39 posts
Chapters: 16/?Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships:
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Decided to do a Steddie one shot. Might do more, requests are open if you'd like me to make one for you
Eddie was in pain. So much pain. His mouth tasted hot and coppery, the blood filling it as the bats tore at him. It was all he could feel. Tearing flesh, hot warm blood, searing pain. Then he felt heavy. He couldn't move, it hurt when Dustin tried to move him. It hurt to talk but he did it anyway. A final goodbye to Dustin. And then darkness crept in.
Eddie wasn't sure how long he'd been in the dark. His hearing was slowly coming back to him and he could hear high pitched beeping. Then his feeling came back. He felt heavy, couldn't move. He was still blanketed in darkness but he could hear and feel. He tried to open his eyes but they wouldn't budge. Tried to make a sound but nothing came out.
He didn't know where he was or what time it was. He was definitely sure that he was dead, and maybe he was in Hell, because that beeping was starting to get annoying. Panic began to rise in his chest because he felt trapped, couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't see anything but darkness.
Then he heard a voice. He had to strain his ears to listen but that voice was familiar. Telling someone to go home, eat, shower and sleep. A low voice with a slight southern drawl. It clicked. His uncle Wayne. Whoever he was talking to had to be protesting because Wayne sighed but didn't say anything else. His senses began to slip away again.
The next time Eddie came to, it was the same sensations as before. But it was louder now, a gaggle of voices. Some he could recognize, some he couldn't. It was too loud, it made his head hurt. He didn't stay as long this time, senses slipping away again.
Eddie came to a third time. This tine everything was heightened. The weight of his body, the feel of the bed underneath him, the pillow under his head, the clothes he was wearing, the blanket draped over him. A hand tangled with his, clutching tightly. And his body hurt. Everything hurt.
This time when he tried to peel his eyes open, they did. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. More darkness but not like the darkness he'd been trapped in. Just a dark room. The beeping drew his attention, and there. A heart monitor. He was in a hospital. He turned his head and stared.
The hand tangled in his belonged to none other than Steve Harrington. It looked like Steve hadn't gone home and changed since the Upside Down. He was still wearing the same outfit, though he did look like he'd been tended to. And he was asleep, curled up in an armchair next to Eddie's bed, his free arm tucked under his head.
His chest rose and fell with each steady breath. His hand that held Eddie's was clutching tightly, fingers intertwined. That aching pain in his body flared up and his mouth was dry, his throat was scratchy.
His voice came out as nothing but a hoarse whisper. He tried again.
It took a few tries but finally he was loud enough to wake Steve up. He jolted up, eyes wide and then they locked on Eddie. His hand squeezed gently.
Eddie tried to swallow, wincing at how dry and scratchy his throat was.
"Shit, here."
Steve pulled his hand away and Eddie almost whimpered at the loss of contact. But then Steve's arms were there, helping him sit up before grabbing a glass of water and helping him drink small sips until it was drained.
"Am I dead?"
The corner of Steve's lips curled up in amusement.
"No, very much alive. You're in the hospital."
Eddie let out a sigh, head falling back against the pillow.
"It hurts."
Immediately concern crossed Steve's beautiful features.
"What hurts?"
"Everything. Everything hurts."
"I'll call a nurse to get you some morphine."
Steve pressed the call button and then took Eddie's hand again, raising it to his lips and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. Eddie's heart fluttered and butterflies erupted in his belly. Yes, throughout Spring Break Eddie had fallen head over heels for Steve, but the man was straight. Or at least that's what he thought.
"What time is it?"
"Just after midnight. You've been out for three days. Doctors had to give you a blood transfusion and a few skin grafts. But you'll be ok."
"I'm going to jail when I get out of here."
Eddie knew it was going to happen, he was wanted for three counts of murder. But Steve shook his head.
"That's been taken care of. You're name's clear."
Eddie frowned in confusion.
"But. How?"
Steve smiled then, reaching out to smooth out the crease in Eddie's forehead with his thumb. More butterflies erupted, confusion deepening. Steve had never been this touchy or affectionate before and it was throwing him off guard.
"Dr. Owens. He's a friend of ours, has connections. He was able to clear your name."
"Good. That's. That's good."
Steve was brushing his fingers through Eddie's tangled hair now.
"You should get some more rest," he says as a nurse came in and administered a dose of morphine.
"And you should go home. Take a shower, change, eat."
Steve shook his head, and Eddie almost purred when those fingers scratched his scalp.
"I'm not going anywhere. I don't want to miss anything. And I don't want you to be alone."
Eddie knew Steve was stubborn so he sighed.
"Then promise me you'll at least do it in the morning? And if you really don't want to be away for too long you can sleep here again."
Steve sighed.
"Ok. I promise. Get some rest ok?"
"Only if you keep playing with my hair like this. And don't. Tell anyone I ever said that, I have a reputation to keep."
Steve huffed out a soft laugh.
"Deal. And I won't tell anyone."
Satisfied, Eddie closed his eyes. He was feeling tired again.
"Hey Steve?"
"You've never been this. Affectionate with me before."
Eddie opened his eyes again to look at Steve.
"You almost died. God, I almost lost you. Spring Break was. A whirlwind. For all of us but. Especially for me. Because in the middle of everything we were dealing with. I had a sexuality crisis. Turns out I'm bisexual. I didn't figure that out until it was almost too late. Because I had a chance there. To tell you. That. That I wanted you. Cared about you. In a way that. Is definitely more than friendship.
And I didn't take that chance. And I almost lost that chance for good. So now that you're here. And ok. I'm not losing that chance again. And I don't care if I get branded a Freak. I don't care if my parents disown me. Because everything is worth it. If I get to be with you. You're worth it."
Eddie had to blink back the oncoming tears.
"I've never been worth anything to anyone. Except maybe Wayne."
"You're worth it to me. And to everybody else who loves you."
"So I guess you're not getting back together with Nancy then?"
Steve snorted, another soft laugh escaping him.
"No. I'm already taken by a beautiful badass metalhead."
Eddie's own laugh escaped.
"How did you know flattery works with me?"
"Because you do have an ego. And it's gonna be the death of me, because I'm gonna keep inflating it."
Eddie laughed again.
"Come here pretty boy."
Eddie gently tugged Steve down until their lips connected, a slow and sweet kiss. And everything Eddie needed and wanted.
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More Posts from Kristybear2001
I have this idea in my head. It's not a Steddie one, but I have this idea that Jason discovers he likes boys. Because he's always been taught to hate queer people he has no idea what to do with himself. Then he discovers he finds Eddie attractive, like insanely attractive. And he starts to not hate Eddie, he starts to get curious about Eddie, but because of his taught beliefs he still acts like he hates Eddie. But secretly he's always watching Eddie, secretly he's going to Eddie's shows. Maybe I'm crazy for having this idea in my head, but can anybody else see it?
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Soulmate Part Two
Steve couldn't get enough of looking at his soulmate tattoo. It was always strange to see the black ink on his otherwise pale and empty skin. But then he would brush his fingers over it and it would hit him. A soulmate. Someone completely meant for him. And he was completely meant for someone. But not just someone. Eddie Munson.
He'd told Robin the second he'd had a chance and she'd been shocked. No one would've ever seen the two of them being paired together. But in hindsight, they weren't so different. Steve did get to know Eddie. They would spend nights down at the quarry watching the stars while they smoked and talked.
They would spend free afternoons at Eddie's or Steve's, watching movies and ordering pizza and drinking beer. Eddie had opened up about his past. A loving mother who had passed when he was six. A father who was in and out of his life, sometimes gone for years at a time. Only ever coming back to rope Eddie into illegal activities and bail.
The last time Eddie had seen or spoken to his father was when he was 18. He'd had a shot at a record deal in LA and his father had roped him into a robbery. Stealing 20 pounds of weed and selling it to Reefer Rick for $15,000 so he could go to LA. But his father had lied to him, used him, manipulated him.
The people they'd stolen from had been old coworkers of his father's, having worked for a drug kingpin. They'd figured out who had stolen from them, almost shot Eddie, burned down the Munson house and shot Officer Callahan. And Eddie, ever the sweet boy, had tried to help save Officer Callahan.
His father knew Eddie would get arrested and tried to convince Eddie to leave, to go to LA. Eddie had refused so his father had bailed. And yes, Eddie had been arrested. For nothing more than being arrested, because nobody knew about the robbery he'd pulled off.
There were more details to the story. He'd had a girlfriend who was a scout for the record label in LA and had gotten Eddie the audition. He was supposed to move in with her in LA. He'd quit his job as a bartender at the Hideout. Principle Higgins had called him a rotten apple infecting others and blackmailed him to drop out.
His girlfriend had called him an asshole, broken up with him while he was in jail when he told her he couldn't make the audition then bailed him out. From there, no one would hire Eddie. He'd moved in with his Uncle Wayne and they were drowning in bills. So he'd turned to the only thing he could do. Selling drugs for Reefer Rick.
He'd blackmailed Principle Higgins into letting him go back to school and keep his Hellfire Club open. No, they weren't so different. Two broken boys with a shitty home life, shitty parents. Because Eddie had raised himself, lived alone from the time he was eight.
Eddie wasn't what people made him out to be. He wasn't a Freak. He wasn't a Satanist or a Devil Worshipper. He was a man with passions. He loved music, even if it was different from Steve's taste. Steve could appreciate Eddie's music because of what it did for him emotionally. He was a nerd, he loved fantasy. And Steve had a new appreciation for those things.
Because everything Eddie did, was beautiful. Steve had started going to Corroded Coffin's shows, he'd started sitting in on Hellfire sessions. And he got to see how truly happy Eddie was during those times. And Eddie got to know Steve. Parents who were never around, had started leaving Steve alone for long periods of time when he was ten.
Parents who would absolutely be homophobic. Parents who expected Steve to be perfect, unrealistic expectations of Steve. Steve loved sports because it helped him clear his head. And while neither of them understood each others passions, both made an effort to learn. Steve loved the kids because he loved helping others.
After years of being told he was useless, he loved feeling useful. The boys balanced each other out beautifully. And they both loved hard. They were perfect for each other and the universe knew that. It was why they were bound as soulmates.
As they grew closer, they fell for each other. Eddie fell first, hard and fast. But Steve fell harder. Their first kiss was on top of Eddie's trailer, looking up at the stars. The first time they made love was when Steve's parents had come home and ridiculed him for his soulmate tattoo. They'd all but announced their homophobia and their views on Eddie.
And Steve had finally put his foot down, fought back. Defended Eddie and their connection. He'd disowned his parents, packed his bags and moved to the trailer where they made love. The first time they said I love you was on their third official date.
A picnic in the woods by Lover's Lake where they'd cuddled together, had a fire, Eddie had played his acoustic guitar and they'd gone skinny dipping in the water. It was saying I Love You that gave Steve the strength to come out. To no longer hide his sexuality with anyone. Not his friends, not Hawkins. He came out to the whole town and proudly showed off that Eddie was his soulmate.
And Steve and Eddie were the happiest they'd ever been in their lives. Two broken boys who needed love. Two souls intertwined for all of eternity. Two people the universe had deemed worthy of eternal love. Because soulmates were bound together until the end of time.
Their souls would find each other in every life. Their love would withstand any and every storm. They were meant to be. Had been soulmates in their previous lives and were soulmates in this life. The world was finally going to be ready for them. Starting with this life.
Chapters: 19/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Decided to do a Steddie one shot. Might do more, requests are open if you'd like me to make one for you
Second Chance
1989. It had been two years since Eddie had died in the Upside Down. In those two years Steve had taken the time to figure out why Eddie's death had hit him so hard. He'd fallen in love with him. He was always upkeeping Eddie's grave, removing vandalism, laying down fresh flowers and sitting there for hours on end, just to imagine that he could feel Eddie's presence.
But things were changing again. Steve could feel it in his bones, in his soul. Vecna was rising again. Nancy's visions were going to come true. It was just a gut feeling. And then one of them did. It was a town wide panic. The Upside Down pouring into Hawkins.
Demobats, Demodogs, Demogorgons, other monsters, Vecna himself. Pouring out of four giant gates that had split Hawkins open. Most of Hawkins ran screaming for the hills, tried to evacuate. Some were not successful. But Steve was right in the thick of it with his trusty nail bat, along with Joyce, Hopper, Murry, Johnathon, Nancy, Robin, Dustin, Mike, El, Lucas, Erica and Max, who had thankfully woken up from her coma.
She was blind but she moved better than anyone with her other senses heightened. Steve was swinging his way through a group of Demodogs when he saw it. Eddie. He was climbing his way up through one of the gates. He looked normal, aside from his torn, blood and dirt covered clothing, the outfit he'd died in. But his eyes were not his beautiful vibrant chocolate brown. They were blood red.
There was no recognition on Eddie's face, just pure hunger. And then fangs, right where his canines should be. Despite looking the same, he was stronger, faster. Sinking fangs into flesh, blood spurting out, drinking it down like a man starved. This definitely wouldn't help his false murder accusations. And Steve was stock still, the breath leaving his lungs.
His heart was pounding in his chest as he watched Eddie drain a body and then let go, letting it collapse to the ground. Fresh blood was smeared across his chin, trickling down the corners of his lips. It was like he was in slow motion as he turned to face Steve, blood red eyes locking on his whiskey colored ones. No recognition.
Eddie looked properly dangerous now. Gone was the sweet, funny childlike man. In his place stood a dangerous predator, locking onto its next meal. For a moment the two had a stare down. And then Eddie was lunging forward, teeth bared, fangs glistening with blood and an animalistic growl ripping from his throat.
Steve was frozen until Eddie moved, and on sheer instict he brought up his bat to block Eddie's body from colliding with his. Blood streaked lips were curled into a snarl as they wrestled with the bat until Eddie managed to rip it away, tossing it out of reach. Eddie was circling him now. Stalking his pray.
And then he lunged forward again, tackling Steve to the ground. The weight of his body pressed down on him, hands pinning him to the ground and teeth gnashing together, desperately trying to reach Steve's throat. Steve was just as desperate, grunts escaping and arm thrown out to try and reach his bat, lying just out of reach.
If he could just stretch his arm a little further the bat would brush against his fingertips. The other arm was pressed up against Eddie's chest to hold him off, but Eddie was strong. Steve was growing weaker while Eddie wasn't wearing out at all. Tears stung the corner of Steve's eyes.
"Eddie please. Please it's me, it's Steve. You have to remember."
Still no recognition. Finally he managed to grab the bat, bringing the base to slam against Eddie's ribs. Once. Twice. Three times. Eddie's grip loosened, and it was just enough for Steve to get his knee up, right in the groin. A howl escaped from Eddie as he finally let go. Dropping the bat, Steve shifted them, one swift movement and now his body had Eddie pinned to the ground.
"Eddie come on, it's me! It's Steve!" He shouted, grabbing Eddie by the shoulders and shaking him.
He kept yelling for Eddie to remember, kept shaking him, tears blurring his vision but nothing was working. In a last desperate attempt, Steve did the only thing he could think of. He kissed Eddie. Mouth crashing down, lips and teeth colliding, tongue tasting the copper of blood and the plush softness of Eddie's lips.
It was a desperate and needy kiss, and it clearly did something because Eddie stopped thrashing. He went still, but Steve didn't care. He kissed Eddie until he had to come up for air. Chest heaving, he brushed away his tears, his own mouth now smeared with blood. And Eddie was staring at him.
No more uncontrollable hunger, just wide eyes, lips parted and panting. Then finally he spoke, voice cracked and shaky.
Steve wasn't sure who moved first, but they were kissing again, just as needy, just as hungry as the first kiss, hands tangled in hair, soft sobs of relief escaping Steve between kisses.
"Steve. Baby."
Steve pulled back, trembling slightly.
"Fuck I'm so sorry. I could've killed you, shit I have killed people, my god I'm gonna end up in jail, death penalty..."
"Shhh, shhh," Steve hushed him, a gentle kiss to his lips.
"It's ok. It's gonna be ok. We're gonna win this time. And um. Fairly certain we can tell the truth now without fear of being called crazy. It's gonna be ok, it's all gonna be ok. We'll figure it out."
"I'm scared Steve. About all of this."
"I know. But I'll be with you through all of it. It'll be ok. You're gonna get your second chance. I promise."
"Second chance."
"Yeah. Second chance."
They were in their own little bubble, battle raging around them, but neither cared. Right now, all they needed was each other. An unspoken promise that they were going to get through it. All of it. Together.
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Forbidden Love Part Six
Steve was riding the high of last night's date with Eddie. It was the best date he'd ever been on and he was happy. Much happier than usual, and Dustin could tell. Steve had just picked him up so he could take Dustin to Hellfire, and as Dustin got in the passenger seat, Steve was humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of an ABBA song playing on the radio.
Dustin immediately looked at him and frowned. Steve was smiling softly and he just looked so happy.
"Uh, Steve?"
Steve was snapped out of his lovesick daze, his head turning to look at Dustin.
"You're. Happy," Dustin says confused.
Steve's smile grew.
"I suppose I am."
"No reason."
Dustin saw right through him, but decided to shake it off. He had more important things to worry about.
"Can we do Hellfire at your place?"
Steve came back to Earth, frowning slightly.
"Principle Higgins won't let us play in the drama room anymore."
Steve sucked in a breath. He wasn't ready to come out to anyone yet and he and Eddie were very new. They'd only just started getting to know each other, only had two dates. He wasn't sure if he would be able to hide what was going on with him and Eddie.
"You can't do it anywhere else?"
"Please Steve, your house is the biggest. And if we stay late, your parents aren't home so we can sleep over."
Steve's heart began to pound in his chest. Because part of him wanted Eddie to stay the night. To share his bed with him, to cuddle with him. To spend time with him. Steve heaved a sigh.
"Fine, fine. You can use my phone to call everyone and invite them over."
Dustin grinned and bounced in his seat, thanking Steve profusely. Once Steve pulled into his driveway, Dustin was out of the car and bounding into the house before Steve could even blink. And suddenly his house was filled with people faster than he could say Dustin's full name.
The kitchen table had been pulled into the living room, the couch pushed aside and it was filled with everything they needed for the game. Little figurines, many different dice, character sheets, pencils, Eddie's DM books and supplies. Steve was in the kitchen whipping up snacks for the group of boys in his living room.
Dustin, Mike, Eddie, Lucas and Eddie's bandmates; Gareth, Jeff and Doug. The living room was rowdy, the game in full force. Shouting, cheering and laughing, while Steve was putting the finishing touches on some freshly baked cupcakes.
Eddie had abandoned his battle vest and leather jacket, having discarded them on the couch. That left him in his Hellfire Club shirt, one that every member of Hellfire was wearing, and his usual ripped jeans and accessories. Steve couldn't resist glancing at him every so often.
He had a wild and chaotic energy about him, and even playing D&D, he was beautiful. The next time he went to glance at Eddie, he was standing right in front of him, nearly giving him a heart attack. Steve jumped slightly, placing a hand over his heart.
"Jesus Eddie, you scared me."
That beautiful dimpled smile appeared, Eddie's vibrant brown eyes sparkling and dancing with amusement.
"Sorry pretty boy. Didn't mean to scare you."
Steve's cheeks flushed at the pet name, an obvious attempt at flirting. Eddie was leaning against the counter now, his elbow propped on the marble surface, the muscles of his forearm flexing slightly, drawing in Steve's eyes. His mouth went dry and his mind went blank. Eddie was gorgeous. He was always gorgeous. Steve flashed a shy smile.
"It's ok."
"Smells good."
The compliment drew a bright smile from Steve, and Eddie's lips curved into a knowing smirk.
"So I was thinking. Dustin and Mike are begging to let this campaign draw out a little longer. I think they're just trying to draw it out so they can stay the night," Eddie says, sliding his hand forward and fingertips brushing against Steve's. They were callused from playing his guitar, yet they were soft. Steve leaned into the touch, letting Eddie play with his fingers, every touch sending a spark through him.
"Are you saying you want to let it drag out?"
Eddie smiled again, a mischievous, yet flirty smile.
"It would give me a reason to stay. Spend some time with you. If you want."
Steve swallowed
"Yeah. I'd like that. Very much."
"And sleeping arrangements. We can put the kids in the living room, Jeff, Doug and Gareth in the guest room. And I can. Stay with you. In yours?"
It was a question, a hopeful one. Steve could hear the hope in Eddie's voice. And he smiled.
"As long as you don't hog the blanket."
Eddie huffed a laugh, a soft and affectionate one.
"I might just hog you."
Steve couldn't stop smiling.
"Well, no complaints here."
Eddie grinned again and was soon called away to return to the game. Steve brought out the cupcakes and everybody dug in. The hours flew by as he cleaned up, set up the sleeping arrangements and then sat to watch Eddie play. Like always, Steve was mesmerized. Eddie was captivating to watch, and his voice was so beautiful. A sound that Steve wanted to commit to memory, along with him singing and laughing.
As the game drew to a close, he helped everyone clean up and distributed everyone to their sleeping arrangements. He was just pulling the blankets back on his bed when Eddie entered the room. He set his battle vest and leather jacket on a chair in the corner before stripping down to his boxers. Steve's eyes lingered, taking in every little feature of Eddie's body.
"Like what you see?" Eddie says, a smirk appearing. Steve's cheeks flushed.
"Very much."
That devilish smile of Eddie's appeared again, as he strode over, reaching out to curl a strand of Steve's chest hair around his finger. He didn't even bother to hide that his gaze roved all over Steve.
"I like what I see too."
Steve's cheeks were flaming now. Eddie knew how to make a guy flustered, how to turn a guy on. But Steve wanted to take it slow. What he had with Eddie was so new, he was a guy virgin and he wanted to keep what he had with Eddie. He wanted to do it right. Eddie let go of the strand of hair, smiling softly and pressing a kiss to Steve's jawline.
It was a quick and simple kiss, but the warmth of Eddie's soft full lips had Steve's breath hitching. Eddie took his hand, gently guiding Steve into bed. And once they were both settled under the blankets, Steve's head was resting on Eddie's chest, one arm draped around Eddie's torso, and Eddie's arms wrapped around Steve, one of his hands tangled in Steve's hair, gently playing and twirling with the strands.
And there in Eddie's arms, Steve completely melted, his eyes sliding shut and a hum of contentment escaping. His embrace was warm and affectionate, a spot that Steve never wanted to leave. Within moments he was asleep, the last sensation being the gentle brush of Eddie's lips on the top of his head.
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
(Might turn this one shot into more than one part, maybe even a book of its own as a fanfiction)
Forbidden Love
It was 1986. Steve had finally figured out his sexuality. He was bisexual. It took him years, and several boys for him to figure it out. It had all come to a head when he saw Eddie Munson at one of his own parties, dealing drugs to no doubt make a good profit. Steve had seen the man around before but had never paid him much attention. After all, he was Eddie 'The Freak' Munson.
But Steve was inebriated. He'd finally gotten over Nancy, he was ready to finally actually find love instead of just flirting it up with every girl he saw, and it was his 19th birthday party. He'd thrown it himself, because his parents weren't home. Like usual. Normally he would've celebrated alone or with the kids and their group, but 19 felt different.
He was a different person now, he'd grown, he was ready to make changes in his life. So he'd thrown a big bash to celebrate. And there was Eddie. Like usual, Steve didn't pay him much mind. He just continued on with the party. It wasn't until a few hours later when Steve found himself sitting at the edge of his pool, dipping his bare feet in the warm water.
It was pitch black out now. Everybody was in the house enjoying the party, but Steve needed a break. He was all the way drunk, but he was content just to sit and dip his feet in the water, enjoy the night and the stars and the warm breeze of a night in early May.
But apparently, Eddie had the same idea. To sit outside where there weren't any people. Steve just barely registered a body sitting next to him and then he looked over. Eddie was there, his wild untamed brown curls just slightly hiding his face. He wore his usual attire, the black ripped jeans, the dirty old white shoes, his Hellfire Club shirt and his black leather jacket. He'd forgone the denim vest though and he'd kept on all of his accessories.
Eddie lit a joint and took a drag, holding the smoke in his lungs before letting it out.
"Not enjoying the party birthday boy?"
Steve hadn't heard him, he was too busy locked in his own head. He was up close to Eddie for the first time, and he was gorgeous. His hair framed his features beautifully, just brushing against his shoulders. His eyes were a rich and vibrant chocolate brown that anyone could get lost in, his lips were soft and full and Steve found himself wondering what it would be like to kiss those lips. And Eddie's jawline was perfect. Not too sharp but not too rounded either. Just right.
"Hey. Harrington," Eddie says waving his hand in front of Steve's face.
"Huh? Sorry."
Steve shook his head and blinked. It was then that Steve finally figured it out. He was very much attracted to boys. Just as much as he was attracted to girls. Eddie was taking another drag of his joint.
"You good?"
"Yeah man, just. Seriously drunk. Noise was getting too much, needed a break."
Eddie let out a snort, a half smile of amusement appearing.
"Maybe you should send everyone home. Get some sleep old man," Eddie joked. And it was a joke, because Eddie was older than Steve. 20, almost 21. Steve hummed, kicking his feet in the water.
"It's a thought. Why'd you come out here?"
"Hate parties. Only go for a profit. And I'm out for the night so. Figured I'd enjoy the night before going home."
Steve nodded. He ended up sharing the rest of the joint with Eddie and the two of them actually talked. Eddie seemed to loosen up as he got high and Steve, now both high and drunk got very giggly and wasn't making much sense. But Eddie was sober enough to end the party, send everyone home and help Steve up to his room.
Once Steve had collapsed on the bed, Eddie helped him out of his jeans and shirt. Steve being both high and drunk had started coming on to Eddie, trying to tug him into the bed, trying to undo Eddie's belt. And Eddie, knowing Steve was way too far gone and assuming that Steve was straight, resisted each advance. Eventually Eddie managed to get Steve settled.
"What's up Stevie?"
"You're hot. Like, the hottest guy I've ever seen, and I've seen some hot guys."
Steve erupted into a fit of giggles, attempting to say that he wanted Eddie. Eddie shook his head.
"You're not thinking straight. Just get some sleep."
Everything went dark for Steve after that. He'd fallen asleep, fallen into the abyss of dreamland. In the morning, Steve woke up to a killer hangover. After struggling to get up, he managed to get downstairs and down some water and a tylenol. The house was a mess, every inch of it and Steve knew he had to clean up. He struggled to remember what had happened last night.
He vaguely remembered the party. Remembered sitting out by the pool. Remembered Eddie sitting next to him. But everything after that was hazy. One thing Steve did remember. He'd figured out he was bisexual. And his awakening had been Eddie Munson of all people. Now he was frantic to remember what happened after Eddie sat down, but the memories just wouldn't come.