Steo Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 15: tethered

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3 as well.

Stiles doesn’t run, he flies. His head and body operate on different frequencies. His mind is focused on Jordan and nothing but Jordan. Theo’s yell and Isaac screaming his name are nothing more than whispers in the background. Not a single part stops thinking about Jordan. It’s like his thoughts have drowned in nothing but Jordan. He knows it’s Cerberus’ connection to the nemeton. Part of him is aware that the nemeton took over his body, that it’s the nemeton guiding his feet towards their shared goal – towards where he needs to go.

He’s close; close enough to feel Cerberus’ presence vibrate around and inside of him. For the first time, he can sense their connection, can sense the ties that keep the nemeton and Cerberus together no matter how far apart they are. Their connection is unfolding, curling around him until seeking it out comes as natural as breathing.

The clicks of claws against concrete cuts through his concentration. Only a second later, a large black wolf catches up to him, but he doesn’t overtake him – either because he can’t or because he doesn’t want to. Theo snarls, teeth bared and white and very sharp. It doesn’t take long for him to snap at his ankles.

Piece of shit.

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5 years ago

Hi! I'm the anon who sent you this ask, and I decided take your advice and write this story! It's from Stiles POV and it's not very long, but it's my first Steo fanfic and it would mean a lot to me to know your opinion on it. I called it "Prove me wrong". And thank you so much for your encouragement!

What do you think of the idea that Stiles and Theo had a childhood crush on each other? I'm thinking of writing that into a fic.

Do it!!!! I love it! That is so adorable. 

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5 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

New Chapter of keep on keeping on! Go show it some love, I worked for months to get it out ❤️

New Chapter Of Keep On Keeping On! Go Show It Some Love, I Worked For Months To Get It Out

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5 years ago

i made a thing

Title: it started with a worksheet

Author: emsmittens (me!)

Pairing: Theo/Stiles (Steo)

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 2,521

Stiles was just minding his own business, completing a chemistry worksheet, when Theo crashes into his life and Jackson is smiling more than usual.


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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 18: precaution

Warnings: mentions of underage drinking You can read it on AO3 as well.

“Who?” Too many questions circle around in his head but somehow that’s the one he chose to go with first. It’s not that he’s that desperate to tell two poor boys their families – family? Are they twins? Did they grow up together? Do they know about each other? – and happy lives are based on a giant secret, and that their biological father is actually a lunatic and serial killer and werewolf. Out of all the confessions, the latter even the worst one. 

Brett raises a brow. “Who ‘who’?”

This is not the time to fuck around. Not even a little bit. “His sons,” Stiles stresses jabbing the fork in the other boy’s direction. The curly fry goes flying, bounces off Brett’s cup and lands in the sea of ketchup. They both ignore it. “Who are his sons?” Two Hales being let loose in the world is a terrible idea, especially if they are Peter Hale’s children. They probably only have to follow the path of destruction, sass, and designer clothes. 

Brett tosses two fries into his mouth with a shrug. “I don’t know.” He swallows assessing the curly fry on his plate like he’s witnessing blasphemy, then returns his attention back to Stiles. “My mom was the secret keeper.” His gaze jumps outside for two deeps breaths. His lips curls slightly. His jaw sets. A moment later, he looks back at Stiles. “She died with the truth.” For the flicker of a second, Brett’s eyes gloss over and he closes them, squeezes them shut. It’s a far too familiar feeling, scraping, burning, emptying. Brutal. All consuming.

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5 years ago
Having Been Neighbours Since They Were Little, Kira And Stiles Grew Up Together And Couldnt Be Closer.

Having been neighbours since they were little, Kira and Stiles grew up together and couldn’t be closer. But when Claudia died a year after her husband was fatally wounded during work, Stiles was about to end up in foster care. Ken and Noshiko couldn’t let that happen. Despite knowing how hard it is to raise a kitsune, and especially a nogitsune, they take him in and raise him alongside Kira as if he’s their own son. 

Even after almost ten years of training, Stiles has trouble to control his fox and creates chaos wherever he goes. Feeling bad about being the reason for moving so much, Stiles offers to become emancipated. Neither Noshiko nor Ken wants to hear anything about that, and the small family ends up in Beacon Hills, a small town in which a close friend of Noshiko’s lives. With her aid, they hope to help Stiles get the control he needs. 

Little did they know that the town has its very own beacon for chaos and the supernatural. Sticking together like glue, Kira and Stiles manoeuvre their way around school, try to stay out of the way of a pack of hunters and don’t start anything with the local packs. It’s stressful and not really helping Stiles’ situation. Throw in a not-quite werewolf who is far too confident and doesn’t hide his interest in him, and the mess is perfect.   

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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 19: interlude

Warnings: mentions of underage drinking, drugs You can read it on AO3 as well.

Nothing. No burn – at least none that can’t be accounted to the alcohol itself – no weird tingles, no rash, no strange sensations. Just badly mixed vodka running down his throat and settling in the depth of his stomach that’s slowly unknotting. Because he’s not a real nogitsune. He’s just a chimera. Just a fucking chimera. He’d rather be entirely human but if he has the choice between being a real kitsune – nogitsune in his case – and being a chimera, he’ll gladly choose the latter options. Not only because of all the advantages it brings with it. Better healing, supernatural speed, magic and no weaknesses to mountain ash and wolfsbane. There has to be a strand that works on chimeras as well. There has to be. But being a chimera, at the very least, gives him a shot at pretending to be human. 

He draws his eyebrows together and puts the drink down.

“Your face tells me I might have to kill you,” Isaac notes with a scowl and nudges his leg with his knee.

Stiles shakes his head. “Nothing.”

His face lights up as if someone flipped a switch. “Nothing?”


Isaac throws his hands in the air. The bench shakes slightly under the rapid movement, and for a split-second, Stiles worries that Isaac might hug him before he realises that that’s not at all in the realms of their relationship.

Brett whistles appreciatively. “Great,” he says, sounding more amused than relieved and he squeezes his shoulders gently. “Now we have someone who can look out for us when we’re drinking.”

“I’m not here voluntarily- what makes you think I wanna join you again?” Stiles asks leaning his head back until he can look at the smuggest grin he’s ever seen. Well, at least on a person that isn’t Theo. It’s hard to believe anyone possesses that level of smug, and while Brett is close, he’s not as close Stiles thought he could be. Theo struts around with a kind of arrogance that’s immeasurable, although Stiles is pretty sure at least half of it is nothing more than a farce.

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5 years ago
Wolf!Theo And Fox!Stiles.

Wolf!Theo and Fox!Stiles.

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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 21: bad blood

Warnings: violence You can read it on AO3

When Donovan turns away for whatever reason, Stiles has no intention of waiting to see if this is either a ruse or if he’s about to change his mind. If the guy gives him an opening, the appropriate response is to take it. Sure, Stiles isn’t always known for sensible decisions seeing that he has attacked his fair share of supernatural creatures much stronger than him with a baseball bat, but how does the saying go? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Couldn’t fit him any better. With the amount of terrible ideas he has on a regular basis, he’s gotta luck out now and then. He just has to find Brett or Isaac or Liam. One of them will do the trick. At least until Donovan knows how strong he really is. Which he hopefully hasn’t figured out since their last unfortunate encounter. 

Stiles glances over his shoulder, just to make sure Donovan doesn’t prepare to jump him because he turned away like an idiot. He can’t believe he’s that lucky. Here he thought he jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. Ha, suck on that, karma.

But it seems as if Donovan does know people here. In fact, he’s talking to the dude who gave Stiles the drugs. Oh , oh no. For some reason, it never occurred to him that it’s not impossible to have friends from other schools. Lori is friends with Hayden and Sydney. Brett is on his best way to become buddies with him. Why did it never occur to him that Donovan has friends, even some who are still going to high school? The guy is two years older than Stiles. He graduated last year. Of course , he knows people his age. 


Fuck .

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5 years ago
Chapter Two Of The Steo Bachelor Series.

Chapter two of the Steo Bachelor Series.

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5 years ago
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I made this a few weeks ago, inspired in Cody’s new show All American, but as I discovered that the Super Bowl was today I decided to published now as it is related to American football.

I know very little about American Football, and I’m going to create a league that probably doesn’t exist. Sorry haha


Theo Raeken is the new star quarterback in the college football league. His team the Quimeras is competing in the national championship. That has never happened before in the team’s history, and everyone is thanking Theo.

Everyone is sure that Theo will be going to the NFL, but Theo is determined to win the final match with his team.

The teams fought with everything they got, it was a very exciting game, and Theo scored the winning point.

The team celebrated on the pitch. There was confetti, screams and tears of joy, everyone was elated. Theo took the trophy in representation of the team.

After the game and the celebration there was a press conference. Theo being the player of the game was there and he responded the questions the journalist made.

Stiles was studying to be a sports journalist and he was excited to be covering the College Football Championship final. It was a great opportunity for him.

He did his research on both teams, and he was specially interested in Theo. He was sure he was going to have a great career.

In the press conference when Stiles turn came he congratuled the team for the win and directed his question to Theo.

“Theo, Beacon Football Magazine here, I want to know what do you think it is the strong point of this team. I don’t mean to offend anyone but with statistics in hand and the players abilities your team came as weaker” Stiles asked

Theo snorted. “Thanks for the question, what’s your name?” Theo asked back.

“Stiles” Stiles said with a mischievous grin.

“Well Stiles, I know what you mean, but I think that in the end it’s the team’s spirit what really matters, we have come together and we worked really well united and it payed off.” Theo answered.

“So you’re not going to attribute yourself the win? I thought you’ll be more self-centred” Stiles said teasing Theo. Everyone in the room laughed.

Theo smirked at Stiles. “Do I look that egocentric?” Theo asked with a smile on his face. Stiles looked at him with an innocent face. Theo huffed a laugh as did the rest of the people of the room.

“Second question, which team of the NFL do you think needs you more?” Stiles asked.

“You really want to appeal to my ego Stiles, bad bad.” Theo responded laughing. “We’ll see, If I have an offer I would analyse it carefully.” Theo continued saying.

Once the press conference ended, Stiles started packing his things, but before leaving he wanted to go to the restroom so he found a way inside the locker rooms, but he got lost. He was desperately looking for the way out when turning over the corner he bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry, I was just...” Stiles started to apologise

“Well well look who it is! What are you doing here Stiles” The voice belonged to to no other than Theo.

Stiles blushed when he realised that he was pressed into the football player’s chest. Theo was holding him tight.

“Here to ask me more questions?” Theo asked with a smirk.

“I knew you had a big ego” Stiles said back patting Theo on the chest.

Theo laughed. “I have a big everything” Theo said suggestively.

“How should I quote that” Stiles said reaching out for his notebook.

Theo huffed a laugh. “Are you always in working mode?” The football player asked.

“It’s a competitive world outside” Stiles said.

“So I guess I can’t really trust you to not tell my secrets” Theo said getting closer to the journalist until their hips were almost touching.

“Want to tell me a little secret?” Stiles smirked. Theo looked hesitant. “Give it a shot” Stiles encouraged Theo.

Theo looked at Stiles in the eyes. “Want to come to the after party? As my plus one?” Theo finally asked with a nervous expression.

Stiles was speechless. He was flirting with him right? Oh my god, he was totally flirting with him. How did he ended up in this situation.

Stiles started to think about the information he gathered on the players. He had also information about their personal lives. Theo didn’t have a partner. Stiles thought it was strange, because Theo was hot. Like really hot. Like son of Hercules kinda hot. Theo kept his private life very secret and maybe this was the reason. Stiles might be ambitious but he had morals, he was not going to expose him. He was a real journalist he didn’t do gossip.

Theo was waiting for a response, maybe regretting even asking. Stiles was hesitant, saying yes was unprofessional, was it not? But he was interested in the football player. There was more things to uncover in him than Stiles anticipated, and Stiles liked to investigate more than anyone. He really wanted to go with him.

“I would love to” Stiles found himself saying. Theo smiled. Stiles took his hand. “Don’t worry okay?” Stiles reassured Theo.

Theo looked very happy. “Okay follow me, let’s party” Theo said.

“I do have to go to the restroom first” Stiles remembered what he was doing before encountering the football player.

Theo laughed out loud, and Stiles loved the sound. He had a good feeling about Theo.

In the party he met all the players, he even got some statements for his article. He was having a good time and he was enjoying being close to Theo.

They flirted and danced and drunk together all night. They ended in Theo’s hotel room for the night and Stiles was sure that it was the best sex he ever had. Theo was extraordinary.

It surprised Stiles how sweet Theo was in the morning. They had room service and spent almost the entire day in the room. Stiles didn’t want to leave and it seemed that Theo didn’t want him to neither.

They started a relationship. It was secret at first, both of them enjoying the danger of getting caught at any moment.

Later they started to met in public. Theo will go to Stiles’s magazine to pick him up or Stiles will go to see Theo’s matches but sitting on the family area, not with the press.

They will introduce the other saying “this is Theo” “This is Stiles”. They did not say the word friend. Their relationship was obvious to everyone.

The press kept pushing for them to make any comment about their relationship but they never said anything. Even Stiles’s boss encouraged to write about his relationship which Stiles refused.

Stiles didn’t need to anyway, he was doing great, he was being recognised as a talented reporter, he had offers from many magazines.

When he got nominated in a jornalism award, Theo managed to get the award presenting position from Stiles’s category which was sports. Theo was sure Stiles will get the award. And he did. And all the cameras were on them when Stiles received his award from his boyfriends hands.

They being together was the worts kept secret but it worked for them.

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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 24: hell to the liars

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

“Look at him,” Isaac chuckles, nodding in the direction of Brett, “someone’s not used to getting punished.” 

Stiles looks up from the unacknowledged text messages he sent Lydia hours ago. His stomach contorts painfully when all the possible reasons for the lack of an answer wash over him at once - she’s hurt, she’s in danger, she lost her phone, she doesn’t care - and cranes his neck.

Brett slams the coffee pot on the counter and turns around with a scowl. Not used to being punished is an understatement. The guy acts as if he’s never been grounded for a minute in his life. Which he probably hasn’t. Stiles can’t imagine Satomi is the type of woman who goes for this type of punishment. She probably resorts to a very long conversation during which she tells you what you did wrong and why what you did was wrong. Stiles isn’t a hundred percent sure if it worked on Brett. Still, he knows he’d be all over the place if his dad hadn’t occasionally sent him to his room or given him a ban on watching TV or playing video games.

He glances at the bedroom door. Jordan might be sleeping, but since he can still hear the sounds of a movie, they can’t be a hundred percent sure, and nobody wants to risk getting caught sneaking out. Not even Theo and Brett.

“I didn’t even want to be at that stupid party.” 

Stiles’ gaze jumps towards the couch, where Theo flips through the pages of a police report, his most obnoxious chimera all but sitting on his lap. No matter how much he enjoys that Tracy has to suffer just as much as they do, seeing her glued to Theo’s side grinds his gears. It shouldn’t, and he knows as much, but her mere existence makes him want to break something. Everything has gotten worse after that stupid not-kiss. Yes, their mouths touched, but Stiles didn’t reciprocate, so it wasn’t a kiss. It needs two to kiss. 

“Y’know,” Isaac whispers, snapping his fingers in front of his face, “I’d be careful with that glare if you don’t want her to spontaneously combust.” 

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5 years ago

This is great!

Would you write something Steo, with Spark!Stiles using magic and Theo using his chimera abilities to fight monsters together and having each other's backs?

Here you go! Thanks for the prompt and I hope you enjoy it :)

I Have Your (Star-Speckled) Back

Author: emsmittens (me!)

Pairing: Theo/Stiles (steo!)

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1,021

Stiles was always the one to run face first into danger. Knowing this, Theo developed the habit of stalking Stiles, ready to have the magical human’s back whenever he needed it.

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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 25: heredity

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

“I’d compliment you if you won something useful,” Brett deadpans, tracing the rim of his mug with his left index finger. He uses the knuckle of his right one to rub the outer corners of his eyes before he places his arm around Stiles’ shoulders again. “But that guy?” He asks, stifling a yawn, which does not stop him from answering his own question, “he’s the consolation prize nobody wants.” As Tracy’s eyes narrow, and Theo’s jaw tightens, Brett counts on his fingers completely unperturbed. “Not a real alpha. Not a real werewolf. Doesn’t own territory. Weak. Can’t survive without the nemeton. But I guess that counts for all of you little clones.” Winking at her, Brett sips on his coffee, sufficiently satisfied with himself. 

In the following silence, Isaac looks as if he wants to bang his head against the table. Which is quite relatable. As amusing as his attitude can be, sometimes it would be better if Brett just kept his mouth shut. But Stiles doesn’t want to be the person telling Brett that, seeing the guy proves to be a rather helpful Theo repellent. More or less. His presence at the very least stops him from getting too close. In general, his no-fucks-given mindset is strangely calming. If he only were the tiniest bit less aggravating, things would be peachy. 

“You’re bold for someone who can be put into timeout with a bit of powder,” Tracy says.

Brett smiles in a way that’s more threatening than a snarl. “You wanna get some mountain ash? Try it. See what happens.” His thumb taps against the nape of Stiles’ neck, and somehow that only emphasizes the casual threat. “I recommend you behave yourself. Wouldn’t want to be exiled, would you?" 

Nobody wants to exile her. Stiles wants her to be- and it’s best he’s not going to dwell on that thought for far too long. It’s enough if she’s put in her place by someone. Preferably Theo, but Brett would suffice.  

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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 26: a devil crept in

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

“Fantastic, now that we’ve caught up on all the reasons I should’ve stayed in London, tell me something good,” Jackson says, plucking a few chips out of the bag Danny offers him. “How’s the lacrosse team doing?” Yes, of course. The only good news coming out of Beacon Hills would be them succeeding at lacrosse. He’s going to have a rude awakening.

Brett snorts out a laugh. But it seems like karma has it out for all of them at the moment. The laugh turns into a violent cough when he chokes on his very own spit. His cheeks flush, hopefully with both embarrassment as well as from the coughing, and he leans forward. Worrying about him potentially choking to death isn’t exactly high on anyone’s agenda after he flicks Isaac off, who, to be fair, doesn’t do anything to hide his own amusement. 

With a smile, Stiles pats Brett’s head. “Karma’s a bitch.” 

Promptly Brett flips him the bird as well. 

Lydia chuckles, Jackson snorts, and Theo shifts in front of the couch. His shoulder bumps against Stiles’ leg, and he frowns, scrolling through his phone for what seems like nothing in particular. He’s been disconcertingly quiet since he was allowed to re-enter and subsequently stay inside the flat. Stiles doubts it has anything to do with Jordan asking for peace and quiet so he can get some sleep before his night shift. Instead, it feels as if he’s observing from his spot in front of the couch next to Stiles’ legs, assessing what Danny and Jackson’s return might mean for his plans.

“Is he saying you’re getting your ass kicked?” Danny stares at them. “You have two werewolves and a kitsune on your team.”

“How do you suck so bad?” Jackson adds in disbelief. 

“It’s a talent,” Brett says between coughing and trying to catch his breath. 

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5 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 27: on the come up

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

“What the fuck, Dad?” Stiles asks in lieu of a greeting. He slams the letter on the little table next to his hospital bed. The glass rattles against the water bottle. His palm stings from the impact. “Peter Hale? You take money from Peter Hale?” There is a lot he would like to add, mostly asking if his dad suffered from dwindling sanity. Still, even he realizes that would be in poor taste, so he allows Theo to pull him back by his upper arm before that pisses him off too, and he slaps his hand away. He told him to wait in the car, but it’s not like Theo listens to him. Ever.

His dad considers him like he always does when confronted with one of his tantrums; a quiet, steady expression that is nowhere here nor there. His sheriff facade. Being too soft would make Stiles blow up, being too strict would make him only more defiant. “Kiddo,” he says in a tone that is somehow both stern and understanding, “I didn’t know the money came from Peter Hale.”

Biting away a scoff, Stiles crosses his arms. “A random Italian fashion company pays for our bills, and you just let them?” He didn’t let them. Stiles knows he didn’t. His dad investigated, hence the lawyer’s letter. And yet. The anger sits on an oil spill. It has been sitting there for a while, constantly threatening to slosh over. But now it’s more like whatever used to protect his anger is held together with cheap glue and rips open by the smallest of disturbances. 

“I did not.” There’s a sharpness in his dad’s voice that hasn’t been there before, and he sits up a bit further, forcing the pillows to comply with his elbow. “They refused to reverse the money. I contacted our lawyer to see if there’s a way to force their hand.” But there wasn’t. Peter made sure of that. “After I learned that, I tried to contact the owner of the company, but as you figured out, that was a dead-end too.”

Stiles runs his fingers through his hair. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He can’t believe he didn’t mention anything. It’s Peter Hale. The guy comes with bad news attached to his hip.

“Because you don’t need to know everything.”

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5 years ago

This was so good! Your description of the mind space and how the memories constantly shifted was great, 10/10!

Wake Up

Rating: T

Fandom: Teen Wolf

Relationship: Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski

Characters: Theo Raeken, Stiles Stilinski

Additional Tags: Magic, ER, Kind of mental issues, T is for Tara dying in the background

Words: 4991

Status: Complete

Summary: Stiles had screwed everything up. So now it was up to Stiles to fix it. To wake Theo up.

Notes: Re-using an old tumblr post of mine (I can’t find it, thanks, tumblr) with the scene that stuck in my head ad turning it into, well, this (apparently, 5k words long). You can read it on Ao3:3 Enjoy!


Theo was not waking up. Stiles didn’t know how or why this happened and that wasn’t even the point.

The point was that Theo was not waking up. Obviously.

Well, okay, maybe Stiles knew how and why this happened. It might have been a mistake. Possibly on his part. There was a chance that he screwed with magic he should have never even thought about touching, but he is a curious fellow, he just wanted to try it out, it seemed so intriguing and new and shiny, and the book was simply left there, unattended, begging to be read and put to use, and who was he to stop himself from new experience and much-needed practice while things were quiet? Plus, he didn’t ask anyone to get involved, he was going to be fine by himself. And, anyway, it was a week ago, why would anyone remember that? It was going to be all right.

Except it really wasn’t, was it? Stiles’ tender pale fragile human body wouldn’t have survived the blow, so Theo’s surprisingly dumb and rushed and absolutely not thought-through intervention was suspiciously resembling something divine.

And still.

All of this wasn’t the point. Yes, Theo’s not-so-human body survived it.

But the point was that Theo was not waking up.

And Stiles couldn’t just wait around anymore. It’s been so long, he wasn’t even sure how long exactly anymore. The whole fucking week or month or whatever of Deaton chewing him out for getting where he wasn’t supposed to go and telling him that they need more research before they take any action to try to fix the damage. The whole fucking week or month or whatever of Scott trying to be supportive but failing miserably because he can’t seem to be able to find his love for humanity for Theo now. The whole fucking week or month or whatever of Malia weirdly circling around like, well, a coyote waiting to attack. Of Lydia being as sympathetic as she could and so beyond annoying. Of everyone walking on eggshells around him and being very judgmental at the same time, since it has been his screw-up that landed Theo wherever he was now.

From where he was not waking up.

And Stiles just missed his boyfriend. The irritating little touches all the time. The just bearable heat nearby at night. The random ridiculous flirting, the occasional research session, the snark remarks, the constant bickering and confusing fights about nothing. Just the generally calming and kind of infuriating presence. Hell, even the little face Theo made when he was confronted with the need to eat rabbit. Stiles didn’t know what the story was, but he knew for sure there was one, and he very much wanted to figure it out. And he would be damned if he didn’t have the chance because of his own inability not to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.

Because Theo was not waking up.

Stiles had screwed everything up. So now it was up to Stiles to fix it.

To wake Theo up.

That’s how he found himself on the floor in front of Theo’s bed on his knees, lighting up candles, with the same fucking book beside him. If Theo wasn’t coming to him, he was coming to Theo.

For a moment, Stiles looked up at the bed. Theo was there, unmoving, breathing slowly, seemingly asleep. Like he had been the whole week or month or whatever. Not waking up. Not reacting. Just breathing. So peaceful – so unnatural for Theo. Peaceful was not his thing, even asleep, and seeing him like this was heartbreaking and deeply annoying. Why did he get to be so calm and almost cozy in a way while Stiles here was going crazy with worry and nerves and guilt?! How did he manage to get on Stiles’ nerves by just lying there? For once, lying as in inclining his body in a horizontal position, not the other definition. It must be some kind of special talent one gets born with. And Stiles was going to put an end to it.

He grimaced at Theo. He wasn’t going to enjoy his peace for long now, the bastard.

Stiles took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second, then put the book on his knees and started the ritual.

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4 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 28: at the end of the rope

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

Theo did not try to enter the bedroom again, and Stiles didn’t leave it. Not even when he briefly summarised last night’s events to Jordan after Theo was gone. Stiles only opened the door so Jordan could confirm everything was all right but refused to actually leave the bed to go to school. Tired and annoyed, Jordan tried everything to get Stiles to move - pleading, bargaining, reasoning, threatening. There isn’t much he didn’t try. In the end, he called Stiles’ dad, who allowed him to stay home until Wednesday. If, and only if, Stiles follows the rules - no risk-taking, no sneaking out, no lashing out, no lying, and no keeping things from Jordan. Stiles is pretty sure he can handle that for two more days. 

Lydia texts him regular updates on how everything is evolving at school. Shortly before Jordan and he left to get to the Yukimura’s, Stiles received a live-feed of Liam going after Gabe. Apparently, he talked shit about him, which pissed Liam off. While it’s very honorable that Liam felt very much offended for Stiles, giving Gabe a bloody nose wasn’t necessary. Neither was detention for a month for Liam. He’s lucky he wasn’t benched for the charity game. Coach would’ve lost it.

Theo texts him too, but Stiles leaves his messages on read without bothering to reply. Distance, he tells himself, distance is the best course of action right now. Distance is what he needs. Especially since Theo’s very presence works as a complete distraction, and Stiles doesn’t need any more distractions because he’s perfectly capable of finding those in the little things - as proven by making Satomi explain to him four times that the intensity of the humming is most likely an indicator for how much power he uses. “You can assess the strength of your spell by the intensity of the humming,” she told him as patiently as ever. “The more intense the humming becomes, the stronger your magic will become, and the more noticeable it will be to those connected to the ley lines.” It’s a pretty simple concept, really, so Stiles has no clue how he manages to fuck it up multiple times in a row. 

He’s taught Liam how to control his werewolf, he tried to help Malia find an anchor, and he helped Lydia figure out her banshee. This should be easy for him. It’s his thing. Figuring shit out, dealing with the supernatural, learning new stuff. Why is it so much easier to train others? 

Stiles glowers at the knot and rubs the back of his neck.

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4 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 29: one step closer

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

His dad already plans to go back to work, although he’s not coming home before Wednesday next week. His doctors don’t want to see him back in the office before the beginning of December, but Stiles can already tell that’s not going to happen. He’ll be lucky if he can keep him home until November. Well, at the very least, they made an appointment at Eichen. More or less. His dad decided that they should go tomorrow after school, and in case of something going wrong, Jordan and Valerie will pick them up. Even though Valack can hardly be trusted, he’s not stupid enough to do anything reckless with the police involved. 

“So,” Jordan says, poking his fries with his fork, “when are you going to tell me what’s going on between you and Theo?” 

All Stiles can do is try not to choke on his own curly fries. “What?” he asks, coughing quietly, and reaches for his drink. “Theo and- there’s- what?” 

“I’m 24,” Jordan says with an unimpressed raise of his left eyebrow, “not 42, although I’m pretty sure even someone at 89 can see it.”

“See what?” Stiles doesn’t like where this conversation is headed, not even a little. Nothing good ever comes from a conversation that starts with ‘when are you going to tell me about-’ because that’s always in regards to something you really don’t want anybody to know. Although granted, this time, it’s more the other way around. Because Stiles really doesn’t want to know what Jordan sees. It’s hard enough as it is already to keep his defenses up around Theo, he doesn’t need anything more that might push him over the edge. He wants to give in. He really does. The guy is hot as all hell, and Theo doesn’t even try to pretend that he’s not into Stiles.

Yet this tiny little voice in the back of his mind just refuses to allow him to give in because it could all be a fucking act. He hopes it’s not an act, he starts to doubt that it is an act, but he can’t shake it. Not completely. He just doesn’t want to be used. Not again. Not ever. 

Jordan places his fork down and pushes his almost empty tray in the middle of the table. “The way he looks at you when you’re not looking at him,” he explains after a pause, and he looks torn about the whole situation. “He always has this look on his face when he watches you. Whether you’re talking or baking pierogies for the entire department.” Jordan is never going to let him live that down. It was the first thing he told Stiles’ dad today, who reacted both amused and worried. His dad knows better than anyone what excessive baking means when it comes to the Gajos family.“

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4 years ago

no place for promises

chapter 30: Eichen House

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)

You can read it on AO3


Stiles hates this place. Just looking at it fills him with the desire to tuck tail and run the other direction. The gate alone gives off a foreboding sense of doom and despair. Stiles has felt that enough in the past two weeks, he doesn’t need seconds. Swallowing around the lump in his throat, he raises his hand, intending to press the buzzer, then raises it higher and runs his fingers through his hair. Fuck . Why is this so hard again ? He’s been in there with Lydia. Is it Peter he’s afraid of? No. No. Why should it be Peter? He knows Peter. He hung out with Peter. Even at his worst, Peter merely offered him the bite and accepted his snark. 

It’s the building. The memories he can’t forget and those he can’t remember. It’s Brett’s warning. The daggers hidden underneath his clothes.

“We don’t have to do this,” Lydia says, slipping her fingers through his to squeeze his hand. 

Stiles holds onto her. If he can’t even do this, if he can’t even confront Peter and face whatever scares him in Eichen House, how the fuck is he supposed to deal with the Dread Doctors and their monster? He needs to do this. He needs to do this for himself, for his sanity, and to prevent the shitstorm brewing behind Peter Hale. They can avoid this. They can stop this before it gets out of hand. 

No more reacting when it’s too late. That’s why he’s doing this. That’s why he needs to do this. 


He shakes his head. This isn’t the time for doubts. Stiles glances at Theo, tries to gauge what he’s thinking about this plan. Instead, he notices how Theo contemplates Lydia’s hand in Stiles. He tilts his head a little, almost wolfish in nature, before looking up and catching Stiles’ eye. To his surprise, Theo smiles, however briefly, and turns away again, pushing his hands in the pockets of his jeans without causing a scene. Huh . Is he really that unbothered by Lydia? And would it change if he knew how hard Stiles crushed on her only a year ago? He watches Theo for a little while longer, watches how he’s now highly focused on something in the opposite direction. 

But there’s still a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

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