I See People Are Displeased Or Even Straight Up Angry About The Synopsis We Were Given About The Knuckles

I see people are displeased or even straight up angry about the synopsis we were given about the Knuckles Series. I understand that. We were given plenty of time to hype ourselves up with theories, fanart, and fanfics. But I raise you this; Knuckles is training Wade, but tells stories about his days traveling around other dimensions. I see people who had the idea that Knuckles met Rouge, or Amy, or the Chaotix, or maybe even Big while on his travels. What if he did meet one or more of them [I was hoping we’d see Rouge and the start of their rivalry so when she shows up again they’re like the Spiderman point meme]. Maybe we get to see Knuckles bond with Maddie over these stories [I love Mama’s Boy Knuckles idea so much].
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More Posts from Laughdamnyou
Dear Doberman Owners
I have done nearly a year and a half of research and am fairly confident I can raise one to two dobermans from puppyhood to adulthood safely. I have raised and trained seven dogs (granted they are mostly outdoor free reign dogs with no incredibly advanced training, like tricks, aside from two) and have seen many temperaments that need different approaches. I am doing more research in advanced training and I hope that I can teach them all successfully. However, my biggest issue has always been socialization. I barely socialize myself due to horrible and occasionally near crippling anxiety, general fear, and paranoia. None of the dogs have/had any human aggression. However, my male mix breed and a female lab mix (that I think is part Doberman or Greyhound), has some dog aggression that I am curbing slowly. But as this/these Dobermans are going to be my near constant companions, I want to try and prevent any dog/human/animal aggression. I live far away from civilization and what civilization I have nearby generally isn't friendly or trustworthy. I don't know what to do or how to plan for this. Any ideas? That would be very much appreciated, thank you!
With more thinking, I may only adopt one puppy at the moment (at least until the first is two years old). Unfortunately the socialization issue stays the same.

I have no idea when ShadeWeek really is, so here is a 15 minute impulsive painting I did for one of my favorite Sonic characters.

My biggest issue with Sally Acorn was, not that she was a "Mary-Sue" or that she was "Naked", but that she looked out of place. Her face was too complicated compared to the others and was often drawn in overly realistic ways. Especially compared to Sonic and Amy who were always almost too cartoony next to her (and sometimes Bunnie)

Even when she was drawn by artists like Tracy Yardley or Ben Bates, she still looked a bit out of place. Tangle has a slightly complicated face but the artists generally keep her "in tune" with everyone else. Though I have to admit Marine is a bit too much as well.

While I wish that her eyes weren't "floating" around her face and not "anchored" down, this is simpler and more appealing. She seems to fit amongst the other cast members. Fully clothed or not, I prefer this overall body/facial design. If she comes back in other media or if Archie gets an official shout-out, I hope they keep a design similar to this one.
Dear Doberman Owners
I know that every breed has their health concerns, some more than others. But it seems everywhere I look, Doberman owners tell stories of how their dog dropped dead at eight or sometimes within the first three years gained horrible health issues. I know Dobermans suffer from intense health concerns caused by inbreeding and that the gene pool has gotten too small, but I want to know how common death at eight or earlier happens. I can't go through more grief so early.
My oldest dog died at twelve/thirteen which is impressive considering her later years had given her arthritis, some back issues, weight issues, and she always had intense allergies, and some breathing problems before cancer took her away within barely two days. But my lab mix is suffering from joint and back issues at eight(?), my 4-5 husky mix is having hip issues way too early, and I know these are partially due to my lab mix having gotten several injuries in the past and my husky mix having been separated too soon from her mother and siblings by a naive woman who had never wanted puppies or deal with them in the first place. We had a Chesapeake Bay mix who found us at a senior age and then disappeared nearly six years later with our Jack Russel mix, and she seemed healthy but we don't know if stress aged her too soon.
I just want a healthy puppy who can last near his/her senior years so I don't live the rest of my life thinking I could've done more for them or simply let them be cared for by someone who could've done better. Especially not so soon after my beloved golden girl had passed (she was a Golden Retriever/Great Pyrenees mix, dumber than a box of bricks and a coward, but the sweetest thing I ever knew aside from our retriever/pittie mix).
I know that getting a puppy from a reputable breeder who does genetic and blood testing is best, but I'm not sure if I can handle this again. I had always loved guard dogs, aside from Poodles, but the Doberman fits my lifestyle and mild allergy needs (for an inside dog) the best. I'm sorry for the long post that is mostly rambling and grief spilling, I'm just worried and had a really rough day filled with "memory lane" that I can't handle.
Hey Belgian Malinois owners
I love this breed and I have heard that despite their incredible intelligence, they can do crazy stupid stunts (like getting stuck in trees). What's your crazy Malinois story? I've been having an incredibly dreary and dull few days as depression has been kicking me around like I'm a particularly fun football. I'm curious about your stories