lauriscrafty - Laur is Crafty
Laur is Crafty

Hi! When I'm very bored, I have a tendency to take on impractical projects. I'm bored relatively often. …Wanna see the pics? Current Project: Cooking Dairy Free Recipes Pending Project: Decorate My Bedroom

84 posts

57 Of 365

57 Of 365

57 of 365

I have so many things to do before Tuesday, but I can't even bring myself to write them down, let alone actually do any of them. I'm excited and not as nervous as I could be, but I still can't shake off this lethargy.

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More Posts from Lauriscrafty

13 years ago
Picture Taken On March 4th, 2011

Picture taken on March 4th, 2011

So, hi! Quite a few random people started following this blog in the last few weeks, thought I might as well throw a picture up.

School kind of consumed my world, and I Officially Abandoned the 365 Project once again. Seriously, one of these years, I WILL actually complete one of them from start to finish, I'm determined.

Now I'm in search of a new project, a much smaller project. In the meantime I'll occasionally post some of the 365 pictures that lost the battle against my anxiety with anatomy exams.

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13 years ago
61 Of 265

61 of 265

Just playing with the long exposure, y'all know how I do. Need to try this shot another time, with less distance. Cutting the time pretty close again on this one, the camera says it was 11:58pm.

And now I must sleep, because I have to be up at 6am to get ready for school.

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13 years ago
55 Of 365

55 of 365

On the day I buy my kindle, I also find out that the closest bookstore, Borders, is closing. This is sad for many reasons, the strongest being that I spent a large portion of my youth there. I bought my first Tamora Pierce book in that store, my first Harry Potter book, whet to more than one Midnight Party for more than one series.

Certainly doesn't help that I went digital on the same day. Feels like I cheated on an old lover and was promptly dumped.

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13 years ago
48 Of 365

48 of 365

Whenever I pull out my 100 Shadow Palette, I feel like some kind of artiste.

Had a meeting with school today, so I put on makeup for the first time in... a while, I don't even know. Probably since my friend Jim moved to Orlando.

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13 years ago
Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare Of Moloch! Moloch The Loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch The Heavy Judger Of Men!

 Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!

I've been obsessed with this one photographer lately, and decided to reread the story that got me into him in the first place. It also happens to be the story that once had me listening to Howl on repeat for a week. It's not even a very good story? But I love what it's left me with.

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