Min Yoongi X Reader - Tumblr Posts
The Baby Project || M.YG || 3
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff ( at some point I promise)
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next

" Oh my god, please get the thing to stop crying!" Yoongi yelled as the baby woke up, again.
It was only the first night, but Naeun had woken up four times already, and it was now two A.M. All four times, you had gotten up, just because Yoongi didn't want to sacrifice his precious sleep.
" Shut up Yoongi, you can also help me yourself instead of complaining all the time." You sighed as you got up and walked to the little bed in the corner.
" I told you already, I don't want anything to do with that." He huffed before turning around in his bed and covering his ears with his blanket.
" Asshole." You muttered under your breath before picking Naeun up from her bed and sushing her.
She didn't stop but started to focus on playing with your hair more, making her cries silent. You moved to the kitchen and set her down on the ground, handing her her favorite stuffed animal. She started crying again. You sighed before quickly making the baby milk. You checked if the temperature was good before picking her up again and sitting on the couch, letting her drink it. You smiled and hummed a song while she drank. Once she was done you took the bottle from her and grabbed the towel which was hanging on the couch before setting it on your shoulder and letting her burp. You walked back to the bedroom once she was done and fell back asleep, so much for her first night here.
" Y/N!" Yoongi yelled frustrated, waking you up once again as Naeun was crying once again.
You sighed and got up, realizing that she was now crying because she had pooped. You looked at the time and realized that it was now 7 A.M.
At least she chose a decent time. You tough as you got up.
" Great..." You huffed as you went to change her diaper.
" You know Yoongi, if you aren't going to help, I will replace you." You told him as you set Naeun down in her baby bed to play with her plushies.
" Do it, you would honestly do me a favour. Also, move the kid out of the bedroom. I can't sleep whe she's crying all the time." Yoongi told you.
You rolled your eyes.
" I can't do that princess. She's supposed to wake us, or well,me so I can feed her." You told him with a sigh.
" I don't care. You can move to the livingroom with her." Yoongi huffed, obviously mad.
" Fine, but don't expect me to clean up after you or make you food no more." You told him.
" Fine by me." He said before walking back into the bedroom.
You looked down at Naeun, who was very much interested in one of her plushies and smiled, maybe Yoongi didn't have a heart for her but you surely did.
" Oh my god, she's so cute!" Your bestfriend screamed trough the phone as you were face timing her.
" I know right, but yours is cute too!" You smiled tiredly.
" Hey, are you alright? You look really sleepy." Areum asked you worriedly.
" That's because I am. Yoongi won't help me take care of her. How are you not tired?" You asked.
" Taetae's a great help. I took first half of the night and he took second. He's really sweet." She smiled shyly, avoiding eye contact.
" Aww, that's so cute. I wish Yoongi would help me like that." You sighed.
" Hey, maybe he will change his mind. And if he won't, just tell the teacher. Maybe you can change to Seokjin." She said and you nodded.
" You know what, if he keeps acting like this, I definitely will." You told her.
"Alright, well I have to go now. Tae just woke up so I'll make him something to eat." She said.
You nodded.
" Alright, I'll talk to you later loser." You smiled at her while waving.
" Definitely." She waved back before ending the call.
You looked at the time and saw that it was 5 PM.
Well, I better feed Naeun her bottle and then start making diner. You tough.
You got up and walked into the kitchen, preparing her bottle. You fed her before moving into starting on diner.
The Baby Project || M.YG || 5
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next

[A/N : I fucking love the comment section on Quotev, y'all are motivation man, no joke.]
" Let's go to the park today." Yoongi said as you were both in the livingroom, Yoongi messing around with Naeun and you thinking about making roti for dinner.
" Sure, after that we should go to the grocery store. I'm planning for making roti." You said as you stood up, Yoongi following.
" Oh right, about dinner. I invited Seokjin, Areum, Mina and Taehyung. I told them that we'd make dinner. " Yoongi smiled uncertainly.
" As long as you keep your promise of helping it's fine. Also remind me that i should get paratha roti's instead of making them myself, it'll cost me a lot less work." You said as Yoongi blinked.
" What are paratha roti's?" Yoongi asked.
" A premade roti, kind of. But let's go. Can you get Naeun's buggy and stuff? I'll put her jacket on." You said as you took Naeun off the ground.
You both walked side by side in the park while Yoongi was muching on some candy he brought allong.
" I'm gonna throw this away, be right back." He told you as you hummed in response.
You sat down on a bench nearby, simoly looking around and taking Naeun out of her buggy into your arms. She smiled and made grabby hands towards you. You smiled in return, letting her hold one of your fingers.
" She's lovely." A voice spoke up from behind you.
You looked behind you to see a guy about your age standing there a soft smile on his face.
" Sorey, I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Hyuk." He smiled as he sat down beside you, holding out his hand.
You smiled and took it.
" It's alright, I'm Y/N. Her name is Naeun." You introduced yourself.
" Nice to meet you. Let me geuss the douche who helped create her left you to fetch for yourself and her?" He asked.
You furrowed your brows.
Well that's straight forward.
" I'm back- is he bothering you?" Yoongi asked.
You shook your head.
" It's alright. We'll be leaving now. Goodbye." You greeted Hyuk who looked embarrassed before leaving with Yoongi.
" Did he really not bother you?" Yoongi asked as you walked out of the park.
" No, he was only a bit nosy." You smiled.
" Okay, if you say so." Yoongi shrugged, putting his hands in his pocket.
" Why, are you getting protective?" You teased him with a small smirk.
" Oh look we're here. My turn to push the buggy." He changed the topic, softly nudging you to change spots with him.
You smiled and grabbed a grocery cart before entering the store, Yoongi following behind you. After another hour, the two of you were by the cash register. You were loading everything in plastic bags while Yoongi took out the envelope with the school's money to pay.
" I have to admit sir, you have a lovely little family. " The lady behind the cash register smiled as she handed Yoongi his change.
You and Yoongi switched glances and blushed.
" Thank you." Yoongi smiled with a blush on his face.
" AREUM, I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER." You screamed as you jumped on her, giving her a big hug.
" I know right, girl I have so much tea you don't want to know."
" Yes I do-"
" You two can do that later. Let's eat first." Yoongi cut you off.
" Right. Also, let's finally introduce the babies to each other." You smiled.
After you all ate, you and Areum went to the bedroom to gossip without the boys.
" So, you've decided to help?" Taehyung smiled as they both watched over the kids.
" Yes, she said that she would leave if I didn't and she's honestly the nicest girl I know." Yoongi said as Taehyung nodded with a knowing smile.
" What?" Yoongi huffed as he looked at Tae's face.
" You'll realize." Tae told him.
" Realize what?" Yoongi asked.
" You like her hyung."
[ A/N : What soft moments do you guys want to read between Naeun and Yoongi?]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 6
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :

" So, does your baby talk yet?" Jin asked as he sat down beside you.
You, Jin, Yoongi, Areum, Mina, Taehyung and the babies were all in Areum and Taehyung's apartment. Naeun was currently almost falling asleep in Yoongi's arms as he walked in circles with her. And you had smiled and enjoyed the sight until Jin sat down beside you, starting a conversation.
" No, but she does speak gibberish. I think that she might say a word or two by the time she's back at the orphan." You told him.
" Ah I see. I'll miss Minjun. He hasn't spoken either by the way." Jin said.
The month was almost over, today was your last day with them, and tomorrow they will be back in the orphan. You were sad that Naeun has to go, but also a tiny bit happy considering the fact you can sleep in again. It was surely a hard month with how things went between Yoongi and you but you two had managed.
" Does Minjun walk yet? Naeun does and honestly ever since she can, she's a menace." You huffed.
Seokjin smiled at you.
" Yeah he does, but Mina and I usually correct hin before he does something too naughty." He tells you.
You hum.
" Ah, Yoongi usually just laughs whenever she's being a bad girl, and I only correct her when she's too bad. I know that that's a bad thing, but that's how my parents corrected me and my older sister." You laughed.
Seokjin chuckled too before rubbing the back of his neck.
" Well, then it's definitely not bad. I mean, you're a really nice girl, and pretty too. By the way, I wondered if you maybe, I don't know it's just a suggestion, but if you maybe wanted to-"
" Naeun's finally asleep and I'm tired too, so I'm using your lap." Yoongi suddely cut in.
He craddled Naeun close to his chest before laying down on the couch, putting his head in your lap.
You two had gotten close, but not close enough that you even tough that Yoongi would pull this move.
" Yoongi, what are you doing?-"
" I'm going to sleep, I've just told you." Yoongi mumbled back, closing his eyes.
" I, uhm, will be going back to Mina. I'll text you later Y/N." Seokjin said before getting up and walking off.
" You okay Yoongi?" You asked, holding your arm awkwardly in the air, not really knowing where to put it.
" Yes, just a little tired, am I making you uncomfortable in this position?" Yoongi asked, opening his eyes.
" No, it's alright. Sleep well Yoongi." You said.
Sure, you didn't expect him to do this, but you didn't really mind it. Tough you didn't know what to do with your arm. Was he even okay with it if you touched him?
" Good." Yoongi mumbled before making himself comfortable by laying on his side with his face facing the tv and laying your arm across his back, making sure Naeun was comfortable as well before closing his eyes again.
Am I walking weird? Oh, nevermind she's smiling. That's a good thing. Yoongi tough as he walked around with Naeun, sneaking peeks at you who was smiling on the couch.
He smiled at her as he got lost in his toughs. You and Yoongi's bond had grown stronger. While he used to only look at you in annoyance or hated the way you nagged at him, he now tough it was cute how you complained about him not cleaning his mess. He turned his head to smile back at you, only to see you talking with Seokjin.
What does he have what I don't? Yoongi tough.
Yoongi had tough a lot about what Taehyung had said lat time he visited. And he realized, that the boy might be right.
He sighed as looked at you once again, and saw Jin rubbing his neck.
"- wondered if you maybe, I don't know it's just a suggestion, but if you maybe wanted to-" He heard Jin say.
No no no no. Not today. Yoongi panicked as he walked over to the two of you, and did the first thing he could think of.
" Naeun's finally asleep and I'm tired too, so I'm using your lap."
Craddling the sleeping baby close before laying down on the couch and putting his head in your lap. He ignored how red his cheeks and ears were.
" Yoongi, what are you doing?-"
" I'm going to sleep, I've just told you." Yoongi mumbled back, closing his eyes.
" I, uhm, will be going back to Mina. I'll text you later Y/N." Jin said before getting up and walking off.
" You okay Yoongi?" You asked, holding your arm awkwardly in the air.
Yoongi realized now that you two weren't this close and that he had tough a little bit too impulsive.
" Yes, just a little tired, am I making you uncomfortable in this position?" Yoongi asked, opening his eyes.
" No, it's alright. Sleep well Yoongi." You said.
Yoongi sighed content.
" Good." Yoongi mumbled before making himself comfortable by laying on his side with his face facing the tv and laying your arm across his back, making sure Naeun was comfortable as well before closing his eyes again.
Today's our last day with her. He realized as he held Naeun a little bit tighter.
" Goodbye sweet little baby." You said before kissing Naeun's cheek as the orphanage crew came to pick her up.
Yoongi smiled at her and gave her a hug before handing her over to the worker, who smiled at both him and you.
" Thank you for taking care of her, I've read your reports and decided that you both get a 9." The worker smiled before grabbing the bag full of Naeun's stuff and leaving.
" Well, there went our first child." Yoongi said sadly as you sniffed.
He looked at you and realized that you were close to crying.
" Hey, don't cry. She's in good hands." He said, turning you to face him.
You smiled at him trough your teary eyes.
" I know, but I'll still miss her." You said, your first tear leaving your eye.
Yoongi smiled softly at you and pulled you in for a hug.
" Don't worry. We have a new kid whitin a week." He told you jokingly.
You laughed and hit his chest before returning his hug.
" We'll see what new adventures will be awaiting us by sunday." You smiled.
The Baby Project || M.YG || 8
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.1K oops
The Baby Project | Next
Taglist :

" I AM NOT CHEATING, STOP ACTING LIKE I AM." Yoongi screamed back at you.
You two were playing a card game and you were positive that Yoongi was cheating.
" No Yoongi, I threw a 2 and you threw a 2 and then I threw a joker, you are supposed to grab 9 cards." You huffed.
" No I'm not-"
" You know what, let's just wait for the kid to arrive- Wait, what time is it?" You asked him as he shrugged and grabbed his phone.
" It's 12:52, let's head down." Yoongi said as you nodded and cleaned the cards up.
Today at 13:00 all duos who made it trough the first part of the project were expected downstairs in the lobby. You would all be called one by one again and would meet your child there.
" Hey guys! Are you excited?" Areum asked once you two were downstairs in the lobby.
" Of course we are!" You replied as you greeted her with a hug.
" How do you know if Yoongi's happy about it too? His expression never changes! If he's happy, he looks like this, if he's mad he also looks like this!" Taehyung exclaimed randomly.
" He's soft, trust me." You smiled before winking at Yoongi as you made eye contact.
" Hey guys." Mina and Seokjin joined the conversation.
" Hey, how's-" Taehyung kept talking while Seokjin turned to you.
" Hey, can we talk?" He asked.
" Sure." You nodded.
" I mean under 4 eyes." He said as he pointedly held eye contact with Yoongi.
" Oh, right if course. So what's up?" You asked him once you were far enough from the group.
" I wondered if you had troubles with Yoongi in the baby part of the project?" Seokjin asked you.
" Well, in the first two weeks I did, but afterwards we managed to work together quite well." You told him.
" Oh..."
" Why? Is something the matter between you and Mina?" You asked him.
" Yes, well no, I mean sort of? The both of us have very different perspectives on how to raise a kid, and I don't really like working with her in general. She keeps nagging about little things. I tough that if Yoongi was still being annoying, that we could switch partners so I could be with you." He explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.
You lost yourself in your toughs, did he really just say that he wanted to work with you? You know clearly that before the project started, you would have agreed on his proposal in a heartbeat. But now? It didn't seem right to raise a kid without Yoongi.
" Ah, I see. I'm sorry Jin, but I like working with Yoongi." You smiled apologetically at him.
" I kinda know yeah, you two are pretty close. If I didn't know you two I would've tough you're a couple." He laughed sadly.
" Oh, okay? That's a way to put it I geuss? But maybe you should talk to Mina about it again, maybe you'll both find a way to work together if you'd just talk." You said.
" I will, let's go back to the group." He nodded before turning around.
Since when did it start to feel so nice to be with Yoongi? And since when did it sounds so bad to be with Seokjin instead of Yoongi?
" What'd he wanna talk about?" Yoongi asked as you sat down beside him, wordlessly handing you a drink without even looking at you.
" I'll tell you back at the apartment. Where'd you get this?" You asked, sipping your fanta.
" Vending machine, we were up pretty late when we picked Naeun up so I tough it'd be a good idea if I got us a drink." He shrugged.
" Thanks." You smiled at him.
One by one your classmates were called again, you and Yoongi being the last of your friendgroup to pick up your kid.
" Do you have any preferences for gender now too or did Naeun change your mind?" You teased him.
He smiled.
" I suppose she made me change my mind. But weren't we supposed to get a boy this time?" He asked.
" Yeah, but it's school we're talking about. You never know." You shrugged.
" That's true." He nodded.
" L/N Y/N and Min Yoongi." You two were called.
You two made your way in the office and sat down.
" Alright, let's get started right away. Just like in the first part of the peoject, you will have a notepad again. However, considering your grades, you don't need to write every little thing down what happened. Only when you take him out, at what time you put him to bed, when he eats, how many snacks a day, that type of stuff. In other words, you don't need to specify any actions anymore. You arleady know most of the necessary information about him, I do have to tell you that I made a mistake by telling you that he was 5, he's 4, and doesn't go to school yet. That's for all, so let's go meet him." She smiled as you both followed her into the room on the side once again. ( A/N: Idk about the school system in Korea, so I just added in the one from my country and there kids start by the age of 4.)
Unlike what it had been first, it was now an open space for the kid's to play. There was a carpet thrown over the floor and now only a few kids were playing on it, tough a few did keep to themselves and were colouring.
" Would you like me to call him over or do you want to introduce yourself?" Your teacher asked the both of you.
You glanced at Yoongi, who shrugged.
" I can't even decently introduce myself to an adult, but I think it's best if we do at least try to introduce ourselves." He said as you nodded in agreement.
" Alright, the kid over there who's sitting on the green chair by the colouring table is Jaehyuk, I'll be in my office if you need me." Your teacher smiled before walking away.
" Let's go." You smiled as you grabbed his hand and pulled him allong.
" Hello, what are you drawing?" You asked the black haired little boy as you kneeled down beside him.
" Hi, it's a frog." He spoke shyly, avoiding eye contact.
" That's a very pretty frog, you're Jaehyuk right?" Yoongi smiled softly as he also kneeled down beside you.
" Yes, that's me. Are you my adopt parents for now?" He asked, an excited glint in his eyes.
" Yes we are. I'm Y/N." You smiled aoftly.
" Hello Y/N. I'm Jaehyuk! Are you two in love? I heard from Karen that parents usually are." Jaehyuk smiled innocently.
Wasn't he too young for this type of stuff?
You turned to look at Yoongi, who just continued to smile at Jaehyuk, the soft look not leaving his eyes.
" Yes, we are."
[ A/N : bros/sistahs quarantine is getting to me. Are y'all in quarantine or not? Also for Quotev readers, I love your comments they make me soft 🥺.]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 9
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 708
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :

" Yes we are in love?! Are you serious?" You scream wishpered once Jaehyuk was fast asleep in the little toddler bed which has replaced the baby bed.
" Yeah, well what was I supposed to say? That we weren't?" He asked as if it was obvious.
" Yes Yoongi, exactly that." You crossed your arms.
" No, trust me Y/N. It's one of the few things that make kids like him happy." He shrugged as he sat down on the couch.
" What's that supposed to mean? What difference would it be if we had told him that we weren't in love?" You asked him, furrowing your eyebrows.
It wasn't that you didn't like Yoongi and you also saw that he was quite jealous when you would talk with other guys, but you weren't sure if that was because you are one of his few friends or because he liked you too. And what would it really matter if you two were 'in love' or not?
Yoongi sighed.
" Sit down. I need to tell you something." He said as he ruffled his hair, looking troubled.
You sat down quietly, curious as to what was so important about all of this and why it had such an impact on Yoongi.
" Please wait till' I'm done speaking and don't judge me." He said, a vulnerable look in his eyes.
You nodded.
" I understand that that's an important thing for him, because I used to be an adoptee too." He started, taking in your shocked reaction.
" I'm from a rich family, but they couldn't get a son. They had decided to adopt and they chose me.... I was so happy once I was adopted, but they weren't in love. My father's a strict man, and he only cares about his business and money. My mother is a really kind woman, she raised me ever since I was five. Their marriage was only so my grandfather's business and my father's business could expand. I didn't know what love was, and I'm still learning. The only person who really loves me is my mother, she's still fighting for me to not be a part of my father's business. She wants me find love myself and marry that person because I want too, not because of whatever expectations are set for me, and if I'm honest, I want that too. I don't want Jaehyuk to end up feeling like how I've felt most of my life. I know that he isn't actually our child, but I want to cherish and spoil him like your family spoiled you." He ended, avoiding eye contact.
You sat a little bit closer to him and took his hand in yours. You understood what he meant. You came from an average family, and have 2 brothers and a sister, your family was and always had been filled with love.
"Thank you for explaining, and opening up to me. I didn't know it would be that important for him." You said softly, drawing patterns on his skin.
" Thank you for not judging me." He said as he looked into your eyes.
You smiled at him before leaning in and kissing his cheek, blushing afterwards and heading to the bedroom.
"Goodnight Yoongi." You said softly before closing the door, knowing that Yoongi was the type to sleep around 3 AM.
Yoongi blushed as the moment replayed in his head, tracing his fingers over his cheek before smiling and shaking his head. He grabbed his notebook where he wrote songs in and finally managed to come up with a verse he was supposed to write for a song he wrote with his friend Namjoon.
Meanwhile you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in as you closed the door, tracing your lips before switching your gaze to Jaehyuk. Was Yoongi really once like him? You smiled as you walked over to him, tucking his stuffed animal giraffe back in his arms as he had dropped it before running your fingers trough his hair. You two will do well, you're now sure of it.
[ A/N: Yes, I am bored. So here's the third update this week lol. Any requests? It doesn't need to be in this story line or with Yin Moongi, I'm just incredibly bored and want to write more than just this story lol.]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 10
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.2k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :

It's been a few days since Jaehyuk has arrived and he hasn't really been anything like what your teacher told you, tough he was a little disrespectful at times. (Yoongi explained to you that that's normal for adoptable kids because they don't get as much attention as kids who grow up with their parents.)
The only thing you found a problem was that he had little to no clothing, which was why you, Yoongi, Areum and Taehyung would go on a shopping spree with both kids today, because apparently their kid had only a little amount of clothing too. You also asked Seokjin and Mina if they wanted to come too, but they weren't up fro it as they 'didn't have the money' for it, which was weird because you still got around 400,- a month, which easily covered most of their stuff they need, meaning you had money over to buy them stuff.
" Morning, what are you cooking?" Yoongi asked as you were making waffles, wrapping an arm around your waist loosely and leaning a little into you.
Ever since he opened up to you, he became more touchy. You didn't mind it, quite the opposite actually, you loved it.
" Waffles, apparently Jaehyuk has never eaten those before so I tough I'd make all of us some while I'm at it." You said as you took them out of the waffle machine.
" They smell nice." He nodded before going to set the table.
" Thanks." You smiled as you started on new ones.
" What's that smell?" You heard the padding of little feet.
" I'm making waffles." You said as Jaehyuk now stood beside you, trying to see how you make them.
" Oh, really?! What do they look like? I've never seen them outside of a picture!" He jumped in excitement.
Yoongi, wo was listening to the conversation, moved to pick Jaehyuk up, holding him the way you taught him to.
You smiled at the sight.
" Ooh, they look nice. Can I have one?" Jaehyuk asked.
" Of course. Go sit down and Yoongi will bring you one." You told him as Yoongi set him down.
" Aren't you going to eat?" Jaehyuk asked Yoongi had brought him his food, noticing that you and Yoongi weren't sitting down yet.
" No, Y/N is going to finish making the last few and I'll wait till' she's done." Yoongi said as he ruffled your hair while mentioning you.
" Yah! Don't do that!" You huffed as you smacked Yoongi's hand away, hearing Jaehyuk giggle at the scene in front of him.
" I'll wait for you too if hyung is also waiting! Family eats together right?" Jaehyuk asked as he hopped off his stool.
Yoongi and you blinked at each other before smiling.
" Yes we do."
" Are we gonna do anything today?" Jaehyuk asked as you were all almost done with breakfast.
You nodded while Yoongi shook his head.
" Yes, we're going on a shopping trip with a few friends of ours." You said, pointedly starting at Yoongi.
" We are?" Yoongi asked confused.
" Did you forget?" You facepalmed.
" No, of course not." He lied as he moved to pick up everyone's plates.
You facepalmed.
Of course he'd forget.
" Oh my, you're so cutee!" Areum gushed as she looked at Jaehyuk.
" Awee, she's too!" You gushed over Hyeon, her child.
" So where off first?" Yoongi asked, just wanting to get out of the mall.
" How about the Gucci store? " Taehyung suggests, a bright smile on his face.
" Tae, that's a nice idea, but I'd like to remind you that we are broke college students." Areum stated.
" Oh right." Taehyung's smile fell.
" How about we go to the Primark?" You suggested.
You all ended up agreeing to that idea.
The rest of the afternoon went smooth, Hyeon and Jaehyuk ended up becoming good friends, playing around in the stores between picking out clothes. When it was time to eat, you all had different ideas.
" But the noodle bar around the corner?" You pouted as everyone said no.
" If you want ramyeon that badly, I can make you some later tonight or tomorrow, we don't need to go to the noodle bar for that." Yoongi huffed, obviously not in the mood for that.
The little argument went on for a little longer, until you felt Jaehyuk tug at your cardigan.
" Can we go to the MacDonald's noona?" He asked, big eyes twinkling.
" Yes! Can we go to MacDonald's? I've only went there once before but it was so tasty there! Can we go there please?" Hyeon asked, tugging at Taehyung's jacket.
You, Areum, Taehyung and Yoongi switched looks.
" Have you ever been there before?" Yoongi asked Jaehyuk as he picked him up.
Jaehyuk shook his head.
" No, but I've heard from miss Kim that it's very nice there. She said we never went there because we're bad kids. But we've been good today right?" He asked, a glint of hope in his eyes.
You nodded.
" Of course you've been good. Both of you. What do you think Areum noona, shall we eat at Mackey D's today?" You smiled at her as she put a finger on her chin as if she was thinking.
" Hmmm, I think that they've been good today. Let's go." She smiled.
Jaehyuk and Hyeon cheered, and Yoongi let Jaehyuk down so he could run hand in hand with Hyeon, sprinting off towards the Mackey D's sign.
" Don't run too far out of our sight Hyuk! You too Hyeon!" You called after the two kids.
" Yes mu- noona!" Hyuk replied, slowing their pass.
" Don't worry mum, they won't dissapear out of our sight that easily. Besides, I told you that'd we'd be good parents right?" Yoongi winked at you, grabbing your hand.
" He almost called you mum." Yoongi said later in the night once Jaehyuk was fast asleep on your lap.
The little boy wanted to watch Night at The Museum, but fell asleep halfway trough.
" I know, is that a good thing?" You asked, momentarily stopping your hand's movements in Hyuk's hair.
" Yes, and no. It's good because it means that you give him the love he deserves, but it also means that he's getting attached to you, which can be a little difficult in our situation." Yoongi said, softly smiling at Hyuk.
" Don't worry, we'll figure that out later...... By the way, Hyuk said something about being told that he was a bad kid, don't you think that something weird is going on there?" You asked.
Yoongi frowned.
" What makes you think that?" He asked you.
" I don't know, aren't the kids supposed to be at least a little loved there?" You asked.
Yoongi shook his head and shrugged.
" It happens more than you think in adoption houses. The one I'm from was build like that too." Yoongi said, a sad expression in his eyes as he glanced at Hyuk again, who was subconsciously looking for the comfort of your hand.
You nodded, absent mindedly playing with Hyuk's hair again.
" Hey, don't worry. At least we manage to give him the feeling for two months like he's got an actual family." Yoongi told you.
[ A/N: Because of the corona holiday I'm trying to upload this weekly, no promises tho. Also ( a shameless self promotion) I've put another story online! It's about Jin and a whole load of drama lol, considering you all prob have nothing to do, go check it out.]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 11
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.2k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :

" Hurry up Yoongi! We don't have all day!" You yelled from the hallway
Today you, Yoongi, Jin, Mina, Taehyung and Areum were going to the park with the kids, knowing that the weather was nice today, you all decided to barbecue. The school happened to have a barbecue aand you were allowed to use it.
" We're going to the grocery store first right?" The guy in question asked, turning up with his hair unbrushed while carrying a bag.
" Yes we are." You said as you moved over to brush his hair with your hands.
" There, this way you don't look like you live on the streets." You pat him on his head as Jaehyuk arrived, a full blown giggling mess.
" Hey, I'm handsome! You're lucky to be my girl." Yoongi shrugged.
" Of course, I feel honored." You said sarcastically before moving to tie Jaehyuk's shoelaces.
" Are we meeting the others in the park or are we seeing them in the lobby?" Yoongi asked.
" We're picking up Jin and Mina from their apartment and we'll meet Taehyung and Areum there." You told him as he nodded.
" Hyung?" Jaehyuk asked, blinking at Yoongi.
" Yes kid?" He hummed in response.
" Can we roast chocolate over the barbecue?" Jaehyuk asked innocently.
" Hey mum, add marshmallows on the list." Yoongi said turning to you.
Ever since the small moment in the park, Yoongi had referred to you by the name mum whenever Jaehyuk was around, to show him that it was okay to adress you by that name, suprisingly it worked too, as whenever he called you, you'd always hear mum or mummy.
" Did you guys make a list too or do you remember what you need?" You asked Jin and Mina as Yoongi grabbed a shopping cart.
" No, I remember what we'll need." Mina smiled, as Jin scoffed in the back.
" I don't even know what we need." He huffed.
" Yeah, well just help me out and-"
" So are we all gonna go together or do you want to split up?" Yoongi asked, disregarding their argument.
" Let's go together." Jin said immediately.
" Can I sit in the cart?" Jaehyuk asked.
" Of course you can." You smiled as you shrugged your jacket off and set it down in the cart.
Before picking Jaehyuk up and setting him down in the cart on top of it, considering he doesn't fit in the small cart seat anymore.
" Can I sit there too?" Soojun, their adoptive child.
" I think we have enough space for two little rascals." You smiled as you picked him up and set him down beside Jaehyuk, who made room on your jacket.
The kids started chattering away as you and Yoongi looked over your shopping list.
" So what do you need again?" You asked them.
" We're in charge of the satays, so I'll need meat and spices. I brought some from the apartment too, but I still need some from the store." Mina told you as you nodded.
" So you don't need anything?" You asked Jin.
" I planned on making lamb skewers so I'll need some stuff for that too." Jin nodded.
" Let's head to the meat isle forst then, I'm planning on spicy chicken wings." Yoongi said as you all agreed and walked off towards the meat isle.
" You're not grilling?" Jin asked you.
" Yes I am, marshmallows." You smiled.
" Finally you guys have arrived." Areum smiled as she saw you guys nearing.
" Missed us that much?" You teased her.
Unlike the rest of you, Taehyung and Areum opted to take the barbecue with them, the coolbox and take some picnic blankets with it.
" Yes I did, Taehyung gets bored after a while." She teased the boy beside her.
" Yah, I'm fun, aren't I Hyeonnie?" Taehyung called to their kid, who was playing with some plastic dolls.
" Yes, dadda is fun too mummie!" Hyeon smiled, throwing herself in Taehyung's lap.
" Hyeonnie! Look I made a new friend! " Jaehyuk's eyes lit up as he saw his friend, tugging Soojun allong.
" Alright, wanna directly man the grill up or something alike?" Areum asked as the kids started playing together.
" Let's prepare the meat first." Yoongi said as he unpacked the grocery bags.
" Need help with that?" You asked him as he shook his head.
" No it's fine, just watch over the kids and relax." Yoongi smiled st you, tucking a few stray hairs behind your ear.
" You should let your hair loose more often, it's pretty." Yoongi said before going to spice the chicken wings up.
You blinked and blushed before sitting down beside Areum.
" M' tired." Jaehyuk stated as he plopped himself down in your lap and made himself comfortable.
It was now almost five in the afternoon and Yoongi and Taehyung were starting up the grill, Taehyung claimed he wanted to learn how to do it for a next time so Yoongi teached him what and how. Mina was listening to music on her phone while Soojun snoozed beside her in her shadow. Areum was reading a story to Hyeon and Jaehyuk was listening until he felt sleepy and came back to your side. Jin was getting some drinks for everyone.
" Sleep well, Hyuk." You smiled at him as you kissed his forehead.
He hummed in response before turning his head in your belly and putting your hand down on his hair, signaling that he wanted you to play with his hair.
" Hey." You looked up from Jaehyuk to see Jin sitting down in front of you.
" Seems like Jaehyuk really likes being with you and Yoongi huh." Jin said as he handed you a cold apple juice drink.
" I think so." You smiled.
" I wish I was your partner in this." Jin said as he leaned on his hand, glancing down at Jaehyuk while you choked on your drink.
" Yeah, well, I think that Yoongi's really just the guy I needed in this." You said as you stopped coughing.
"I understand. But would you like to go out on a date with me? It doesn't have to be soon-"
" Hey, why are you asking mummy out? She's already happy with dadda." Jaehyuk said as he abruptly got up, almost spilling your drink.
" Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
" Jin, you can start grilling lamb skewers now." The man in question called him.
Jin sighed before getting up and walking over to the grill, switching places with Yoongi.
" Thank you for defending mummy for me Hyukkie. Dadda is indeed very happy with mummy and the other way around." Yoongi smiled his gummie smile as he sat down next to you.
Hyuk grinned at the praise before turning his butt around and start with actually snoozing away in your lap.
[ A/N: Another no shame promotion, but first, I've decided to put House Of Cards on hold, because I found a new story in my drabbles which I find more interesting to realease rn. It's called 'The Most Cliche Love Story Ever' and it's a Taehyung X Reader. This time it's only aviable on Quotev and Wattpad ( sorry for the Tumblr readers). But check it out lol. ( I know y'all aren't interested in your school work so just check my story out instead lol.)]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 14
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.0k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :

Your date with Yoongi went smoothly, you both had gone to a cute dinner near the apartment complex and had gone to the cinema afterwards by subway. He had paid for the food and you had paid for the cinema tickets, while he ended up buying the snacks.
" Y/N, I'm the guy and I'm taking you out on a date. You should've let me pay." Yoongi told you as you made your way into the cinema.
" You don't need to pay for me you know?, social standards have no worth for me." You smiled at him.
" Okay, but let me pay for the food alright?" Yoongi asked as you both made your way over to the popcorn section.
" Why are you so set on paying for everything?" You asked, furrowing your brows in a questionable sense.
" I want to spoil you and treat you like a queen. That's what made my mother stay with my father, and I don't want you to leave me-"
" Hey, I'm not leaving you. You don't keep me by spoiling me with buying me everything. I'm higher maintenance, I need lots of love and attention. Also, you want to treat me like a queen, but I want to treat you like a king." You winked at him.
Yoongi smiled at you.
" You might be high maintenance for other guys, but you aren't for me. Also, I'm still paying for the food. You can take the bills next time we go out on a date again." Yoongi said as he held your hand a little tighter.
" It was worth a try, but that's a good idea." You agreed with him.
KNOCK KNOCK ( Please read this aggressively, I have no idea on how to write it down more agressive than this.)
" What the- Did we order room service?" Yoongi sat up groggily beside you, the both of you were fast asleep until someone had knocked on your front door.
You and Yoongi were so tired, and vibing, after you came back, that you ended up just leaving the beds the way it was, beside one another. You had asked Yoongi if he wanted to cuddle, but he admitted that he still felt a little to shy about it, so you two only ended up holding hands. Tough you are sure that Yoongi had you wrapped up in his embrace before the agressive knocking had begun.
" No, I don't think so. I'll go check who it is." You said as you also sat up and swung your leg over the bed.
You checked the time on your phone. 03:46 AM.
"No, I'll go. You stay in here with the alarm number on ready, okay?" Yoongi said as he gently pushed you back down in a sitting position.
" Okay, be careful." You told him as he nodded.
You did what he asked and waited for a response. The front door did have a peep hole, tough it was useless as it was positioned so high that only someone who was about 2 meters could look trough it.
You heard the door open and held your breath, until you heard him call you.
" Y/N, it's alright. In fact, I think we need your help." He called you.
You frowned in confusion. What did he need you for?
You put on your fluffy socks ( or slipper or simply go barefeet) and make your way to the door.
On your door step was one of the adoption house's employees, and she looked a little hopeless.
" Hello, I'm so sorry to disturb you at this hour, especially in your holiday, but we have a problem with Jaehyuk." The worker said, obviously tired.
" Is he okay?" You asked, going to stand beside Yoongi.
" We're not sure. He hasn't been sleeping ever since he came back, he didn't eat well either. He's only been crying and saying that he wants to go back to you two. We hoped that he could stay with the two of you for the holiday too." She explained.
" Yes, of course. Is he here with you?" You asked all too quickly, tough you could see Yoongi nodding in agreement.
" Yes, yes he is. He's downstairs in the lobby with a colleague of me. Thank you so much, and I'm so sorry for all of this." She kept apologizing, obbiously very happy with your decision.
" Don't worry about it." You smiled as you slipped your slippers on. ( or if you already had them on, waited for Yoongi to put his on.)
The lady let you both downstairs in silence, and once you were near the lobby, you heard the same woman's voice who had picked Jaehyuk up.
" C'mon kid. Can't you just sleep and eat normally? You'll burden them." She whined.
Jaehyuk didn't respond.
" Hyuk?" You called as you entered the room.
The little boy looked up at you with tired eyes, a tired smile making it's way to his face.
" Mummy?" He asked as he got up from his seat and stumbled his way over, burrowing his face in your legs.
" Hey sweetie. Ready to go to bed?" You asked as you picked him up, Yoongi standing so close behind you that you could feel the warmth radiate from his skin.
Yoongi brushed his hair back as Jaehyuk's head fell on your shoulder, about ready to go to dreamland.
" Thank you so much again, would you like us to bring up his bags for you?" The lady who led you two downstairs asked as Yoongi shook his head.
" No, it's alright. I assume you two are tired too. Have a goodnight." He smiled as he walked to the bags who were sitting beside blondie, who was scowling in disagreement from her colleague's proposal.
" Also, he's not a burden. Don't ever tell him that again." Yoongi scowled back at her as she gulped before yoongi walked away, guiding you back into the elevator and to your apartment with a hand on your lower back.
" Good night buddy." Yoongi wishpered to Jaehyuk who he closed his eyes and dozed off.
The Baby Project || M.YG || 15
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.7k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88

" What are we gonna do? I mean, you want to go visit your family right?" Yoongi asked as you were both seated at the dining table in the morning.
" I don't know." You shrugged.
" Are you serious?" Yoongi asked perplexed.
" Yes and no. I think I kinda do know on what to do, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea." You told him.
" Just throw it out." Yoongi leaned back in his seat.
" I could ask my parents if you and Jaehyuk can come with me-"
You were cut off by the doorbell.
" Who's visiting this early?" Yoongi grumbled.
" I'll go check." You shrugged.
" I'll go get another cup of coffee." Yoongi also stood up.
" Miss. Teacher?" You asked suprised as you spotted your teacher in the door opening.
" Hello, I'm sorry that I'm here this early but I heard what happened last night and came to check on you two. Is everything going okay?" She asked.
You nodded as you let her in.
" Yes, Jaehyuk's still asleep." You tell her.
" Alright, is Yoongi already awake too?" She asks and on cue, Yoongi appears.
" Yes miss. " He mutters.
" Ah, so I've heard what happened. And I just came to say that your mentors and I have decided something, but only if you two agree on it too." You teacher says as she sits down on one of the couches.
You nod, signalling her to go on.
" Both of your mentors and me are very proud of how you toughlessly accepted him back into your life, even tough you are supposed to have a week holiday now. So we decided that we could double your vacation, instead of one week, two weeks. It will mean that you will have a week less lessons, but I trust that your classmates will fill you in in that. The only thing is if you are okay with it?" She asked.
Before you could even think about it, Yoongi spit out an answer.
" Of course we are. We're still teenagers ma'am. We won't just let an extra free week pass." Yoongi said with crossed arms, tougha small smile was present on his face.
Your teacher chuckled.
" Alright, I'll leave you two to think trough your plans for the upcoming two we-"
" Hello. My name is Jaehyuk, who are you?" Jaehyuk had entered the room quietly and was looking at your teacher in curiousity while hiding behind Yoongi's legs.
" Hello, I'm miss.Teacher. I'm your adoptive parents teacher." Your teacher smiled at him.
Jaehyuk didn't respond, simply staring at her in curiousity as he didn't know what a teacher is.
Your teacher dismissef his behavior with a smile.
" Well, I've got to go. Have fun in your holiday." Your teacher said her goodbyes as she left.
" What's a teacher?" Jaehyuk asked once she left.
" Someone who learns you things. You'll have one too once you go to school." You smiled at him.
" C'mon bud, let's get you something to eat." Yoongi said as he ruffled the little boy's hair and walked into the kitchen.
A moment later you were all seated at the dining table with a sandwich.
" So, what was your plan for the holiday situation?" Yoongi asked as he munched on his sandwich.
" Right, so I tough I'd just ask my parents if you guys could stay over for a few days, but now that we have an extra week, we could go a week to mine and a week to yours?" You suggested.
Yoongi nodded.
" That sounds good to me. What do you think Hyuk? Want to meet mummy and dada's parents?" Yoongi asked, turning to the little boy who had more jams around his mouth than in his sandwich.
He nodded in excitement.
" Yes!" He cheered with a mouth full.
" No talking with your mouth full Hyuk." You pointed out, the boy simply smiled in response.
" So, when do we leave?" Yoongi asked with a grin.
[ A/N : The only reason this an is here is because I want 666 words lmao. (Sad I passed it and now have 680 instead.)]
Hey guys, I'm bored and in need of something other to write than my own stories. Any requests? I'll take anything apart from smut.
The Baby Project || M.YG || 16
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.7k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88

" Alright, I'm all set and so is Jaehyuk. At what time would your sister arrive?" Yoongi asked as you were both packing up.
" She was supposed to arrive at twelve, but this is my family we're talking about, so she'll probably arrive at two." You shrugged as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
Yoongi blinked at the clock, the object displaying 13:43.
" You're not serious are you?" He asked.
You looked at him with a poker face before mentioning to the clock.
" Does the time look like a joke to you?" You huffed.
He shrugged.
" I just tough that your whole family was as punctual as you." He muttered.
You snorted.
" I'm the only one in my family who's punctual." You laughed.
" Shall we eat before we leave?" Yoongi asked you.
" We're going to a half Surinamese household Yoongi, my mother has probably already cooked something up for all of us." You shook your head with a smile.
" Half Surinamese?" He asked.
You hummed.
" Half Surinamese and half (Y/O/C) (( your own country) and proud." You smiled at him.
Yoongi nodded in response.
" Wait! Can I take Mickey with me?" Jaehyuk asked as he ran into the room, carrying the Mickey Mouse plushie with him.
It was the only thing left by his biological parents for him.
" Of course you can sweetie." You ruffled his hair with a smile as the doorbel rung, signalling that your sister was waiting downstairs.
Yoongi answered the doorbell, telling her that you'd come downstairs.
" Is your family nice?" Jaehyuk asked as you went in the elevator downstairs.
You nodded.
" Yes, they are. I'm sure they'll love the both of you."
The both of you. Yoongi smiled softly behind your back, you really knew him well.
" Hello stinking marshmallow, I ha-OH MY GODD WHAT'S HIS NAMEE!?" Your sister startled all of you as you neared her Opel Astra, her eyes set on Jaehyuk.
" Anushka, these are Jaehyuk and Yoongi. Yoongi, Jaehyuk, this is my sister Anushka." You said as you introduced them all to each other.
" Hello miss." Yoongi gulped, a little v̶e̶r̶y̶ nervous.
" Oh, so you're the guy who's dating my pain in the ass sister, like you've heard already, my name is Anushka. Nice to meet you. I saw you carry all the suitcases downstairs, so you're probably a gentleman. That means I'll spare myself of threatening you. Also, please don't call me miss, we're basically family considering you're in a relationship with my sister." Your sister smiled as Yoongi felt himself loosen up.
" Hey! I'm not a rascal-"
" Well hop in all of you, let's go home." She said, ignoring you.
" Ma, we've arrived home!" Your sister screamed as you all took your shoes off in the hallway.
The trip to your house was a quick ten minute drive, and time was mainly passed with you and your sister catching up.
The door leading to the livingroom opened soon after, your mother stepping trough it.
" My babie!" She yelled as she gave you a bear hug.
Yoongi studied your mother for a moment. Unlike his mother, your mother did not have a stick figure. She was a plump warm brown woman with long curly black hair , and she looked happier than his own mother had ever looked. Sure, she loved him, but she was rather cold, even to him.
Your house wasn't big, he realized. You lived in an ordinary terraced house. It wasn't big and kill like what he's used to. Instead the air feels nice and warm, homely, he thinks.
" My my, it's been so long! Oh! You must be Y/N's boyfriend, yes? She talks a lot about you. My, you're skinny. Do you work out a lot? You know what, you're getting a little bit of extra nasi today. Oh and you must be Jaehyuk, Y/N mentioned that you would come." Your mother greetes both boys after she let you go from her bear hug.
" Oh, does she now?" Yoongi smirked your way.
You face palmed, you hoped your mother now won't-
" Oh, yes. Almost all the time. Also, call me aunt before you're gonna start calling me miss or something, that'll make stuff a little awkward and it'll make me feel old. Now, drop your bags upstairs! It's time for food!"
[ A/N: y'all I'm really out here discribing my own family with different looks and names lmao. Appart from the Anushka, I don't have a sister and am instead surrounded by idiots. :| ]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 18
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.7k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88

" Hey, um, I have to tell you something." Yoongi wishpered as Jaehyuk was already fast asleep in your arms.
" Yes, is something wrong?" You asked concerned.
" No, it's just, I um, want to sort of warn you about my family." Yoongi said, avoiding eye contact.
" What? Why?" You asked confused.
" My parents, they aren't as open as yours. My dad won't be pleasant, if we even get to see him, but I think my mom will like you." Yoongi told you.
" Hey, Yoongz, don't worry. We got this, remember?" You smiled at him.
He smiled back at you.
" Good night Y/N."
" Night Yoyo."
He certainly wasn't joking when he said his parents were cold people. His mum had been at home to greet you two when you arrived, and had been somewhat nice to you. Yoongi's father remained a mystery, you hadn't seen him at all. The last part didn't suprise you too much, as Yoongi apparently lived in a mansion. Jaehyuk suprisingly didn't mind Yoongis' mother's coldness. Something about her seemed to ease the boy and suprisingly she liked him too.
" So, I hope you don't mind sharing a bed again. But I can always fix one of the guest bedrooms up for you if you'd rather sleep by yourself of course." Yoongi scratched the back of his head as he led you into his room.
" That's a joke right? If we're allowed to become a cuddle puddle, than I don't want to have it any other way." You smiled at him.
He smiled in return. Jaehyuk ended up playing with Yoongi's mother for the rest of the afternoon, and the two of you ended up relaxing and watching movies together in his room, until it was time for dinner.
" Should I change in normal clothing?" You asked Yoongi as you were both called downstairs for dinner.
" What why? My mother won't mind it if we show up like this and I really don't care about what my father thinks." Yoongi shrugged.
You nodded.
" Yoongi, tonight we will be going to a party. You can take the child and your current plaything with you-"
" Excuse you?! What did you just call me?" You cut Yoongi's father off, stabbing your food a little too fierce.
Yoongi's mother' her eyes widen.
His father smiled rather wickedly.
" My, you don't think that he's taking you serious is he? There's bigger expectations for him. Expectations you cannot ever reach."
You glared at him, hard.
" Jaehyuk sweetie, will you please go and play upstairs? The adults will have a little talk." You cooed at your little boy, who nodded timidly and obediently went upstairs.
" Now, sir. First of all, the reason why I can't reach your expectations is because they are too low. Second of all, I do not appreciate being called a 'plaything'." You decided to act like an adult last minute.
Yoongi's dad looked at you with an unimpressed expression. Yoongi decided that wouldn't handle his father's attitude either today, set his cutlery down gently before folding his hands while looking at the man.
" She isn't my plaything father. She's my girlfriend. I hope you'll treat her like respect. Also, if you want me to come to the party, then I would like it if my girlfriemd and my child can join." Yoongi asked, sharply, not breaking eye contact.
" Your girlfriend can. The staff can look after Jaehyuk for the night, he's still young and it will be boring for him there. We're also not leaving early." Yoongi's mother answered Yoongi's question before his father could.
Yoongi father stood up and agressively slammed his hands down at the table before smirking.
" Fine, your little girlfriend can come allong. Don't let her show up in a cheap dress." His father smiled, something what made Yoongi strangely uncomfortable before leaving.
Yoongi's mother smiled at you.
" You're a keeper, darling. You better treat her right Yoongi, don't let her slip trough your fingers."
[ A/N: Geuss who should've done a lil more about her art exam? This girrel. Jk, I have no motivation for school so I rapidly finished it the last day lmao.]
Scene One: James Dean and Audrey Hepburn

Pairing : BTS X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : Even tough you were from two different worlds, you always managed to find each other in that one language.
Wordcount: 0.9k
[ A/N: The Anon didn't reply and I had already started with the fic, lol. It didn't specify in anything ither than the ship they wanted so I tried something out. Feel free to give me honest feedback. Enjoy!]
Jimin stopped swimming as somethimg shiny caught his eye. Turning his white tail in order to swim down, he made his way to it. On the rocks, deep in the ocean, was a pretty necklace. Unlike the pretty greens and blue geus he's used to, this necklace is a foreign, blinking grey, with deep red stones in it which Jimin can only describe as pretty. It feels a little heavy when he picks it up, yet he still takes it to his six boyfriends and his one girlfriend.
Polyamore relationships were very normal in the world of mythical creatures, and Jimin was no stranger to polyamore, neither any of the other boys he shared deep conections with. Tough it was a but of a shock for you when you had joined the relationship.
Jimin shook his head as he neared his home, a smile making it's way to his face as he spotted Hoseok, who came o er to greet him.
" Hey Minnie, what'd you found today?" He asked as he kissed his cheem before taking a peek at the necklace in his hands.
" I'm not sure, I think it's a necklace. But it is a little heavy." Jimin said as he handed it to Hoseok.
" It is isn't it?" Jimin asked the elder who nodded.
" Uh huh, it certainly is. Let's ask Namjoon what it is." Hoseok stated before swimming into their home, Jimin close at his tail.
Meanwhile you were getting grumpy as you were waiting.
Your seven boyfriends were late, again. You tapped your fingers in the guitar in impatience.
Tough your patience is restored once you see Taehyung wave in the distance, the rest probably close by.
" Finally, you've all arrived." You smiled once they were in hearing range.
" Sorry, we found you something to make up for it tough." Hoseok smiled at you, pushing himself up on the rocks to kiss your cheek.
You blushed and smiled.
" Oh, really? What is it?" You asked, hoping to get another pretty seashell or something alike.
Unlike what you have expected, Jin came up to you with a silver necklace with precious red stones in it.
You almost dropped your guitar in suprise.
" Guys, this is worth more than my entire existence. How dis you manage to get it?" You asked as Jin leaned on the rock and reached to clip it behind your neck.
" I found it! Are you proud of us?" Jimin smiled at you, his eyes shiny.
" Of course I am, I always am." You smiled.
" I have something for you guys too, by the way. It's not worth half as much as the necklace tough." You said, feeling shy.
" Babygirl, nothing you give us is worthless." Namjoon smiled gently at you.
You smiled and set your guitar upright in your lap. Clearing your troath to try and ease your nerves.
" I've never sung in front of people before tough, so don't mind it if I sing the wrong notes." You said shyly before starting the intro of the song.
At the mention of music Yoongi perked up, seeing as he was always one to enjoy music.
Stay for tonight
If you want to, I can show you
What my dreams are made of
As I'm dreaming of your face
I've been away for a long time
Such a long time
And I miss you there
I can't imagine being anywhere else
I can't imagine being anywhere else but here
How the hell did you ever pick me?
Honestly, 'cause I could sing you a song
But I don't think words can express your beauty
It's singing to me
How the hell did we end up like this?
You bring out the beast in me
I fell in love from the moment we kissed
Since then we've been history
All the boys were in awe at your voice. Jungkook recognised the song, having heard it a few times played by people on cruises too, and softly started singing allong.
They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me
It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are
What my dreams are made of
All the boys had slowly started singing allong by now, and if they weren't singing, they were participating in another way.
It was a sweet moment, just all of you sitting together and singing the night away. After all, because your different words had made you feel like you didn't speak the same language, music still was the one language you all knew.
The Baby Project || M.YG || 19
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

* I forgot to edit the date in the last chapter. ( it said that they'll go to the party the same night as they arrived, but it was supposed to say the next day, oops.)
" What about this one?" You asked Yoongi, holding a purple coloured dress up.
Yoongi shook his head.
You huffed in frustration.
You and Yoongi have been dress shopping for hours now. Yoongi never seemed to agree with whatever you picked out, yet refused to pick out something he liked. Jaehyuk was with Yoongi's mother, who had decided that he would not come with you two to the party as it would be boring for him anyway. She offered to stay with him, stating that she wasn't in the mood for a boring party anyway.
" Yoongi, if there's nothing here we like, then I'd like to suggest that we go by my house. I'm pretty sure that I have something suitable." You said, crossing your arms over
" Listen, I'm not sure if you've realised it. But we're supposed to impress my father. I want him to look at us and think about how wrong he is-"
" Yoongi, love, calm down. We don't have to impress anyone. I'm coming to prove the opposite remember? I'm here with you to prove that you don't care about what he thinks." You cut him off, caressing his cheek for a moment.
" Yeah, you're right, but I just- I don't know-"
" Yoongi hyung, is that you?" Yoongi was interrupted by a ( dyed) blonde haired male.
" Jimin." Yoongi replied sharply, his eyes sharpening.
" Hello, hyung. It's been a while since I've seen you around. Oh, wait a minute. You've braught a girl with you. How cute. The names Jimin, sweetheart. Park Jimin." Jimin walked over to you and greeted you with a smirk on his full lips, taking your hand in an attempt to kiss it formally.
" Nice to meet you, Park." You said curtly, taking your hand out of his grip before his lips could touch your skin.
Bippity bop, I think the frickety frack not. You tough. ( A/N : Yes, I got that from the internet trashcan, stay pg 12 folks.)
Yoongi felt a smile come to his lips at your simply avoiding behavior.
Jimin didn't expect it, by now, any girl would usually already be swooning over him. You barely batted an eye at him.
Intresting. He smirked to himself.
" And your name is..?" Jimin asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
" L/N Y/N." You replied with a polite smile.
" Nice to meet you. What are you doing with a guy like him?" He asked you.
" She's my girlfriend, we're shopping for tonight." Yoongi answered for you, and even tough you didn't like it when people speak for you, you accepted it for now anyway.
" Ah, I see. I suppose that I'll see you tonight too then-"
" Jimin! Where are you?! Oh there you are. What do you think of this dress?" A random woman around your age had arrived, wearing a short, red dress.
" It looks fine." Jimin shrugged, obviously not interested.
" I think I might be getting this one. Let's go and then you can pay for it baby." She smiled, taking him by hand.
" Sure, let's go baby. I'll see you tonight Yoongi hyung. And you too of course Y/N." Jimin winked before leaving.
Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
" Let me geuss, he's the 'hot bachelor ceo' we all secretly read about in books and fanfics?"
" Yep." Yoongi nodded.
" Also, for the record. I'm paying for the dress.-"
" Nope. I braught you here and demanded you pick something out, so I'll pay for the dress. You've paid for the food last time when we went to Mackey D's with the kids." Yoongi pointed out.
" Alright." You shrugged.
" What do you think about this one?" Yoongi asked, pulling a navy blue off shoulder dress out with a sparkly belt and minimal glitters.
" That one's really pretty." You said as you moved to stand beside him, running your fingers over the fabric and stopping by the price tag.
Your eyes bulged at the price.
" Yoongi, this one's too expensive. I can't ask you to pay for that.-"
" Y/N, listen. My father is a ceo of a wealthy company. That dress is merely a dent in my bank account." Yoongi cut you off.
" I know that, but still." You pout.
Yes, the dress was beautiful, but you couldn't get it over you heart if he were to pay for this.
" Try it on. If it doesn't hit the wow factor, we can put it back." Yoongi said.
" Fair." You shrugged.
Barely a moment later, you were in the fitting rooms, looking at the dress which hung on the hanger. Was this really a good idea?
You decided to try it on anyway. Sure, the dress was beautiful, but would it look the same on you?
Once you managed to get it on with little to no trouble, you looked stunning. Even you couldn't deny that. Sure, you saw yourself as a potato too all the time, but dn, even you had to admit that you were a shiny potato right now.
You smiled as you tough about Yoongi's reaction.
Will he like it? Will it take his breath away like in those romance movies?
You exited the fitting room and turned to Yoongi.
" What do you think?" You smiled cheekily.
Yoongi looked up at the sound of your voice, and a cute smile rose to his face as he checked you out.
" I think my babygirl looks beautiful." Yoongi smiled, biting his lip.
You blushed.
If you really did look this good, you could overthink the price and allow Yoongi to spoil you, right?
The Baby Project || M.YG || 20
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.2k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

You put in your earrings before staring at your reflection. Remember when you told yourself you looked like a shiny potato in the dress? Now, with your mother's jewelry which you had picked up allong the way earlier, and the dress, you looked like a potato twister with paprika seasoning, you were hot.
You winked at your reflection before stepping into your dress and putting it on. Your arms were quite flexible, so you didn't need any help in getting it on.
" Hey." You cheekily greeted your boyfriend as you stepped out of the bathroom attached to his room.
He turned around to greet you, looking up for a moment from buttoning his shirt to greet you, but taking a double take when he realized just how fine you looked.
" Damn, you look beautiful love." Yoongi smiled as he licked his lips.
" You look quite handsome yourself." You smiled back at him, helping him button up his last few buttons, leaving the last one open.
Yoongi was wearing an all black suit with a navy blue blouse which he had randomly found in his closet earlier allong with a black vest for underneath the black blazer.
" Thanks. By the way, there's something I need to warn you about for the party." Yoongi said, his smile slowly falling from his lips.
" What is it?" You asked.
" There's going to be press outside of the building. I'm going to need you to not leave my side while we're out and to not let the press get to you, okay?"
" Mr Min, is this your girlfriend?-"
" Wow, mr Min, you got a good catch.-"
" This is really the best you managed to find, mr Min?"
" Ceo Min, is this your son's first official lover?"
Yoongi glared at all the press, disliking how they were trying to bring you down. Yet he stood tall and held you close to him as you were walking on the red carpet into the hotel where party was held at. You looked absolutely beautiful tonight, and he just hoped that he looked worthy in beauty standards for standing by your side.
The two of you stopped to pose for a moment, and Yoongi felt proud at how you were handeling the situation. You didn't give a damn about them, and the only attention the press has recieved was you running your eyes over all of them coldly, as if you owned them. Yoongi was pretty sure you did.
Unknowing to him, Jimin was only a few steps behind the two of you. Him and his 'girlfriend of the week' were having a tough time. His girlfriend, Sega, was trying to deny being Jimin's plaything, yet Jimin was ignoring both her and the press, once in a while sneaking a curious look at you. Who were you and why did you seem to own everyone around you with that sharp gaze of yours?
Yoongi's father didn't know what to do. He didn't like his son's girlfriend, yet you seemed more suitable for his boy than the girl he had planned to introduce Yoongi to in this party. The girl who was supposed to marry him had been a few steps in front of Yoongi's father, who had tried not to cringe at how she was behaving. That girl might've been from one of his business partners, but she was certainly a shame for the family. She had not been handeling the press well, and she was practically raised to. Yoongi's father wouldn't admit it, not even to himself, but he was proud of his son for choosing someone who handled everything this effortlessly.
" Would you like a drink miss?" A random waiter with champagbe stopped by you and Yoongi's table.
" No thank you." You smiled gently at him.
The waiter nodded in respect and turned to Yoongi, who did take him up on his offer.
" Yoongi hyung, Y/N! nice to see you two again." Jimin smiled as he joined you and Yoongi's table. ( Yoongi's father was already out of Yoongi's eyesight as you two had entered, and Yoongi decided that his father will go look for the two of you himself if he decided to be seen with you.)
" Park." You nodded at him, Yoongi raising his glass as greeting.
" You know you don't have to keep calling me by my last name right? " Jimin pouted as he looked at you.
" Where's your girl of the week?" Yoongi asked casually as he gulped down the first sip of his drink.
Jimin shrugged.
" Went to redo her make up I think."
" Poor girl." You mumbled, not realizing you said that out loud.
" Hey! She's blessed by dating me." Jimin scoffed offended.
You raised a brow at him.
" Can I take a sip?" You asked your boyfriend, who grinned and handed you his glass.
Jimin huffed.
" Damn this stuff is strong." You scrunched your face up in disgust as the burning liquid flowed down your throat, Yoongi smiling fondly as he took his glass from you.
" Hey Jiminie! Who are you?" Sega joined you, Jimin and Yoongi at your table, throwing you a disgusting look.
" Baby~ Relax, this is his girlfriend." Jimin purred to her.
" Ew. You could've done a little more about your appearance you know." Sega looked at you with a disgusted look.
Well, that certainly hurt your feelings, you really felt pretty for tonight.
Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
" Thank you for sharing your unasked opinion, but I'd rather hear it from someone who actually looks pretty." You smiled fakely at her.
Yoongi smirked in satisfaction before turning to glare coldly at the girl.
" She's right, you know? Also, don't talk trash about my woman, girl. She's more beautiful than you'll ever be." Yoongi said sharply.
Sega turned to look at Jimin for help.
" Sorry, but hyung's right." Jimin smiled a little too sweetly.
The girl glared at Jimin before storming off, throwing an 'you're an ass Jimin' behind her back.
" She'll get over it." Jimin sighed.
You blinked at him.
At least the girl was right about one thing, the male in front of you was certainly an ass indeed.
" Care to join me for a dance?" Yoongi asked, suprising you.
As far as you were concerned, Yoongi did not dance.
" Hyung's going to dance-"
" Shut it Park." Yoongi cut Jimin off with a glare.
" I'd love that." You smiled and took his hand.
Yoongi's father was watching you two gently swining to the soft music from afar, having made a decision. He's been a bad dad for long enough now.
[ A/N: I'd like to tell y'all that both Yoongi & the Teader are over whatever age (depends on country) to drink legally. Else this story would've been real crazy. ( Honestly fellas whi trusts 16 year olds in one apartment room with a child?)]
* Also, this is the dress I had in mind :)

The Baby Project || M.YG || 22
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.2k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

"Do we have everything?" You yelled to Yoongi from across the apartment.
The school had decided that you all would get to relax a bit, and managed to get an excursion gling to the beach. To say that you were excited was understandable. Everyone was.
" Yeah almost, we're only missing a little rascal!" Yoongi yelled back, before a wild Jaehyuk emerged from the room Yoongi was in in his underwear.
" Mummy, dadda's going to grab me!" The little underwear boy yelled, hiding behind your legs.
You hummed in response.
" C'mon buddy. All big boys wear their pants."Says Yoongi tiredly as he appeared from the bedroom with Hyuk's pants in hand.
You giggle at his face and he sighs and scrunches his nose in response.
"Mum, your child won't listen." Yoongi deadpans as he throws Hyuk's swimming trunks at you.
" Oh, so now he's my child?" You ask him amused as he plopped down on the couch in 'exhaustion.
" He got the stubbornness from you, so yes at the moment he is." Yoongi smiled lazily.
" Hyuk, did you know that Spiderman always wears his swimming trunks whenever he goes to the beach with aunt May?" You ask Hyuk with a smile.
Yoongi watches in amusement as Hyuk's eyes widen.
" No. I didn't. I wanna be Spiderman when I become big too!" Jaehyuk exclaimed as he grabbed his swimming trunks from your hands and put them on backwards front.
Yoongi looked at you with a pout, hoping that you would manage to get Jaehyuk to wear his swimming trunks properly.
You smiled and shook your head.
" Nope. I already fixed the big problem." You mused, zipping up the beach bag in front of you.
Yoongi groaned but got up nonetheless, making sure that his son's swimming trunks were put on correctly.
" GUYSS! I'M SO EXCITED! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN." Areum greeted you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi, who were already seated in the bus.
Jaehyuk was getting comfortable in Yoongi's lap, and he was sitting beside the window. You were sitting beside him, and Taehyung, Areum and Hyeon were now seated in the seats across the path from you. Jin, Mina and Soojun also entered the bus and joined your little group.
" I know right?! I braught water balloons." You winked at Areum and Mina.
Jin gasped dramatically while Yoongi furrowed his brows.
" Hold up, you braught what now?" Yoongi asked alarmed.
You winked at him in response.
" Alright students. We're all here right? If not too bad, we're leaving anyway.-" Your teacher spoke as the engine started.
" Okay kids. I'll tell you the plan for when we arrive. It's gonna be pretty simple. Once we arrive, we all walk together to the beach, and from there you can do your thing. At six we have dinner all together by a food tent which we'll show you later, and afterwardw we will be going back to the apartments. Also, for safety, do not let the toddlers go swimming without you and not without swimming bands either. Keep a close eye on them. That's all, we'll be arriving in around twenty minutes for those who are wondering." Your teacher finished speaking and sat down with the other two teachers.
" Do you have swimming band thingies for Hyuk packed or do we have to buy them there?" Yoongi asked, making you turn to him.
" No, I went to the convenience store earlier this week to get some for him, we're good." You smiled back at him.
Jaehyuk was fast asleep on Yoongi's lap.
" Guys, we are totally staying together right?" Areum asked everyone as you all nodded with a big smile.
" No, not there. There's too sunny." Yoongi aomplained as you were all lookimg for a reasonable spot.
" Everywhere's sunny, Yoongi." Mina deadpanned.
Yoongi shrugges as response.
" Cool, let's settle down here." you smiled as you plopped your bag in the sand.
You guys had managed to find a nice spot between the sea and the restaurant you were all meeting at later.
Yoongi looked betrayed as you unpacked.
" I can't believe it. My own girlfriend is turning against me." Yoongi said dramatically, putting a hand over his heart as if he was actually hurt.
You rolled your eyes in response.
" I want to go swimming. Soojunnie, want to come with?" Jin asked his boy, who nodded with a smile.
" Oh, me too!"
" Yes, and me!" Hyeon and Hyuk joined.
" I'm coming too." Taehyung claimed.
" I'll go too." You smiled.
" I'm staying here guys, I want to get tan." Mina smiled at you all.
" I'll come with!" Areum jumped up from her spot, taking her shirt off in process, revealing her bikini.
" I'm staying here." Yoongi muttered with his eyes closed already, ready to nap.
" Here, hold this." You rolled your eyes as you threw your shirt at him, revealing your own bikini.
He huffed as he sat up on the towel, whining before opening his eyes and running them appreciatively over your figure.
And even tough you couldn't see it, Jin did too. Yoongi didn't miss that.
You winked at your boyfriend, turning around to leave. ( Your shorts are swimming shorts)
" Yah Y/N." Yoongi caught up with you as you all walked down in the waters.
He chucked his own shirt at you, which he had discarded a moment after you, at you.
You looked ar him with a questionable expression.
" You, don't see it, but I don't like the way Jin's eyes follow your ass." Yoongi stated bluntly.
You blinked at him before smiling.
" Well, he knows he can only look at me. I'm yours after all." You told him gently.
He sighed and took his shirt from your hands softly, helping you put your head trough the collar of it.
" I know that he knows that we're dating, but that doesn't mean I like it when he stares at my woman." Yoongi wishpered in your ear as you had put the shirt on.
You blinked in suprise.
You never tough that Yoongi would feel a little possesive. And honestly, you found it a little hot.
He bit his lip as he stepped away from you with a smirk.
" Better." He muttered as he walked away.
This time, he had left you speechless.
[A/N: Yello folks. I uploaded another story 🙃. ( bad decision I know.) This one's for my Dutch readers, and it's for now only readable in Wattpad. It's called 'Wanted' and it's a Jungkook X reader. ( another shameless self promotion lmao) Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update lol. Only two more chapters folks. R u curious what'll happen with Jaehyuk? I'm curious as to what u think, do you think he'll stay or will he be braught back to the adoption centre?👀👀]
The Baby Project || M.YG || 23
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.6k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

The apartment is silent as you and Yoongi were packing your own stuff and Jaehyuk's.
Today was the day that everyone would go their own ways, Jaehyuk would be send back to the adoption centre and you and Yoongi were going to your own home's. Altough you missed your family, you will miss this tiny apartment.
" Do I really have to go?" Jaehyuk asked quietly after a moment.
Both you and Yoongi turned to look at him, all three of you sharing the same sad expression.
" I'm afriad we'll have to Hyukie." Yoongi said, crouching down to his height and cupping his cheeks.
Jaehyuk released a few tears.
" But I don't want to go back." He muttered as he started crying.
You looked at him with an even sadder expression than you had before, tears brimming in the corner of your eyes.
" We don't want you to leave either Hyukie, but we're just college students. We can't properly take care of you." You said sadly, a stray tear leaving your eye.
Yoongi gathered you, Jaehyuk and himself in a bear hug, also sniffing.
Neither of you had expected becoming this close with the children you'd be taking care of.
After a few minutes of just sticking together, the sound of the speaker in the hallway ruined your cute moment.
' Attention please, will every student of Seoul University report to the reception with their assignment please? Thank you.'
It sounded over the speakers.
You all pulled apart from the hug.
" Well, this is it. I'll just-" You halted your sentence to swallow the lump in your throat.
" I'll just get your stuff Hyukie." You finished in a wishper as you walked off.
Yoongi watched you go with a pained expression before turning back to Jaehyuk, wishpering something in his ear and handing him something.
" ...... Promise?"
Jaehyuk nodded in response.
7 months later.
Yoongi huffed at he looked at the paperwork on his desk.
He's only started his training to take over his father's company, but he already felt drained, and wasn't sure if he even wanted to continue this job.
" Mr. Min? Your girlfriend is here. Shall I let her trough or are you currently busy?" His assistant's voice rang over the intercon on his desk.
Yoongi rubbed his face in frustration before letring out a sigh in annoyance.
" Let her trough." He told her in irritation.
A few moments later the door to his office opened and you walked trough with a plastic bag.
" Hey babe. How are you? You sounded irritated over the microphone thing on your assistant's desk." You greeted Yoongi as you walked in.
" I'm always irritated with that good for nothing assistant. Honestly, how many times am I going to have to tell her that you have the permission to walk in whenever except when I'm in some stupid meeting?" He complained as you pulled out take out from Mackey D's.
" I don't know. Maybe she didn't know that you weren't in a meeting?" You wondered out loud.
" That's the thing, she's supposed to know my damn schedule. That's what she's my assistant for. She's literally getring paid to do my dirty work." Yoongi complained.
" Okay, I suppose that's true. But did you call me just to complain about your assistant?" You asked Yoongi with a smile as you handed him his burger.
Yoongi shook his head while taking the burger from you.
" First, thanks for the food. And I called you because I want our kids back. My question is, do you want the same? Because I'm not doing this without you."
[ A/N: Someone please tell me why my stories with a prologue have no epilogue and why my stories with epilogue have no prologue.]
The Baby Project|| M.YG || Epilogue
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 0.9k
The Baby Project Masterlist
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi

7 Years Later
10 year old Jaehyuk looked up from his phone as he was called into the meeting room where all kids get adopted.
" I told you already, I don't want to get adopted-"
" I'm sure that you do want to get adopted by these people." The worker smiled at him.
Jaehyuk huffed but went allong with it anyway.
He was pretty sure that he wouldn't want to be adopted by whoever was out there. After all, he did promise his dad that he would wait for him. And after seven years, he still had that hope, that he'd come back.
He couldn't remember his mum and dad's faces, but he knew that he'd recognize their voice.
You looked at your husband nervously.
What if he wouldn't recognize either of you?
" He'll know who we are." Yoongi wishpered comfortingly.
You gave him a small smile and nodded, holding his hand tightly.
After what Yoongi asked you all those years ago, the two of you set your plan to work. But to take care of a child, you needed money. Yoongi tried to pull trough the training and become Seesaw Inc's next ceo, but he was very unhappy with it and barely had any time left for you, let go a child. After doing training for around four months, he quit. His father was furious and therefore kicked him out. Your family took him in and the two of you started looking for actual jobs to pull trough. You ended up becoming the manager of a restaurant, and in the end, Yoongi found a stable job as organizer in a concert hall. The two of you moved out of your home after two years, and moved again in a home where you'd want to raise a child last year. You two got married two years ago, and had a very stable relationship.
You originally came to adopt both Jaehyuk and Naeun, the toddler and little baby you took care of. But when you arrived today to ask both of them, Naeun was already adopted a few years prior. You understood and heard about how Jaehyuk was 'returned' a lot. Apparently Yoongi had made him promise that he'd come back for him. When you looked at Yoongi with a face for confirmation he smiled and shrugged.
" I knew that I would end up getting married to you anyway." Yoongi had shrugged with a smile.
The door opened to the 'meeting room' where the kids would meet their parents and you and Yoongi held your breath.
Jaehyuk stepped trough, and altough he certainly grew up, he had the same soft eyes which you could recognise everywhere. He had grown a lot taller, he now almost reached your shoulder, and you were sure that he would end up outgrowing Yoongi at some point.
Jaehyuk squinted his eyes at the both of you in confusion. You two looked so familiar in his eyes, he just couldn't remember from what.
" Do I know you?" Jaehyuk asked you two as you gasped with tears, overcome with emotions.
" Hey Hyukie." Yoongi greeted him softly.
" Hey Hyukie, I need you to promise me something. I know that you don't want to leave. And we don't want you to leave either, so can you wait for us?"
Jaehyuk remembered himself nod at the question.
" If you'll meet better people than us, don't feel afraid to go with them if they want to adopt you. But if you don't, please wait for us. Can you promise me that?"
Jaehyuk touched the ring on the necklace around his neck, holding eye contact with the familiar man as he took it off and showed this to him.
" This is yours, isn't it?" Jaehyuk asked, showcasing the ring.
Yoongi smiled with tears in his eyes, he remembered.
" I promised you I'd come back for you didn't I?" Yoongi smiled softly.
Tears gathered in Jaehyuk's eyes.
" Dad!" The boy yelled, throwing himself in his father's arms.
Yoongi started crying as he hugged his son back before opening one of his arms and motioned for you to join the hug.
You did so with tears also running down your face, and Jaehyuk recognised your touch within seconds.
" Mum!" He said, tough it was muffled by you and Yoongi's shirt.
Yoongi sniffed and smiled at the same time while looking at the both of you. He had never felt so happy before.Overall, he's happy that you believed in him. You, who believed in his words when he told you he'd help you with baby Naeun after too long. You, who said no to the most popular boy in the school because you felt more comfortable with him. You, who didn't back down when his father disapproved of you and refused to leave him. You, who took him in after he went broke. You, who married him, and promised to never leave his side. And now it's still you, who will raise his child with him.
Yoongi smiled as he pecked Jaehyuk's forehead before pecking you on the lips.
" Thank you."
[ A/N: Sifaocjwkz, I'm proud of this ending to be honest.]
The Baby Project || M.YG || Bonus Chapter #1
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : This is an extra chapter for my finished series 'The Baby Project
Wordcount: 0.7k
The Baby Project Masterlist
Also, I didn't add the tag list cos I didn't know if any of y'all wanted to be tagged for a bonus chapter. Oh and I uploaded before midnight today :D.

" Yah, Hurry up! I wanna go!~" Jaehyuk whined as you were still putting on your shoes.
Today you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi were going to a fun fair because Jaehyuk had really wanted to go there. The drive to the specific fun fair he'd seen was about an hour, but according to him, it'd be worth it.
Jaehyuk has been back in your lives for around seven months now, and to all of you it felt natural to just be together.
After a week, none of you tip toed around each other. For example, Yoongi used to always walk around in his underwear im the morning, and after a week of Jaehyuk living under your roof, he continued like he always did.
Jaehyuk had been a little wary of it first but before you knew it, he too had started walking around in his underwear.
" Yah, don't use that tone on your mother Hyuk'. It's rude." Yoongi pointed out gently.
Jaehyuk's behavior had changed over the years, and that sometimes made it difficult to correct, but Yoongi managed to put it in words after a while on how to tell him.
" But you sometimes use that tone on her too." Jaehyuk complained.
" Yes, but I am married to her. Unless you want to marry your mother, I suggest you talk to her with respect at all times." Yoongi deadpanned.
Jaehyuk made a face akeen to disgust, but changed his expression once he saw your amused face.
" No thank you. I'll find my own wife at some point of my life I'm sure." He said as you chuckled.
" Alright boys, let's go!" You cheered as you grabbed your bag.
" Yah, I'm your husband don't adress me as if I'm a boy." Your husbabd cringed.
" Oh, I'm sorry Honeyponny, is that better?"
" Ew. Please flirt after my bedtime."
" Mum, can I talk to you?" Jaehyuk asked after spending a few hours there.
" Of course sweetie, what's wrong?" You asked him as you waved Yoongi off, who took your heed and went to get candyfloss.
" I know that I said that it'd be fun here. But it's a little too crowded. Can we go home early?" Jaehyuk asked, not meetimg your eyes as he felt a little guilty.
His friends had been ecstatic about the fun fair, and he honestly tough it would have been fun, but he didn't think it would be this crowded and that every line would be that long.
You ran your hand trough his hair with a soft smile, a habit you had with both of your boys, or well, your boy and your man.
Jaehyuk's shoulders instantly relaxed a little, his posture less tense as the familiar feeling of being safe and protected came over him.
" Sure sweetie. And it's alright, you can't know how to feel about certain things without experiencing it first." You smiled.
Jaehyuk let out a breath of relief.
Yoongi returned after a moment.
You knew for a fact that Yoongi was uncomfortable with so many people around too. Even tough he always worked backstage at busy concerts, he still felt a little misplaced when he was in fun fairs or overall just crowded places.
" Let's go home. I think we're all a little tired." You told Yoongi, who looked confused.
" I mean sure? Hyukie, are you set on leaving yet or do you want to stay a little longer?" Yoongi asked him.
Jaehyuk shook his head.
" No. I want to go home too." He said.
Yoongi shrugged but nodded.
" Thank god, some people here really smell."
[A/N: This is really just a random chapter, but y'all seemed to be sad that the story ended even tough it had like 23 or sum chapters lol. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm think about writing a Q & A chapter from the characters point of biew, it'll have 4 smoll parts ( one for Y/N, one for Jaehyuk, one for Yoongi, and one for your author dipshit. So ask away your questions :D]
Trouble || M.YJ
Pairing : Min Yoonji X Reader
Genre : fluff sort of idk
Summary : In which Min Yoonji gets introduced to someone even worse than herself, you.
Wordcount: 0.4k
[ A/N: I'm sure we're all secretly attracted to Yoonji, so here's a smoll drabble. Enjoy!]
“ Who's that?” Yoonji asks him, her eyes motioning to the black haired girl who's quietly scribbling away in her notebook.
The class president's mouth opened and closed like a fish before giving her a hesitant answer.
“ That's Y/N, but she only brings people trouble. I'd recommend staying away from her.” Jimin answers.
“ Why's that?” She asks, now curious.
You looked like nothing but a sweet deer from here, delicately making notes and sometimes talking to your friends without taking your eyes off your notebook.
“ Just, trust me. I've heard she's got a criminal record and her and her friends have been kicked out for a few days more often than not.” He tells her.
Her eyebrows shoot up in suprise.
“ Wait, are you seriou-”
“ L/N, you draw in art class, not in Chemistry. Does this look like art class to you?” The teacher suddenly cuts Yoonji off as he scolds you.
You huff, continueing to draw and not even looking up at the teacher as you answer him.
“ I don't know old man, you tell me.” You say uninterested.
The teacher looks pissed by your answer, and Yoonji watches as he swipes his hand out to grab your notebook.
Your reflexes are quick, and you manage to keep it out of his grasp.
“ Hand me the notebook, L/N.” He says, obviously pissed now.
“ You really want to make a big deal out of my notebook? What an adult you are. Also why're you scolding me when I'm not even disturbing your lesson when there's currently three people on their phone and more than a few gossiping about nothing?” You ask him.
He huffs.
“ Detention.” He tells you before storming back to the whiteboard.
You don't seem bothered by his words in the slightest as you turn back to quietly scribbling in your notebook.
“ See, I told you She's nothing more than trouble.” Jimin tells Yoonji, making her set her focus back onto him.
She nods, words not really forming in her mouth.
She's always heard from other people that she's the kind of girl your parents tell you to stay away from, she's never heard about someone like you. Someone who's probably worse than her.
Suddenly she sees you grinning at your notebook before your eyes lock with hers.
She understands what it means, you've heard them.