kuki-land - Kitkat's Wonder
Kitkat's Wonder

Gender: YES , A Wild card?: YES , Still vibing?: YES? (A very questionable crackheaded fox who saids that sleep & happiness is for the mentally rich) ⚰️🕯🛌🌟

28 posts

Idk If Anyone Notice This In Lmk But If Anyone Saw A Recap Or The Movie Of The Tales Of Wukong 2017 Do

Idk if anyone notice this in lmk but if anyone saw a recap or the movie of “The Tales of Wukong 2017” do you guys also think that the creators took some aspects of the main villain as she also had power over destiny and made it her arc? Like I can’t be the only one

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More Posts from Kuki-land

2 years ago

Bro like I’m laughing at peoples reaction on Chris’s performance on Mario’s voice but wait until they hear French Mario VA then that’s when all hell breaks lose but not in the way that you think 😂😂😂😂😂

😌🍵 ah I can’t wait. I can almost hear it perfectly…

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4 years ago

1010 Rins abilities!

Okay, so I thought about Rin what Rins ability in the battle and I thought of something( though I believe someone post something like this before).

Okay so I believe it could be the shields in the first stage part of the battle. The reason I believe this is because of the color of the shield, which is purple. Now I only time you mainly see purple with 1010 themselves is with the poster of them that you see from their Mansion of them posing. If you notice Rins background color is purple( maybe a hint of pink?could be just the lighting).

So Rin job is to defend while the others attack like in a battle or something like where there's offence there needs to be a defense. And Rins that person.

Idk Its not a good reason but hey i tried and i thought it made sense to me!

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3 years ago

I'm soooooo sorry for being late! I kind of had diarrhea in the morning which I got from my family, and it happen to be worse than other ones so I was in so much pain! I took some medicine afterwards since I didn't want it to happen again, especially on a important day like this. Again I'm so sorry for being late! 😓

I ThinkHey, Fuck You, Buddy. I Spent The Night Learning To Riverdance, Is Going To Be My Go-to Excuse

I think “Hey, fuck you, buddy. I spent the night learning to riverdance,” is going to be my go-to excuse for everything, now. –AW

2 years ago

You know, after watching a video on how maybe mercy should have some sort of burst energy on healing for overwatch 2 I realize how her Rez could charge or give a burst of healing while rezing someone with it increasing the healing for a short while if that makes sense🧐

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3 years ago

Yes! share the love! 💖💗😊

Reblog this if you think boys deserve flowers and cheek kisses.