So Tickled Seeing This Notif Knowing Wild & Free OCs Ult Bias Is Tablo
So tickled seeing this notif knowing Wild & Free OC’s ult bias is Tablo 😂

tarahardcore liked this · 6 months ago
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Of course, it's going to be Jimin. Can't have an idol Yoongi fic without Jimin being an absolute menace.
I have decided on the length of the story and it will be a two-shot.
As of today, I'm 80% done with Part 1! *gummy smile* We are around 8k so far without edits. Trying my best to not make the cliffhanger too angsty. 😏
The teaser is here if you wanna read it.
EDIT: Posting Part 1 on Aug 31, Saturday
Playing this song on loop as I try to grind Wild & Free. It's so perfect for the plot. 🥲
BTW, thank you so, so much for 100+ notes, I'm so thankful to you guys. Please take this 🫶. Honestly, I did not know what to expect. I just wanted to write again, and I am glad I started doing that.
Speaking of, thought it might be fun to ask y'alls suggestion on something story-related...

Kale’in Me Softly
➜ Words: 17.1k
➜ Genres: 90% Fluff, 9.5% Angst, 0.5% Smut, Farm!AU
➜ Summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you decide to take over his farm and plant the trendiest vegetable: kale. It’s a struggle to be in the countryside when you’ve always been a city girl. But there’s someone less than sympathetic — a grumpy farmer across the acres who’s constantly trying to pick a fight with you.
➜ Warning: Strongly implied smut

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Playing this song on loop as I try to grind Wild & Free. It's so perfect for the plot. 🥲
BTW, thank you so, so much for 100+ notes, I'm so thankful to you guys. Please take this 🫶. Honestly, I did not know what to expect. I just wanted to write again, and I am glad I started doing that.
Speaking of, thought it might be fun to ask y'alls suggestion on something story-related...

His eyes are like crescent moons

there is no smile i love more ♡