lauriscrafty - Laur is Crafty
Laur is Crafty

Hi! When I'm very bored, I have a tendency to take on impractical projects. I'm bored relatively often. …Wanna see the pics? Current Project: Cooking Dairy Free Recipes Pending Project: Decorate My Bedroom

84 posts

60 Of 365

60 Of 365

60 of 365

First day back at school. Looked and smelled exactly the same. I guess I should prepare myself to come home smelling like Salon again, shouldn't I?

More Posts from Lauriscrafty

13 years ago
45 Of 365

45 of 365

The internet has been going in and out for the last few days, and last night I was fed up and miserable over it, so I just sat in front of the tv, moping and watching Castle. Happy Valentine's Day to me!

The internet is still out, actually, as are the phone lines. So I picked up my shit and booked it to the library, where there's free wifi. (Hahaha, "booked it!" Unintentional but hilarious.)

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13 years ago
54 Of 365

54 of 365

I'm not as nerdy or intelligent as I first come off in person, but I am, without a doubt, extremely lame. This is not the only photo of The Wizard of Menlo Park I have taped up in my room, just sayin. This particular one is situated right next to my record player, of course, which is named Bing. (After Crosby. And it's a Crosley. Soooo, you know, Bing Crosley. :D? :D? :D?)

Just sayin...

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12 years ago
Every Summer My Mother Falls In Love With The Scent Of This Plant Someone In Our Neighborhood Has. This
Every Summer My Mother Falls In Love With The Scent Of This Plant Someone In Our Neighborhood Has. This
Every Summer My Mother Falls In Love With The Scent Of This Plant Someone In Our Neighborhood Has. This
Every Summer My Mother Falls In Love With The Scent Of This Plant Someone In Our Neighborhood Has. This

Every summer my mother falls in love with the scent of this plant someone in our neighborhood has. This year she finally stole a sprig, so we could figure out what it was. Mr. Googs informed us that it was Night Blooming Jasmine, so we promptly went to the local nursery and bought one for her.

We've had it a few weeks now, and it does bloom every night, but it's been particularly strong the last two days. Couldn't even open the door last night without being assaulted by the smell.

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13 years ago

59 of 365

It seems I'm slightly obsessed with this window and this tree. One day, I'm going to miss it terribly.

School starts tomorrow, I'm feeling pretty tense about it. Did absolutely nothing to prep today, but last night I cleaned my bird's cage, so at least there's that done. Wish me luck, Universe.

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13 years ago
56 Of 365

56 of 365

I dunno, when in doubt go abstract? I remember taking photography in middle school, walking around the school while everyone else was in class, taking pictures of random things. This reminds me very much of that, except for how it's in color.

What would Mrs. Tunon think of me now, I wonder?

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