She Black Ops

She black ops
heroin-vaccine liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Ladyoftheshadows
Me whenever I'm suffocating under the pressure of people's expectations, let alone my own


i drew this in 2016 and totally forgot about it

She shleepy kitty

Day 4 of Dr. Pickles' injury. She is far more talkative, now
That's the thing.
It's not worth it.
I covered this in another post, but the Gems never acknowledged what they done to Steven (at least not on camera). I'm sure his therapist will help him understand that what he's feeling is a direct result of what they did (and what they didn't do).
He has all this support, but only after having to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders, and only after having a mental breakdown did they do anything that actually helped.
Where was Peridot after she saw what happened to Steven and the TV? What about Greg when his son went to the hospital and he eventually made it about himself by rediscovering who he was? Why did nobody who saw the signs react more?
His family is supportive.
At a price.
honest question:
What is the point of being raised in a loving family if you still get Steven’s level of trauma???
(like no really indulge me here! i am looking for answers.)