lawfulgeek - "This isn't even my final form!"
"This isn't even my final form!"

Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!

785 posts

No Place For Promises

No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 26: a devil crept in

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

“Fantastic, now that we’ve caught up on all the reasons I should’ve stayed in London, tell me something good,” Jackson says, plucking a few chips out of the bag Danny offers him. “How’s the lacrosse team doing?” Yes, of course. The only good news coming out of Beacon Hills would be them succeeding at lacrosse. He’s going to have a rude awakening.

Brett snorts out a laugh. But it seems like karma has it out for all of them at the moment. The laugh turns into a violent cough when he chokes on his very own spit. His cheeks flush, hopefully with both embarrassment as well as from the coughing, and he leans forward. Worrying about him potentially choking to death isn’t exactly high on anyone’s agenda after he flicks Isaac off, who, to be fair, doesn’t do anything to hide his own amusement. 

With a smile, Stiles pats Brett’s head. “Karma’s a bitch.” 

Promptly Brett flips him the bird as well. 

Lydia chuckles, Jackson snorts, and Theo shifts in front of the couch. His shoulder bumps against Stiles’ leg, and he frowns, scrolling through his phone for what seems like nothing in particular. He’s been disconcertingly quiet since he was allowed to re-enter and subsequently stay inside the flat. Stiles doubts it has anything to do with Jordan asking for peace and quiet so he can get some sleep before his night shift. Instead, it feels as if he’s observing from his spot in front of the couch next to Stiles’ legs, assessing what Danny and Jackson’s return might mean for his plans.

“Is he saying you’re getting your ass kicked?” Danny stares at them. “You have two werewolves and a kitsune on your team.”

“How do you suck so bad?” Jackson adds in disbelief. 

“It’s a talent,” Brett says between coughing and trying to catch his breath. 

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More Posts from Lawfulgeek

5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 25: heredity

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

“I’d compliment you if you won something useful,” Brett deadpans, tracing the rim of his mug with his left index finger. He uses the knuckle of his right one to rub the outer corners of his eyes before he places his arm around Stiles’ shoulders again. “But that guy?” He asks, stifling a yawn, which does not stop him from answering his own question, “he’s the consolation prize nobody wants.” As Tracy’s eyes narrow, and Theo’s jaw tightens, Brett counts on his fingers completely unperturbed. “Not a real alpha. Not a real werewolf. Doesn’t own territory. Weak. Can’t survive without the nemeton. But I guess that counts for all of you little clones.” Winking at her, Brett sips on his coffee, sufficiently satisfied with himself. 

In the following silence, Isaac looks as if he wants to bang his head against the table. Which is quite relatable. As amusing as his attitude can be, sometimes it would be better if Brett just kept his mouth shut. But Stiles doesn’t want to be the person telling Brett that, seeing the guy proves to be a rather helpful Theo repellent. More or less. His presence at the very least stops him from getting too close. In general, his no-fucks-given mindset is strangely calming. If he only were the tiniest bit less aggravating, things would be peachy. 

“You’re bold for someone who can be put into timeout with a bit of powder,” Tracy says.

Brett smiles in a way that’s more threatening than a snarl. “You wanna get some mountain ash? Try it. See what happens.” His thumb taps against the nape of Stiles’ neck, and somehow that only emphasizes the casual threat. “I recommend you behave yourself. Wouldn’t want to be exiled, would you?" 

Nobody wants to exile her. Stiles wants her to be- and it’s best he’s not going to dwell on that thought for far too long. It’s enough if she’s put in her place by someone. Preferably Theo, but Brett would suffice.  

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5 years ago

Amazing Stories Livewatch!–Jake–Its-Time-Travel—An-Amazing-Stories-Livewatch-Cast-ebbrpk

In Which FandomSlash and StickyKeys Discuss:

Why Philip is passionate about how okay the show was

Why Stacey wants to bootkick Barry the Barometer

Other ways the story could have worked better

How the bae looked and performed flawlessly despite this messy production

And then halfway in we are interrupted by Hoechlin/Sterek con nonsense. Sigh… are those two ever gonna work it out?

Enjoy! Come visit us at http;// and you can also visit us on Instagram and Twitter under bhadpodcast.

If you do want to donate to my Hoechlin Meet&Greet fund, please check us out on Patreon under BHADPodcast.

Be sure to check out FandomSlash on fandombite via Tumblr, IG and Twitter.

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5 years ago
The F I N A L D A Y

the f i n a l  d a y

on a side note though, while this will be the last store ad, i appreciate your patience with these & support throughout the store’s lifespan. i’ve got something that i guess you could call a bone-chilling series to share with y’all after this, possibly even later today.

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