"Where's Your Friend, PMS?"

"Where's your friend, PMS?"
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More Posts from Kurosagi-h8r

I can stare at him all day... oh you want my pendant? Ok but give me five more minutes as i stare deeply into your beautiful eyes wait what
Hii just wanted to say I have read most of your fics and headcanons and I loved them and for this reason I wanted to request if you could do "what petname the tokyo debunker characters use for their s/o in a relationship"
I just want more tkdb fluff🥲
Thank you for reading my stuff!!! 🫂 I'm glad you liked it and thank you for entrusting me with this idea! I hope you like it <3
what petname would they use for their s/o in a relationship?

Kamurai Jin
The good and old fashioned "my love". He probably uses anything he can say it's his, and "my love" is the perfect way to refer to you. You're his, and you're his love after all.
Ishibashi Tohma
"Mouse" 💀 He's standing on the tethering line of being super sweet and mildly threatening lol A tiny little thing he loves and wants to protect but that's also very very squishable...
Fuji Kaito
"Angel". You're giving him the time of the day and being in a relationship with him, so he immediately worships you like you're some holy being. You're 100% his angel.
Lucas Errant
I don't really see Luca using petnames, but if he did, he'd probably call you "dear". And it'd come out very naturally! He'd be asking you for something and accidentally call you dear while doing it. Or maybe one day he said "good morning dear" and it just stuck.
Mido Alan
Alan most probably doesn't use petnames in the beginning, but after he's comfortable in the relationship, he might call you "bug" <3 something a little old-fashioned like that fits him, I think!
Kurosagi Leo
He'd call you something mildly deameaning but shockingly sweet for someone like him as well. Maybe something like "dumbass (affectionately <3)"
Haizono Sho
Oh he most definitely calls you "babe". He is very much a huge flirt and that will never stop even when you two are dating lol
Sagara Haru
Literally every extremely chessy petname ever like sugarplum, buttercup, pumpkin, cutie pie, honey bun 💀 But that's when he's trying to be funny or annoying! When he's serious, he calls you "sunshine" <3
Otonashi Towa
Besides Dandelion, he calls you every flower with a romantic meaning or flowers that mean beauty! Such as rose, daffodil, tulip, camellia, honeysuckle etc.
Shiranami Ren
Not one for petnames, but if he uses one, it'd be some inside joke between you two, like he could call you the name of a character he likes in one of his gacha games and you could do the same.
Hoshibami Taiga
Besides kitten, I could see him using "doll" too, because dolls are cute and compliant, and that's the perfect little toy for him :)
Romeo Scorpius Lucci
He probably would call you "darling" with a mildly threatening tone 💀 it's the type of petname that can sound very sweet but also very ominous depending on his tone. Fits his borderline yandere personality too.
Shinjo Ritsu
He probably thinks "partner" is already a petname, but you'd have to explain to him that it isn't (with a huge document signed and notarized if possible).
Kagami Subaru
He probably feels incredibly embarrassed, but I think he wouldn't mind calling you something sweet and cute, like "honey" or "love" too. I don't think Subaru would go crazy with the petnames, so I'd expect something classic like that.
Kusanagi Haku
Princess/prince obviously, but I can also imagine him saying things like lovely or gorgeous, especially if he can get to whisper it in your ear just to fluster you lol
Kotodama Zenji
Oh god. All of them. Probably a different one every single day. He probably keeps a notebook of petnames just to get ideas for new ones. He refers to you as his beloved when he's talking about you to other people, though.
Edward Hart
Dove, but if you bother him enough, he can call you spider monkey, don't worry *gets shot*
No but seriously, dove is perfect for him.
Mizuki Rui
All of them. Just... all of them.
Lyca Colt
I don't see him using any, but maybe if you call him something, he'll use it as well. That's a HARD maybe though, I think he'd feel too embarrassed to do that.
Isami Yuri
He'd probably overthink about which petname he could use before ever calling you one. And after he decided, he'd have to take his time to gather the courage to even do that. He'd probably settle for something normal and classic, like "darling" or "sweetheart".
Kirisaki Jiro
Does not use petnames. Maybe if you ask him to use one, he'd do it, but you'd have to tell him what he could call you.
Most of my merchs are second-hand from mercari! It's way cheaper that way and since they came from japan they all arrived in good condition. A seller here would buy them in bulk and split it with other people— i also don't like to get dupes so splitting it is my way to do it ;)
I don't fully understand myself since i just join when someone open split, but usually the seller would buy the mercari products through proxy and then ship it to the seller where they would ship the split product to the buyers.
Not tkdb stuff but if they ever release merch one day... yeah (tbh im still butthurt over not getting the sinostra magazine)
Also i just ordered tkdb fanmerch earlier this morning 😭

Have you seen a dude so obsessed with someone that they appeared on your card 3 times

I have dubbed thee auction house PC