lauriscrafty - Laur is Crafty
Laur is Crafty

Hi! When I'm very bored, I have a tendency to take on impractical projects. I'm bored relatively often. …Wanna see the pics? Current Project: Cooking Dairy Free Recipes Pending Project: Decorate My Bedroom

84 posts

50 Of 365

50 Of 365

50 of 365

I don't care much for wrist watches, so I've kept a pocket watch for years now. It died a couple of months ago and I hadn't gotten around to fixing the battery until today. I think it's going to be nice, having it back.

Now that I know which battery it calls for and how easy it is to change out, I doubt it'll ever take me so long to replace again.

More Posts from Lauriscrafty

13 years ago
55 Of 365

55 of 365

On the day I buy my kindle, I also find out that the closest bookstore, Borders, is closing. This is sad for many reasons, the strongest being that I spent a large portion of my youth there. I bought my first Tamora Pierce book in that store, my first Harry Potter book, whet to more than one Midnight Party for more than one series.

Certainly doesn't help that I went digital on the same day. Feels like I cheated on an old lover and was promptly dumped.

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13 years ago
51 Of 365

51 of 365

Austen got an extreme makeover! He looks hilarious, and so much smaller. Scrawny like some kind of rat, it's amazing. All day I just kept looking at him and cracking up.

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13 years ago
49 Of 365

49 of 365

Bored bored bored! If this is how I mean to entertain myself, I better get my eyebrows threaded this weekend, or at least pluck them.

Think this may be #LOFNOTC inspired, feels very Amanda Palmer.

What would life be like without Amanda Palmer? Mine would be much sadder and less colorful, certainly.

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12 years ago
Lady : I'm Running To The Pharmacy, You Want Anything? Laur : Cookies. Ice Cream. Pie! Laur : ...Actually,

Lady : I'm running to the pharmacy, you want anything? Laur : Cookies. Ice cream. Pie! Laur : ...Actually, just get me a bag of marshmallows and a box of Fruity Pebbles. Lady : Uh, it's Walgreens, do they HAVE that stuff? Laur : Yes. Yes they do. Lady : If you say so... Laur : Fruity Pebbles! Not Rice Krispies!

What can I say? When you have a late night craving, you have a late night craving. Mine was for sugar treated with sugar coated in sugar with a drizzling of butter. *shrug*

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13 years ago
Picture Taken On March 4th, 2011

Picture taken on March 4th, 2011

So, hi! Quite a few random people started following this blog in the last few weeks, thought I might as well throw a picture up.

School kind of consumed my world, and I Officially Abandoned the 365 Project once again. Seriously, one of these years, I WILL actually complete one of them from start to finish, I'm determined.

Now I'm in search of a new project, a much smaller project. In the meantime I'll occasionally post some of the 365 pictures that lost the battle against my anxiety with anatomy exams.

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