Vampire Jimin - Tumblr Posts

Whine lips⇢vampire!pjm

Whine Lipsvampire!pjm

⇢sfw ⇢pairing: vampire!pjm x reader (no gender) ⇢genre: fluff, fantasy ⇢word count: 1.2k ⇢warnings: Alcohol, mentions of blood

A/N: Haven't posted anything in a while. No smut, but there could possibly be a sequel that follows up on this. Just wanted to write something and see if I still know how to do it haha. Lmk if you enjoyed it. xo Also yes I spelled it 'whine' on purpose dw.

Whine Lipsvampire!pjm

“Door’s wide open.” You’re laying on the floor in your living room, eyes moving to the side when you hear the soft sound of the vampire's steps come to a halt right at the threshold of your open front door. 

“You have to invite me," Jimin hisses through his fangs. However, it is clear by the way his eyebrow lifts playfully that he likes when you give him a little bit of a tease for his 'condition'-his vampirism. "where are your manners?"

"Heh," You shrug and reach your arms above your head, still laying on the floor with your back pressed against the soft carpet, "Do you want to join me tonight?"

With a small groan, you stretch your spine, basking in the way Jimin's eyes seem to follow every movement of yours. He nods, brushing the tips of his tapered fingers against the doorframe.

"I invite you into my home, oh lord of darkness, chomper of jugulars." You snort quietly, rolling over to your stomach to reach for the half empty glass of wine next to you.

Jimin's dark eyes almost whiten completely for a second when they roll back in annoyance at your remark, but his teeth poke out in a little grin. He's heard your jokes about him being a vampire probably a thousand times at this point, but he never seemed to get used to the way you deliver them. It charms him to no end.

Curiously, the vampire saunters inside of your home, the door closing behind him as if it was mother earth's way of locking a monster inside anytime she could. In reality, it is just one of the perks of vampire powers.

"Wine?" Jimin questions as he flops down to his knees next to you, watching your neck as the muscles dance with each swallow to force the drink into your body. He exhales slowly, then smirks when he picks up the bottle to read the label, "What on earth have gotten into you, drinking red wine all by yourself?" He swiftly steals the glass from your hand, spilling some of the red beverage to drip down your lower lip. He refills it some, then brings it to his own lips to taste it.

"It makes time pass quickly when you're not here with me." You whisper sweetly, giving him a daring, warm hand that tastefully sneaks below the hem of the vampire's white silk shirt.

Jimin seems used to your antics, rolling his eyes again. With a small sip, he tastes the wine and scrunches his nose, putting the glass down immediately. His hands catches yours and pulls it out from where it was touching his stomach, holding it between his cold fingers.

"My darling," He sighs, "I will bring you a better wine next time, that one is awful."

"It is kind of awful, isn't it.." You smile, squeezing your hand between his, "But it looks kind of cool, like I am drinking blood too."

"I see how it is." Jimin licks his lips clean from the wine taste, unaware that the tone of his normally pale pout is sweetly stained by the red. However, he does notice that the drink did the exact same to yours, "I can assure you that blood tastes deliciously sweet in comparison to that hell-drink."

"Sounds like you're trying to convince me." You let to of Jimin, going back to your original position on the floor, eyes on the ceiling, "Would you do it?"

Jimin's expression doesn't show it, but he is mildly confused. And excited. Of course he would do it; but such a choice doesn't come without consequences. But the selfish part of him? He would do it a hundred times over. To own you in a way where he'd literally created you-- given you eternal life to spend with him alone?

Only thing he'd miss would be that warm scent of yours.

He's never fed off of you before, but he's been so close every single time you met. With time, it was easier to ignore the hunger. But now he has the chance to possibly turn you; which means he'd get to feed... once. And once is more than he ever expected to bargain for.


His eyes shift to you in a second. Apparently, his mind had wandered a bit too long.

"I, hm..." Jimin pouts his lips, then decides to join you on the floor. He rests on his side, leaning his head against his palm and watches you with brows that tense with each second, "Are you messing around with me again? You know you'd never see the sun again."

"I don't go out much anyway."

"You can't enjoy any food."

"I hate meal planning.."

"Okay," Jimin smiles when he sees the mischief in your eyes again, moving his body a little closer to yours. His breath is like a sweet breeze, still mildly tainted by the alcohol, "I will do it, but on one condition."

You nod, waiting with anticipation. Your gaze wanders from his tinted lips to the darkness in his eyes as they meet yours.

"Just one more time like this," Jimin's canary voice couldn't get any softer even if he tried. The gentleness in which his free hand reaches out to rest on your chest, searching for the spot where he can feel your heart thrum against his palm the most, "I will do it, just let me feel your warmth until dawn arrives."

The vampire feels the way your chest rises with each breath. A little soft gasp at his words, followed by what he believes is what people would call it when a heart 'skips a beat'. Jimin feels a little rush of excitement knowing that he is the reason for your body to react so strongly.

"And one more thing." He says, with a bit more stability to his voice. His hand grazes the skin where the neckline of your shirt ends, touching carefully at your neck until his nail prods at the jugular.

You gulp.

"What could that be?" You ask.

Jimin leans in closer, his pointy fangs exposed in a smile that could melt a lover, or terrify an enemy. His lips, however, could down anyone, anywhere. He notices your eyes wandering down his face, and he seizes the moment. His cold fingers felt like they were burning against your skin. A stern but gentle hold on your jaw to guide your mouth to his in a sweet, wordless kiss. It was all he needed to do, and anything he says after is a given.

"I get to feed on that darling blood of yours when it boils the hottest, then I will turn you." His lips grazes yours as he speaks, leaning back in for another kiss to truly seal his words. He inhales your warmth once again, then moves down to rest his head against your chest instead, "And you will stay with me in the dark for eternity."

Your breath shatters when you can no longer hold it. If he would ever be mistaken for another being than a vampire, a siren would be a close second.

"Deal." You push the word out of your lungs, moving your arms to squeeze him into your embrace, "I will be all yours."

Jimin's cheek presses harder against your chest, and he relaxes in your arms.

"Then, I will return when the sun goes down tomorrow again," he hums, "and it will be the end before our new beginning."

Whine Lipsvampire!pjm

© ꜱᴏᴍʙʀᴇʙᴏʏ 2023. Do not repost, edit or translate.

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4 years ago

hocus pocus — 3


masterlist  previous part  next part

pairing: maknae line x reader

summary: jungkook wags his tail and his eyes look like truffles. jimin drinks blood out of juice boxes and bendy straws and tries to wink but ends up blinking both his eyes closed. taehyung likes the ocean and all kinds of art and apologizes to rocks. you don’t know if they want to take you out the date way or the assassination way and somehow you think it’s both.

genre: werewolf!jungkook, vampire!jimin, hybrid!taehyung, witch!reader; humor (??); poly!au (in the future!)

words: 14k


There’s a caw by your window, a fluttering of feathers. A knock on the glass. You lift your head warily, eyes squinted, still stuck in a sort of dissociative post-morning state. One, two.. Eight. There are eight crows outside your window.

Crows are often seen as bad luck, omens of death - but people forget they could mean good news. Upcoming wealth. New beginnings.

You watch them for a long while, still under the comforting weight of your quilt, until there’s a sound and the flock flies away with a flourish.

There are eight crows by your window. A sign of a life altering experience soon to cross your path.

You close your eyes and burrow deeper into your pillow.


You think you fall in love the same way you fell into Petz. Accidentally and while making a fool of yourself.

Namjoon comes running over, phone in hand. He frowns. “Did you just trip and I didn’t see? Dammit. This is what happens when I volunteer to take cute pictures of puppies for Jin-hyung. Do it again.”

“I will not.” You say as you right yourself, walking inside the pet store properly this time. Namjoon steps inside behind you, cleaning his shoes over the carpet for more time than necessary.

The pet store is large and cozy and has puppies. It’s everything you expected but you’re still caught by surprise. Namjoon looks around in wonder, only really here under the pretense of wanting a fish but when you turn he’s cooing at a barking labrador, his hands and cheek pressed to the glass.

“Do you think Kimbap would mind if we got a dog?”

Your brows furrow, watching the labrador from beside Namjoon. The dog paws at the glass, and Namjoon boops at where its nose is.

“Kimbap is a cat.”

“He is.” Is all Namjoon says and that’s that.

You leave him to his fantasies as you walk around, not a worker in sight. No one in sight, really. By now you’d expected to be jumped by someone with a Petz logo on their shirt and convinced to buy an entire alpaca farm and multiple chew toys for a dog you don’t even have, but it’s completely void of people.

You pass by puppy cages and reptile tanks and find the fish, too, before you find a single person. You wonder if you came to the wrong pet store. Jimin said he volunteers here, but maybe it’s another Petz entirely. You suddenly hear a commotion somewhere in the back rooms, so you head there, hoping to find someone.

And you do find someone. His back is facing you and there’s no logo on his shirt but there are, like, three to four kittens clinging to his arms, so he’s either thinking of adopting all of them or you’re witnessing the beginning of an abduction.

The kittens are clutching at his arms and emitting tiny meows as he sets them into their little cat houses, muttering something to them but you can’t make out the soft words and you’re distantly aware you’re staring. Not just at the kitten’s heads poking out through the arms but at like- the actual arms. They’re tanned and muscular and have kittens on them. This is just devastating.

He looks up and straightens and it’s three seconds before he turns to you that you notice the antlers on his head and the boxy smile. Oh no.

The boy suddenly stands as straight as a board as his eyes meet yours. His hair is as blue as the ocean he loves so much. There’s a streak of kohl over his lashes that’s a bit smudged on one side, as though he forgot about it and wiped his eye.

There’s only one kitten on his arm now, black fur tipped with brown and almost dozing off, all curled up and comfy. He raises its paw in a little wave. “Hi.”

You don’t know what to do. He doesn’t mention that he knows you, doesn’t even look too surprised, only smiles like this was inevitable. It makes you smile, too. “Hi.”

“Are you here to adopt?” He says- Taehyung says, your mind supplies even though you didn’t ask it to- tickling at the kitten’s tummy as he does, “A kitten, maybe?”

No you are not, you’re definitely not. “Um. Maybe,“ you answer, stepping in closer.

Taehyung stares at the kitten cradled in his chest for a little while longer before turning, gingerly placing it with the rest. He brushes a finger lightly over its head before stepping back and you’re now absolutely devastated.

The boy bites at his lower lip, considering you with narrowed eyes. "A reptile, maybe..” He mutters, more to himself than anything. “Come!”

He takes your hand, quick and excited but soft as he tangles his fingers between yours. Good god.

The deer hybrid leads you to the reptile tanks, pauses by one, tap tap taps at the glass and you both watch as one of its inhabitants comes padding out with surprising agility.

“That’s Guac! She’s a bearded dragon and is also very much pregnant. Me and Jiminie consider stealing her every day.”

You laugh, staring at the reptile’s beady eyes as she blinks, one eye then the other. “She’s pregnant?” Guac doesn’t look at all pregnant at first glance, but there’s a slight bump on her stomach that you have to squint to even notice.

“I was surprised too! She was alone in her enclosure and we still have no idea how the dude got in there to impregnate her. Kookie said something about horniness surpassing all boundaries, but, well. I have no comment on that.”

“He is a menace I am so sorry.” You say but you’re laughing and it makes him laugh, too. “You know Guk?”

Taehyung makes a soft sound as he opens the enclosure, like a hum and a yeah all rolled into one. You watch as he picks up Guac as he would the kittens, soft and gentle and fond. You think he’s like that with everything. You think you’re looking at him like that, too. “Kook visits every so often. He’s cute and funny and has a boopable nose and gave me a rock. Oh!” He startles, raises a hand over his mouth. “Not a rock. Sorry. Crystal,” he corrects.

He’s rocking the bearded dragon softly like he would a baby, bouncing it lightly in his arms. Guac doesn’t seem to mind. You’re fully endeared.

“Did Guk tell you that?” You tickle under Guac’s chin and it makes Taehyung giggle.

“Yeah,” he smiles, bordering on fond. Kisses Guac’s head before placing her back in the tank, watching as she scampers back to the little cave by the corner. Too fast for a pregnant lady, you think, but who are you to judge. “He talks about you a lot, you know,” He whispers, like you’re being let in on a secret. Turns to you with an expression you can’t quite decipher.

You don’t know what to say to that and you don’t want to regret it if you do, so you only nod.

There’s a shout and Taehyung’s head jerks up, smiles something wide and giddy, spots Jimin before even you do. He dashes past you before he’s jumping half on Jimin, tugging him towards you, and then jumping half on you too for no reason except maybe that he can, pulls Jimin in for a soft kiss that goes long and flushes both their cheeks and leaves them both breathless and giggly and there it is-

a little pang.

You scratch at your chest, look around, spot Namjoon idling by the tanks where a school of fish whiz by. Namjoon’s a doctor. A sorta-doctor. An actual witch. A little bit of a seer, if he thinks hard. He knows cardiac arrest and medicine and sickness symptoms and the like. He’ll know you’re dying.

Or he’ll catch you staring, turn, and send suggestive eyebrow raises before scampering back towards the puppy section. Great. Amazing.

Keep reading

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5 years ago

If anyone cares...

Umm I just felt the need to post at 6:42am CDT, blonde Namjoon can get it! I mean he could get it with any other color hair as well. But something about his fluffy, long blonde hair. Also while I’m ranting, why does Jimin always give me “Interview With a Vampire” feels with the blue contacts?! Just needed to put that all out there.

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1 year ago

Spooky BTS Fic Recs [smut]

I’ve never made a fic rec list but since it’s the height of summer and I’m missing fall weather and we all need to pay tribute to Vampire!Jungkook, I’m making a spooky list. Pretty much everything I read is smut and bc I can’t picture Nam2Seok like that I have no recs for them, sorry they’re just my bros (Hobi does make one appearance though).

🧛‍♂️ Jungkook 

Pi Gasu by @jungk0oksthighs [series, ongoing] - Vampire AU, donor reader It’s not an exaggeration when I say I check for updates on this fic daily. I’m addicted. This is the entire Vampire!Jungkook moment.

sweet tooth by @btsgotjams27​ [series, ongoing] - Vampire AU, donor reader Another Vampire!Jungkook moment. The recent flashback chapter has me absolutely hooked on where this story will go.

demon dickin’ down by @vin-taege [one-shot, 2k] - Demon AU, pwp, pure filth This might be my favorite demon smut ever.

wicked by @noteguk [one-shot, 9.1k] - Demon AU, pwp Corruption kink, seriously why is horny dream manipulation so hot

Bite Me, Jeon by @haliiimede [one-shot, 19k] - Vampire AU, friends to lovers Loved the vampire world (multiple vampire breeds) and the Illuminati? I come for the smut, stay for the world building lol.

scenes of misguided magic by @wwilloww​ (feat. Taehyung) [one-shot, 2.3k] - Magic AU A magical threesome for a spell. So hot!!

corrupt by @bratkook [one-shot, 5k] - Vampire AU, pwp German sex club and oc gets ittttt.

Consumed by @jkeuphoriadreamland (feat. Jimin) [series, complete] - Vampire AU, yandere Jimin is an absolute menace in this, but we love him for it.

oh my ghost by @mingoyeob-archive [one-shot, 13k] - Ghost AU Jungkook is a panty stealing ghost in your new apt.

Something Wicked This Way Comes by @softyoongiionly [one-shot, 7k] - Supernatural AU An unexpected visitor arrives on Halloween night. Such a cool concept! (And poor Kook.)

😈 Taehyung

divine seduction by @chateautae [one-shot, 11k] - Demon & Angel AU Demon King, Angel reader. Dom Tae. Eeeeessshhh. Such a good fic!

Obsidian by @kpopfanfictrash [series, completed] - Magic AU, enemies to lovers The world-building and concept in this fic is unparalleled. And this Tae is so hot.

tear you apart. by @bratkook [one-shot, 13.2k] - Demon AU, pwp This demon Tae should be illegal. Horny dream manipulation, as demons do. And Jungkook as a buzzfeed unsolved nerd, I love him.

Black Ravens by @kth1 [one-shot, 8k] - Vampire AU, pwp Dom vampire Tae. That’s all you need to know.

scenes of misguided magic by @wwilloww​ (feat. Jungkook) [one-shot, 2.3k] - Magic AU A magical threesome for a spell. So hot!!

Beastly Gods by @lemonjoonah [one-shot, 8k words] - Hybrid AU, yandere This one is so fucked in such a good way. Reminds me of a Grimm tale in a spooky forest.

Carved by @haliiimede [series, ongoing] - Demon AU, dark dark series, enemies to lovers This world is so interesting and I love Jungkook’s dynamic. One of the darkest fics on here, lots of trauma.

ALLURE by @badbhye​ [one-shot, 5.3k] - Vampire AU Dom but also soft and romantic Tae.

🧚 Jimin

Realm of Enchantment by @jkeuphoriadreamland (feat. Taehyung) [series, completed] - Fae AU, yandere One of my favorite Jimin fics. I think of this way too often. Faerie Jimin definitely has an FDA warning.

Lovely Demons by @kpopfanfictrash [one-shot, 42k] - Prince of hell, Witch AU, enemies to lovers This was one of the first fics I read by kpopfanfictrash and I was hooked. Everything they write is elite.

Treasure by @sombreboy [one-shot, 4.7k] - Faerie dragon hybrid, yandere I have a serious thing for Faerie Jimin.

oh, little red by @jincherie (feat. Yoongi) [one-shot, 13.3k] - Hybrid Wolf AU Y’all this is so hot. dom!Yoonmin, a dark forest, bondage, knotting, ok bye.

My Princess by @kth1 [one-shot, 10k] - Vampire AU, kinda pwp Jimin is so soft I love him.

🧟 Yoongi

Love Lockdown by @personasintro [series, ongoing] - Zombie apocalypse AU, enemies to lovers No smut yet but excited for it cause this dynamic is chef’s kiss.

Blood Bounty by @lemonjoonah (feat. Taehyung) [series, completed] - Vampire AU, yandere A mind fuck of a story, lemonjoonah never disappoints with the twists.

oh, little red by @jincherie (feat. Jimin) [one-shot, 13.3k] - Hybrid Wolf AU Y’all this is so hot. dom!Yoonmin, a dark forest, bondage, knotting, ok bye.

the dark. by @bratkook [one-shot, 18k] - Demon AU Love this concept! Mysterious Halloween club, sign me up.

the velvet devil. by @junghelioseok [one-shot, 10.5k] - Vampire AU Yoongi is so cute and protective.

Borderland by @mygsii [one-shot, 8k] - Demon AU The story building in this is great.

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1 year ago

nectar: a series | pjm

Nectar: A Series | Pjm

↳ pairing: vampirehuman!jimin x vampire!(f)reader

↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | college | supernatural | roommates to lovers | smut | angst | fluff

↳ word count: 35k (as of June 2023)

↳ warnings: all the standard vampire shit, explicit smut, each fic has its own warnings

↳ notes: i already know i'm probably gonna write more drabbles of the nectar couple, so i might as well just make a nectar masterlist to free up space on my main masterlist, right?? yes. we love organization

↳ main masterlist

↳ what was jai listening to?  the nectar playlist

#nectar - series tag

#nectar jimin - character inspiration

Nectar: A Series | Pjm

*fics are listed in chronological order per the AU, not chronological from the time I wrote them (I hope that makes sense??) Basically, I might write a drabble that occurs in the past, so I will list it wherever it is supposed to go in the AU’s timeline

Nectar | 16k | May 2022

↳ Humans have this annoying habit of being drawn to danger, and you’re having a hard time stopping yourself from sinking your teeth into your new roommate. You’re not sure what’s more tantalizing: his impossibly good looks or his seemingly innocent way of flirting with the darkest part of you.

Touch Me After Midnight | 19k | October 2022

↳ Dating a human is a lot more complicated than you thought it would be. You’re terrified that you might hurt your boyfriend, even when he insists that everything is fine. But things most definitely are not fine when someone from your past arrives to shake up your already rocky relationship.

Lost In A Heartbeat | 2.8k | May 2023

↳ Keeping up with your fledgling boyfriend’s new sexual appetite wasn’t something you’d considered when you agreed to turn him.

Nectar: A Series | Pjm

all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3

do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work

Tags :
1 year ago

nectar | pjm


Humans have this annoying habit of being drawn to danger, and you’re having a hard time stopping yourself from sinking your teeth into your new roommate. You’re not sure what’s more tantalizing: his impossibly good looks or his seemingly innocent way of flirting with the darkest part of you.

» pairing: human!jimin x vampire!reader 

»date & wc: May 2022 | 16k

»genre: BTS | 18+ | roommates to lovers | supernatural au | (why do i keep writing college aus??) | smut | angst | fluff (maybe?)

»warnings: alcohol | biting (it’s a vampire fic, duh) | blood | blood play | choking | degradation kink | discrimination (humans vs. vampires) | fingering | hypnosis | lots of swearing | masturbation | pain kink | reader is kinda mean to jimin for most of the fic | scratching | slapping | unprotected sex | vampire venom gets jimin high

»notes: *tiktok sound* this shit rated porn !!!! pls pay attention to the warnings. i don’t wanna freak anyone out unexpectedly!! but anyway this was really fun to write. i looooooove supernatural aus and i wanted to make a member the human for once. so i hope you freaks enjoy! 🧛🏽🩸💦

» masterlist | ao3 | join my taglist

»what was jai listening to?nectar - wayv // boy meets evil - bts


series masterlist

Nectar | Pjm

Ambrogio University had the bright idea to open its doors to humans. Having been a private university for vampires for five centuries, the controversial decision to end the admissions practice of denying humans was the university president’s final declaration before retiring. She had been known for operating from a far more inclusive mindset compared to previous presidents. But despite her charitable mindset, most current students, alumni, and staff were up in arms about the whole thing. Even a few trustees were ready to pull out of supporting the university (and many of them actually did). Not only was there a social shift on campus, but there was a sudden concern about the financial impact of opening the university’s doors to humans. 

Still, the efforts were underway with full force. A flood of humans were applying as first years, and even more were transferring from human-only universities. 

Which was how you ended up with a new human transfer student, Park Jimin, standing at the front door of your dorm with a backpack slung over his shoulder, a large cardboard box in his arms, and a suitcase at his feet. You’re sure he’d given you a proper greeting, but all you could focus on was his prominent Adam’s apple and his muscular neck. 

This shit was stupid. 

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
11 months ago

Glory & Gore

Glory & Gore

The point of blind dates is to not know who you're meeting prior to the date. You were set up with Jimin by a mutual friend. Sadly for Jimin, he didn't know you were a serial killer who killed your victims after fucking their brains out. Sadly for you, you didn't know Jimin was a vampire and wouldn't be killed easily.

Warning: vampire jimin, blood, neck snapping, mentioning of killing/sucking blood, compelling, pain kink, jimin tied up, hitting (punching/slapping) stabbing, disturbing scenes, stalking, neck biting, intoxication,

Word Count: 6,570

Glory & Gore

Jimin had once loathed the idea of falling in love. He was centuries old, witnessing the world around him change and evolve to what it was now. Living through centuries to some could feel like ages, but to Jimin it was as though it flashed through his eyes in a matter of seconds. He had a good run, he'd admit. Living through plagues and wars. Meeting historical figures and even going through adrenaline rushes like jumping off of cliffs and going through high-speed chases with the police. He would say he truly lived.

It was Taehyung's idea - his long-term friend who was much of the same as him - that he starts dating. Jimin was more of the "hit it and quit it" type. He had amazing sex back in his time - dealing with orgies in the Mediterranean was possibly his favorite. Yet, he couldn't say anyone stood out to him and that was ages ago. Taehyung insisted that it was time for Jimin to settle down and, by the man's words, "Buy a home with a white picket fence, maybe a pet and find yourself a lover".

Jimin attempted to go on dates, but no one ever caught his eye. When you lived through centuries and different times, only someone quite charming could make his interest peak. By the fifth date he had understandably given up. He didn't need to find someone to live forever with - especially if that someone was meant to be a human. As long as he lived, the only person he had turned into a Vampire - the new name humans call them - was Taehyung himself. He had no real reason to turn anyone else, Taehyung being like a brother to him when he found his friend near death. Having to snap his neck after forcing him to drink his blood hurt his heart - but having Taehyung wake up blood thirsty and though not alive, seeming as if he was, was worth it.

Taehyung was the first to greet him when he returned back to the small town Taehyung now resides in. He had a few residences that he owned and had given him one to live in - coincidentally with a white picket fence - and declared that he had the perfect woman for him to date. No matter how many times Jimin insisted that he didn't need help finding a partner - male or female - Taehyung was not one to be told no.

So, Jimin agreed.

However, he did have requirements. If this person was someone for him, he had to make sure it was up to his standards. Jimin asks Taehyung the correct questions. Was he or she beautiful for a "vampire"? Did they exceed the level of confidence that wouldn't make them insecure around him? Were they highly intelligent - possibly rich? Money didn't matter, of course, but he wasn't going to have someone around him that only wanted him for his own.

The most important - as of now - were they good in bed? Taehyung wouldn't know this question and before he could even have the chance to ask, Taehyung had vanished before his eyes and left the older man alone in the home he gifted him. Jimin had released a heavy sigh and decided he needed some wine infused with his favorite type of blood.

It was exactly the next day when Taehyung had returned around dinner time. Neither of them ate human food, so to see Taehyung carrying a large box of pizza raises an eyebrow, but as he allows his friend inside, he could hear it. Smell it.

You. Jimin could hear the way your heartbeat quickens, pushing blood throughout your body. He inhales when you step your foot inside of his home and gives him a cute, shy bow. It makes Jimin licks his lips - you were his favorite type of blood and Taehyung knew this.

"This is Y/N."

Jimin hears Taehyung's words as though they're far - echoing into his mind. However, his full focus was on you and your beating heart. It pounds through his head until all he could think of was having you - devouring you on the spot. He can count the number of times your heart beats per second if he truly desired.

"What?" Jimin snaps his head to Taehyung who releases a few dry chuckles.

"I said," Taehyung places a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "you're drooling."

Jimin scoffs. He shrugs off Taehyung's hand and offers you his hand to take. You do, a flush on your cheeks. Your heart is increasingly breathing through his ears when he brings your hand close to his lips and place a kiss upon them.

Jimin gulps. He was close to your veins and in a quick movement could easily have the taste of your sweet, savory blood inside of him. But he wouldn't - you were a friend of Taehyung's and an obviously the woman expected to settle down with him.


"Jimin." You finished, the sound of his name coming through your lips was enough for Jimin to like you (enough to not want to drain you dry right before him).

Jimin was no monster by all means. He understood that killing humans would do nothing but raise suspicion - even if there was probably a serial killer going around killing men. He had no problem with buying his favorite blood off of the black market or frequenting blood brothels.

"This is Y/N." Taehyung repeats your name, but Jimin's eyes doesn't remove themselves from yours. "She's my assistant."

Jimin raises a brow. He wasn't 100% sure what Taehyung did exactly that he needed an assistant, but he wouldn't question. Instead, he was going to focus on you, the beauty pumping his favorite blood through your veins.

Taehyung takes a seat after placing the box of pizza on the coffee table, arms crossed. He wasn't planning on staying for long, just enough to get you comfortable with Jimin. By the looks of it, you wouldn't be anything but comfortable. You and Jimin sat side by side, both speaking in hushed tones that his advanced ears easily picked up on.

Taehyung finds you fascinating. You were an interesting individual that would be giving Jimin the adrenaline rush he craved.

It didn't take long for Taehyung to leave, only a half an hour. You eat a slice of pizza and Jimin does, as well, but only to make you feel at ease. He had no desire for human food, and every desire to sink his teeth into you.

"Taehyung is convinced that you're going to be interested in me."

Jimin furrows a brow at your words. "Is that so?" He wasn't wrong.

You lick the corners of your lips and nod. "I'm not sure why."

"You don't find yourself interesting?"

You shrug your shoulders and Jimin hums.

"I'm sure you do. You couldn't stop staring at my neck."

Jimin's lips twitched.

"I have that effect on people."

You weren't new to this, and this is what made you captivating. But you were also observant. There was no doubt he was looking at the veins littering your neck, but it wasn't in the way you assumed - not fully, at least.

"What makes you think you have that effect on me?" Jimin leans back into the cushioned couch.

Jimin wishes he can read minds by the twinkle in your eyes. You tilt your head as you watch him, eyes darting between his lips, to his chiseled jaw to his dark eyes.

"Are you saying you don't want to have a taste?"

Jimin's eyes darkens. Your words indeed affect him in ways you have no ways of understanding - because he indeed wanted a taste. More ways than one.

"Are you willing to give me a...taste?" Jimin's eyes flicker to your lips. They're plushed and puckered.

You lean forward, neck exposed to him. You appeared as though you knew of what he was, but Jimin is positive you were clueless. "I'll give you a taste of whatever you want..." you murmur. " long as I also get to have a taste myself."

You yelp when you feel Jimin - with such speed in nearly knocks the breath out of you - into his lap. His lips are on your neck, inhaling deeply and sending wet, open-mouthed kisses. You can feel his teeth grazing against it.

"You smell amazing." Jimin grunts. His nails dig into the skin of your hips. "Amazing enough to eat."

It took deep rooted strength for Jimin to not sink his teeth into now. He's positive that you'd be sweet and savory. It's been a while since Jimin got to taste his favorite blood type straight from the vein.

Your blood flows smoothly throughout your body and Jimin can smell your excitement. 

"Pick your poison." Jimin murmurs against your neck. Just how dirty were you, he wonders. Were you the vanilla type? He wasn't opposed to soft and passionate sex, but it wasn't his cup of tea. 

"I don't think you'd be interested in what I'm into." you giggle cutely and Jimin couldn't help but laugh. You were so cute, adorable even. You weren't dumb, just uninformed. You didn't know Jimin wasn't mortal who had countless of sex - good, bad and the ugly - throughout the years. Nothing was ever off limits for him.

"Try me." Jimin grazes his teeth against your neck.

You hum, slowly grinding in Jimin's lap. You can feel how hard he is and his fingernails dig deeper into your skin.

"Are you more submissive or dominant?"

The question catches him by surprise. He was dominant when it came to humans - male or female. He rarely had anyone dominate him - he wasn't what they were. However, he wasn't opposed to being submissive, only when it came to those the same as him. 

Jimin licks his lips. "Do you want to take control?" he asks. Maybe it's your scent that intoxicates him. How can a human woman take control of him when he could easily snap your neck with ease?

You smirk, hands that once laid on his shoulders now tangling in his tresses. You yank them so he's now looking into your eyes. "Would you let me do whatever I want?"

Jimin grunts and nods, and this brings a smile to your lips. It appeared crazed - Jimin assuming you were the kinky dominator who got off at hurting men, He would go along with it, pretending you'd hurt him to satisfy your ego. 

Maybe Jimin would even enjoy it. 

It didn't take long for you to be in Jimin's bedroom. It was clean, the bed large sitting in the middle of the room. His sheets were soft and velvet.

You were the dominate type, Jimin notes amusingly. You were also prepared. The purse you held came equipped with rope that you tied as hard as you could after you demanded he strip naked, cock on full display. Jimin would wince every now and then to keep up the act of being human.

You stripped yourself of your own clothing, sporting a dark red lingerie set that amazes him. it was simply effective and Jimin was never the lingerie type of man. But he savors the way you strut over to him confidently. 

You had rules that needed to be followed. You went through them and Jimin only nodded.

"Say cherry if you want me to stop." you instructed - he never intended to. "Let me know if I'm taking anything too far." Nothing was too far, whatever you had he could surely handle. 

"Do whatever you want to me." Jimin shrugged, a taunting tone in his voice.

And you did. You straddle him and suddenly landed a few hits against his chest, head tilting for a reaction.

Jimin didn't give you nothing but a lip bite.

You slapped him across the face a few times, rubbing your clothed pussy against his bare cock and Jimin could do nothing but moan. He can feel you - moist and warm pussy dripping at the act of hurting him. Your slaps (soon to be punches) was child's play, but he would wince and moan to satisfy you.

You release your own moan at the tint of his skin. You leaned down to place a kiss upon his lips just to sink your teeth onto his bottom lip, drawing blood.

Jimin grunts, hip jutting into you. He was dead, technically, yet Jimin has consumed enough amount of blood - human and animal - that he could bleed just as a human can. He wouldn't die like a human would if he lost a significant amount, but he bleed nonetheless.

What causes Jimin to nearly go feral was your eyes watching him as you licked his blood off of his bottom lip.

You were a different breed, and he was going to have fun with you.

"Do you think I'm a freak?"

Jimin shakes his head slowly.

You smile and Jimin leans into his pillows. He supposes you are cute.

"I'm going to ride you." you state, lifting yourself up so you can push your panties to the side. "Until I cum. Hopefully you cum along the way. I was never known to cater to a man."

Jimin liked you and your cocky attitude. He was going to cum - in his own way. He wasn't human and he didn't release the way male humans do with sperm. He was filled with him own venomous fluid that took a good fucking to release - he could always compel you to ride him until he indeed 'came'. 

You sink down onto Jimin and shiver. He was big and had the perfect girth you only experienced with a dildo. You start off slow, adjusting to his size. You don't care that your nails are digging into his skin but neither does Jimin. 

You speed up the pace and it's alarming. Your stamina wasn't up to par with his kind, but for a human you were amazing. Your juices flow effortlessly onto him and you're fucking yourself without a care. You wrap your arms around Jimin's neck and squeeze - having no need to breath Jimin allows you to choke him however much you desired. 

"You let me do whatever I want to you." you moan out, pussy squeezing his cock that send shockwaves throughout his body. "You're like a little fuck toy."

Jimin grunts, his hips gutting to go deeper into your pussy. Human women weren't like you - dominant and degrading. You weren't afraid to hurt him, and he enjoyed it more than he'd thought he would. 

You squeeze your eyes shut and hover about Jimin. He took it upon himself to fuck into you at full force, his arms bound by the rope but that didn't stop him. You were going to cum soon, but not until you got off with what you truly wanted. 

"It's a shame..."  you murmur out, pussy dripping all over Jimin's abdomen. You were close to cumming and Jimin knew this - but he wasn't going to stop until you came the next ten times and had the chance to taste your own blood. "...that we won't be doing this again. I actually might like you."

Jimin's confused because he's sure he'd allow you to come back whenever you desired. "What makes you think you won't see me again?" Jimin grunts, eyes watching your bouncing breast. To suck your nipples until they're swollen is what he'd want to do next - maybe even get a taste of the blood flow.

You begin to laugh, pussy clenching. Jimin doesn't halt his thrust, not until he feels you let loose. You're cumming now, and before Jimin could do anything else, he feels a sharp pain straight to his heart. His eyes widen and his thrusts halt. 

You bring the sharp knife into Jimin's chest repeatedly. You begin to ride off your orgasm, blood squirting from Jimin's heart right onto your chest. 

The knife pierces him multiple times and Jimin can feel his body reacting. His vision blurs and all he could hear was your moans mixed with laughter.

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Jimin brings a pale hand up to wipe off the mud from his face. He spits out the dirt inside his mouth in disgust. He's pissed - beyond pissed. He's unsure who should he kill first, you; the bitch who did this to him, or Taehyung, the motherfucker who introduced you to him.

Jimin stares into the sky. No doubt he's been buried in this disgusting field for a few days. The sky was a dark grey filled with clouds. Droplets of rainwater began to fall, smearing the dirt covering his - extremely expensive- clothing.

Jimin is seething as he runs through the deep forest, the tree's passing by appearing blurry irrelevancies. He was going to kill you. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around your neck and watch your life drain right before his eyes. It'll bring great joy to hear the way your heartbeat quickens with fear until it rapidly drops - until it stops. Then, he'd be satisfied. 

Jimin would have to drain you dry first; make sure not a single drop of your blood gets missed by him. It'll bring immense joy to kill you after he foolishly decided to give you a chance. It was an honor that he was fascinated in you and here you've gone and ruined it by attempting to kill him. Keyword: attempting. 

Jimin scoffs as he reaches Taehyung's home. He throws the front door open and strolls in, a trail of mud marking the pristine floors. 

You didn't know what Jimin was and that was your downfall. However, Jimin was no fool. You've done this before - killed. You worked fast, bringing the knife into his heart so rapidly that he didn't have a chance to defend himself (ironically enough). He awoke beneath the ground, buried deep enough to not be found by anyone and so far from civilization that you could be considered a professional.

But Jimin wouldn't completely blame you. You were a serial killer no doubt and probably the one he's heard mumblings about. Serial killers didn't concern him because he couldn't be killed by the average human. However, you concerned him now for your attempts upon him. You weren't a man that the media thought you were and though you impressed him with your skill - your lifeline was going to end soon.

But before he'd deal with you, he'll deal with Taehyung.

"What the fuck?" Taehyung's eyes widen at the mess staining his floors. "You're making a mess-"

Jimin wraps a hand around Taehyung's neck with inhumane speed and throws him to the nearest bookshelf. It crumbles at the impact, but Jimin remains unbothered. He places his muddy shoe against Taehyung's neck. "I had to dig myself out of the ground." he spits. "Because of that bitch you introduced me to."

Taehyung struggles against Jimin's strength. He was smaller in frame compared to him, but Jimin's strength could easily overpower him. He was centuries ahead of him in age, after all. 

"I hope you are not fond of that bitch." Jimin snatches Taehyung forward, hands around his neck. "I'm going to kill her.'

Taehyung widens his eyes. "Hyung," he hisses. "let me explain-"

Jimin snaps Taehyung's neck. His friend falls to the ground lifelessly. 

Jimin sighs. He hates punishing Taehyung, but this was unacceptable. His clothes were ruined, as were his shoes. His hair would take more than a few washes to get the mud and dirt out and not only that, but how fucking embarrassing was it that a human girl caught him by surprised?

Jimin shakes his head. Taehyung would be fine. In a few hours he would wake - the snap to the neck wasn't as severe to last long. In the meantime, he would use his shower to get the mess off of him while he decided how he was going to kill you.

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You tap your fingernails against your desk, eyes drifting between your computer to your boss's shut door. Taehyung wasn't in today. It was weird to not see him on the days you worked. The large window that displays his desk is empty and no one else appears to know where he is.

You ponder if Taehyung is looking for Jimin. The last week Taehyung had mention that Jimin wasn't taking his calls and that he'd might have to visit the man. You agreed - stating that Jimin had ignored several of your texts and assumed that maybe he didn't want to be bothered.

Of course, you knew the truth - but you couldn't tell this to Taehyung. How could you ever explain to your boss that you killed his friend while fucking him to your orgasm? It wasn't something you'd ever tell anyone, not even a journal or diary.

Jimin was a cute one. He was experienced in sex, and it wasn't anything special for you to dwell on. He was bound by the wrist but could still fuck you fully. But that didn't stop him and neither did you.

Killing brought an adrenaline through you. The act of appearing innocent with the idiotic men you chose is nearly comical. They'd never suspect that you were a threat to them. You were considered nothing but a defenseless woman that couldn't carry her own.

But you weren't - you were the same serial killer murdering all these men for the last few months. The news stated that you were a man hunting at random. The true crime podcasts had their own theories of who you were and your reasonings. You heard that your "childhood was filled with abuse" but their theories weren't correct.

You yourself are unsure the core root of the start of your murderous rampage. Your first time murdering a man had made you sick - you vomited for days. Soon, you were able to ignore the stench that came with getting rid of the body and how to cover your tracks. You learned how to steadily hold your weapon with ease. You would once dump the bodies of the men at random locations, but the thought of being caught frightened you.

You began burying the men deep within woody forest areas - sometimes in cemeteries. No one ever questioned someone digging a grave at a cemetery.

The ringing of your office phone jolts you back into reality. You hastily grab the phone and answer with your best customer service voice. You didn't hear anything on the other end, but you were a patient person. You repeated another time just as sweetly, but still heard nothing.

"Waste of my time." you slam the phone down on the receiver and sigh.

The phone rings once more, this time you look at the caller I.D and frown. It was probably a prank caller and this time your patience was wearing thin.

You answered the phone, but before you can speak, the caller does. "I should gut you and drain you dry." the voice hisses before the line goes dead. Your eyes widen at the menacing words and your heart thumps outside your chest at the familiar voice.

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Following you wasn't a part of the plan. While he showered the mud off of his skin, he thought about how he'd end your life. He wasn't opposed to hurting women as long as they deserved it, but it wasn't an act he enjoyed doing. Even if he was a human, his strength would rival a woman so as an immortal with inhumane strength, it was simply unfair.

But you were a bitch. A bitch who pretended to like him and got him vulnerable before you killed him - of course, not literally.

Jimin's pride was hurt. He was embarrassed. No one has ever done anything like this to him. He was a man of great strength and intelligence. A woman - a human woman at that - managed to distract him enough to seemingly end his life. Did you work alone? He wasn't obese, but he was solid enough to not be easy.

Another part of Jimin was impressed with your tactic. You appeared as an everyday woman working as an assistant. Not purely innocent, but not one to fuck, murder and dump a body. What he pondered on was if you truly ever were interested in him. Did he captivate you differently from the other men? Or was he the same as them - a good fuck and a good kill?

How Jimin was going to kill you didn't concern him. He could snap your neck easily, bleed you dry as you were his favorite blood type, and burn your body in the deepest part of the woods.

But what was the fun in that? You had your adrenaline rushing fun and he wanted his.

The phone calls began as Jimin watches you sit at your desk. Taehyung wouldn't be in today; he was sore from the neck snapping injury. But taking Taehyung's phone and getting your number wasn't difficult. He began calling you after you clocked out of work and made your way home. By the third call, he was blocked. But that didn't bother him. He had endless money at his defense and that meant endless number of phones and phone numbers he can call off of - all at once.

The pictures came next. He couldn't enter your home without an invitation, but that didn't mean he couldn't walk the perimeter of your home. He'd developed the pictures of you walking into said home, getting into your car and even pictures of you at work; at the same desk he made the first phone call.

The look on your face each time you witness said pictures brought satisfaction to his non-beating heart. To watch you day by day become completely unhinged; frightened. Constantly looking over your shoulder to ensure he wasn't near, but you understood he was. You were a serial killer after all.

Jimin was growing tired of hearing your heartbeat. When you were frightened, the blood pumps your blood through you at an alarmingly delicious pace. It was time, he could feel it through his venom filled veins.

It was early morning when Jimin decided it was your time to die. It was raining when you left your home for work, surveying your surroundings before you do so. It was dark and the surrounding homes were all left quiet. You enter your car and Jimin could hear you lock your doors soon after you entered.

Your actions bring a scoff out of Jimin. Nothing could stop him from getting to you - especially not locked doors to a car he could destroy the hinges of.

You take a deep breath before reversing out of your home. Your wipers are on the highest setting they can be and yet, you still have difficulty seeing the road.

Your paranoia has since skyrocketed out of control. You're unsure how you managed to get out of your home and go to work or run errands with an apparent stalker. The pictures, the messages and the constant phone calls - you blame your ego. You have yet to see anyone, but it always feels as though they're a pair of eyes on you at all times.

As you proceeded to drive down the rainy and dark road, your phone vibrates in your lap. You're hesitant to see but your curiosity gets the better of you. You don't recognize the number on your screen, but all the numbers were never the same. You've managed to change your number but whoever the stalker was had gotten ahold of it.

"Watch out." you read aloud. Your eyes flicker to the road and your heart nearly stops. You stomp on the breaks, skidding against the wet pavement of the road.

Your eyes are wide and you're afraid to blink. The pale skin glistens in the rain as your headlights shine against him. His eyes are dark as they watch you through your windshield. Your terrified to move, not even as he makes his way closer to you.

Jimin doesn't appear to be a figment of your imagination. The last you saw of him; you were dragging his lifeless body to your car and to the nearest woody area.

You've attempted to get off of the breaks and floor the gas, but your window breaks, and you're being dragged out of your car. It continues to drive down the road, becoming faster by the second.

The palms of your hands manage to catch yourself as you fall.

"Get up."

His voice haunts you. You crawl against the wet ground to get asway, but once again your hair is being pulled.

"You aren't the great serial killer I thought you were." Jimin's voice is taunting you. "Go ahead and kill me. Do something."

You fight against him, but only when he pushes you aside do you manage to let yourself get free. You turn to face him, eyes wide with shock. You crawl backwards, another attempt to get away. The road is silent, and no other cars are in sight - not even yours.

"I-I..." you cough, choking on your own words. You killed him. You watched him die - bloody and all. "J-Jimin, I-"

"Why are you stuttering?"

Jimin is in front of you within seconds, speed incredible. He wraps a tight hand around your neck.

"Where's the confidence I seen the other night? Where's the woman who gave me the best fuck in decades? Maybe even centuries." Jimin cackles. "Where's the woman who killed me without remorse?"

"I'm sorry." you began to cry, heart racing.

"Pathetic." Jimin scoffs. He shoves you away. You stumble, but don't fall. "To think...that I actually liked you."

"I liked you, too." You gulp.

"Stop lying to me!"

Jimin's sudden roar frightens you. You hold yourself, slowly stepping away.

"I did." you admit. Of course, there was no doubt that you were scared shitless. But it wasn't a lie that you enjoyed Jimin in the moment. "I...I just thought..." you lick your lips. If you made it out alive today, you'd surely catch a cold. "...what are you?"

There it was. Jimin snorts. The million-dollar question. "What do you think I am?"

"A demon?"

Jimin shrugs. "Maybe I am." he responds. He's in front of you in a blink of an eye. "Your heart is pounding from a mile away. It makes your blood smell so refreshing."

The color drains from your face. The mention of your blood brings a sudden realization through you.

You weren't big on mythology. The only thing you knew about those who enjoyed blood were vampires. It would explain the way he stands before you seemingly unharmed. He was pale, but not strikingly pale to the point you'd be concerned.

What about the blood? Vampires didn't bleed, did they? They were dead.

"You're confused but you know what I am." Jimin offers a taunting smile. "And here Taehyung thought you and I were going to be together forever."

The mention of your boss makes you feel sick. " he."

"Yes, he is the same as I." Jimin nods. "He's one of my best friends, after all."

Taehyung was a vampire, as well. Jimin was a vampire.

You. You were human and now you were in deep shit.

"Do you like my blood?"

Jimin is caught off guard by the question. He can hear your heartbeat become steady. He ponders on the question you asked him while intimate - did he think you were a freak? In this moment, yes. You were different. Frightened, but curious.

"Yes." Jimin admits. "It's my favorite. I can't wait to sink my teeth into you."

Jimin's teeth become sharper, canines pulsing beyond the others. 

"You can't die." You state. You're trembling, fear mixed with the cold rain. "If you can't die that means-"

"Are you trying to make a compromise?" Jimin is beyond astonished. "After you put me in the ground in the middle of fucking nowhere?" The audacity of you.

"You can feed off of me!" you exclaim. You're unsure if what you did know about vampires were true. Did the prefer to feed directly from the neck or did it even matter? Could they walk in the sunlight, or would they burn right there - you were sure they didn't sparkle like you've seen in Twilight.

Jimin furrows a brow, amused. This was a new one. You were determined to not die, it appears. 

"And maybe I...can kill you."

Jimin snarls.

"You can't die!" you protest. "I-It can be a game. I like you can come to like me."

In the centuries that Jimin's lived, no one has ever compromised in such a way. 

"Then I wouldn't have to kill anyone else if I can..." you take a deep breath. It was insane to try to make a deal with a vampire on a vengeance. "...kill you. It's not like you'd die."

Jimin licks his lips. You were serious, and he was curious. 

"You'd let me have a taste?"

You nod hastily. You're unsure if he would even consider your proposition, but it was worth a try. 

Jimin hums, but his lips hover above your neck, nonetheless. "Run." he hisses. 

And you do, as fast as you could. You nearly fall a few times but manages. The sky is starting to show some light, but not enough for you to know where you're running, ironically, through the wooded area. 

You scream pierce throughout the trees, but it's died down with the sound of the rain. Your back hits a nearby tree and the breath gets knocked out of your chest. 

"We did it your way the last time." Jimin's hands are cold against your chin. "We're doing this my way now."

The pain is excruciating for the first couple of seconds, but then you began to feel warm throughout. It was a weird feeling. You felt lighter.

Your hand reaches out to grab Jimin's shirt, clenching tightly. 

"Please fuck me."

Jimin licks his lips, shivering in pleasure. Your blood was exquisite. 

"As much as I would love to..." Jimin leans back, eyes watching yours. You were intoxicated with the venomous fluid that dripped into your blood. "...I would rather not take advantage."

You gulp.

"And as tempting as your offer is..." Jimin wraps both hands around your neck. Maybe he would come to regret his decision to kill you - but he couldn't allow you to consume him. He snaps your neck and watches as your body drops to the ground lifelessly. 

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Taehyung watches as the elevator lifts him to the top floor. He has yet to get in contact with Jimin and he's grown upset with the older vampire. To barge into his home and punish him for your actions was uncalled for.

The elevator dings as he reaches the top floor where his office was located. As the door opens, Taehyung's eyes widen at the bloody scene before him.

Blood stained the walls as he trails further inside. He notes bodies of his employees, all dead and gutted. The scene would have disgusted his human form, but he was far from human now. The mess would be hell to clean up, but it wasn't impossible.


Taehyung's head snaps to the side. He tilts his head. "Y/N."

You're dripping wet, possibly from the rain outside. Your clothing is torn and your covered in blood, but not your own.

"I-I...I'm so hungry." you cry, eyes wide with confusion.

Taehyung knew you would be.

When Taehyung met you, he was fascinated by your aura. He was even more fascinated to know you were a serial killer. It was fun, as fucked up as it was, to introduce you to his hyung. You were his favorite blood type, and he was curious on what you'd do. Would you kill him like the others or spare him?

Taehyung got his answer when he hadn't received any word from Jimin. He'd came into work and asked about your night with Jimin and your thoughts about him. You claimed to like him and desired in seeing him again - he sensed no lies from you. You did want to see Jimin again, but you lied about not knowing his whereabouts.

Taehyung was no fool knowing that if you did kill Jimin, that he would come back for you in vengeance. You were interesting nonetheless, and he understood that Jimin also took an interest in you. It was a matter of time before Jimin returned so Taehyung did what he needed to do to make sure Jimin thought twice about killing you.

Taehyung had offered you a drink mixed with blood - Jimin's blood. Vampire blood remained in the system for a week. Witnessing you here confused and hungry, that meant that Jimin had killed you recently.

"I know you are." Taehyung pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"I didn't mean to kill them." You're in front of him fast, not yet understanding how to control your sudden speed. "I-I...they tasted so good."

"Ssshh." Taehyung shushed. "Let me call someone to come get you."

"The police?!" you screech.

"Y/N. You're immortal." Taehyung is amused by your reaction. "No human - man or woman - can stop what you are."

You nod your head and sit down at the nearest table. You're unsure what's happened to you. The last thing you remembered was Jimin biting you and then suddenly you were at work feasting on your coworkers.


How long have you sat there?

Your head snaps up to come face to face with Jimin and he looked pissed.

Jimin was livid when he received a phone call from Taehyung explaining the situation. He never got anywhere to confront his friend faster than he did now.

You were alive - in a way - and sat before his eyes covered in blood.

"Why'd you do this?" Jimin asks Taehyung, eyes on you.

"Didn't you like her?" Taehyung asks. "I know she likes you."

Jimin sighs.

"I knew you'd kill her if she decided to kill you." Taehyung leans against the wall. "This is the most excitement you had in decades, hyung!"

You lean back against your chair and hiss.

"She's hungry." Jimin notes. And you wouldn't be satisfied unless you learned how to feed and become satisfied.

"She's sired to you." Taehyung murmurs. "Don't ask how I got your blood."

Jimin grunts. Of course, Taehyung was always the mischievous type. You were sired to him like Taehyung was. This could only mean that Taehyung had indeed planned this from the start.

Jimin strolls towards you and shakes his head. "I can never get rid of you, can I?" Jimin brings his wrist up to his mouth and bites until it draws blood. "Drink." he orders, and you do hungrily. Jimin encourages you, gently petting your head.

"Well, lovebirds." Taehyung claps his hands in satisfaction. "I'll be calling the cleaners."

Jimin waits until you're satisfied and full. You lick your lips and stare up - almost innocently - at him.

"A-are you going to kill me?"

Jimin could. You were nothing but a lowlife newborn and he could surely snap your neck while you sat here.

But, you were interesting. The most adrenaline he felt in years.

"No." Jimin murmurs. "You're sired to me now. You can't betray me even if you wanted to."

You nod your head. "What happens now?"

Jimin offers you his hand to take. "Let's go home." he says to you when your hand is in his.

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@silversparkles11 @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @darkuni63 @castlewolfsbane

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4 years ago

Hey! Can i have vampire au with jimin please? No smut just fluffy :*

Hey ARMY, listen up! See this??? ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️


I made and edited this gif. In fact, I make and/or edit a lot of the gifs I use myself. You may have noticed that I use the tag #btsgif in some of my posts, even if they contain writing. That’s because I want ARMY to see all of my creations, including the gif I make as a header. Therefore, I think the tag is relevant.

In addition, not only do I want ARMY to see my gifs, I want to encourage ARMY to use them. Yep, that’s right! Feel free to steal this gif, I just ask you give me credit for the edit. After all, it’s not even my content I make/edit the gifs from, it’s obviously the property of BigHit and BTS.

However, in the future, I will be sure to be very specific in my posts, and post a disclaimer that I’m not just using the tag for clout, I’m using it so ARMY can find the gif I made and use it however they like. It’ll look something like this:

Disclaimer: This gif was made and/or edited by me, kutemouse. That is why I’ve posted this under the tag #btsgif. Feel free to use this gif however you want, just give me credit for the edit.

Hopefully this way, the 🚨tumblr police🚨 will leave my kute ass alone. Okies? Everyone happy? Good.

And with that out of the way, let’s continue on to this request. When it came in, it made me a tad apprehensive because it gave me a CHALLENGE, kutie anon. I mean, fluffy vampires? Fluffy JIMIN vampire? I’ve only written brooding, mysterious, playboy Jimin vamp in my book “Cursed,” so I had to take a couple days and really think about how I could make this work. I hope you like what came out of my brain. Much 💜 to you for challenging me in new ways, therefore improving my writing 😊

Disclaimer: Beauty and the Beast belongs to Disney, just in case 😉

Age Recommendation: 16+

Warnings: Swearz for dayz. A bit of angst. Vamp Jimin being extra. Soobin from TxT magically appears. A little bit o’ flirting.

Word Count: 2,845

Summary: You’re an artist trying to obtain a university degree. One day, you get the strangest phone call asking you for the strangest commission you’ve ever had: Come live with this rich recluse and paint his portrait all summer. What could go wrong?


Summer Portraits (Jimin One-Shot, Fluff, Vampire) Part One

You looked up at the large house, a feeling of intimidation creeping over you. It just looked dark, even in the bright sunlight, and most, if not all, of the windows were covered. What kind of person lived here of all places? In the middle of nowhere? Seems pretty sketch.

You’d gotten the call last week. “We’ll pay you a handsome commission,” the smooth voice said. “And we’ll cover the costs of travel.”

You pressed the phone closer to your ear. “That sounds great, Mr. Choi, but… it’s still a strange request.”

The voice on the other end chuckled. “Yes, well… Mr. Park is the very definition of strange, Miss L/n.”

Mr. Choi was very clear in his proposal. You’d spend the three months of your summer with this man, living in his house, to paint a series of portraits for him. As many as you could get done in three months. You initially found the request absolutely ridiculous. Give up your entire summer? No way. You already had plans to see friends and family, and were keen to get away from the stresses that University brought. However, the request became more interesting as Mr. Choi described how you would have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and not tell anyone where you were going or what you were doing. That piqued your interest. Who was it? A celebrity? A famous CEO? An idol?

Looking at the large, foreboding mansion, you couldn’t see any of those three living here. The place reeked of old money. This estate had probably been passed down through the generations, and now someone, likely a young heir, was keen to stretch the limits of what ridiculous things their money could buy.

Sighing, you stepped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. It clanged through the house loudly and you cringed, thinking maybe you should’ve knocked. A tall guy dressed in a suit and tie cracked it open. “L/n Y/n?” he asked.

“That’s me,” you said.

He stepped out onto the porch. “I’m Choi Soobin,” he said, bowing. “Please, come inside. I’ll show you to your room.”


Soobin was much younger than you imagined. He couldn’t be more than nineteen, at the most. Yet he acted well beyond his years, more refined, more mature. It was disconcerting to say the least. Soobin picked up your bags and led the way up the curving staircase. You both went down a hall, then turned right, then down another hall before he stopped at the third door on his left. “Here we are,” he murmured, pushing it open.

Your mouth fell open. The room was large, spacious, gorgeous, and surprisingly modern. The walls were painted a soothing lavender, your favorite color, and the king-size bed was covered in a matching coverlet and pillows. There was even a couch and television, and a large bay window filled with pillows that looked out onto the grounds. A perfect reading nook. “This is your closet and bathroom,” Soobin said, opening a set of double doors. The closet was humongous and chic, with plenty room for your clothes and then some, and the bathroom looked more like a full-out spa. It was like something you’d only seen on TV.

Soobin strode over to the other side of your bedroom and opened another door. “This leads to your studio,” he said. Your mouth fell open once more as you walked through. The space was open and had so much light, you had to squint from the sudden brightness. There were shelves upon shelves of supplies, everything you’d ever need, stacks of blank canvases, and a large, wooden easel. It was like an artist’s wet dream.

“This is amazing,” you breathed.

Soobin grinned. “It is, isn’t it? Mr. Park wanted to make sure you’d have everything you need. If you run out of supplies, please let me know, I’ll order more. Feel free to make a mess. The floors are a cheap vinyl flooring only made to look like wood. We’ll rip it out and put carpet back in once you depart.”

You nodded, amazed at the way Soobin said that so casually. Not everyone could afford to re-carpet on a whim. Did your benefactor really have that much money? “Dinner’s at seven every evening,” Soobin continued. “Don’t be late, and dress in something other than jeans, please. For your other two meals, you may have them whenever you like, just give me ample time to prepare them. There’s plenty of food in the kitchen, feel free to help yourself to a snack. You may go wherever you like in the house, except the west wing. Mr. Park lives on that side and spends most of his time there, and unless you are specifically invited, I’d prefer you not disturb him.”

“S-Sounds good,” you stuttered. Who was this guy anyways, the Beast?

“Now, Mr. Park is waiting for you in his study. You’ll probably paint a few of his portraits there, is that alright? Or do you need to work in your studio?”

“I can work anywhere,” you replied.

“Perfect. Let’s go.”

Soobin led the way through the various hallways until you stopped at a set of dark wooden doors with intricate carvings in them. He knocked and pushed one open. “Jimin hyung?” he asked. “She’s here.”

A chair behind a desk turned to reveal the most handsome man you’d ever seen. Like Soobin, he was much younger than you’d imagined. His skin was pale, making his dark hair stand out in stark contrast. It was parted on the right, and his bangs hung over his left eye giving him a mischievously sultry look. He wore a bright jacket with a pattern of palm trees over a black dress shirt, dark ripped jeans, and black boots. His full, rosy lips were too perfect to be true, and his tawny eyes smoldered as they looked you over.

“Welcome!” he said brightly, holding out his hands and grinning. His eyes disappeared into cute crescent-moon slits. “I’m Park Jimin, but you can just call me Jimin. I’ve been waiting so long for this day, Y/n.”

Your mouth parted in surprise. Well, that’s not at all what you were expecting. And you were already on first-name basis…?

“Shall we get started?” he asked eagerly.

You closed your mouth and nodded. “Uh, sure. But I’ll need my supplies…?”

“Of course, of course. Come, I’ll sit in your studio for today.”

He wrapped your fingers in his and led you back down the hall to your studio, swinging your hands as you went. “What the hell?” you thought. To say Jimin was the opposite of what you were expecting was an understatement. The house screamed dark and brooding, as did his weird butler/servant person, and the mysterious circumstances under which you were brought. Yet Jimin was nothing but smiles and sunshine.

“Ah, here we are,” he said, pushing the door open to your studio. He got a stool from the corner and sat on it. You set everything up, placing a blank canvas on the easel and choosing a couple different colors of paint from the shelves. Soobin slipped through the door, hands behind his back, silently watching.

“How do you want me to pose?” Jimin asked, crossing his legs. “And smiling, not smiling?”

“Well, that depends on how you want the portrait to turn out,” you replied. “So just pose… however you want.”

“Better do not smiling,” he said. “For the first one at least. I want a range of my facial expressions, seeing as how I haven’t seen them for over thirty years now.”

“Sir,” Soobin said, a tone of warning in his voice.

Jimin waved him off. “Please, she’s signed a non-disclosure agreement. She’s fine.”

You were taken aback by the strange exchange, but shook your head, brushing it off. Whatever they were talking about didn’t concern you. You were here to do a job, get paid, and move back home without incident. Nothing more, nothing less.

You cleared your throat as you took a drawing pencil and started sketching out what you wanted to paint. What you really desired was to capture the way his hair swept over his eyes, the mischievous look he wore, and those gorgeous lips turned up in a smirk.

“You can feel free to move a little if you’re uncomfortable,” you said to Jimin who sat as rigid as a statue.

“Oh, don’t worry, dear. I can sit still for quite a long time. Years, in fact. Trust me, I’ve tried.”

“Right, years,” you muttered as you continued sketching. This guy could really exaggerate.

You found you were enjoying yourself as you continued doing what you loved. This was why you became an art major. The bright, airy light, the way your pencil slid across the canvas, the only sound being that of your breathing as you inhaled and exhaled. It was perfect.

“So, how old are you?”

You blinked in surprise. “Twenty-three, almost twenty-four.”

“I expected as much. I look twenty-four, but I’m actually nearing my two-hundredth birthday.”

You scoffed a little at Jimin’s proclamation. “What, are you some kind of immortal?” you asked.

“Actually, yes,” he answered, actually serious.

You moved out from behind the canvas to give him an incredulous look. “Oh, I see. The scary mansion, the brooding butler… I get it.”

Jimin tossed a smile at you, biting his lip as he did so. “You do? Oh, I’m glad. I’m so tired of having to hide what I am.”

You snorted and kept sketching, trying to capture that irksome smirk he was giving you. “Whatever, dude. If you wanna pretend you’re immortal or some sort of metaphor, I say go for it. I’m just here to paint and get paid.”

Jimin tilted his head. “It’s not a metaphor,” he said, a trace of hurt in his voice.

“Sure it’s not,” you muttered. You were beginning to see why your commission was so high. You were sketching Jimin’s torso now, trying to capture the lines of his toned waist and the palm trees embedded on his jacket. He certainly chose an interesting outfit for his first portrait sitting.

“I’ve seen your work online,” Jimin said, still trying to make small talk. You rolled your eyes. You kind of wished he wouldn’t. Part of the magic of painting was the silence it brought. The most sound you allowed while you worked was a bit of soft music in the background.

He continued even though you didn’t answer. “It’s very good. That’s why I chose you, you know.”

“Well, I appreciate it,” you said. “It’s hard trying to be an artist and make a living, unfortunately.”

“I understand that. I knew Da Vinci back in the day, and he always said-”

“Done,” you said loudly, interrupting him. You could flesh out the colors with paint later. Right now, all you wanted to do was get away from this insanity.

“Already?” Jimin said, pouting.

“Yes. I mean, it’s not all finished of course. I can do the rest later. I just need to take a photo real quick.”

Jimin chuckled. “You can try.”

Rolling your eyes, you pulled out your phone and aimed your camera at him still posing on the stool. “Alright, I’ll get-”

You stopped short as your finger hovered over the screen. There was the stool placed in front of the window, but Jimin was missing from it. “The hell…?” you muttered. You closed your camera app and reopened it.

Once again, there was the window, the stool, the floor, everything in the background that was supposed to be there… but no Jimin. “You see, Y/n,” Jimin said, standing up and walking slowly towards you. “That’s precisely why I brought you here. As a vampire, I don’t show up in photos, or even in mirrors. I haven’t seen what my face looks like in nearly thirty years. That was the last time I had my portrait done.”

You backed away from him until your back hit some shelves behind you. Jimin reached out and tenderly wrapped a strand of your hair between his fingers. “Don’t be afraid,” he murmured, his eyes hooded and dark.

You, however, were fucking terrified. In all your years of artwork, you’ve obviously never, ever encountered someone, no, something, like Park Jimin. “Wh-What the fuck are you?” you stuttered.

Jimin sighed, grasping the shelf behind you. “I told you, Y/n, I’m a vampire.”

“N-No, that’s not possible, they don’t exis-”

“Exist? Am I not proof to the contrary?”

“Please,” you whispered, a tear leaking out of the corner of your eye.

“Shhhhh,” Jimin said. He stroked your cheek, wiping the tear away, and you shut your eyes, tensing up at his touch. “I’m not going to hurt you. That’s not why you’re here.”

“And will I be allowed to leave when I’m done?”

Jimin frowned. “Of course. Y/n, I think you misunderstand my intentions. I don’t want to drink your blood or keep you prisoner or anything. Besides, even if you did go home and tell people, who would believe you?”

You considered his words. What he said was true. Even your closest friends and family members would think you were crazy. That thought, however, didn’t help you feel any less frightened.

What did ease your feelings was the tender gaze Jimin was giving you. He didn’t look like he intended to hurt you, although his close proximity was making you uncomfortable. You stepped out of his grasp and held up your hands. “I just… I need a moment,” you said.

“Of course.”

Soobin bowed as you exited the room and ran down the hall, holding a hand over your mouth to keep the screams from coming out. Was it possible? Was every nightmare you had, every scary story, real? You stopped once you reached the top of the stairs, bending over and panting.

You sat on the stairs and curled your knees up to your chest. What the hell were you thinking? You should just run out the door and never look back. Still, something was stopping you. Maybe it was sheer curiosity, or maybe it was how you couldn’t get the way he looked at you out of your brain. Either way, it couldn’t lead to anything but disaster.

“If you want to leave, you may,” a voice said. You looked up to see Jimin walking towards you.

“I’ll think about it,” you muttered, turning away from him.

“Please don’t hate me,” he begged, reaching out. You shied away from him, and he withdrew his hand, closing it into a fist. “Once people find out what I am, they just stereotype and assume. All I want, all I’ve ever wanted, is for someone to accept me.”

You let out a shaky breath and finally looked at him, into those smoldering tawny eyes. “I’ll stay and paint your portraits… but on my terms. Don’t touch me, don’t come near me, and I need some guarantee of protection.”

Jimin thought for a moment, pressing a finger to his chin, before pulling something out of his pocket. It was a small velvet bag that clinked as he brought it out. “Here.” He grabbed your hand and turned it so your palm was upright. He dumped what was in the bag in your hand.

You stared incredulously at the coins in your hand. “The hell is this?”

“Protection,” Jimin replied seriously, his eyes wide as they looked at you. “Silver. It burns me.”

Your mouth dropped open before you laughed out loud, completely overwhelmed by the entirety of the situation. The corners of Jimin’s mouth went up, but he looked mostly confused as he watched you laugh, arms folded over your stomach. You laughed until you cried, wiping your tears away and sniffing once your giggles had subsided.

“Are you done?” he asked pointedly.

“Yes,” you muttered, realizing how unhinged you looked. “Thank you for the coins.”

Jimin rolled his eyes and slung an arm over your shoulders. “Now, come on. You’ve got a painting to finish.”

Somehow, you found yourself not minding his touch very much, if at all. He didn’t seem so scary, even if he was a monster straight out of the movies. “Is Soobin a vampire too?” you asked suddenly as you walked back to your studio.

Jimin hummed in response, nodding. “I’ll need more coins then,” you joked.

“Oh, don’t worry. He’s on the bag diet, just like me.”

“Bag diet?”

“Yeah, you know, blood bags? We steal them from hospitals and such.”

You furrowed your brow. “That’s not cool, Jimin.”

He sighed. “I know… but it’s better than the alternative, right?”

You had to agree with that. Both of you reached your studio, and Jimin sat back on the stool as you started to paint. Soobin brought you a sandwich as the afternoon turned into evening and you started to lose light. For obvious reasons, neither he nor Jimin ate.

It was disconcerting, for sure, being stuck in a large mansion with two vampires, but one thing was for certain: this summer would be the most interesting one you’d ever have.


As I said above, I hope you like this, kutie anon! Also, yes, I made a Part Two in which Y/n reflects back on the summer she had with Jimin and there is def more fluffy romance in that. Much 💜, as Taehyung would say, I purple you!

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7 years ago

breathing in bare | m

Breathing In Bare | M

muses: jimin x reader type: vampire au genre: fluffy fluff word count: 5.2k of filth and fluff warning: a lot of mentions of sex, defloweration, biting (a lot of those lmao), impregnation, cream pie, slight sugar daddy

note: this went through 7 editing phases, I hope it shows the difference in my writing hehe. also exactly two years ago today, i posted my very first fic on here! to celebrate my 2nd anniversary, i’m posting this fic! there’s a longer fic in order but it’s taking some time to finish so vampire!jimin will have to do for now! :D

summary: you meet jimin through an online, completely discreet website called ‘a touch of heaven’. kind of like a dating website, except it’s not for dating. and you’re not matched with a fellow homo sapiens. and nobody would believe it if you said your perfect match’s favorite drink is blood, preferably yours.

There are no restrictions.                                                                

As per Jimin’s generous words, you can do whatever you want as long as you supply the required amount of blood for me every week. At that time, you thought he was kidding. The whole ‘vampire-blood bank’ hoodoo voodoo, that is. It wasn’t until a trip to the hotel room he was staying and getting know his bed a little more, do you realize what he failed to mention in passing; the blood has to be fresh.

The fresh-out-of-college you still had trouble wrapping it around your head. Fresh how? Do you need to slice a strip on the inside of your forearm and pour him a glass of your blood? Do you, someone who’s never gone into the woods before, hunt for rabbits and wring their furry little bodies until you get a bucket full of what he desires? Do you steal a bag from the hospital that’s marked with the latest obtained date?

Something mischievous and playful makes its way to his warm brown eyes and for a lethal moment, he looked younger, freer than the asphyxiating looking Armani he has on ―he looked like someone you could love, “I’ll show you.”

Jimin had no qualms in doing so, of course, being the gentleman he was ―is― gave you a taste of what addiction tasted like ―the delicious burn of your skin and sinful plump lips being one of the many you could name. Hands of a sinner brazenly hold you chest-to-chest with him, rendering you no choice but to straddle his lap until your dress rode up and exposed your lacy black panties, it wouldn’t work otherwise, if you’d been farther apart, was his way of assuring this was strictly professional. You had no choice, no choice than to let your own trembling fingers grip his designer-jacket adorned shoulders, maybe too tightly, maybe too eagerly and maybe already knowing all along.

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7 months ago


Introduction + Meet the vamps

All one shots below

Coming soon I promise I'm working on it

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