to Eddie. His piece of Eddie, even though Eddie was gone. Eddie's uncle Wayne was a kind older man and he'd sobbed just as much as Steve had. Wayne had loved his nephew like his own son and Eddie's death was devastating to him. But he'd stopped crying long before Steve had. When Steve and Wayne were the only two left at Eddie's grave, Steve still sobbing and clutching tightly to that ring dangling from the chain around his neck, Wayne approached him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright son. You can let it out," Wayne whispered kindly in Steve's ear, his voice heavy with sympathy and grief as he stood beside the broken hearted 19 year old at Eddie's grave site. And eventually, slowly but surely Steve stopped crying and began to calm down.
"Did you know? That Eddie was. Was gay?"
"Boy, everybody knew. It's why they called him a Freak. But Eddie was my boy. And I loved him all the same. Always will."
Steve looked up at Wayne, his eyes filled with tears and gratitude for the old man's acceptance.
"He was so beautiful," he said softly, a small smile tugging at his lips as memories of Eddie began to flood him again.
"And kind... And sweet..."
His voice trailed off and he closed his eyes, taking in a deep shaky breath.
"I'm bisexual. Basically means I like both genders. I didn't. I didn't know. Until I met Eddie. And he'd pushed me up against the wall. And then he was. Always smiling, always laughing, touchy, flirty, calling me things like big boy and I. I figured it out."
Steve hadn't come out to anyone yet but he felt safe coming out to Wayne. If Wayne could love Eddie even though Eddie was gay then he was safe coming out to Wayne.
"You loved him," Wayne said simply.
Steve opened his eyes slowly, looking over at Wayne who seemed to understand him perfectly. He felt a sudden calm wash over him, knowing that someone got it. Someone knew what he was going through and didn't judge him or Eddie for it.
"I loved him," Steve whispered again, before breaking down into more sobs.
"You still love him?" Wayne asked gently.
Steve looked over at Wayne again, his eyes filled with pain but also love. He nodded solemnly, the tears still falling from his cheeks in a constant stream.
"Yes," He choked out between sobs before turning back to Eddie's grave once more.
"I always will," he whispered into the earth as another wave of grief hit him hard.
"Good. Eddie deserved that kind of love. In a place that hates him, don't ever let go of that love for him. He might be gone, but he still needs it."
"I won't," Steve promised firmly as he turned back to Wayne one last time, giving him a small nod before getting into his car and driving away. He would miss Eddie every day but he wouldn't let go of the love they shared. It was too precious and special to ever be forgotten.
For weeks after Eddie's funeral Steve stayed at home, curled up in his bed and crying, clutching that ring, clutching Eddie's denim vest. Slowly but surely Steve's grief turned into a numbness. It was as if his feelings had been pushed so far down that he could hardly feel anything. His depression began to settle in, taking hold of him in ways he hadn't experienced before. Days bled into nights and nights into days.
One particular night he was curled up in his bed, clutching Eddie's denim vest tightly to his chest. His tears had dried out by now and he was curled up in the fetal position just staring at the wall. But just then, he could feel it. A light breeze drifting over a strand of his hair, as if someone was trying to tuck the hair out of his face. But there was no one there, just a gentle cold touch. And there was no window open, no A/C going.
Steve shivered at the touch, not quite sure what to make of it. But he couldn't deny that the gentle caress felt oddly comforting. As if Eddie was trying to reach out from beyond the grave, telling him everything would be okay. That gentle touch was there again, a little cold breeze, this time drifting over his cheek.
Steve opened his eyes slowly, looking around the room. He couldn't see anyone but there was no denying that cold breeze had touched him again.
"Eddie?" Steve whispered softly into the darkness.
As soon as he spoke Eddie's name, there was that gentle cold touch again, this one drifting over his chest, right on the spot where his heart lay. And it lingered there for a moment.
Steve buried his face deeper into Eddie's denim vest, crying more tears of comfort and longing. He didn't know if he was truly feeling Eddie's touch or if it was just a figment of his imagination but it made him feel less alone. Less hopeless.
As he cried into Eddie's vest something else happened. That cold breeze wasn't touching him anymore but he could feel it right next to him. And then something he never thought he'd hear again. Eddie's voice. Not too deep, not too high, low and soft, like a blanket of velvet that wraps around you. The most beautiful voice Steve had ever heard.
"Crying over little ol' me?"
Steve gasped as he lifted his head, turning to look beside him. And there Eddie sat. He looked so real, leaning back on his hands that were pressed into the mattress, his lips curved into that beautiful soft smile. He was wearing his usual look except for the denim vest and leather jacket. He looked perfect, just as beautiful as ever.
"Is this. Are you. Really here?"
Eddie smiled again, soft and sweet as he shook his head.
"Afraid not sweet boy. Just a wandering spirit. Ghost if you will."
And even as a spirit, Eddie was completely himself. Witty and charming, always making light of everything and definitely flirty.
Steve's heart raced wildly. He couldn't quite believe that Eddie was there.
"Why are you here?" Steve managed to stammer out through the tears and emotion choking him.
"Why me? Of all people."
Eddie reached out then. And though he couldn't touch Steve, there was that gentle cold breeze, brushing the hair out of Steve's face.
"Because you need me the most "
Steve looked up into Eddie's beautiful smiling face, so grateful for this chance to see him.
"Are you watching over me?" Steve asked, tears falling faster now.
"Always sweetheart. I'll always be watching over you."
Eddie's smile was soft, his voice filled with affection.
"I love you, Eddie," Steve whispered hoarsely as he looked at Eddie's ghostly form. He was no longer feeling so alone with this comforting promise from Eddie. For now he would cling onto the memory of their time together, holding it close as a source of solace until they could meet again properly.
Those words brought out, not one of Eddie's soft and sweet smiles, but one of Eddie's light up his face, wide, crooked and dimpled smiles. His most beautiful smile.
"I know you do."
"Eddie, can...can you make it easier for me? To let go of the pain and sadness."
Steve didn't know how to ask but Eddie had always seemed to understand him even without words. He needed help finding hope again.
"Sweetheart, that pain and sadness will never go away. And that's ok. I don't want it to go away. Without it, you'd forget me. And I don't want you to forget me. But it will get easier. Time will make it easier. You'll still have those bad days. Those days where you just want to curl up and cry. And you can have those days. You need those days. But you need to live too.
Go out there. Connect with your friends again, go back to work, follow whatever dream that you have. And whether you find someone to love or you don't, that's ok too. And maybe on my birthday make a cake and light a candle for me. I'll blow it out. To let you know that I'm still there. Still watching over you. Still loving you. And that I'm waiting for you."
Steve nodded slowly, soaking up the words. They made so much sense and yet they were difficult to accept. But Eddie had given him a way to deal with this pain and it was up to Steve now to take the first steps forward.
"Thank you for everything Eddie."
Eddie smiled again. And he took Steve's hand, letting their fingers intertwine, though it was more like Steve was touching cold empty air.
"Thank you for loving me, when I didn't think I deserved it."
"Always, Eddie. Always."
Steve felt a warmth in his chest, the gentle comfort of Eddie's touch sending a wave of peace throughout him. For now that was enough. Just having this chance to say goodbye properly and to promise that he wouldn't forget him eased some of Steve's sorrow.
Eddie kissed him then, just a gentle brush of cold air against Steve's lips. Steve felt a lump in his throat, his eyes filling with tears as Eddie's spectral breath washed over his lips. It was the softest kiss he'd ever had, full of warmth and love even though it was from an ethereal form.
"Goodbye Eddie."
Another sweet smile.
"Goodbye sweet boy. I'll see you soon."
And then Eddie was gone, fading into nothing but air. Steve lay there for a while longer, lost in the memories of Eddie. The comforting touch that had filled him with warmth was now gone, replaced by cold emptiness.
He wiped his tears and slowly got off the bed, making his way to the window to look out at Hawkins night sky - it'd be a new beginning from tonight onwards.
Steve never found another person to love. Eddie had been the one for him. But he'd picked himself up, moved forward. Started going back to work, being with his friends again. And living life and being with them helped eased the ache. He never took off Eddie's ring that hung on the chain around his neck.
He would always find a way to wear Eddie's denim vest in his outfit. He didn't care that people ridiculed him for wearing Eddie's vest when everybody thought Eddie was a murderer. Steve would go on dates and sometimes they would end in a one night stand, because honestly he still needed sex. He did it with men and women, but no one could take Eddie's place in his heart.
He didn't want to love anyone else, and so he didn't. He never married, never dated. He did adopt two beautiful children because he'd always wanted to be a father. And he told his children stories about Eddie, that if Eddie had been alive he would be their other dad. He made sure his children knew who Eddie was.
He was an incredible father and they gave him happiness and joy and helped ease the pain of Eddie's death. And every year on Eddie's birthday he would make a cake and light a candle. And he would tell his children to wait and watch. And then a cold gentle breeze would blow out that candle, to let Steve know that Eddie was still there.
Still watching over him. Still loving him. Still waiting for him. And then they would eat the cake and Steve would tuck his children into bed. And then he would cry, clutching that ring and kissing it.
And as the years went by, Steve grew into an elderly man. The pain of Eddie's death never fully faded but it became easier to bear - a part of him now.
He was filled with a mix of memories - both sad and happy ones, all entwined in each other like strands in a tapestry telling his story. He was on his deathbed now. He hadn't seen Eddie since that first night a few weeks after Eddie's death.
But as Steve lay there in the hospital bed, his now grown adult children and his beautiful little grandchildren sleeping around the room, Eddie was there. A soft smile. Steve looked over, spotting a glimmer of light in the corner of his room. There stood Eddie, looking as stunning as ever even though he wasn't solid anymore. His eyes filled with tears at the sight. Eddie looked exactly the same. He wasn't elderly, he was his 20 year old self. Same outfit.
"Hi sweet boy."
"Eddie," Steve whispered, feeling an overwhelming mix of emotions. His eyes were wet with tears. He tried to sit up slightly.
"Shh, don't try to move," Eddie says softly as he came over to stand beside him.
"Eddie, I've missed you so much," he breathed out quietly.
"I know love. And you've done so well all these years."
"But I'm tired Eddie. I can't go on without you anymore " Steve whispered painfully.
"You don't have to. You can come with me now. It's time."
Steve looked over at his family, asleep and peaceful. He felt a pang in his heart but found some solace knowing they would be cared for.
"Will they remember me?"
"Always. And you'll watch over them. Just like I watched over you."
Steve felt a warm smile spread across his face at the words. He knew then that he would always be with Eddie, watching over his loved ones until they all reunited again in the afterlife.
Eddie offered his hand then, another soft smile.
Steve nodded, reaching out to take Eddie's hand. This time he could touch it. It wasn't cold air. It was solid. Warmth, and soft skin, the cool metal of his rings. Steve felt lighter then, like he was floating. And then he could see it. The heart monitors flatlining, his family around him waking up, his own old elderly body lying in the hospital bed. But Steve didn't feel old. He felt young again, as young as he had been when Eddie died. He was 19 again.
And then there was Eddie, so handsome and alive, standing in front of him. It felt like a dream. But Steve knew it was real this time.
"Am I?"
"Dead? Yeah. They'll be alright."
Steve looked up at Eddie, a mix of sadness and joy in his eyes.
"Where are we?"
Eddie smiled then.
"Afterlife. We're spirits. Guardians who watch over our loved ones, until they're ready to join us."
Steve looked around, realizing that the world he saw wasn't physical anymore but had more vivid colors and shimmering details.
"What do we do now?"
"We live again. You and me. We won't age. And we'll watch over your family. Be there when they're ready to join us. But you and me, we live again. Together this time."
Steve grinned at Eddie.
"Together. Forever."
He felt a warmth in his chest, a deep happiness that he was with Eddie again.
Eddie grinned back, pressing his forehead against Steve's.
"Forever my beautiful boy."
Steve returned the gesture, their souls fusing together as one in a loving embrace.
"Forever with you, Eddie," he whispered before pulling back slightly to look into his eyes once more. This time though it wasn't goodbye but rather a promise of an everlasting love that would span across eternity itself.
Eddie was kissing him then. And this time it was a real kiss, he could feel it. Warm soft lips, a deep and loving kiss. Steve was lost in the embrace, his whole being focusing on Eddie's lips. The kiss felt like pure bliss and it made him realize how much he truly loved Eddie. All pain from the past evaporated, replaced with love and contentment.
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More Posts from Kristybear2001
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Three
Tuesday was an agonizingly slow day. The beginning of the week was never that busy for Family Video, so he was bored most of the day. At least he had Robin to talk to. He knew he could come out to her, but he also knew that she would start her rambling if he told her he'd figured it out because of Eddie Munson.
As Steve aimlessly rewound tapes, restocked shelves and reorgnized tapes, he let his mind wander. If he wasn't eyeing the clock to watch it tick by so very slowly.
"Earth to Steve," Robin says waving her hand in Steve's face.
"Shit Rob, sorry."
"What's gotten into you today?"
"Just. Distracted."
"Oooo is it a girl?"
Steve's face flushed.
"No? You're bright red face says otherwise."
"It's not a girl."
"Well if it's not a girl then..."
Steve could see as the gears in Robin's head begin to turn, things slotting into place and then her face lit up. She leaned forward, resting her arms on the counter.
"Is it a boy?" She whispered, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
Steve's blush deepened and he ducked his head away.
"Come on Steve, you can tell me!"
"Yeah, I know, it's just. I'm a little caught off guard myself. And our first couple of interactions were kind of. Awkward."
"Awkward how?"
"Well the first time I was drunk and high at my party. And the second time. Uh. Recounting with him what happened with him at the party because I didn't remember. It was. Just awkward."
Robin gasped.
"Did you guys kiss? Full on make out? Sex?"
Steve fixed her with a look and she was hiding a laugh behind her hand.
"No. He ended the party, helped me to my room. And I uh. Came onto him."
Robin started laughing, trying to hold it in which only caused snorts to escape. Steve's face was as red as a tomato now.
"Yeah yeah, laugh it up."
"Sorry. Sorry, I'm sorry. You. Who just figured out you're bisexual. Came onto him. While you were drunk and high."
"Yeah, I know, stupid. And I'm. Seeing him again tonight."
"Ooooo a date?"
"No, not a date. Just. Getting to know each other."
"Is he attractive? I mean obviously men are not my type, but do you think he's attractive?"
"Very. Like you have no idea. Hotter than Billy Hargrove attractive."
Robin let out a whistle.
"So who's the lucky guy?"
Flustered, Steve dropped the tape he was holding. He attempted to catch it but he fumbled it a few times before it clattered to the floor. He shot Robin a playful glare and her eyes were dancing with mirth.
"Let's not talk about that," Steve says bending down to pick up the tape.
"Why not? You like him right?"
"Yeah but. I mean I don't know him well. And if you were to find out who it is, you would. You would be shocked."
Her tone had taken on a whine now and instead of being annoyed he just shook his head.
"Come on! I want to know! Please, please, please, please, pleeeeeaaaaase?"
"Okay! Okay. It's um."
Steve fidgeted with his hands.
"Eddie Munson," he muttered under his breath.
"Eddie Munson."
This time it came out so fast Robin could barely understand what he was saying.
"Eddie Munson!"
Steve's eyes went wide with shock, slapping a hand over his mouth at how loud he'd shouted Eddie's name. Thankfully there were no customers. Robin blinked a few times.
"Eddie Munson."
"Uh huh."
"The Eddie Munson!?"
"Yes! Ok, shhh!"
She blinked again.
"Holy shit, you have the hots for Eddie Munson."
"Shut up."
"What are you guys doing tonight?"
"Um. His band is playing tonight. I'm going to watch."
"You don't like metal music."
"Yeah, but. I told him I wanted to get to know him. And he invited me to his band's show so..."
"So you're going."
"Yep. Oh god. What do I wear? Because I'm not in the metal scene, is preppy not good enough, it's probably not appropriate, I don't have any metal like clothes, what if I mess this up, what if he doesn't like me after tonight..."
"Now who's the one rambling?"
Steve snapped his mouth shut, his cheeks flushing red again, and Robin giggled.
"Oh my god, you're already so far gone."
"Don't make fun of me. He's just so. How do I put it. Pretty. I mean have you seen those eyes, they're like a whole galaxy on their own. And those lips, they look so. Soft, I mean imagine kissing lips that are soft and full and just. Perfect. And I mean, he pulls off the jewelry and the tattoos and shirtless, dear god."
Steve knew he was rambling again, and just recounting some of Eddie's physical features had him half hard and he had to adjust himself to hide his. Well, problem.
"Steve, you're hopeless."
"Don't remind me."
"Just be yourself. Wear what's comfortable for you. If he likes you, he'll like you for you."
"Yeah. I guess your right."
After their conversation about Eddie, Steve was happy to talk to Robin about Vickie, though he more listened while she rambled, but he didn't mind. And thankfully, their conversations were enough to fill the agonizingly slow time till their shift was over. Now he had to get ready to go to the Hideout. He had some time to kill but he wanted everything to be just right.
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington's Parents, Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair Summary:
Forbidden Love is now its own book on AO3. Don't worry, I have more stuff coming
Steve had always considered himself a straight man. He knew Eddie wasn't straight, the man had been constantly flirting with him over the last week and he wasn't exactly shy about it. He wasn't exactly sure if Eddie was gay or bisexual, but he did know that Eddie wasn't straight. And Steve. Well, amid the Upside Down and trying to keep Max alive and figuring out Vecna and what to do, had been having a sexuality crisis. Because like it or not, he found Eddie attractive.
Eddie had an infenctious energy, and despite everything the man had been through he kept a smile on his face, the one that showcased his cute little dimples, the one that lit up his whole face, that made his beautiful chocolate brown eyes sparkle with amusement and excitement. And Eddie's flirtation had been heavy. And admittedly, Steve couldn't bring himself to put an end to the flirting, and maybe he'd flirted back a little. Eddie was beautiful, Steve couldn't deny it. More often than not, he was finding excuses to talk to Eddie, excuses to touch Eddie, excuse to look at Eddie. Specifically excuses to stare at Eddie's lips.
His entire conversation where Eddie had encouraged him to get Nancy back had barely even been registered because he couldn't stop staring at Eddie's lips. They were soft, pink and full, the kind of lips that looked like they would be heaven to kiss. And thinking back, this wasn't the first time that he'd wanted to kiss a man, though he'd pushed those feelings aside as quick as they came.
Sure, there had been a brief moment when Tommy Hagan was beating the shit out of him, that he'd wanted to kiss him. And maybe back then Steve would've been a bit homophobic. But then he met Robin, and she became his best friend, and he'd grown as a person, he became an ally. There was a brief moment where he'd even wanted to kiss Jonathon Byers, because despite how they'd started out, Byers was a good guy.
Then there was Billy. Billy Hargrove who was wild and untamed and yes. Attractive. And he'd called him King Steve, and he'd be lying if he said that didn't do something to him. And now there was Eddie. Eddie who was also a little wild and chaotic, but not in a bad way. In an adorable way, and Steve never thought he would find himself calling Eddie Munson of all people, adorable. But he was. Adorable, pretty, beautiful. Gorgeous even.
And this is how Steve got to where he was now. He'd mulled over his feelings, his thoughts, and he'd come to the conclusion, that while he wasn't straight, he wasn't gay either. He was in between. Bisexual. Eddie looked just as pretty as ever, his bandana wrapped around his head, his trademark black ripped jeans with a studded belt, an army green puffy vest thrown over his black leather jacket and his Hellfire Club shirt, and the makeshift shield and spear settled on his back.
"Hey, if anything goes south, I mean at all. You abort. Ok? Don't try to be cute or. Be a hero. You guys are just...."
"Decoys, we know. Don't worry Steve. You can be the hero," Dustin says, cutting him off.
"Absolutely, I mean look at us. We are nooooooot hero's," Eddie replied.
"Ok. Good."
Steve couldn't resist a glance at Eddie. Taking him all in, definitely checking him out, before he knew he had to go. So reluctantly he turned around. Before he could take a step, he heard Eddie step forward.
"Hey Steve?"
Steve turned back around, eyes locking on Eddie, who looked nervous, like he wanted to say something but ultimately decided not to and said something else.
"Make him pay."
Steve gave a nod and started walking away. And then his heart started pounding, something told him that he should take his chance now or he would regret it later.
"Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy says when Steve turned around, yet again.
But Steve ignored her, and with enough courage and confidence as he could muster he strode right up to Eddie, grabbed him by his jacket to pull him in. And kissed him. Eddie's lips were exactly what Steve imagined they would be, better even.
He could faintly hear the surprise of Dustin, Nancy and Robin and for a brief moment Eddie was frozen, but then he was kissing him back, his hands finding Steve's own jacket to tug him closer. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was everything Steve needed. He hadn't read it wrong, the flirting had been real, and the kiss had honestly felt like coming home, a sensation that was new to Steve, but very welcome. Steve gently broke the kiss.
"Stay alive ok?"
Eddie gave a nod, his adam's apple bobbing slightly.
"You too."
Finally they let go of each other and Steve left with Nancy and Robin to go to the Creel house.
(Just a little snippet from a one shot I posted on Wattpad. I haven't seen anyone put this into a scene and I've had this idea for a few days so I finally wrote it down. I might put ir up on AO3 but for now I'll give you this little snippet and post the Wattpad link for the rest of the one shot. If you guys want to request a Steddie one shot feel free to let me know and I'll write one up for you)
(Wattpad link) https://www.wattpad.com/story/366228702?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=KristyBear21
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Four
Now that Steve was home he took a long hot shower and then started getting ready. He spent an hour fussing over what to wear and ultimately decided on a pair of Levi's and a navy blue and white striped polo shirt. Then he spent another hour fussing over his hair to make sure it got it's fluffy swoop and applied some deodorant and cologne.
When he was ready it was time to head to the Hideout. It was a dingy little bar in the part of town that wasn't so nice. Somehow the floor was sticky, though there weren't many people. A few regulars but that was about it. There was an older woman tending the bar and then there was the stage.
It wasn't a big stage but it was occupied. Eddie's band was setting up their equipment. Under the crappy stage lights Eddie looked stunning. He was wearing his black ripped jeans but a pair of black combat boots, a studded belt, a chain and bandana on his jeans. He wore his usual jewelry and an Iron Maiden shirt. His arm tattoos were on display and a red flannel was tied to his waist. His fingernails were painted black and blacl eyeliner was smudged around his eyes, making them pop.
He looked like a rock god and Steve couldn't help but stare. He was mesmerized. When he was caught staring, Eddie's dimpled smile appeared, a cocky grin and Steve's face flushed red. Finally tearing his gaze away after Eddie winked, Steve walked over to the bar and ordered a beer. Even the countertop was sticky and he made a face, pulling his arms away from leaning against it.
Once he had his beer he settled at a table close to the stage to watch Eddie set up. This time he was allowed to look and not feel embarrassed or flustered about it. When the band started playing Steve was surprised to see that Eddie didn't just play guitar. He was the lead vocalist. And his voice was sheer perfection.
It wasn't too deep, but it was rich and smooth, like a warm velvet blanket wrapping around him. The combination of Eddie's stunning voice and the way his fingers flew across the fretboard with ease had Steve squirming in his seat. Eddie was gorgeous when he played, and although Steve wasn't much into metal, he could very much appreciate what Eddie did. He could watch Eddie play for hours, listen to his voice for hours.
Eddie knew Steve was watching. Occassionaly his eyes would lock on Steve's and he would smirk, a sexy one and his tongue would dart out to lick his lips. Steve's body felt heated, his stomach swarming and dancing with butterflies. Eddie knew what he was doing. He knew Steve was attracted and he was taking advantage of it.
By the middle of the set Steve's beer was empty but he was far too riveted to get up and get another. And he wanted to be sober tonight. He certainly wasn't ready for anything more than making out but he wanted to remember tonight. He wanted to commit every inch of Eddie to his memory, every movement, every sound. The shape of Eddie's lips as he formed the words, the way his fingers danced and plucked at the strings of his guitar.
The last song of their set was a rendition of Metallica's Fade To Black. The other guitarist kept his electric guitar but Eddie switched to an acoustic one that had the words this machine slays dragons written on it in black ink. Instead of standing he pulled up a bar stool and sat down. Steve had never heard the song before but it was beautiful. And Corroded Coffin's version of the song was absolutely stunning.
It brought out emotion in Steve, he had to blink back tears because of how powerful the lyrics were, power that was amplified by Eddie's voice. This he knew was a song he would commit to memory. Eddie's version. After the show and all the equipment had been taken down and put away, Steve waited anxiously for Eddie.
And there he was, walking over and sliding into the seat across from Steve. His breath caught in his throat at how close Eddie was now.
Eddie's lips curved up, eyes boring into Steve's.
"What did you think? I noticed you couldn't keep your eyes off me."
Steve was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to describe how amazing Eddie's performance was.
"Incredible. How are you not signed to a record label?"
Steve was genuinely curious, because Eddie had talent, and so did the rest of the band. Eddie remained quiet for a moment.
"We had a shot. In 84. Things just. Didn't work out. They ended up wanting me instead of the whole band. And uh. Some shit happened, I couldn't make the audition."
Steve wouldn't push. If Eddie wanted to talk about it, he would.
"I'm sorry it didn't work out."
Eddie shrugged.
"Maybe we'll get another shot someday."
"I think you guys would be. Really fucking amazing. Like I think you guys could go big."
"It's a nice dream. Nice idea. But I have a backup plan. You know if we don't make it, I wanna be a tattoo artist."
Steve sat up straighter.
"That sounds right up your alley. A creative outlet. And. Kinda sounds hot."
Steve hadn't really flirted with a man before, but it couldn't be much different right? For a moment he thought he'd embarassed himself but then Eddie was smiling that adorable dimpled smile, his eyes lit up.
"You ever think about getting a tattoo?"
"Uh, no, not for me. But uh. You really pull them off. They suit you."
Eddie leaned forward in his seat.
"I think you could pull one off if you wanted to."
"Maybe, but I'm not the one who looks like a literal rock god."
The words had slipped out, his confidence rising. And Eddie laughed. Bright and beautiful. Immediately Steve caught the sound and saved it for later.
"Very smooth Harrington. You're lucky you're pretty, because flattery very much works for me."
Steve's lips curved up.
"I do pride myself in being pretty I suppose."
They were flirting now, comfortably and Steve was enjoying it. Eddie wasn't at all what people thought he was. He was charming, he had an aura that made you feel comfortable and at ease.
"I actually really loved your rendition of Fade To Black. It was. Beautiful. Powerful. I didn't know metal music could be like that."
"Metal can be just as deep as anything. It's. It's a community. A place for people to feel like they belong."
"That sounds. Really nice. Who taught you how to play?"
Eddie tapped the table with his knuckles, eyes drifting away for a moment.
"My dad. And uh. My mom, she uh. She loved Muddy Waters. She had these records that she would take with her wherever she went. Called them her plane tickets. She would put those records on and. She would dance with me around the living room."
"She sounds lovely."
"Yeah. Yeah, she was."
"What. Happened to her? If you don't mind me asking."
"She got sick. Passed away when I was six."
"I'm sorry."
Steve really did feel bad. He hadn't meant to bring up something sad and ruin the mood. But Eddie smiled, a soft and sweet one.
"It's ok. She's kind of my inspiration. The reason I have so much love for music."
"It's how you keep her alive."
"Yeah. Exactly."
"That's beautiful. And uh. You're beautiful."
Eddie's cheeks flushed pink and he slid down in his seat, pulling a clump of curls in front of his face to hide behind it. It was adorable, and Steve smiled.
"Thanks," Eddie mumbled.
They ended up talking for another hour, sharing childhood stories, laughing and flirting, and then they were heading out.
"I um. I had a really good time tonight. Thanks for inviting me."
"Me too. Thanks for coming."
"Do you wanna. Go out? Sometime. Like. A date?"
Eddie smiled softly.
"I'd like that."
"How about next week. Maybe a picnic by Lover's Lake?"
"Romantic," Eddie says, smiling softly as he gently bumped Steve's shoulder.
"Well I am a hopeless romantic."
Eddie laughed softly.
"How about Thursday, around six?"
"I'll pick you up?"
Eddie smiled again.
"Thursday at six."
After solidifying their date, they said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways. And Steve couldn't stop smiling.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things) Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Chapter One
1986. The Upside Down. They'd taken down Vecna but the clock had chimed four times. Max had died. The ground had rumbled, the giant gates had opened into Hawkins. Somehow Max had come back and was in a coma, probably blind and had broken legs and broken arms. And Eddie. Steve had found Dustin sobbing and holding Eddie's limp body in his lap, the swarm of bats dead all around them.
That moment had mixed feelings for Steve. He wasn't sure what to think about those feelings. Intense grief that he didn't understand, he'd barely known the guy. He'd felt the world stop spinning, he'd lost all sight of everything except Eddie. He didn't cry, though he wanted to. Instead he let anger flow through his veins.
Yes he had only known Eddie for about a week, but he had been charming and sweet and had been awakening something unknown in Steve. Eddie couldn't hurt a fly, even if he wanted to. So why did Eddie have to die? What made him so unworthy of life? It wasn't fair.
Pulling in a deep breath, he wasn't even aware that his eyes were brimming with tears. He walked over and scooped Eddie up, settling him on his back.
"What are you doing?" Dustin says, sniffing and wiping his eyes.
"Bringing him back to Hawkins. So his Uncle has a body to bury."
Steve didn't leave any room for argument. He carried Eddie back through the gate. The next few days were a blur. Presenting Eddie's body to his uncle Wayne. Telling him that Eddie had been a hero, that he'd died to save this town. Helping Wayne organize a funeral and paying for everything.
Time began to pass and Steve did cry. He mourned Eddie's loss. He started closing in on himself, hiding himself. He stopped going to work and ended up losing his job. It wasn't that big of a deal, his parents still sent him money and took care of paying for the house. The house that was too empty.
He stopped seeing his friends, not even Robin could bring him out of his shell. The only time he ever saw them around was when he needed to go shopping and he'd cross paths with them, only offering a simple nod. Somehow, Wayne had figured out what Steve was feeling before Steve even figured it out.
Wayne gave him some of Eddie's things, old clothes, his cologne, his stash of drugs, all of his music, some of his jewelry and his acoustic guitar. Metal wasn't really Steve's scene, but it reminded him of Eddie. So he started listening to it. He'd wear Eddie's clothes, spritz them with Eddie's cologne, he'd started teaching himself how to play that acoustic guitar.
He wore some of Eddie's rings, sometimes on his hands, sometimes on a chain. He would go to Eddie's grave every week and lay down fresh flowers, remove the vandalism and just sit, pretending he could feel Eddie's presence. His friends never stopped trying to pull him out of his shell, to interact with them.
He always turned them down. It took him an entire year to figure out why Eddie's death was hitting him so hard. First, he had a sexuality crisis. Analyzing every interaction he'd ever had with Eddie, how it had made him feel and think. He figured out he was bisexual.
Then he analyzed those moments again, in a different way. Now that he knew he was bisexual, what did those moments mean to him? And he came to the conclusion, that he'd fallen in love. Those feelings he held for Eddie were far more intense than he'd ever had for Nancy.
And all the bullshit about wanting Nancy back, that dream he'd told her about, it hadn't been real. He'd been subconciously deflecting, pretending that he and Eddie were nothing but platonic, even if Eddie was a little touchy and flirty. He'd pretended that's how Eddie was with everyone.
Coming to the conclusions that he did, Eddie's death hit him so much harder, even after a year. An intense wave of grief, like a cloud that loomed over him and he couldn't get rid of it. Not that he wanted to. He wanted to wallow in his grief. Eddie deserved to have someone grieve for him.
Then and there, he vowed that in the next life, in another life, he would find Eddie. No matter what it took, he would find Eddie again. Two years after Eddie's death, in 1989, Steve was sitting at Eddie's grave, laying down fresh flowers and removing the Burn in hell that had been painted onto the headstone.
Things were changing again. Steve could feel it, in his bones, in his soul. It was like he could feel that another fight was coming, that Vecna was coming back and he would be stronger and angrier. He could feel that some of Nancy's visions were going to come true. He could feel the change in the air.
And then it did happen. An army of monsters, pouring into Hawkins. People screaming and running, people dying. He hadn't spoken to or seen much of his friends in the last two years but he still loved them. Still cared about them. Still would die for them.
So he brought out his trusty nail bat and started fighting through the thick of monsters. His only goal was to keep his friends safe, keep them alive. Because they deserved to live. And Steve. Well Steve had a plan for himself. He was at peace with that plan.
He had a goal for that plan. It would be based on belief, luck and hope, but he had to try. Nothing and no one was going to stop him from going through with that plan. Not the kids, not Nancy. Not even Robin.