That one 24 yo genderfluid in the friend group that apparently makes people think they'll rise a demon tower in the middle of the city, all for the pursuit of power. CSS Background by @amberluvsbugs! PFP by @maii_artss on Twitter!
22 posts
Okay I Understand People Thirsting For Cyana But That Man's Intimidating Aura Made Me Reach For My Water
okay i understand people thirsting for cyana but that man's intimidating aura made me reach for my water
the-riddler-that-can-riddle liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Laeva495

Anticipation, Confusion, Resistance, Mantra
A friend of mine told me about Hypnovember, and I wanted to use it as another opportunity to draw regularly, with my own characters as well. I came in a bit late, though, so I had to play a bit of catch-up.

Day 1. Sym wouldn't admit it, but she gets a little anxious when her visor has to charge.

Day 2. Bijou uncovers a strange mineral, and she seems unable to look away...

Day 3. ... and yet, as alluring as it is, she tears herself away from it. ... but what's the harm of one more peek?

Day 4. Finally Sym seems able to relax...

Day 5. With this special visor, all it takes is one tap to initiate a proper reboot cycle.

OC dump because I had a lot of commissions-
this also doubles as a way for me to learn how to use this website??
dunno whoever would find me from these funky gals and guys but uh here (if they're compressed to hell, don't worry, the artists sent me HD versions via email):

First is Saeko Kusaki. A former exile of a very old-fashioned village that was raised by her grandma in a sword (not pictured). She owns a weapon shop that doubles as her mercenary office, and is famed as the Soul Splitter, due to a technique of the same name being her main method of exorcising evil. Simultaneously, Saeko is infamous for her reckless way of fighting, preferring flair over cleanliness and willing to take a hit (which she'll regenerate from anyway) so the fight can end sooner. She often comes home with her own sword in her chest. because I'm a Devil May Cry fan-

Second is Seinaru Kusaki, a twin sister to Saeka that... unfortunately got eaten by a fox when she was a child. However, with the nature of human souls in their world, she took over the fox's body by sheer force of will and intense fear for her life. She runs an oriental themed restaurant alongside an army of Yokai that merely wish to live alongside humanity, with the more convincing ones serving as waiters, hosts, and buses. Though, recently, people in town have been more welcoming to monsterkind...
Both Saeka and Seinaru's art were drawn by @momostras!

This is Tomiko Brivio, an ancestor to a character I'll introduce soon. Her artist is @jarckius_art on Twitter!
An experiment born from merging an infant human soul to a kitten's body, much like how Seinaru came to be, Tomiko is a lot more unstable than she looks. Intense living conditions where her life is constantly put on the line to save others resulted in her developing a self-sacrificial power set born from the negativity danger brings to humanity... and what humanity can bring to the world. Which brings us to...

Tomalyn Brivio. A seemingly normal human surrounded by a world of magic, mysticism, and magnificence... and heir to none of it. His story is one of being shunned for not meeting expectations, holding onto his father's last words for dear life, resisting his mother's torture until...

Fate takes hold. No longer human. Tomoki had now ceased utterly to be a human being. And he hates it.
Tomalyn/Tomoki's illustrations were done by @amberluvsbugs!