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Can You Writing A Yandere Au? I Would Like To Request Soft Yandere With Joon, When He Overprotektif And
Can you writing a yandere au? I would like to request soft yandere with joon, when he overprotektif and possesif, fluff fluff~

Disclaimers: The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them together. I obviously don’t own Netflix, Converse, or BT21. Koya is BT21’s character, which belongs to Line Friends Corporation and BTS.
Hi kutie! So this is my first EVER attempt at yandere. I’ve read it, I’ve studied it, I’ve looked up multiple examples… so I hope I did the genre justice. It was way fun to write, I quite enjoyed it, especially with Namjoon. It was really interesting to explore the way he’s so level-headed on the outside, but maybe not so much on the inside 😅 Also, I split this into two parts, because I thought up this scenario and another one that went hand-in-hand. Look for part two soon! 💜
@kpopyandere, how did I do? 😳
Age Recommendation: 18+
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, yandere themes as in unhealthy obsession and possessiveness, swears, sexy Joon (yes, that’s a necessary warning).
Word Count: 2,690
Summary: A bit after moving to a new neighborhood, you happen to meet your sexy new neighbor completely by coincidence. Or was it?
Becoming His (Namjoon One-Shot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff) Part One
You stared, slack-jawed, at the sight in front of you. Through your window, across your front lawn, and over the sidewalk stood none other than an absolute sex god. His white tank clung to his sweaty body in all the right places, revealing just how toned he was, and the way his brown hair was styled in a perfectly messy quaff made you go weak in the knees. He bent down and stretched out a leg, causing his shorts to ride up and reveal thick, muscular thighs. Your mouth parted open as your soul nearly left you.
The steaming cup of coffee in your hands nearly slipped from your grasp as you watched him stretch out his other leg, then walk up the neighbor’s driveway. Wait, no. That couldn’t be…? You scrambled over to your bay window, kneeling on the bench. The guy pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door. The sex god was… your new neighbor?
Right before he stepped inside the door, his dark eyes suddenly flicked your way. You yeeted yourself off the bench and pressed your back to the wall, hoping and praying he didn’t see you. After all, you weren’t some creeper. You just happened to be passing by your large, front room window and simply stopped to admire the view.
It might have been your imagination, but you could’ve sworn your heard a chuckle before a door slammed. You crept back up to the window to find he had indeed gone inside, his door firmly shut.
What you didn’t know is that, against all your hopes and prayers, he had seen you. In fact, he’d been seeing you for a while. Kim Namjoon first noticed you the day you moved in. Boxes were all over the front drive, and you were directing the movers as best you could. He thought the way you ran your hands through your hair every time you started to get flustered was cute. Since then, he’d been keeping an eye on you.
Your every-day routine was pretty much the same. You’d get up, shower, then make a cup of coffee. You’d begin working in your office, which had a window that faced Namjoon’s house. Near midday, you’d go out for lunch and pick up another cup of coffee, which you’d stay and drink while continuing to work, or come back and drink while continuing to work. Namjoon preferred it when you came back home.
You ate dinner while working, then would finally call it quits and do one of three things: Binge Netflix, play video games, or go for a swim in your backyard pool. The first time you emerged from the water, dripping wet, slicking your hair back, Namjoon knew he was in love. Now it was just a question of getting you to notice him.
He grew nervous in the few hours leading up to you seeing him for the first time. What if you woke up early that day? What if you chose to not sit in the bay window, staring out at the world as you drank your coffee? Namjoon could barely sleep from the anticipation. You, however, were dependable as usual. He couldn’t have timed it any more perfectly. The way your mouth fell open when he stopped in front of your house and stretched was exactly the reaction he was aiming for.
Now Namjoon needed to meet you. Talk to you. He knew the second you saw how much he cared for you, you’d fall in love with him too. He saw his chance two days later, when you decided to go for a swim rather than laze around. Despite the warm, humid evening, Namjoon went outside to shoot a few hoops, working up a good sweat as he repeatedly sprinted towards the basket, shot the ball, and caught it.
One time, he over-shot the ball, and it flew into your yard, landing in the pool. You yelped in surprise, quickly standing up as the orange sphere splashed down. “Sorry!” a voice called out. You wiped water out of your eyes and looked over to see your smokin’ hot neighbor peeking over the fence.
“It-It’s okay!” you spluttered, getting out of the pool and wrapping a towel around yourself. “I’ll throw it back!”
“No need!” His head disappeared, and you gasped as he suddenly vaulted over the fence. Oh god. He was shirtless. And sweaty. You swallowed hard as he ran a hand through his hair, looking like the most perfect of wet dreams. Wait, were you dreaming?
“I’ll take that,” he said, an easy smile spreading over his lips as he took the ball from your grasp.
You opened your mouth but no words came out. “I’ll, uh… I’ll be going now,” he said, jutting a thumb behind him.
“Wait!” Oh lord almighty. You couldn’t speak earlier, but the second you could, that was the only thing you could say?
He stopped and turned back towards you, eyebrows raised. “W-What’s your name?” you stuttered.
He smirked. “Kim Namjoon. And you are?”
“L/n Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you… Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.”
You lost your ability to form words once more. It was hard to think straight with his naked upper half glistening in the sunlight. Still, you couldn’t help sneaking little glances at his body and face, admiring just how handsome he was from up close.
Namjoon’s smirk grew. This is exactly the effect he hoped to have on you, and now he knew your name. He knew he’d be sleepless again tonight, murmuring your name over and over again, stretching out the syllables in different ways until he memorized it through and through… not to mention how good it sounded with the last name “Kim.”
“Thanks for letting me get my ball back,” Namjoon said.
“It’s no problem at all,” you replied, pressing the towel to your face to both warm and dry it.
Namjoon hesitated, wondering if he should continue. He didn’t want to ruin such a perfect moment, but at the same time, he wanted to prolong his time with you. “Listen,” he said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I was thinking of grilling some hamburgers… Would you like to join me?”
You hesitated, and his heart sank. You, however, didn’t pause for the reasons he was imagining… you were pausing because you didn’t know how you’d be able to keep your hands off such temptation. You moved here for the quiet, to write in peace, not to get caught up in some heated, drama-filled thing with your neighbor. After your last so-called relationship, you’d had enough of that for a lifetime and then some. Plus, he was your neighbor. If things turned south, you’d have to either see him all the time or move again. Then again, the what-if’s were killing you.
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon said, backtracking. “I just thought I’d offer since I ruined your pool time.”
“Oh, no, it’s not that,” you replied, quickly thinking. How much damage could sharing a meal really do? “I mean, a burger sounds great.”
He smiled, relieved. “Great. I just need to shower and change. Meet me over at mine in a half hour?”
“Sounds good,” you said, glad you’d have time to freshen up.
Those thirty minutes flew by in a whirlwind of stress. What to wear? Should you put on make-up? Would it be too much if you wore a dress instead of jeans?
“Fucking hell,” you thought, finally settling on a pair of jean shorts, a rose pink top, and your favorite pair of white Converse. You left your hair loose, tumbling around your face in waves, and you kept your make-up light. You were barbequing after all. It’s not like it was a date. Or was it?
Before you could stress yourself out any more, you forced yourself out the door and across the few meters to his front door. You timidly rang the doorbell, but he didn’t answer. Did he forget he invited you? You raised a fist to knock when Namjoon threw open the door, out of breath and tugging the hem of a white shirt down over his toned torso.
If you thought he looked good shirtless or in workout clothes, you had another thing coming. The collared white shirt he wore had sleeves that cut off just below his elbows, and the jeans he sported were held up by a black, leather belt paired with matching boots. The entire ensemble showed off a pleasantly sophisticated side of him that caused your stomach to flutter.
“Sorry,” he said breathlessly, gesturing for you to come inside. Truth was, Namjoon had been stressing just as much as you, perhaps even more so. Everything had to be perfect. He needed you to fall for him, no matter the cost.
“It’s okay,” you said, giving him a smile as you brushed by him. It was then that he caught it. Your scent. Namjoon thought it smelled familiar, but couldn’t put his finger on it. It was less flowery and more fruity. Whatever it was, he needed more of it. With your back turned, he closed his eyes and deeply inhaled, allowing you to overwhelm all of his senses.
“Wow,” you said, causing him to open his eyes. “Your place is… nice.”
Namjoon supposed it was. He hired a decorator back when he moved in, and they had done a pretty good job.
“Do you have any roommates?” you asked, facing him.
He shook his head. “Nope. Just me.”
“A big huge house all to yourself?”
He tossed you a sly smile. “Yep, it’s just me. I don’t… Well, I prefer peace and quiet when I come home.”
You smiled. “Same. I’m a writer. I absolutely need a tranquil atmosphere to do my thing.”
Ah, so that’s what you did on your computer all day. “A writer? Really? That’s so interesting,” Namjoon said. As you talked, he led the way to his backyard. It looked similar to yours, except his was bigger and had a slab of cement with a basketball hoop.
He produced a bottle of wine and poured you a glass. “Sit,” he said, smiling.
You did as he requested, sitting down on a patio chair sitting in the shade of his deck. “Are you sure I can’t help?” you asked.
“No, no, please. It’s the least I can do after chucking a basketball at you.”
“Probably for the best. I can’t cook worth shit. I just order take-out all the time.”
Namjoon found himself slightly taken aback by your colorful language. “Sorry,” you said, covering your mouth. “I just–”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, cutting you off. “If it makes you feel better, I can’t cook worth shit either. Well, except for burgers, that is.”
“Oh, thank god,” you said, laughing. Namjoon’s heart soared. He loved the sound of your laugh. If he could record it, he’d listen to it forever.
You took a sip of wine which helped to loosen your tongue. “So tell me, Namjoon,” you said. Oh god. He loved the way his name rolled off your tongue. Forget your laugh, he’d take a recording of that instead.
“What do you do for work?”
“Me? Oh, I code software. Last year, I developed my own app. You ever heard of one called Koya?”
You gasped. “Oh my god, I use that app all the time!”
Namjoon chuckled. “Well, then. Thank you for contributing to my paycheck.”
“You’re very welcome.”
“Enough about me. You said you’re a writer… What do you write about?”
The conversation and wine continued to flow as Namjoon heated up the grill and cooked the hamburgers. They were just the way you liked, with melted cheese dripping from the patty and freshly cut vegetables loaded on top of it. The trick was trying not to make a huge mess as you devoured the burger in front of your new-found crush. Eventually, you gave up and just dug in. If he couldn’t deal with the way you ate, he wasn’t the man for you anyway.
Namjoon’s thoughts were to the contrary, actually. He couldn’t get enough of you. The way you cared too much then not at all. The way you took risks by asking him question after question and laughed at his jokes. But especially the way your hand lingered on his arm as you giggled.
You talked until the sun went down before heading back inside. “Well this has been great,” you said. As much as you wanted this night to last, you knew you were tipsy, and you didn’t want to mess this up before it had even begun.
“Wait,” Namjoon said. “I made dessert.”
“You did not.”
“I did.”
You sighed. “Kim Namjoon, it’s official. You are the perfect man.”
He chuckled, a tinge of pink appearing on his cheeks. This was too good to be true. He had tried so hard for you, and now it was all paying off. He brought out a batch of homemade brownies covered with chocolate fudge frosting.
“I thought you said you couldn’t cook,” you said accusingly, leaning over the counter.
“This isn’t cooking,” Namjoon retorted with a grin. “It’s baking.”
You scoffed, but smiled nonetheless, taking a bite out of the brownie he’d cut for you. A bit of frosting got on your cheek, and he reached out to wipe it off before he could stop himself. The tenderness with which he touched you shocked you, but it also made you feel things you didn’t think you were prepared to feel. You looked up at him, into those dark eyes, and he looked down at you, still caressing your cheek. So slowly, you almost didn’t realize what was happening, Namjoon leaned down towards you, his gaze locked on your lips.
You suddenly stood upright. “Uh, hey, thanks for everything,” you said hurriedly. “But it’s getting kinda late, and I should probably be getting home.”
Wait, no. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. “I’ll walk you home,” Namjoon offered.
“No!” Wow, you said that way too quickly. “I mean, no thanks. It’s only next door, I’ll be fine. Thank you for the meal and a great evening… I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Erm, sure.”
You scrambled out the door, tossing him a smile before shutting it behind you. That was close. Too close. Another minute there and you might just have succumbed to your emotions. The problem was, everything was moving too fast. You only met him today, after all. You didn’t want to end up in his bed and become just another convenient fuck buddy like you did with… Ugh, you couldn’t even say his name. That jerk who broke your heart.
Still, as you entered your home and pressed your back to the inside of your door, you realized you felt bad. The look on his face when you up and left seemed… disappointed. Angry, even. He had just made you a full-out meal, after all. The least you could do was let him walk you home, even if it did result in a kiss or something more. You put a hand to your forehead, suddenly exasperated with yourself. Would you get another chance after blowing him off like that?
Just next door, Namjoon found himself slipping. What the fuck had he done wrong? Why didn’t you stay? Why did you practically bolt out the door, intent on getting the fuck out of there? It didn’t make sense. Namjoon paced around his kitchen, grabbing onto his hair and breathing hard. Had he messed up? Would he ever get to interact with you again? The unanswered questions were driving him crazy. Fed up, Namjoon suddenly lashed out and threw a fist at the wall, punching clean through the dry-wall. He barely felt the sting as his knuckles started to bleed.
It was then and there that Namjoon decided he’d do anything to get you back. Anything. He’d do whatever he needed to make it up to you, to make things right. After all, you were his. You were his and there was nothing you could do about it.
*Plays organ* Dun, dun, DUUUUUUUNNNN!!! 😂 Enjoy Part Two.
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More Posts from Kutemouse
Your writing is incredible! I love all of your stories 😘
Well, I love you kutie anon! Thanks for reading it 😄
I absolutely LOVE this concept, and the artist definitely did it justice. The blue-green hair, the tattoos, the scrapes/bandages, the constantly untied shoelaces... Takes me back to my middle-school days with my first boyfriend, who used to look just like this 😂

sk8er jk
Can i request namjoon fluff drabble, when he is help yn study for entrance examination a university? But yn insecure about it? Bcs I am, and I insecure I can't get it :( Thankyou baby 🦄🦄

Necessary Disclaimer: I don’t own the gif I used for this header. Credit goes to the lovely @taejoon, as you can see above.
Anon kutie, I am SO SORRY this took so long to write and post. I hope this helps you feel less stressed, even if you’ve already taken your entrance exams 😔 Don’t forget to take extra care of yourself, love yourself, and remember that ARMY and BTS loves you, and that I love you too. Remember you are good enough! And Namjoon would be extra proud of you for even having the courage to go through with this, I just know it 💜
I took inspiration from the translated lyrics of “Make It Right” by BTS.
Baby I know
I can make it better
I can hold you tighter
All those roads
Are pointing to you
Age Recommendation: 16+
Warnings: Swears? Don’t think there are any, but just in case. Namjoon being a total sweetheart and making me pop all the UwU’s and blushes not to mention I love him. God I need to stop lol.
Word Count: 627
Summary: You are completely fed up with studying and the world, but there is one person who believes in you and can make it right.
Good Enough (Namjoon Drabble, Fluff)
I huffed out a frustrated sigh, allowing my head to flop down on the desk. It was pointless. This was pointless. I was never going to get into the university I wanted. My entire existence had been nothing but average. Average grades, average clothes, average everything. What in the world possessed me to think I could shoot for the stars?
I had a myriad of books, notepads, pencils, pens, and my laptop strewn around me. I’d done nothing but study and prepare for the entrance exam for weeks, no, months even, and yet a feeling of hopelessness clenched around my heart and wouldn’t let go. I was so stressed. I wanted this. I wanted this so badly, yet I didn’t feel strong enough to continue.
Because I wasn’t strong enough. At that realization, the dam holding back my emotions finally broke. I covered my face with my hands and cried. It started off slow, with tears rolling down and a couple of sobs forcing their way out, until it turned into a full-out ugly cry, wailing and all.
A knock sounded on your door. “Jagi? You alright?”
I quickly wiped my tears away, grabbed a tissue, and blew my nose. “I’m fine,” I called out. My throat was swollen, so my voice sounded nasally.
Namjoon came in, concern written all over his face. “Are you sure?”
Well, there was no hiding it now. When I cried, my face grew blotchy and red, and my eyes appeared watery. He knew.
“N-No,” I said, my voice cracking on the single syllable.
Joon came up behind me and began massaging my shoulders with his large, strong hands, just the way I loved it. “What is it, jagi? What’s wrong?”
“I’m just… studying,” I muttered, hanging my head. This was so stupid. My boyfriend was so smart and successful, and all I wanted was to feel competent enough to be his girlfriend. My plan was to go to a good university and become successful in my career, then maybe, just maybe, I’d finally feel worthy of him. Yet here I am, crying because I didn’t think it was possible.
Joon stepped around me, kneeling down so he could look me in the eyes. “You don’t have to be so strong all the time, you know,” he murmured.
I nodded, furiously swiping at a couple more tears that leaked out. “I know. I’m just stressed, that’s all.”
“What’s causing that stress?”
“I don’t know.”
Joon gently grasped my neck with both hands and turned my face until I was forced to look at him. He smiled, shooting rays of hope into your chest. “Baby… yes you do. Talk to me.”
“I just… want to be good enough,” I finally admitted.
“Good enough for who?”
“For you. For the university I want to get into.”
“What about for yourself?”
My mouth parted in surprise at his question. “Y-Yeah,” I stuttered. “That too, I guess.”
Namjoon stroked my cheek with a thumb. “I just want you to know,” he said, boring through me with his intense gaze. “No matter the outcome, you are good enough, and I will never stop loving you. You are the strongest, most iron-willed, most capable woman I know. You can do this. I believe in you. Now you just need to believe in yourself.”
He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. “I love you, jagi,” he murmured before wrapping me in his strong arms.
I sighed into his chest, relishing in the warmth emitting from him. He was right. Things would be alright, no matter the results of my exams. Even if I completely bombed them, I still had worth as a human being. I would still have him… and, most importantly, I would still love myself.
Becoming His (Part Two, Smut-Free Version)

Disclaimer: The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them together.
This is the smut-free version of Becoming His Part Two. Enjoy 💜
Age Recommendation: 18+
Warnings: Swears, kissing, SOMEONE coming in and being a total ASS, Joon being possessive af.
Word Count: 2,495
Summary: A bit after moving to a new neighborhood, you happen to meet your sexy new neighbor completely by coincidence. Or was it?
Becoming His (Namjoon One-Shot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff) Part Two
You didn’t see Namjoon after that day. You were hoping to catch him jogging, or shooting baskets in his backyard again, but he didn’t come outside. Or, if he did, he didn’t during the times you were out and about. You were hoping to apologize, at least. He didn’t have to give you another shot, but at night when your fantasies seemed more vivid, you imagined he was as eager as you were to smooth things over with a quick conversation and a long fuck.
Namjoon, however, saw you. He watched from partially closed blinds as you went about your routine, seemingly unbothered by the fact that you completely blew him off. Each night, he waited until you turned off your lights for the night, watching the clock slowly tick until exactly twenty minutes went by, then slipped outside. He quietly climbed the fence between your yards and sat beneath your window, trying to get as close to you as possible.
Namjoon wanted to make things right, he just couldn’t concoct a scenario that wouldn’t come off badly to you. After all, you already rejected him. What could he do to make you love him the way he loved you? He couldn’t force you… or could he? While he toyed with that idea, the best Namjoon could currently hope for was that you would coincidentally bump into him, realize what you were missing out on, and come back to him.
One night, you cracked your window to try and relieve some of the oppressing summer heat swarming your home before you went to bed. As you slept, you dreamt of him, holding you, kissing you, loving you. “Namjoon,” you murmured, still totally asleep.
Back in reality, Namjoon perked up when he heard you say his name. He didn’t realize your window was open, and at first it made him freeze with fear. Had you possibly seen or heard him sneak into your backyard?
He stood, making as little movement as possible, and peeked into your window. Your eyes were closed, and he could hear soft snores coming from you. Were you… dreaming about him? Namjoon smiled at the thought. So you did want him, you did care about him, and you would love him. It was all he could do not to go around to the front of your house and knock on your door. But it was the middle of the night, and you weren’t supposed to know he was there.
Still, Namjoon needed a plan, and fast. Not being able to be near you was becoming too much to bear. The next day, as he lounged on his couch staring at the ceiling, trying to come up with some way to get you to talk to him again. He could follow you to the grocery store, bump into you there? No, too obvious. He also didn’t want to try something he already tried, knowing he’d just come off as pathetic.
A knock on his door made him sit up straight. Who could that be? He opened the door to see you there, of all people. “Hey,” you said, giving him a tentative smile.
“I just came to give you this,” you said, handing him a piece of paper. It was a flyer for… a neighborhood party? At your place?
“I just wanted to get to know everyone on the block,” you explained. It was lame, you knew that, but you needed an excuse to see him and talk to him and this was the best you could come up with. You figured a party with other people around would ease some of the pressure, and maybe you would find a chance to apologize.
Namjoon smiled, showing off his signature dimples and making your stomach flip over itself. “Wow, this sounds great, Y/n.”
Ugh, you loved the way he said your name. If you could take a recording of just that sound, you’d listen to it for the rest of your life.
“Great, so I’ll see you there?” you said hopefully.
His dark eyes bore into you with a gaze so intense you just had to glance away. “Of course you will,” he said. The words dripped from his lips like honey, and although they had no sensual connotation whatsoever, they awoke something in your middle that went straight to your core. Namjoon bit his lip, slowly releasing it from between his teeth, and you swallowed hard, trying to keep your composure even as your panties grew damp.
“Awesome, well, I’ll see you Friday,” you muttered before turning away and stumbling across his lawn back to your safe haven.
Namjoon’s smirk didn’t diminish, even after you ran away once more. This time, though, he knew you weren’t running because you were rejecting him… you were running because you were holding yourself back. Namjoon had no idea why, but he didn’t care. He would break you.
Friday arrived, and you made yourself stay busy in order to keep your thoughts away from Namjoon. It worked for a while, but then he began drifting into your mind as you started getting ready and setting up. Would he like the catered sandwiches you ordered? Would he appreciate the short-yet-sensible polka-dot dress you spent hours shopping for?
Finally, 5:30 arrived, and the first set of neighbors showed up. It was the elderly couple who lived around the corner. You welcomed them in and thought it was so sweet when they told you they brought a salad to share.
You whipped open the door each time the doorbell rang, your hopes soaring then falling when you realized it wasn’t him. The family with three little ones came, the young just-married couple came, and even the three rowdy college boys who lived behind you came. Free food could really draw in a crowd, but still, he didn’t show up.
An hour later, you nearly gave up on the thought of seeing him. You guessed you imagined the electric attraction between the two of you. Either way, you were majorly disappointed. You were setting dishes in the sink when you heard a voice behind you. “Hey there.”
You spun, nearly dropping the glass you were holding. “Namjoon!” you gasped.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he chuckled, holding his hands up. “I knew you’d probably be busy and just let myself in. Hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is.”
It definitely was if he was walking around looking like that. He sported a light blue collared shirt, casually unbuttoned low enough to show off some chest, and dark trousers. He looked like he just got back from the office, pulled off his tie, and came over. Your fingers twitched, wishing it was you who pulled off that tie.
He stepped towards you, getting so close you could smell his cologne. It was so light, you wouldn’t know he was wearing it unless you were in tight proximity… just like now. You cleared your throat and moved away, but he moved with you as if chasing you. “Y/n,” he murmured, his eyes flicking down to your lips.
“Y-Yes Namjoon?”
You backed up all the way to the counter, gasping as you felt the edge of it press into your skin. Just then, your neighbor Sunhee, the mother of the three kids currently screaming and running around your backyard, popped her head into the kitchen. “Oh, hello Mr. Kim,” she said brightly. “Y/n, I was just coming in here to see if you needed any help.”
“Oh, that would be great, thanks.”
The rest of the party went without a hitch, and you found yourself bright and cheery as you talked with and got to know your new neighbors. Everyone was so damn nice, but secretly, you were anticipating the moment they would all leave you alone with the one person you actually wanted to be with. As the evening wore on, people began to make their good-byes, thanking you for such a great time. “We really need to do this more often,” Sunhee said, hugging you tight. “It’s so good to see everyone.”
“Agreed,” you said, hugging her back.
Over her shoulder, you saw a familiar figure open and close your door, and your heart completely stopped. He brushed his long, dark hair out of his eyes and looked around, smirking when his eyes finally found yours. Your legs turned to jelly as that smirk crashed into you. Damn. Even after all this time, he still affected you, no matter how much you tried to shove it down.
You thanked Sunhee for coming one last time and made sure everyone else was out before stopping that asshole in his tracks. “What are you doing here, Jungkook?” you muttered, placing a hand on his chest.
“What do you mean?” he asked, poking his tongue between his teeth and quickly withdrawing it. “I came to see you.”
“Yeah, right,” you snapped. “You have no right, coming in here like you own the place.”
“I might not own this place, but I own you,” he said, his cocky tone setting your teeth on edge.
“No you don’t.”
He stepped close, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Are you sure about that?”
You shoved him backwards. “Get out.”
The corners of his perfect, pink mouth turned up in a menacing smirk. “No.”
“I thought I made myself clear,” you hissed. “I’m no longer going to be your fuck-buddy, Jungkook. I wanted something more, but you made it clear you didn’t.”
“I don’t recall saying anything of the sort.”
You scoffed. “You didn’t have to use words. Finding you in bed with another girl the day after you told me you had feelings for me was plenty.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Please. We weren’t exclusive.”
“Maybe not, but you don’t just go and fuck another girl right after telling another you care for them!”
“Everything okay, Y/n?” a voice asked. You turned to see Namjoon standing there, his chin raised as he defiantly stared Jungkook down, large hands shoved in his pockets.
Jungkook scoffed. “Are you kidding me, Y/n? Look at you, the complete hypocrite. We’re apart for less than a month, and you already have another boy toy.”
“He’s nothing of the sort,” you muttered, folding your arms and turning away from him. “I said I didn’t want you here. Now please leave.”
“No chance in hell,” he growled. “I came back here to see you, and I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”
Something inside of you snapped. “Which is what?! Another booty call?! I said I was done with you, Jungkook, so either get the fuck out or I’ll call the police.”
Jungkook started towards you, but before you could react, Namjoon stepped in front of him. “She said leave,” he said. His eyes flashed with a dark anger that turned the tension from smoldering ash up to a roaring flame. You took a step back, suddenly afraid. You had never seen this side of him before.
“This doesn’t concern you,” Jungkook snarled, attempting to push Namjoon out of the way.
“Actually, it does,” Namjoon growled. “She’s mine.”
“She just said–”
“And I’m saying she’s mine.”
Rage roiled off Namjoon in tidal waves, threatening to break everything that stood in his way. Jungkook snorted. “Unbelievable,” he muttered.
“Call me when you’re ready to be fucked properly again, bitch,” he spat at you as he turned and walked out the door.
Your legs gave out underneath you, and you sank to the floor. This was definitely not how you wanted tonight to go. Namjoon instantly came to you, concern written all over his face. “Are you alright?” he asked, gently reaching out.
“Don’t touch me!” you snapped. “What the hell was that? Why did you say I was yours?”
Namjoon drew back, shocked. “What?”
“That phrase you kept saying. ‘She’s mine.’ Why would you say that?”
“Well, because… because…”
“Because what?!”
“Because I care about you, Y/n!”
You stared at Namjoon, searching for any signs of untruthfulness or deceit that you had commonly found in Jungkook’s eyes, but there was nothing but pure sincerity in his eyes. Breathing hard, you stood up from the floor, still trembling from the confrontation. Namjoon reached out to help you, but withdrew his hands quickly.
“No, it’s okay,” you said, your tone more gentle now.
You tentatively placed your hands on his chest, fingers lightly stroking the collar of his shirt. “I… I care about you too,” you whispered.
Relief flooded through Namjoon, putting out the roaring fire of anger he felt earlier. He stepped close enough for you to catch a whiff of his cologne again, enticing the rest of your senses to dive in. He was only centimeters away, close enough to feel the heat radiating between his body and yours, but not close enough to feel the hard, broad muscles of his shoulders. You looked up into his eyes, his pupils blowing wide as you studied each other, waiting for someone to make the next move.
After longing after each other for so long, you thought he wouldn’t wait a single second to be with you, but it turns out you were both vulnerable, both afraid of messing this up, so you took it slow. Each small movement drew you closer together, no matter how minute. The way his eyes roamed your face. The way you slowly slid your hands up to rest on his shoulders. The way his lips hovered tantalizingly over yours.
Finally, as if on cue, you both lunged towards each other, crashing your lips together to meld into one, perfect kiss. It stayed sweet and innocent for longer than you would’ve liked, with Namjoon being careful to keep his tongue inside his own mouth no matter how much he was yearning to taste you. You separated from each other, both breathless, and Namjoon continued peppering kisses down your cheek to your jaw. You sighed and tightened your grip on him. “Say you’re mine,” he murmured.
You opened your eyes. “Wh-What?”
“Say you’ll be mine.” He drew back and smiled, nothing but sincere tenderness in his eyes.
“Are… Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” you whispered.
He hesitated, then nodded. Your mouth parted open. No, this was too quick. Much too fast. You barely knew the guy, hadn’t even been on a date with him yet, and yet here he was, asking for the commitment you’d been craving.
His gaze grew apprehensive as he waited for your answer, but you continued looking into those dark, beautiful eyes. He felt so warm on top of you. You liked him, there was no doubt about that, and the spark of attraction was definitely there. Fuck it, what did you have to lose? You wanted to become his.
“Okay,” you murmured.
“Okay. Yes. I’ll be yours.”
Namjoon let out a relieved sigh. “Really?”
If only you knew just what you had agreed to.
I legit screamed when I saw this 😂 Hearing good comments about my writing from one of my favorite accounts who I respect so much... there’s no better feeling, I swear 💜 I will definitely tag you, thank you so much!
Can you writing a yandere au? I would like to request soft yandere with joon, when he overprotektif and possesif, fluff fluff~

Disclaimers: The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them together. I obviously don’t own Netflix, Converse, or BT21. Koya is BT21’s character, which belongs to Line Friends Corporation and BTS.
Hi kutie! So this is my first EVER attempt at yandere. I’ve read it, I’ve studied it, I’ve looked up multiple examples… so I hope I did the genre justice. It was way fun to write, I quite enjoyed it, especially with Namjoon. It was really interesting to explore the way he’s so level-headed on the outside, but maybe not so much on the inside 😅 Also, I split this into two parts, because I thought up this scenario and another one that went hand-in-hand. Look for part two soon! 💜
@kpopyandere, how did I do? 😳
Age Recommendation: 18+
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, yandere themes as in unhealthy obsession and possessiveness, swears, sexy Joon (yes, that’s a necessary warning).
Word Count: 2,690
Becoming His (Namjoon One-Shot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff) Part One
You stared, slack-jawed, at the sight in front of you. Through your window, across your front lawn, and over the sidewalk stood none other than an absolute sex god. His white tank clung to his sweaty body in all the right places, revealing just how toned he was, and the way his brown hair was styled in a perfectly messy quaff made you go weak in the knees. He bent down and stretched out a leg, causing his shorts to ride up and reveal thick, muscular thighs. Your mouth parted open as your soul nearly left you.
The steaming cup of coffee in your hands nearly slipped from your grasp as you watched him stretch out his other leg, then walk up the neighbor’s driveway. Wait, no. That couldn’t be…? You scrambled over to your bay window, kneeling on the bench. The guy pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door. The sex god was… your new neighbor?
Right before he stepped inside the door, his dark eyes suddenly flicked your way. You yeeted yourself off the bench and pressed your back to the wall, hoping and praying he didn’t see you. After all, you weren’t some creeper. You just happened to be passing by your large, front room window and simply stopped to admire the view.
It might have been your imagination, but you could’ve sworn your heard a chuckle before a door slammed. You crept back up to the window to find he had indeed gone inside, his door firmly shut.
What you didn’t know is that, against all your hopes and prayers, he had seen you. In fact, he’d been seeing you for a while. Kim Namjoon first noticed you the day you moved in. Boxes were all over the front drive, and you were directing the movers as best you could. He thought the way you ran your hands through your hair every time you started to get flustered was cute. Since then, he’d been keeping an eye on you.
Your every-day routine was pretty much the same. You’d get up, shower, then make a cup of coffee. You’d begin working in your office, which had a window that faced Namjoon’s house. Near midday, you’d go out for lunch and pick up another cup of coffee, which you’d stay and drink while continuing to work, or come back and drink while continuing to work. Namjoon preferred it when you came back home.
You ate dinner while working, then would finally call it quits and do one of three things: Binge Netflix, play video games, or go for a swim in your backyard pool. The first time you emerged from the water, dripping wet, slicking your hair back, Namjoon knew he was in love. Now it was just a question of getting you to notice him.
He grew nervous in the few hours leading up to you seeing him for the first time. What if you woke up early that day? What if you chose to not sit in the bay window, staring out at the world as you drank your coffee? Namjoon could barely sleep from the anticipation. You, however, were dependable as usual. He couldn’t have timed it any more perfectly. The way your mouth fell open when he stopped in front of your house and stretched was exactly the reaction he was aiming for.
Now Namjoon needed to meet you. Talk to you. He knew the second you saw how much he cared for you, you’d fall in love with him too. He saw his chance two days later, when you decided to go for a swim rather than laze around. Despite the warm, humid evening, Namjoon went outside to shoot a few hoops, working up a good sweat as he repeatedly sprinted towards the basket, shot the ball, and caught it.
One time, he over-shot the ball, and it flew into your yard, landing in the pool. You yelped in surprise, quickly standing up as the orange sphere splashed down. “Sorry!” a voice called out. You wiped water out of your eyes and looked over to see your smokin’ hot neighbor peeking over the fence.
“It-It’s okay!” you spluttered, getting out of the pool and wrapping a towel around yourself. “I’ll throw it back!”
“No need!” His head disappeared, and you gasped as he suddenly vaulted over the fence. Oh god. He was shirtless. And sweaty. You swallowed hard as he ran a hand through his hair, looking like the most perfect of wet dreams. Wait, were you dreaming?
“I’ll take that,” he said, an easy smile spreading over his lips as he took the ball from your grasp.
You opened your mouth but no words came out. “I’ll, uh… I’ll be going now,” he said, jutting a thumb behind him.
“Wait!” Oh lord almighty. You couldn’t speak earlier, but the second you could, that was the only thing you could say?
He stopped and turned back towards you, eyebrows raised. “W-What’s your name?” you stuttered.
He smirked. “Kim Namjoon. And you are?”
“L/n Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you… Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.”
You lost your ability to form words once more. It was hard to think straight with his naked upper half glistening in the sunlight. Still, you couldn’t help sneaking little glances at his body and face, admiring just how handsome he was from up close.
Namjoon’s smirk grew. This is exactly the effect he hoped to have on you, and now he knew your name. He knew he’d be sleepless again tonight, murmuring your name over and over again, stretching out the syllables in different ways until he memorized it through and through… not to mention how good it sounded with the last name “Kim.”
“Thanks for letting me get my ball back,” Namjoon said.
“It’s no problem at all,” you replied, pressing the towel to your face to both warm and dry it.
Namjoon hesitated, wondering if he should continue. He didn’t want to ruin such a perfect moment, but at the same time, he wanted to prolong his time with you. “Listen,” he said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I was thinking of grilling some hamburgers… Would you like to join me?”
You hesitated, and his heart sank. You, however, didn’t pause for the reasons he was imagining… you were pausing because you didn’t know how you’d be able to keep your hands off such temptation. You moved here for the quiet, to write in peace, not to get caught up in some heated, drama-filled thing with your neighbor. After your last so-called relationship, you’d had enough of that for a lifetime and then some. Plus, he was your neighbor. If things turned south, you’d have to either see him all the time or move again. Then again, the what-if’s were killing you.
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon said, backtracking. “I just thought I’d offer since I ruined your pool time.”
“Oh, no, it’s not that,” you replied, quickly thinking. How much damage could sharing a meal really do? “I mean, a burger sounds great.”
He smiled, relieved. “Great. I just need to shower and change. Meet me over at mine in a half hour?”
“Sounds good,” you said, glad you’d have time to freshen up.
Those thirty minutes flew by in a whirlwind of stress. What to wear? Should you put on make-up? Would it be too much if you wore a dress instead of jeans?
“Fucking hell,” you thought, finally settling on a pair of jean shorts, a rose pink top, and your favorite pair of white Converse. You left your hair loose, tumbling around your face in waves, and you kept your make-up light. You were barbequing after all. It’s not like it was a date. Or was it?
Before you could stress yourself out any more, you forced yourself out the door and across the few meters to his front door. You timidly rang the doorbell, but he didn’t answer. Did he forget he invited you? You raised a fist to knock when Namjoon threw open the door, out of breath and tugging the hem of a white shirt down over his toned torso.
If you thought he looked good shirtless or in workout clothes, you had another thing coming. The collared white shirt he wore had sleeves that cut off just below his elbows, and the jeans he sported were held up by a black, leather belt paired with matching boots. The entire ensemble showed off a pleasantly sophisticated side of him that caused your stomach to flutter.
“Sorry,” he said breathlessly, gesturing for you to come inside. Truth was, Namjoon had been stressing just as much as you, perhaps even more so. Everything had to be perfect. He needed you to fall for him, no matter the cost.
“It’s okay,” you said, giving him a smile as you brushed by him. It was then that he caught it. Your scent. Namjoon thought it smelled familiar, but couldn’t put his finger on it. It was less flowery and more fruity. Whatever it was, he needed more of it. With your back turned, he closed his eyes and deeply inhaled, allowing you to overwhelm all of his senses.
“Wow,” you said, causing him to open his eyes. “Your place is… nice.”
Namjoon supposed it was. He hired a decorator back when he moved in, and they had done a pretty good job.
“Do you have any roommates?” you asked, facing him.
He shook his head. “Nope. Just me.”
“A big huge house all to yourself?”
He tossed you a sly smile. “Yep, it’s just me. I don’t… Well, I prefer peace and quiet when I come home.”
You smiled. “Same. I’m a writer. I absolutely need a tranquil atmosphere to do my thing.”
Ah, so that’s what you did on your computer all day. “A writer? Really? That’s so interesting,” Namjoon said. As you talked, he led the way to his backyard. It looked similar to yours, except his was bigger and had a slab of cement with a basketball hoop.
He produced a bottle of wine and poured you a glass. “Sit,” he said, smiling.
You did as he requested, sitting down on a patio chair sitting in the shade of his deck. “Are you sure I can’t help?” you asked.
“No, no, please. It’s the least I can do after chucking a basketball at you.”
“Probably for the best. I can’t cook worth shit. I just order take-out all the time.”
Namjoon found himself slightly taken aback by your colorful language. “Sorry,” you said, covering your mouth. “I just–”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, cutting you off. “If it makes you feel better, I can’t cook worth shit either. Well, except for burgers, that is.”
“Oh, thank god,” you said, laughing. Namjoon’s heart soared. He loved the sound of your laugh. If he could record it, he’d listen to it forever.
You took a sip of wine which helped to loosen your tongue. “So tell me, Namjoon,” you said. Oh god. He loved the way his name rolled off your tongue. Forget your laugh, he’d take a recording of that instead.
“What do you do for work?”
“Me? Oh, I code software. Last year, I developed my own app. You ever heard of one called Koya?”
You gasped. “Oh my god, I use that app all the time!”
Namjoon chuckled. “Well, then. Thank you for contributing to my paycheck.”
“You’re very welcome.”
“Enough about me. You said you’re a writer… What do you write about?”
The conversation and wine continued to flow as Namjoon heated up the grill and cooked the hamburgers. They were just the way you liked, with melted cheese dripping from the patty and freshly cut vegetables loaded on top of it. The trick was trying not to make a huge mess as you devoured the burger in front of your new-found crush. Eventually, you gave up and just dug in. If he couldn’t deal with the way you ate, he wasn’t the man for you anyway.
Namjoon’s thoughts were to the contrary, actually. He couldn’t get enough of you. The way you cared too much then not at all. The way you took risks by asking him question after question and laughed at his jokes. But especially the way your hand lingered on his arm as you giggled.
You talked until the sun went down before heading back inside. “Well this has been great,” you said. As much as you wanted this night to last, you knew you were tipsy, and you didn’t want to mess this up before it had even begun.
“Wait,” Namjoon said. “I made dessert.”
“You did not.”
“I did.”
You sighed. “Kim Namjoon, it’s official. You are the perfect man.”
He chuckled, a tinge of pink appearing on his cheeks. This was too good to be true. He had tried so hard for you, and now it was all paying off. He brought out a batch of homemade brownies covered with chocolate fudge frosting.
“I thought you said you couldn’t cook,” you said accusingly, leaning over the counter.
“This isn’t cooking,” Namjoon retorted with a grin. “It’s baking.”
You scoffed, but smiled nonetheless, taking a bite out of the brownie he’d cut for you. A bit of frosting got on your cheek, and he reached out to wipe it off before he could stop himself. The tenderness with which he touched you shocked you, but it also made you feel things you didn’t think you were prepared to feel. You looked up at him, into those dark eyes, and he looked down at you, still caressing your cheek. So slowly, you almost didn’t realize what was happening, Namjoon leaned down towards you, his gaze locked on your lips.
You suddenly stood upright. “Uh, hey, thanks for everything,” you said hurriedly. “But it’s getting kinda late, and I should probably be getting home.”
Wait, no. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. “I’ll walk you home,” Namjoon offered.
“No!” Wow, you said that way too quickly. “I mean, no thanks. It’s only next door, I’ll be fine. Thank you for the meal and a great evening… I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Erm, sure.”
You scrambled out the door, tossing him a smile before shutting it behind you. That was close. Too close. Another minute there and you might just have succumbed to your emotions. The problem was, everything was moving too fast. You only met him today, after all. You didn’t want to end up in his bed and become just another convenient fuck buddy like you did with… Ugh, you couldn’t even say his name. That jerk who broke your heart.
Still, as you entered your home and pressed your back to the inside of your door, you realized you felt bad. The look on his face when you up and left seemed… disappointed. Angry, even. He had just made you a full-out meal, after all. The least you could do was let him walk you home, even if it did result in a kiss or something more. You put a hand to your forehead, suddenly exasperated with yourself. Would you get another chance after blowing him off like that?
Just next door, Namjoon found himself slipping. What the fuck had he done wrong? Why didn’t you stay? Why did you practically bolt out the door, intent on getting the fuck out of there? It didn’t make sense. Namjoon paced around his kitchen, grabbing onto his hair and breathing hard. Had he messed up? Would he ever get to interact with you again? The unanswered questions were driving him crazy. Fed up, Namjoon suddenly lashed out and threw a fist at the wall, punching clean through the dry-wall. He barely felt the sting as his knuckles started to bleed.
It was then and there that Namjoon decided he’d do anything to get you back. Anything. He’d do whatever he needed to make it up to you, to make things right. After all, you were his. You were his and there was nothing you could do about it.
*Plays organ* Dun, dun, DUUUUUUUNNNN!!! 😂 Part Two coming soon.