Name's Lavender | She/Her A place to put art or to just randomly write down ideas for myrself (or others, who knows!)
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Modern!BSD but... mumble-mumble something-something anime adaption from a popular underrated manga series more mumble-something mumble-somethings and it's just any ordinary love story. A love story written about Dazai and Chuuya, written from the eyes of an outsider.
When the manga released, it was a hit, even though the illustrator and author of the manga didn't mean it to. He just wanted to write it as such as a means of getting back on a bet Dazai put him way back then, way back in high school; the time set of the manga and where their story began. He never expected it to get this big.
But back to specifics.
It surprised him that the two loved it, as well as the few that came across and love his series. And it was definitely a bittersweet ending with a happy note of Dazai and Chuuya happily married, living their best lives with a whole bunch of loving teasings and pets. But that's where the series ends.
But then there came an odd question that begun after the manga series has ended: What about the author? They only explained themselves to be an outsider in the manga, the narrator, Dazai's friend. And for a while, the author didn't answer the question.
It was only when the manga began its anime adaptation did beloved readers of the series began seeing it visually and audibly with the actual voices of these people, that they could finally see things that they had overlooked before.
One was that, besides the two protagonists, there were others that were seen. And in one of the anime's episodes that was adapted from a chapter of one of the manga's volumes was Dazai and Chuuya trying to wingman one of the gingerhead's friends: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. Although it was noted from the author that he doesn't know much of this time because of a reasonable excuse of "I didn't know love well enough, so I dipped before Dazai could drag me into this."
The episode goes as show: as a comedic cut every first few seconds before the intro rolls, this time it was Dazai, at the early stages of their dating life, barges into the room they most frequent and exclaims, "We're making a dating show!" Dead beat silence, and then Chuuya's "What?" getting cut off by the intro.
They had theories and conspiracies, candidates and bachelors (both girls and boys [gotta be impartial like that]), nit-picking every little detail on who would be best suited for Chuuya's grouchy friend. They even had investigations board (which Dazai definitely recreated the meme). It was a full blown episode and chapter full of their usual shenanigans but also getting navigating through their dating life together.
The episode came to an end when the two were informed by Kyouka, Gin, and (sorrowfully) Higuchi that Akutagawa already had his heart set on someone and had went to confess to them that day. It was a comedic ending but left some intrigued on who this person was that managed to get through Akutagawa's grouchy and cold demeanor.
A second thing: while Dazai does have his own friend group, there was a certain character that was there for the majority of him and Chuuya's interactions. His friend: Nakajima Atsushi, always seen every now in then in the episodes or manga panels looking on flatly at Dazai's loud antics and Chuuya's screeching and more or less being the voice of reason in Dazai's stead.
And one thing that one of Dazai's friends, Tanizaki Junichiro, recalls about Atsushi: "Actually, did you know Atsushi has hyperthymesia?" Hyperthymesia. A rare condition that allows people to remember their lives in great detail, but it could lead to the person thinking a lot more of their past.
And it makes sense. Atsushi always seems to have his head in the clouds besides always seen with his head in books, sketching some random drawings, or writing summaries. His expressions ranging of various emotions; melancholy, pain, happiness, anger. Anything and everything under the sun.
It was a widespread theory and headcanon to the manga's fandom that the author was Atsushi, and it was an airtight case. They could see tiny bits of Atsushi's life in these small moments of when he makes an appearance and does speak besides being the air-headed and "nooby" to Dazai's friend group. It was a new year, after all, and the brunet had practically pulled the underclassman under his wing on day negative one.
It wasn't long before, a few weeks after the anime adaptation series has ended, did the author release a short story that he wants to treated as an autobiography and a way to close this chapter of his life.
A story of a boy unable to let go of his the harsh and abused past because of his rare condition some would say is a blessing but he would call it a curse. Where he finds friends in a high school after years of loneliness; a second family. A place of feeling many firsts for him, of familial and platonic love, friendships, and even love itself.
To let go of a past and childhood that Atsushi could never call his own as he prepares for his own wedding with the help of his found family of friends and his to-be husband Ryuunosuke.
(A/N: I don't know how this came to be, it was just a passing thought that in my head, visually, might be interesting to touch on. More or less based on Horimiya the more I wrote into it, just the prospect of someone else telling the story than either protagonist. Don't think I'll pick this idea up purely on the excuse that I will not bring it justice =w="")
Beast!BSD but what if Kyouka went through with her fleeing from mafia?
Some background first (and purely speculation and mainly headcanon): Kyouka lost her parents when she was 8 and she was found by the mafia a few days after that fated night. Kouyou grew attached to her as she usually does and takes her under her wing, raising her as if she was her own.
A year later, Kyouka meets "The White Reaper" by chance, whom she thought to be an cold-blooded individual only to find out to be a 14 year old teenager, slowly growing into the black coat with white striped fur. And even though he seemed as such at first glance, Kyouka realizes that he was just as kindhearted as to his loyalty to the mafia and especially their boss.
Since then, she and him got to know each other until they became practically inseparable. Kouyou, although wistful in wanting to train the girl, accepted her decision in wanting to be there for Atsushi through hell and back.
Now, at 10 years old, Kyouka flees from the mafia. She didn't want to go back, and she couldn't face Atsushi who she heard was tasked in hunting her down. She couldn't face him, she can't bring herself to.
She finds herself at the edge of the city, so close to freedom. But she doesn't take the other step. Instead, she turns around to the shadows of the city and asks out of the blue.
Seconds turns into a minute, and soon someone emerges from the shadows. It was Atsushi. Kyouka doesn't at which point when she sensed Atsushi following her but what confused her the most was that he had every opportunity to attack her. But instead he wordlessly followed her all the way until she made it to the edge.
Freedom was one of the few subjects Atsushi knows least, if not this being the very last of that list. The mafia has always been his home, all he ever known since his time in the orphanage. They helped him, so he's repaying that everlasting debt. He doesn't understand why Kyouka wants to leave. But one thing's for certain: he'd rather be consumed by the beast than lay a single claw on his sister, ordered to or not.
Kyouka, albeit confused, follows Atsushi as he takes her to someplace that could hopefully take care of her; a curry place. (At first, Kyouka was mighty confused, especially at the sound of some kids being rambunctious above). There, as they wait over some curry, Oda comes in and was equally shocked but apprehensive at the sight of two mafioso, no less the White Reaper. But given that neither have done anything but grab a meal to eat, he decides to hear them out.
There, the detective learns that Kyouka is also a mafioso, but even though she was under teachings of Kouyou and, coincidentally, by Atsushi's side, has never killed a person. Actually, the day she fled was the day she was supposedly dispatched on her first mission by the mafia. her record is clean.
"But you realize, Reaper, we cannot do the same to you." "I am aware of that. That's why I'm only asking for Kyouka."
After some thought, Oda agrees to take Kyouka in and bring her to the agency in hopes of helping her. And Kyouka... is confused. Why? Why is he helping her leave? Why go to such lengths knowing full well the punishments hanging over his head if he fails? This mission was handed to the boss himself. All so she can be free?
For a second, she wanted to backtrack on her plan, she couldn't comprehend why someone like Atsushi was there, regardless as his reputation as the White Reaper. He was kind, the genuine type. But Atsushi stops her before she could leave with him that night.
"I may not understand why you would want to leave after all the mafia has done for you. But I can see that you... you weren't meant to be in its shadows. As Kouyou sometimes says, you are a flower, and it is possible for flowers to bloom in shadows. But in your case, your flower needs light to bloom."
"But... what about you?" "I've been drowning in the dark for as long as I remember, I'm unable to discern what's light anymore. But that's okay; as long as you can feel what the light is." "...For the both of us."
It's been two years since then, since she last saw Atsushi, since she last stepped foot in Mafia territory and its headquarters. She's 12 years old now, enjoying Yosano and Ranpo's company, listening to Kenji's stories about his farm and animals, learning much from Oda and Kunikida, and when she was introduced to Ryuunosuke she understands his pain, although unsaid. She's enjoying life in the light.
When problems suddenly begin to rise regarding the Port Mafia, she volunteers to talk to them. That leads to a huge debate, one that she manages to win in the end:
"But why?! You're going to talk to the White Reaper, he could hurt you!" "He won't." "What makes you think so in the first place?" "Because I doubt he'll lay a single claw on me. I'm his sister after all." "Huh?!" "Wait you didn't realize I used to be in the Port Mafia?" "HUH?!"
(A/N: Basically the bit at the end is Beast!version of Kunikida realizing Dazai was in the PM. But since Dazai isn't in the PM and Kyouka is instead, it's the whole shenanigans all over again XDD)
(A/N: Ayyyye, look at that! A bit different from the discovery part, but I like the outcome =w=)
BSD but what if Atsushi's hair wasn't cut?
I imagine as a child, he had at least shoulder-length hair, the height in which his current uneven bangs are. The stripe is still there, but the tips of his hair is black, a callback to his concept art. In some way, he was an odd child by appearance: natural platinum blonde hair with abnormal black edges and single stripe and almost piercing purple-yellow eyes? Unheard of and practically inhuman. And for a long time, he's hated his hair and eyes. It made him stand out when all he ever wished was to blend in.
Due to some... "divine intervention" (cough—Byakko—cough), the children weren't able to make due with their prank but it only caused a louder ruckus (COUGH—BYAKKO—COUGH). In the end, and because he was blamed for practically everything, the headmaster punished Atsushi, ending him with a large burn scar running across his forehead. (It was aimed to be over his eyes, but Atsushi moved his head. But it still hurt all the same.) Since then, Atsushi has began taking care of his ever-growing hair, especially his bangs in a way to cover his scars, and his piercing eyes. It was the only thing he could think of to try and hide the upper part of his face. And after several years and no more pranks (because the pranksters became {sparkle}traumatized{sparkle}), Atsushi's hair had grown past half way down his back, and his bangs no cover just over the tip of his nose.
Since meeting the agency and becoming a member, Atsushi still had his guard up when it came to covering his face. He got some tips from the girls and even Kunikida on how to maintain such a long length of hair. Of course, his coworkers were concerned that having such long hair could pose a problem during missions or block his sight, but it didn't slow him down thankfully. But it made them awfully curious. It was his pride and joy.
Until a small incident with/regarding Akutagawa.
Needless to say, upon one of their joint missions that got turned into a fight (because of unresolved feelings and unspoken words), Atsushi managed to duck from Rashomon's slash. But in doing so, his head suddenly felt... lighter. Literally. Turning his head to see his long hair, cut, laying on the bloodied ground and albeit a frozen Akutagawa on the other side, Atsushi saw red. He did not know what happened after his sudden rampage, but Dazai was grinning like an idiot while Chuuya looked impressed, terrified, and indifference.
Which lead to where they are now: back at the agency (Dazai dragged Chuuya and Akutagawa along) with the members all but staring in horror at his uneven cut hair that stopped just about his shoulder blades, fists bloody and apparent tear marks from under his thankfully untouched bangs. (Because Arahabaki forbid if Rashomon managed to cut his bangs).
Cue Yosano, Naomi, Kyouka, Haruna, and even Chuuya trying to salvage as much as they could with Atsushi's hair. Meanwhile, Dazai does some talking (read: prodding) with Atsushi to figure out what really is going on under his long bangs. But it goes on for so long back and forth that Akutagawa soon grew irritated and used Rashomon abruptly as a hairband and pushed Atsushi's hair back.
(Or for a more bonding moment, it happens when they fought: Akutagawa grabs Atsushi by his bangs, effectively tugging them up only for stand in shock at the other's gorgeous bi-colored sunset-ametrine eyes and such a harsh burn scar across his forehead, all wrapped together with the younger's panicked expression which leads to a whole lot of confessions and bonding and just- [gestures wildly] The potential)
Anywayssss, they awe at his pretty eyes, go through the urges of wanting to kill an already dead man, and while Atsushi still wanted to keep his bangs, he gets a bandana to both keep them out of the way but to also cover his scar.
(A/N: Yippeeeee owo)
BSD but Atsushi is in the Port Mafia, not as any front-liner, assassin, or fighter, but rather a negotiator?
He is often brought along to meetings and negotiations as a mediator and a sort of peace maker, all because that boy isn't afraid to sass his higher-ups over something they blatantly did wrong but is also courteous and neutral-good to the opposing party. He can be one mean negotiator/mediator/interrogator if he wants to ^w^
Atsushi would probably be well liked and respected by the various organizations he comes across when dragged to meetings. And if not, that's fine, too. That just means he won't hold back in teaching them a lesson on proper formalities.
He is still paired up with Akutagawa on more dangerous missions that are beyond the needs of negotiating, though. They still argue, but not as badly. So much so that everyone around them is getting a sense of deja vu, and are wondering if they'll also follow the footsteps of their gingerhead executive and brunet detective regarding romance/flirting. But even that would be a mixture of vagueness and specific. And when Kyouka approaches Akutagawa in hopes that he kills her and her Ability, he points her towards Atsushi so that he can take care of her. And did he take care of her he did, shocking even Kouyou that the executive allowed them to continue in promise that Atsushi does everything in his power to protect her.
Because of his seemingly leisure position as the mafia's best negotiator, his work comes by few far in-between, so he does other kinds of work to not get rusty in fighting; simple cargo and transportation missions, paperwork, or sparring.
I could only imagine that he would be the only one allowed to come by the agency building as a sort of messenger for Mori to Fukuzawa. A monthly visit, with Dazai asking how he's been and if there was any good gossip amidst the shadows, Kenji profusely trying to show Atsushi his cow in which Kunikida was quick to shut down, Yosano insisting that she gives him checks ups because she doesn't trust Mori allowing Atsushi such a passive position without giving something in turn, joining the Tanizaki siblings look after Haruno's cat and more or less making himself useful for the time he is there.
And when the Guild comes around asking about the tiger, they thought about going with negotiations, but if it meant losing their best negotiator regardless, then they'd rather not lose him at all.
(A/N: Had this idea floating about in my head a small while, which thank goodness because I've barely been writing for about- a month plus. That and I want to try my hand at sassy Atsushi, please thank you wwww. | Regardless, I would say that he was brought into the mafia by Ango and learned most of his negotiating from him until he vanishes. My brain's weird-)
BEAST!BSD x MHA Y'all thought I escaped this brainrot, but no. I'm stuck here. I don't know how to get out. And it got worse. It has infected the unhinged side of my brain where it just mashes things together more than it should be. How? Look at the title again.
Basically: Beast!SSKK stay in touch after Nakajima and Kyouka take to the orphanage, with Ryuunosuke every now and then coming by to visit and see how the two are faring. Not only that, but to check in on the Book that Mori took with him upon leaving his job as the Port Mafia boss.
They were talking with Nakajima talking about a story that caught the attention of the majority of the orphanage's children. A world where having powers were normal, and that it's worldbuilding was quite thought through.
But admist their conversing, they suddenly hear the sound of pages flipping.
Before they could realize what was happening, a white light blinds them, and the next the coldness of night greets them, when it was last afternoon for them.
At first they thought an Ability got them and trapped them in some sort of dimension or room in hopes to get the Book. But that wasn't the case, as the simple white book laid right next to Nakajima.
The next thought was why are we 15???
Cue Ryuunosuke feeling a familiar rush of having full control of Rashomon again, tendrils of his Ability coming off the clothes on his back, hovering around them protectively without his command. And Nakajima all but panicking in silence at the familiar pain around his neck.
Because he killed the Headmaster when he was 15.
Before they could find out what's going on or figure out what to do first between the unfamiliar world around them, the possibility that someone is attacking the orphanage back home, or what happened to themselves, Rashomon suddenly lashed out. Only for her to stop short in front of a... small talking white rat in a suit.
Ominously, they suggest the two, "Why not take the entrance exam held at UA High School?" and vanishes without a trace. Nakajima is convinced his hallucinations are getting out of hand, Ryuunosuke snaps him out of it but agrees that the being could be a cryptid.
Deciding their options, they take to the high school, standing in front of its opened gates as students slowly by surely trickling inside; today seemed to be the school's annual entrance exam to evaluate to-be students.
But Nakajima is hesitant; he still had problems, is still undergoing self-rehabilitation, and is definitely not able to handle helping people when he's internally fighting with his Ability. Not to mention, they have the Book with them. Or a Book? At least a receiver of some sort, a closed gateway to return back home through their own copy of the Book. (The problem being they don't know how, having opened and closed this book multiple times for nothing to happen, and the insides all but blank.)
So they come to an agreement: Ryuunosuke would take the exam and hopefully-most-definitely ace the exams, while Nakajima goes around finding a place for them to stay.
Preferably a city in Yokohama, for a sense of familiarity.
Cue Ryuunosuke passing the exam with more or less the highest points in Rescue, getting into 1-A, and have shenanigans just begin. All but while keeping an eye out for clues on how to get back home but also something else whose eyes are on his partner...
(A/N: [faceplants on the table] I've truly fallen out of my prime =m="")
Competitive Streak
Atsushi sighs heavily as he walks through the hallway after leaving 1-C, still not used to seeing the top of some students’ heads given his transformed legs give him some height. He looks around before hearing familiar footsteps behind him.
“Atsushi.” He turns around to see his purple-haired classmate walk over to him.
“Oh, Shinsou. Need something?” he asks.
“Just some questions,” Shinsou shrugs his shoulders, joining Atsushi in stride. “Heading to 1-A?”
“Sort of.” Atsushi hums quietly, looking ahead. “Usually he would come to me. Something must’ve come up, but the train heading back to Kamino Ward will be leaving soon, and I’d rather not be stranded here again like last time.”
“You live outside the city?” Shinsou raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but it’s fine.” Atsushi shrugs his shoulders. But then his ears flick and he stops, eyes widening to see quite the crowd of students in front of 1-A. “Oh… That’s why.”
“Because of the upcoming Sports Festival, several of the students from the other branches want to know what Class 1-A is like, being quite the popular class.” Shinsou explains. “Which leads to my next question: would you be partaking in the festival?”
Atsushi blinks and thinks for a moment. Carefully, “For the most part, I don’t think I would. I have a bit of a competitive side, and it really comes out when I’m face-to-face with one of 1-A’s students. The black-haired one, silver eyes? The one that looks like he’d rather be somewhere else than anywhere.”
Shinsou raises an eyebrow, eyeing the tiger up and down. “Never thought you and him knew each other. Is he the one that you usually wait for.”
They continue walking before Shinsou says, “It’s odd that someone like you willingly switched to General Education rather than try your luck at the hero course.”
Atsushi hums quietly, smiling in understanding. “Yeah, it really doesn’t make sense, huh? But really… I needed a change of pace. Yes, I would still want to save people, it’s all I’ve ever known. But the fighting… I need a break.” Atsushi weakly smiles. Shinsou gazes at him for a moment before nodding his head. “Are you doing it? Need some support?” Atsushi asks.
“I’m planning on doing the festivities, yes. But I think almost everyone in General Education would bite the bullet to have a chance at getting into the Hero course if they failed the practical exam before the start of the school year.” Shinsou explains.
Atsushi nods his head before yelping when something wrapped tightly around his arm and he was dragged off. “Ah-” He looks over to see Akutagawa stalking off, only glaring at him sharply. His social battery is at an all time low, huh? Atsushi smiles reassuringly before waving to Shinsou, “I’ll think about it! But if I do, I won’t go easy on you!”
Shinsou simply watched them go before nodding his head and making his way through the crowd of students.
They sat in the middle of their small apartment, Akutagawa all but sitting across Atsushi’s lap and head resting on Atsushi’s shoulder all while the tiger watched the news. On the coffee table in front of them, a glass of finished water and a bowl of half-finished soup. He feels a tug on his sleeve and Atsushi turns his head to see Akutagawa lift him up enough to look back properly.
“What are your opinions regarding the Sports Festival?” Atsushi asks, tilting his head.
“Indifferent,” answers the ravenet, letting his tired eyes rest. “This year, too, there seems to be an odd spike of Villain attacks. There was controversy whether or not UA should hold it this year.”
“Right,” Atsushi nods his head, remembering the USJ Incident that landed Akutagawa in Recovery Girl’s nurse’s office due to the strain on his lungs. “The Sports Festival would be broadcasted, an easy giveaway of what our classmate’s Quirks, their pros and cons, and those tiny things about them. Their intent.”
Akutagawa sighs heavily. “But because of that sudden remark from that news reporter, I wouldn’t be surprised if those people would avoid me.”
Atsushi frowned heavily and he held Akutagawa tighter.
“Then if we can’t talk to All Might, then surely you can explain allowing that sketchy student to join the Hero Course!” One of the reporters exclaimed.
“Hey now,” Aizawa narrows his eyes slightly at the person. “They are students, mind you. Nor should you make assumptions right off the bat.” He casts a glance over his shoulder to where Akutagawa was standing, looking indifferent.
However, Atsushi’s tail was lashing and bristling, ears pinned down, pupils dilated so thinly you couldn’t see them, and hackles raised into a snarl.
“Oooh, they’re about to get it now,” grits Present Mic.
“Calm down. The police will handle it.” Aizawa looks over and motions his head inside the building. Akutagawa noticed it of course and nodded his head in response, taking Atsushi’s arm and, with a light tug, managed to pull themselves into the building.
“Don’t bother,” Akutagawa says, snapping Atsushi out of his thoughts. “I don’t care what they have to say about me. All I care is…” his voice trails off, gray eyes meeting bi-colored sunset ones. Slowly Akutagawa’s face went red and he shifted to hide his face. But just barely Atsushi hears a muffled, “All I care is your opinion.”
Atsushi smiles and he pulls Akutagawa close to a hug. “Well, even though I know you’re going to ace it, do you still want to train?” After a beat, Akutagawa lifts his head again to only give the tiger a knowing look.
“You’re just taking this opportunity for us to spar like we used to.”
Atsushi just sticks his tongue out teasingly. “I didn’t hear a no~!”
“My only hope is if we don’t destroy a building while we’re at it.”
Atsushi couldn’t help but laugh at that before quickly adding, “And no boats!”
— — —
“I smell… so much… food…!” Atsushi couldn’t help but start drooling at the good smelling stand food.
Akutagawa just shakes his head with a knowing smirk. “The Sports Festival is treated like a whole festival, if not a tournament. Of course there would be some food stands.” The ravenet looks over only to realize Atsushi had just vanished.
He looks around wildly before sighing heavily, facepalming. “Jinko, you can’t eat something. You’re also partaking in this, you’ll end up with a stomach ache at the end.” he calls into the crowd, looking around.
But as he continues standing there, the more aware he senses the crowd glancing at him and the whispers starting to form. But that only made him click his tongue in disappointment before heading off to try and find the tiger.
After finding him by a crepe’s stand, he drags Atsushi off with the promise that they get something to eat when they were able to.
(A/N: [stares at the bonfire that is the BSD fandom] Yeah we're not recovering soon with so many revelations and deaths in the span of a single chapter, aren't we?) — (ANYWAYS- This was buried in my Google Docs in a random AU/Scenario of SSKK in MHA, they own an apartment in Kamino Ward, Atsushi is stuck[??] half-transformed and is continuously mistaken as someone with a Mutant Quirk and not a Transformation Quirk, and Atsushi being in GenEd, best buds[ish] with Shinsou, while Akutagawa is in the Hero Course because WHY NOT-) — (I had others before, but it began feeling too stereotypical in my tastes, as well as it being the same scenario explained. Made it feel like it took place in the same scenario when I wanted each to be different but noooooo) — (another ANYWAYS, hoped you enjoyed regardless =w=)
BSD but what if Atsushi's hair wasn't cut?
I imagine as a child, he had at least shoulder-length hair, the height in which his current uneven bangs are. The stripe is still there, but the tips of his hair is black, a callback to his concept art. In some way, he was an odd child by appearance: natural platinum blonde hair with abnormal black edges and single stripe and almost piercing purple-yellow eyes? Unheard of and practically inhuman. And for a long time, he's hated his hair and eyes. It made him stand out when all he ever wished was to blend in.
Due to some... "divine intervention" (cough—Byakko—cough), the children weren't able to make due with their prank but it only caused a louder ruckus (COUGH—BYAKKO—COUGH). In the end, and because he was blamed for practically everything, the headmaster punished Atsushi, ending him with a large burn scar running across his forehead. (It was aimed to be over his eyes, but Atsushi moved his head. But it still hurt all the same.) Since then, Atsushi has began taking care of his ever-growing hair, especially his bangs in a way to cover his scars, and his piercing eyes. It was the only thing he could think of to try and hide the upper part of his face. And after several years and no more pranks (because the pranksters became {sparkle}traumatized{sparkle}), Atsushi's hair had grown past half way down his back, and his bangs no cover just over the tip of his nose.
Since meeting the agency and becoming a member, Atsushi still had his guard up when it came to covering his face. He got some tips from the girls and even Kunikida on how to maintain such a long length of hair. Of course, his coworkers were concerned that having such long hair could pose a problem during missions or block his sight, but it didn't slow him down thankfully. But it made them awfully curious. It was his pride and joy.
Until a small incident with/regarding Akutagawa.
Needless to say, upon one of their joint missions that got turned into a fight (because of unresolved feelings and unspoken words), Atsushi managed to duck from Rashomon's slash. But in doing so, his head suddenly felt... lighter. Literally. Turning his head to see his long hair, cut, laying on the bloodied ground and albeit a frozen Akutagawa on the other side, Atsushi saw red. He did not know what happened after his sudden rampage, but Dazai was grinning like an idiot while Chuuya looked impressed, terrified, and indifference.
Which lead to where they are now: back at the agency (Dazai dragged Chuuya and Akutagawa along) with the members all but staring in horror at his uneven cut hair that stopped just about his shoulder blades, fists bloody and apparent tear marks from under his thankfully untouched bangs. (Because Arahabaki forbid if Rashomon managed to cut his bangs).
Cue Yosano, Naomi, Kyouka, Haruna, and even Chuuya trying to salvage as much as they could with Atsushi's hair. Meanwhile, Dazai does some talking (read: prodding) with Atsushi to figure out what really is going on under his long bangs. But it goes on for so long back and forth that Akutagawa soon grew irritated and used Rashomon abruptly as a hairband and pushed Atsushi's hair back.
(Or for a more bonding moment, it happens when they fought: Akutagawa grabs Atsushi by his bangs, effectively tugging them up only for stand in shock at the other's gorgeous bi-colored sunset-ametrine eyes and such a harsh burn scar across his forehead, all wrapped together with the younger's panicked expression which leads to a whole lot of confessions and bonding and just- [gestures wildly] The potential)
Anywayssss, they awe at his pretty eyes, go through the urges of wanting to kill an already dead man, and while Atsushi still wanted to keep his bangs, he gets a bandana to both keep them out of the way but to also cover his scar.
(A/N: Yippeeeee owo)
I Died and Reincarnated as a Tiger Prince?! | Demo
Byakko sheathes her katana and finally lets out a breath.
“My, such bloodshed.” She glances over her shoulder as the royal doctor walks into the building. “Bandits, I presume?”
“Mostly. But others… They seem like sorcerers and mages.”
“Magic users? In this environment?”
The building they were asked to investigate looked abandoned on the outside with cracks and ivy along with boarded up windows. But inside, it looked like some sort of infirmary.
“If anything, I was thinking of something with more materials for sorcery.” The doctor murmurs, walking over to a table with several vials of organic material and potions.
“Yosano-sama, I will continue searching the building for any leftovers.” Byakko announced, already seeing herself off.
Yosano watches her and sighs fondly, shaking her head. “It feels like a lifetime ago, and yet you still act the same.” She turns her attention back to the books and studies and drafts strewn about the table.
She wasn’t familiar with sorcery and anything magic-based, even though she herself has the highest level of healing magic, one that could save someone from the brink of death. But they already have a mage in the royal administration, one that she was familiar with. And yet she doesn’t recognize any of these drafts. She picks up one of the papers, frowning.
“What was even done here-” Yosano’s voice stuttered when her eyes continued scanning further the pages. Resurrection? Supplements? Dosages, very low chance… Her hands trembled slightly as she looked back at the various vials on the shelves.
Just what has been dealt here?
She turns around at the sound of Byakko’s voice. “Byakko, we might have to return here another day. Something-”
Yosano cuts herself off at the sight of what was curled up in the other’s arms. A child, a little boy with abnormal platinum blonde hair like the moon and motionless white tiger ears and tail, his wrists and ankles bruised. Half-human children tend to have these features of theirs move when asleep. Yosano looks down at the papers in hand.
“Yosano-sama,” She turns her attention back to the royal captain, seeing the hint of anger in her slight glare. “He was found in the middle of a sorcerer’s circle, chained down.”
Yosano stops herself from the sudden outburst, seeing the child’s tiger ears tremble slightly from the loud echo. She glances at the papers in hand. “Something’s not right…” she whispers under her breath.
“It’s best we return to the castle and report that we took care of the problem, but that it leads to something more.” Byakko said, already making her way to the door and Yosano quickly puts the papers down and follows behind. “No wonder your brother said for you to come with me. He likely foresaw this, that fortune teller.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” sighs Yosano, thinking back to the conversation earlier today of Ranpo practically pushing Yosano over to Byakko just before she left the castle grounds. She sighs heavily and looks at the building they just left.
Yosano observes the other for a long moment, noticing the woman’s normally dilated sharp pupils being bigger and rounder as she gazes down at the boy in her arms. I never took her to be quite the mother. Yosano smiles at the thought. But it suits her.
“Seems like you have adopted a cub or your own, hm?” Yosano inquires.
Byakko simply glances at her from over her shoulder before turning back when the child suddenly shifts in her arms.
— — —
All Atsushi could remember was abrupt, shocking pain. Then the sense of floating. For a moment, he thought that he had died, which was the likely ending. The pain was unbearable compared to what the orphanage usually inflicted on him. This one was done by someone not of staff, but… a terrifying man of pure white hair and voidless red eyes. Truly, he did think he died, no doubt about it.
But that didn’t explain him suddenly… waking up again.
He was being carried, his head propped on a shoulder, eyes blarily staring up at an unfamiliar abandoned building with overgrown ivy. He suddenly felt a hand rest carefully on his head and someone came into view.
“Oh, you’re awake. How are you feeling?” the woman asks, magenta eyes looking at him.
Atsushi stares for a second before grumbling in pain, squeezing his eyes. “Everything hurts…”
“Where, by chance?”
“Head… my back… my hands and legs, too.” He opens his eyes again to see the other frowning slightly.
“What do you remember last?” she asks.
“I…” He swallows roughly and just shakes his head, burying his face into the shoulder. “I don’t remember…” Suddenly, something foreign on the side of his head shifts, and his eyes shoot wide open in panic but then a hand rests against his back.
“Shhh…” a deep ethereal voice hushes gently, and it calms Atsushi almost instantly even though his grip was still vice. “Things might feel different, but right now you are still hurt,” the voice continues gently. “It’s best we leave before it gets dark. By then, you will be treated by the royal family.”
Atsushi blinks owlishly. “R-Royal… family?”
The doctor hums silently, looking at him. “Seems like your memory has been affected a lot… What do you remember by chance?” she asks as they came to a wagon and the one holding him carefully set him down and pulled their cerulean blue shoulder cape to wrap around him.
Atsushi frowns and ducks his head only to go rigid at the sight of black stripes on his arms and legs along with his nails sharp like a cat’s. Before he could panic further, hands gently held him and he looked up to meet sharp yellow eyes, just like a tiger’s. “Do you remember your name? Age?” she asks.
Atsushi stares at her for a moment before quietly nodding his head. “N-Nakajima Atsushi… And I think I’m 14…?”
“14?” The doctor echoes, eyebrows furrowed.
“I think so,” he nods.
The two women glanced at each other before the doctor stepped next to the other. “I’m Yosano Akiko. And this is Kemono Byakko,” she introduces themselves to him. Atsushi blinks before nodding his head back.
“Now,” Yosano stands up and walks inside the building.
“Yosano-sam—” Byakko began.
“Just going to do something.”
They watched as the doctor disappeared inside, and after a bit of crashing sounds that made Atsushi wince at the sudden volume in his ears, Yosano walks out with something in her hands.
“Yosano-sama…” Byakko warns slightly.
“Oh, don't worry. Yosano waves a hand. “Just made sure we grabbed everything.” Atsushi stares before squinting in slight confusion.
“But you don’t have anything but those papers,” he points out.
“Quite! But that’s for later.” Turning to Byakko, “I’ll explain once we get back to the castle.” Byakko frowns before sighing quietly and looks back at Atsushi, gently petting his head before her eyes lowered. He stares back in confusion before gasping when she suddenly rests her hands gingerly on his bruised wrists, and a gentle blue-iridescent light covers the bruises. Atsushi watches in awe as the aching faded and the bruises completely vanished as she pulled away to do the ones at her ankles.
“Let’s get you home,” Byakko whispers, gazing at Atsushi earnestly before moving to the front to begin moving the wagon. Yosano pulls herself up on the wagon with Atsushi just as it begins moving and she looks off into the distance at the building.
“What else do you remember, by chance?” she asks.
Atsushi stares before looking down slightly, ignoring the stripes and claws for now. And besides his name and an idea of his age…
“Pain.” he answered.
“But I should be used to pain…”
Yosano looks at the other before resting a hand on his head. “Feel anything different, then?” she asks.
Atsushi nods and looks around. “Everything is louder and brighter, and something’s moving on my back…”
Yosano hums carefully. “Do you know anything about half-humans?” Atsushi looks at her in confusion. Smiling, “Half-humans are humans, yes, but they are a bit different in appearance.”
“Like what?”
“Additional or replaced features compared to a human,” she explains. “There can be many kinds of half-humans, so a subspecies.”
“So… a different race?” Atsushi asks, feeling himself get tired.
“That’s right. But the most common of half-humans are humans with animal-like features. Be it cats, wolves, squirrels even.”
Atsushi yawns and slumps down, curling into a ball. “Am… I one of them?”
Yosano gazes down at him. “Yes. A white tiger. Surprisingly, we’ve only heard of such beings in stories as a lineage of legendary and brave warriors.”
Atsushi blinks slowly, the information having not been able to process fully. “Do… Do they get treated nicely?” he asks, eyes slipping closed.
Yosano simply smiles and rests her eyes as well. “They are treated as equal as anyone would want to be treated.”
The sun had just begun to lower to the horizon below the mountain their kingdom was set on as they came to the castle grounds. Wasting no time, Byakko unleads the horse from the wagon and lets the stablehands take care of them, and pulls the wagon to where the others were.
“Phew,” Yosano sighs as she steps off. “A single day of travel, the most I’ve been out for a long time.” she murmurs. Byakko nods as she rounded the wagon and carefully scoops Atsushi up, now bundled up in her cape and sleeping soundly. Her gaze softened slightly to see the child’s ears flick in his sleep.
“Now how do we explain to the royal family that you suddenly picked up a child of your own?” Yosano hums as they make their way to the doors.
“His Highness would understand,” responds Byakko and Yosano hums, smiling quietly.
“That he would,” she agrees.
Byakko felt a shift in her arms and looked down as ametrine sunset eyes fluttered open, taking in everything slowly. “Feeling better?” she asks quietly.
Atsushi hummed quietly, letting his eyes rest closed for a while longer as he rested against her. “It’s numb, but it’s uncomfortable. Feels weird…”
“It would be,” hums Byakko. She glances at Yosano who nods. “Hungry, by chance?”
It takes Atsushi a moment to realize he was starving. Thankfully, his stomach growling was enough of an answer for them.
“The chefs are likely preparing dinner as we speak…” Yosano murmurs. “Byakko, take Atsushi to the infirmary, the private room. It’d be best if we don't have the others bother him until further notice. I’ll go and retrieve some food that one who hasn’t eaten as of late can stomach.”
Byakko nods and makes her way down the hallway, parting ways with her. Atsushi watches Yosano vanish behind the corner before looking around once more.
“Where are we?” he asks quietly.
“The royal castle,” responds the woman.
A beat.
“Do you and Yosano-sama work here…?”
“Yes, but Yosano is a part of the family. But she's more devoted to his medical work than the usual duties compared to her brothers,” she explains. “I’m the royal captain guard. But I wish to be your mother, as well.”
Atsushi stares at her for a moment. “My… mother?” he echoes.
“Yes,” she nods her head. “Would you mind?”
Atsushi was quiet, thinking about it.
Back at the orphanage, there was never a set parental figure amongst the children. The most he’s seen was the oldest residence protecting the younger ones, which usually led to them being kicked out right then and there. Of course, none of them protected him. He was more trouble than what was worth.
But in books, he had an idea of what a happy family would be, and what the relationship between parent and child should be. It was nothing compared to the orphanage.
Atsushi looks up at Byakko. She seems nice… And she helped me, too. “Will that be okay…?” he asks, still hesitating.
“I am not a part of the royal family, even though they took me in all the same. I am but their royal captain guard. I don’t think they would mind me returning with a child of my own, one in need of help.” she responds.
Atsushi stares at her before humming quietly, resting his head on his shoulder. Byakko freezes up slightly before relaxing quietly, resting her head against his as they continue towards the infirmary.
(A/N: This is all but randomness I spewed out a day or two ago, and let me tell you my brain juices are running dry. But I still wanted to play around with the idea, so have this as a demo. Unsatisfied but satisfied enough to at least place it down here. The one I would make might follow the same outline but with a few changes in the worldbuilding [I'm bad when it comes to that] but everything is mostly the same!)
Royal Captain Guard Byakko with little "Tiger Prince" Atsushi!

I Died and Reincarnated as a Tiger Prince?! | BSD!AU
( . . . ) I've been watching too much isekai/slice of life/fantasy anime lately, so I'm just gonna put some random stuff here and just- tackle it later, I don't know what's become of my brain- (Welcome to my brain, I am sorry in advance)
Right out of the park: Atsushi ends up dying in the orphanage.
The next thing he knows, he wakes up to an otherworldly universe that's full on fantasy; I mean "Dahlia in Bloom", "By The Grace of the Gods", HELL EVEN "Snow White with the Red Hair" too.
We have magic, guilds, monsters, mystical beasts, you name it!
Anyways- he wakes up in what looks to be an infirmary, but it was... different. For one thing, there was a nurse and someone else there.
They introduce themselves as the royal doctor, Yosano Akiko, and the royal captain guard, Byakko, who she claims to be his mother though the difference between her and Atsushi were evident; she was a pure shapeshifter but human, and Atsushi is a white tiger half-human.
They kept it vague but explained that he was now safe, and would be living with the royal family in the mountains, where they are now currently. He doesn't have to worry about what happened before, but he has a hunch it's something similar to the orphanage, though he never brought it up.
Byakko teaches Atsushi all she knows about this world, their home practically converted into a big library. Which he didn't mind, he adored reading as much as he did back in the orphanage. Although his new features are still something he needs to get used to.
He becomes acquainted with the people in the castle; their staff, the administration, and the royal family. But the most he found himself staying close to was his mother when she does guard training or the bandaged brunet prince and his begrudging advisor who is half/half wanting to strangle said prince. But if either were busy, he would hole himself in the castle library or befriend the people that live in the castle besides the royal family.
As he grows, Atsushi learns about combat and magic to the point he's mastered even his mother's magic besides his own (that being turning into a tiger) and especially how the world works. But never once has he left the castle, only ever staring at the castle walls and into the town on the mountain with them. Because even then, the mental scar from the orphanage still haunt him that the outside world was dangerous.
News spread quickly of the royal family gaining a new member, a white tiger human with unique colored hair and eyes to boot. Atsushi thought that it was normal as people can be born half-human. But apparently not as rare as a white tiger half-human. Nevertheless, that hasn't stopped him from living a life that he wished for years.
By the age of 18, a royal family from the coast came to visit for some kind of business; an alliance of sorts. They have been neighbors, but things have always been neutral but it has for as long as history reads, so they may as well start an alliance supported by a trade system and something else.
At first, they were thinking of a marriage proposal between their gingerheaded guard captain and the bandaged brunet, but it seemed the news of the new tiger prince reached them, and suggested a second marriage proposal; this time with either half-human black dragon siblings and Atsushi.
(A/N: Damn, this really happened because I'm got invested in slice-of-life-isekai-fantasy anime, christ. This post was supposed to be vague bullet points on an idea that seemed interesting [hell I even did the cheesy name title and everything] but the more I got to typing this and visualizing it in my head, the more it became fleshed out and- hhhhhh T~T"" | aaaaaaaaaaa yeah I don't know what else to say other than it'll be a while until I flesh this out entirely, and yes I made this entirely because I've been watching By the Grace of the Gods and just- yes- I don't know what else to say on that- | Atsushi getting to know everyone is-like- season 1. The marriage proposals and surprise surprise SSKK is season 2.)
(A/N: It's a whole series~ Weeeeee ^^ | I am completely outing my ao3, aren't I-)
modern au but is it really?
chuuya has recently moved to the countryside from the busy city, for the change of scenery but also because it's closer to the hospital that is looking after his twin brother. verlaine and rimbaud think it's a good idea, for a change of pace.
anyways chuuya goes through the notions of being the new kid from the city now in the quiet countryside with their dirt roads, hokura(small shrines found on the country roadsides), and rice fields, as well as neighbors a good walk away from his new home. he adjusts well, surprisingly. his friends at school who claim themselves to be called the flags, his neighbor who frequently visits who he found calling her ane-san. and since moving, he was able to visit his brother in the hospital more often, whose health has been progressing slowly but positively. baki's now able to walk with a cane, an upgrade from his wheelchair!
but he could tell that something was... different about this side of the country. he couldn't figure out what the feeling was. and when asking ane-san and the flags, they all deduce that he was simply getting used to the airy atmosphere the spirits brought, as if welcoming them. that same night, he could hair faint whistling amongst the gentle breeze and rustling treetops.
it was any other day where chuuya found himself laying amongst the grass, enjoying the sun on his skin. then just a moment later, he hears a skitter. but when he looked over, there was nothing. thinking nothing of it, he resumed minding his own business. this happens for the next few minutes before chuuya just got tired and snapped his head over. only to see a white fox from the nose to tailtip.
with his phone in their jaws.
needless to say, chuuya gave chase after the animal who raced off, letting out loud squeals that sound as if it were laughing. but in this current scenario, chuuya felt-- no, knew-- it was mocking him. they ran all over the place; his open front yard, down through the streets (it didn't help that he people were out and about harvesting their fields, they have a front row seat to the spectacle happening before them. the flags, definitely), and through the forest brush.
after chasing the white speck of squealing fur for what felt like a lifetime, chuuya finally first through the forest and... into a small clearing. it physically made him stop to take in the sudden change of scenery, as one second ago it was purely forest. and now... there's a path that he could tell has been overun by the grass. he could barely see the stone slates that help make the path. at the edges of the clearing, small but prominent stones with shimenawa encircled the clearing. and just ahead of him, a rundown and unattended hokura, a small stone statue in the form of a fox with five tails. five? suddenly, he hears a mischievous snicker behind him, and he whips around, remembering what brought him on this wild goosechase.
only to be met twin white fox ears poking out the top of curly brown hair, a glint in heather brown eyes accompanied by a mischievous smirk, and five white tails behind them and their blue kimono.
oh, and his phone in their mouth.
(A/N: Not the same but follows similar preferences [aka pm!atsushi] | Basically it went differently than I first made the post compared to the actual fic)
Yes hello, I'm back to talk more about this again-

But it's some minor things with major lore(?) dumps. (I'm rambling again, aren't I)
Basically I kept on staring at the drawing, grumbling about the outline of the eyes being too light to differentiate with the hair, and said: "Screw it, I'm changing it" and did more than just change the color of the outline of the eye.

(As mentioned before,) A slight change in the eye-outline color, changed the braid to have a hair cuff, pulled the wrap-around cloth to be longer (with a small accessory) and a pocket watch. It's a game of spot the difference, really.
Now, you might wondering, why did I add all these things?
(a-hem) Mori+Elise: Gold pocket watch and chain (reference??? kinda maybe-) Chuuya: Hair cuff (braid) Kouyou: Striped wrap-around "belt" Akutagawa: Vest suit Higuchi: White Tie Hirotsu: Gloves Gin: Slacks Tachihara: Silver dress shirt Q: Clip (on belt) Kajii: Shoes [Kyouka (whether or not I decide that she follows him back into the mafia): A brooch in a similar shape of her flower pins] — Whether or not they go out of their way and get these for him or just hint at it and he buys it later "at [name]'s recommendation", that's up for debate. (Angst idea: the day after the bounty drops, bright and early at 5 AM, Atsushi folds the clothes the agency gave him neatly next to his futon with the phone on top, once again wearing clothes he never thought he would wear again, and just... leaves.)
[Rambling time buckle in-] In my head, I think him doing on-field work is rare, even with his powerful ability (unless he's deliberately told to help Akutagawa with a mission which he does with a bit of salt and pain [cos- hah- he has to deal with Byakko without All Men Are Equal now]) and when the ADA are involved (which he actively avoids it like the plague, whether he's asked to go on-field or even plan the operation). He would plan and oversee operations/raids instead, take care of incoming supplies and make sure everything's there (there's a fancier word for it but right now I don't have the brain power) and the more illegal stuff that aren't usual missions. The boring stuff, basically! (cough, which is why he looks tired, cough). Anything that isn't fighting/being outside (mood). — Other than that, I think that while he sticks close to Chuuya, Hirotsu will begin caring for the boy and taking him under his wing (maybe?). A veteran of the Port Mafia who knows much when it comes to their statistics, things that Atsushi needs to learn and operate. That, and possibly a promise... Whether or not Atsushi would lay down his loyalty and dedication to the Mafia, I think they would decline at first and let him choose on his own (and not be forced right into joining the organization right off the bat). Basically 15!Dazai, where he's not an official member of the PM but is there.
( . . . ) Alright fine, I'mma make a fic. I'll struggle definitely but if I can make whatever the heck I did in this post, I think I can do it... maybe...
hhh- anyways-
Modern!BSD but...
Atsushi is idol Akutagawa's "pseudo" manager and boyfriend (unbeknownst to the public and everyone that aren't part of their inner circle.) In his words, "Jinko keeps me on top of things. I don't see why I would need an official manager if he's already doing a good job at it."
At first, the fans didn't know who this person was when they caught a glimpse of him in the few chances they have a bit of insight of Akutagawa's crew and routine. Always covering themself with baggy hoodies and cargo pants with tights underneath, white mask with black imprinted tiger stripes and nose, sunglasses, and either a beanie or bucket hat. But after some thought and revelation, they realized that they were Akutagawa's manager! They didn't even know he had one to begin with. And after knowing what Akutagawa calls him, the fans picked up on calling the manager "Jinko-chan" and were completely hooked.
In reality, their history takes it back when they were in high school and Akutagawa was scouted due to recommendations by Chuuya and Dazai. He needed a manager, and while Higuchi offered, Akutagawa didn't want her to deal with his bulls--t. So, wanting to be a good senpai, Dazai dragged Atsushi to intern as Akutagawa's temporary manager! "Seriously, Mackerel?" "Come on, Chibi! Atsushi-kun is actually learning under our dear manager Kunikida-kun! Who else would be a better manager than the one learning under our own?" "( . . . ) S--tty Dazai, Kunikida is his math tutor-!" Which led to quite the conflict between Akutagawa and Atsushi. Akutagawa, struggling with the prospect of the entertainment industry and fame and people with the perpetual fear of his privacy being compromised. Meanwhile Atsushi, a Chinese-literature student and track runner, having panic attacks over dealing with statistics and handling schedules and deadlines all while dealing with not-so good people in his lives, growing anger and spite to his foster father and the busted foster system that split him and his sister apart he was damned to specifically.
But somewhere and somehow, they found themselves understanding the other more better than most. To let Akutagawa sleep better at night, Atsushi deals with issues amongst the fans, taking it to another level when there was even a hint of any privacy leaked and, for some reason, hateful comments. (It shocked Kunikida mostly, he hasn't taught Atsushi this in particular yet when it comes to being the idol's manager). Because even then, Akutagawa just has himself and Gin. And he wants to protect what he has. "I might as well help," he always said to Dazai. But really, he wants to protect them too. And in turn, Akutagawa "begrudgingly" became less harsh on the younger. He couldn't really fire him, and Dazai wouldn't want Atsushi to quit. But more of the fact that he was more exposed to Atsushi's more hidden side, his angrier and spiteful person. And after becoming aware of Atsushi's situation outside of school and being his manager, he offered Atsushi a place to stay in his house with Gin. Because despite himself, he wants to know more about Atsushi, not just as the nice guy from school or his begrudging manager. He wants to know Atsushi as Atsushi.
When Akutagawa's career as an idol fully takes off and he's graduating from school does all those feelings come crashing down. Because that also means that Atsushi is no longer his temporary manager. (They forgot it was all temporary. They have gotten so used to working in tandem that all they worked for, all they built, was temporary.) On the same day of Akutagawa's graduation, he admits that he's afraid what Atsushi has built to protect him and Gin, and that he feels there's much more he wants to know and learn about him. Mutually, Atsushi is scared on what would happen to them both if he wasn't there to protect them, but not so equally scared as to spend the majority of his afterschool time in a place that wasn't his home anymore. Not with that white haired, red-eyed man that all but claims to be his foster father. So they come to a compromise. Not much of a compromise, really. They just continue what they have always been doing, the only change coming to when Atsushi graduates and turns 18. He foresaw that he would be dropped from the foster system like some rubbish and he'd rather not be with his foster-father in the same instance, so he moves into Akutagawa's house early, not that either party minded.
In the present, Akutagawa has a better handling on his idol position, Atsushi is still his manager (and more beyond that) and is living safely with the siblings along with his sister he finally reunited with. They all still live in the same big house since high school, but they're thriving.
Yeah. Things are going well.
(A/N: I wasn't expecting how deep I would go into this wwww ahhh my brain is still fried. I only made this outline entirely of the bit when idols ran and dragged their managers out when the mission was who is the most handsome manager.)
BSD but Atsushi just... has the Book.
Whenever he was locked away, the place would be barren. It always has been. But somewhere in some time, the ground oddly looked uneven.
So, taking the chance, he pulled up a loose piece of the ground and saw it. A white book that looked to have stayed clean even when laying on the ground. It had no name, but it had a pretty pattern.
Atsushi had always loved reading, and it's more or less what he's used to doing. So he picks up the book and begins reading. It's text read of numerous, mystical things; fantasy and down-to-heart, future and the past, of celebration, liberation, adventure. It was as if all the books Atsushi has managed to read in the library, all its genres, all in one book.
It brought him comfort in this cold hell of his, reading the text to almost a brand new story the next time he finds himself in his gaze. It... It made him seek for the comfort the book has repeatedly explored, over and over and over again. Repeatedly explored the prospect of a family, a family the protagonist chooses.
But the headmaster always seems to disregard his thoughts, even downplaying them, saying that he won't ever find a family. That was all the more reason he wanted to keep this book, to protect it, protect their stories. Because he had an irksome feeling that if the headmaster would find out about it, he'd burn it and make Atsushi watch as punishment.
That has been several years ago, back when he was a child. Now 18 and facing all odds the headmaster told him, he found his family in the Armed Detective Agency. He has kept the book close to him but still hidden away, managing to sneak it out with him when he was kicked out initially.
And because of how much stories he's read from the book, the others would always come to him and listen to more. Atsushi didn't think of himself as a good storyteller, but oh well.
But oh boy was he not expecting that the book from his childhood would be the source of all kinds of problems they would be facing.
(A/N: I've actually written a whole other ordeal about this one, along the lines of Atsushi finding the book when he was locked away (I wasn't aware that the book would just be in the library like that, from one of Atsushi's flashbacks). But in classic ME fashion, it was sskk =w=" | Canon divergence, Atsushi is a civilian and lives with the Akutagawa siblings, and is always reading the book. Unfortunately I couldn't touch the idea to my expectations and ended up deleting it entirely. And even if I tried finding it, it's all but buried away in those many days and hours of the "Last Edit" part of Google Docs. regardless, have this ^w^ | And maybe one day, I can touch back to this idea.)
Modern!BSD but...
Atsushi, a criminally underrated fashion designer with his sketches more or less being taken off the internet and reused by the more greedy designers. And his muse, a model and internet sensation, and what seems to be the only outsider that sees through the bulls--t, Akutagawa. The same muse that inspired Atsushi to start designing in the first place. And mutually, the same designer that Akutagawa has followed since the very beginning.
Burnt out and, rightfully, done with the world, Atsushi is left with little to no will of himself. He hasn't been able to sketch outfits nor touched his sewing machine that it could practically collect dust. And while laying on bed, watching his designs being thrown around for what feels like the nth time that week, Atsushi impulsively decided on going on a trip, disabling his account temporarily and taking a step back from media. That impulsive decision landed him back in his hometown, to visit his sister and reunite with his previous roommates and roommates. Meanwhile, Akutagawa finds himself getting dragged along by his sister and her friends to what could be explained as an isolated village. But the insist on visiting for the weekend at the very least. His schedule was free, so they jumped at the opportunity regardless.
And in all honesty, this trip was all that Atsushi needed. To take in the fresh air, see how much (or how little) his hometown has changed, hanging out with friends, and especially the village cats that took a liking to him almost instantly. Maybe the village cats Atsushi remembered as a kid has told its kids about him and it just continued one with its several generations. Coincidentally, that's how he comes face to face with his muse, Atsushi pausing his sketching to pet some cats while Akutagawa peering over his shoulder, at first intently staring at the cats, but then noticing and recognizing the outfit sketches in the sketchbook.
Obviously, that encounter spooked both of them at their personal revelations about the other that Atsushi all but scrambled off back to his current stay, unfortunately leaving behind his sketchbook. And obviously, the companions of both ushered them to talk to each other. So after bumping into each other in the same place, with Akutagawa the one petting the cats, they start talking. And kept talking. If anything, Akutagawa's entire weekend was just him getting to know this faceless designer he has admired for quite a while.
By the end of the weekend and Akutagawa having to catch the train back home, Atsushi catches him in time to give him something; his most recent sketches that was inspired by this trip. Specifically: his time with Akutagawa. His previous sketches, Atsushi has only ever seen Akutagawa through a screen. But meeting him in person, Akutagawa was an entirely unique person. And for Akutagawa, this designer has always been faceless, only showing off their most recent sketches and getting angry over the fact that it was just being taken. And by GOD he's pretty.
It came to no surprise from either party that they developed a crush even as they continued talking and messaging each other. And when Akutagawa was given an invitation to some sort of awards ceremony with a theme, he goes right to Atsushi.
(tbh that was a weak ending on my end =~="" | My brain was slowly but surely failing on me towards the end, but hopefully my vision still went through and I could understand it later when I come back to this)
Wrong Tiger
“Hey… Midoriya?
“I don’t know if it’s just me, or did your white tiger get bigger? Like massively bigger that it’s unheard of for a tiger to grow this big since this morning.”
Midoriya stared at his classmates before looking up to meet the tiger’s eyes.
“Midoriya, did you somehow lose your white tiger and unknowingly started taking care of another white tiger?”
“I-I don’t… know?”
“K-Kaachan, I can’t tell the difference between two white tigers!”
“IDIOT! The tiger you took care of on day one is small and with blue eyes! This is twice as big and with yellow eyes!” Bakugou screeches, wildly gesturing at the large tiger while the lion he was taking care of and Uraraka look closer, a red panda perched on her head.
“Actually, there might be some purple in there.” she remarks, carefully outstretching a hand and yelping when the red panda took that as a platform and jumped on top of the tiger’s head. Before they could react though, the tiger simply jolted on the spot before not at all minding as the red panda played on them.
“At least they are docile!” Asui points out as she holds a bucket with a seal inside.
“Thank goodness for that,” Todoroki comments as he feeds his penguin another fish. “This reminds me of some stray news about a white tiger terrorizing towns and cities a few months ago.”
“Okay, that sounds terrifying.” Kaminari shudders, clutching the basket of baby chicks.
“Guys, this isn’t the time to be scared over old news,” Jirou points out with a snowy owl perched on her shoulder. “Right now, we have a different tiger in hand from the one Midoriya should be taking care of.”
“But how do we find a missing tiger? NOT TO MENTION where this one came from?” Kirishima asks as he leans against the rhino.
Midoriya frowned in thought and looked at the tiger who watched them with an observing eye. “Do you know where you are, where you came from?” he asks.
“Deku, are you seriously trying to copy Koda-?”
The tiger suddenly chuffs and moves its head elsewhere. They all turned their heads towards the entrance into the room.
“You… came from the entrance?” Midoriya tries.
The tiger lets out a quiet moan before shifting up to their paws. Leaning their head down, they transferred the red panda back to Uraraka and headed to the door.
“W-Wait a second, I don’t think you could make it through those doors!” Midoriya panics, making the tiger stop. “We can go through the gate! You want to go outside this enclosure?” he asks.
The tiger blinked before turning back around and gazed at the boy. He just stared back. “You… seem to understand me.” The tiger blinks again before ducking their head, ears lowered slightly. “N-Not that it’s weird!” He looks at the others.
“Guess we’re taking these guys to see the guests.”
“Atsushi-kun became small.”
Dazai, Chuuya, and Akutagawa turn around to see Kyouka resting a hand against a tiger that was a head taller than her, curled around and rubbing their chin against the top of her head.
“Huh, you’re right.” Chuuya remarks as they walk over. “Last I remember, the tiger kid is a lot bigger than this. Probably two-three times bigger?”
“And usually he wouldn’t want to keep this form on for much longer,” frowned Akutagawa, reaching a hand to pet the tiger’s head who chuffed happily under the attention. “Nor does he seek much affection.”
Dazai sighs in a fond manner, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. “My my, Atsushi-kun. I suppose us coming to the zoo would have done something.” He reaches a hand. “Now come on, stop playi—”
Dazai’s eyes snapped open to come into contact with soft fur, and… nothing else. Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Kyouka stare with wide eyes at the Dazai and the tiger, the brunet’s hand firmly planted on the tiger’s head all while the animal chuffed happily at the new contact and rubbed itself against his head.
“He didn’t change back.” Kyouka instantly snapped her head to give Dazai a blank but threatening stare. “Why isn’t Atsushi-kun changing back?”
Dazai just stared and pulled back and used his other hand. Nothing. No bright flash of light of No Longer Human canceling out Beast Beneath the Moonlight, no human under his hand, and the tiger just being happy in their company. And last they remembered, Atsushi woke up on his wrong side in the closet that gave him a bad knick in his neck, causing him further aching that he more or less brushed off, albeit with a grimace and a bad mood.
That was actually the entire reason Dazai decided to drag him invite him on a trip to the zoo, and may as well bring the two mafiosi and Kyouka.
“Wait a second, isn’t there a white tiger enclosure?” Chuuya asks, looking at them. “Do you think the tiger kid is able to sneak off and another tiger just started following us?”
“Or maybe one of the keepers mistook Atsushi-kun if he did turn into a tiger,” Kyouka suggests.
“Does this count as another Jinko-kidnapping?” Akutagawa inquires.
“Boy, your boyfriend is missing!” Chuuya scolds and promptly bonks him on the head.
“This zoo is massive, and it’s closing soon.” Kyouka adds.
“Guess we have to go and see,” sighs Dazai.
“Ow, ow, Chuuya!”
“Come on, move it! Gosh, are me and Kyouka-chan the only ones worried about this or something?! YOU TWO ARE HIS BOYFRIEND AND MENTOR, DAMNIT!”
“Aww, but we get to see you’re caring side more~”
“You really have to stop provoking him, Dazai-san.”
“It’s mostly empty, guests are leaving because of the early closing.” Jirou said as she looked around.
“But that would be easier, right?” Midoriya asks.
“I guess,” hums Kaminari.
The tiger looked around, letting out quiet roars and sniffing the air.
“Hear anything?” Midoriya asks.
The tiger shook its head and pawed at its face, moaning and shaking its head more.
“Too many smells,” Todoroki suggests. “They must’ve come from somewhere else.”
“Hey, we’ll help you buddy.” Kirishima pets the tiger’s head, smiling reassuringly. “But I need you to be real with me; can you actually understand us?”
The tiger looks at him and looks at the rest who all looked back. Sheepishly, it nodded.
“Did you come with people from outside the zoo?” Midoriya asks.
Another nod.
“How?” Asui asks, confused.
“Are you someone’s pet? I feel like rich people are able to own tigers or lions or just exotic pets.” Uraraka whispers, staring at the tiger. Instantly the tiger recoiled, growling threateningly. “Not a pet, not a pet! Sorry!” she panics. “It has too much human sentience for a tiger. And to be fair, I don’t think anyone would want to be called someone’s pet.”
“That’s cringe,” Kaminari blurts out.
“But it’s odd that you can both understand us and respond as if you are a human.” Midoriya said, looking at the tiger.
“Ah, there you are Atsushi-kun!”
They all turn their heads to see four people also with a white tiger walk over.
“There you are!” Midoriya exclaims in relief, opening his arms and letting the small tiger barrel into him.
“Who?” Uraraka asks, confused.
“Atsushi-kun,” the short girl said, pointing at the large white tiger.
“You… named your tiger Atsushi?” Kaminari asked, confused.
“No no, you misunderstand.” the brunet smiles. “This tiger here is actually my mentee!”
“But it’s a tiger.” Bakugou glares.
“Nope!” He reached over and booped the tiger’s nose.
A bright flash of blue light caused them to look away, but when they looked back, there stood a young man with platinum blonde hair in one-sided choppy bangs, bi-colored purple and yellow eyes that could parallel ametrines, and a face entirely red in embarrassment.
“A-Apologies for all the trouble I’ve caused,” he bowed his head.
The students all stared with their jaws to the ground while the white tiger happily trotted over and nudged against him. They blink in slight surprise before smiling quietly and pets the tiger.
“W-Wait- What?” Kirishima asks, confused. “Is that your Quirk?”
“Quirk? Oh no, not that. Something different.” the man smiles. “But anyways! We shouldn’t keep you long, nor should we overwelcome our stay. Best we be off now!”
And with that the brunet ushers his group off. And calling over his shoulder, “And please do keep an eye on your little tiger! They’re quite curious creatures.”
At the mention, Midoriya looks to where he last saw the tiger only to see an open space from where it stood.
“Oh no, not again!”
(A/N): This helped my crossover brainrot, don't mind me-
( . . . ) Yeah, it's gotten to the point where my addictions(I forgot the word for this stuff) collides and- just- I couldn't help myself.
Nothing really special, just if the organizations of BSD are factions in ZZZ (even though it's stated in the zzzwiki that the factions are organizations themselves-) BUT THEY HAVE A COOL LOGO TO GO WITH IT.

With and without background, too. =w=
The next bout of inspiration that comes to me I would the Port Mafia (I already have ideas though but I is tiredd)
BSD x MHA (cause it's been in the brain for a bit)
Mainly focused on SSKK and, surprisingly, Yaomomo.
The usual doozy of BSD!timeline being centuries before MHA!timeline, and SSKK somehow find themselves way into the future with little to know knowledge on how to return back home. So, for now, they gotta ride time. And thankfully, since they're in the future, it won't change time.
Cue Atsushi and Akutagawa going through the ropes of learning this world and evidently getting into UA High School.
But amongst the many students that were their peers, one catches Aktuagawa's eye, mostly because of how uncanny she looks compared to his sister Gin.
Yaoyorozu Momo, their class vice representative.
Fast forward, they as well as a few other students went to Yaoyorozu's estate to get some help for exams, which the ravenette happily offered her help. Of course, Akutagawa or Atsushi were fine, they've read a whole lot before joining UA High School (to understand this timeline) and are a bit knowledgable, so they were there for support and side-tutoring. (Unless it was math, they're useless when it comes to it). Finding some time, Atsushi and Akutagawa was able to wander around and explore the house, his permission happily granted by Yaoyorozu. And after a bit of wandering, he finds himself in a hallway full of portraits. A gallery wall, of sorts.
Without realizing, they began walking down, seeing the portraits of family after family, their names and dates imprinted proudly on plaques.
But upon coming towards the end, there was no picture nor plaque, just mere newspaper clippings and blurry photos.
"They were the very first generation of our family lineage." A voice suddenly calls, making both Atsushi and Akutagawa turn their head to see a a woman with platinum blonde hair walking up to them.
"They don't have pictures?" Atsushi asked, confused.
"We don't know," admits the woman. "Most of the beginnings of our family are shrouded in mystery that not even the oldest of history books could shed some light on their lives. And the closest we could to know their identities are the clippings and photos before you."
And that's what is causing the pair much confusion. Familiar newspaper clippings told of a hero that saved the city from certain disaster. Blurred pictures of a shadowed figure in alleyways.
It's them.
( cricket sounds ) Have some random stuff I thought of regarding Beast Universe and Q because I am writing a fic and I needed a place to just... ramble at this point.
welcome to my ramblings, the name's lavender, im here all night www
So from what I could gather, in their present timeline, Dazai became the Port Mafia boss "four and a half years ago", leading to that he likely became the boss just a bit before meeting both Akutagawa and Atsushi. But when adding Q into the mix, they met him when they were six years old. And with a bit of brainhops and calculationg and taking note of their different timeline compared to the OG (Beast is two years behind, making Akutagawa 18 in their present timeline) then the timeline could go like as such:
They met at ages 6 and 15
By the time Mori faked his death, Dazai would have been 16
At the same age, possibly half a year, Dazai would have met Akutagawa, 14 years old, and Atsushi, 12 years old.
Fast forward those four and half years, we have 18 year old Akutagawa, 16 year old Atsushi, and 20 year old Dazai. Present-Beast timeline.
So during that short span of Q being in the Port Mafia and Mori's fake assassination, it would have been at least a year. That's what I have going on in my fic, Q still goes to the Port Mafia after being rescued from wherever they were, I'm going off on a limb and say the hospital. That one is a whole other small tangent and I have somewhat limited space. Going back on track, this is Beast Universe! And Dazai likely foresaw something happening between Q, their ability, and Chuuya (going through some theories that sound plausible enough). But since he knows enough, Dazai more or less has Q go with Mori into hiding once they faked the man's death.
And that's where things are on my end, post-beast, Atsushi and Kyouka at the orphanage under Mori's care, and Atsushi currently meeting Q.
I wanna write a few bit more about Beast!Q, please and thank you, they need the love. They're character is really interesting, that's why I'm writing all this stuff down. But until then, I have a fic to finish writing.