Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!
785 posts
Amazing Stories Livewatch!
Amazing Stories Livewatch!
In Which FandomSlash and StickyKeys Discuss:
Why Philip is passionate about how okay the show was
Why Stacey wants to bootkick Barry the Barometer
Other ways the story could have worked better
How the bae looked and performed flawlessly despite this messy production
And then halfway in we are interrupted by Hoechlin/Sterek con nonsense. Sigh… are those two ever gonna work it out?
Enjoy! Come visit us at http;//bhadpodcast.tumblr.com and you can also visit us on Instagram and Twitter under bhadpodcast.
If you do want to donate to my Hoechlin Meet&Greet fund, please check us out on Patreon under BHADPodcast.
Be sure to check out FandomSlash on fandombite via Tumblr, IG and Twitter.
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Resident Evil 3 - Concept Art
Theo: Who hurt you?
Stiles: You want a list or something?
Stiles: (is sad)
Theo: (pulls him close)

Din: *Sigh*

Stiles woke up in the middle of the night. He felt a breath of cold air and he shivered. He didn’t usually get cold at night, his boyfriend is a fucking werewolf is like sleeping next to a heater.
But Stiles’s personal heater was not on the bed. Stiles checked the place next to him, but Theo must have left long time ago because the sheets are not even warm anymore.
Stiles got up of bed and went to search for Theo. When he entered the living room Stiles saw him on the sofa.
“Hey, why are you up?” Stiles asked his boyfriend.
“I wasn’t feeling tired anymore so I went to have a snack and I didn’t want to wake you up” The Chimera responded.
“Mmm” Stiles muttered. “Nightmare?” The human asked knowing already what the answer would be.
Theo huffed a humourless laugh. “Sometimes I wonder who has the ability to read the other one’s heartbeat, I can never lie to you” Theo said in a sad tone.
“That bad?” Stiles asked worriedly. Theo was right Stiles knew him better than anyone.
Theo looked at Stiles, his eyes showed that he had been crying.
“I’ll be fine” Theo assured his lover.
“You know you can wake me, right? In fact, you know you have to wake me up when this happens?” Stiles said sitting next to Theo to confort him.
“Yeah I know... it’s just... you didn’t sign up for this... I-I don’t want you to think that I’m a nuisance” Theo admited.
“How stupid can you be? What about me huh? Am I not a ‘nuisance’? I’m the most annoying person in the world, and I’m always worrying you jumping into danger and doing stupid things; you always put up with everything. Theo I want to help you because I love you, so let me help you.” Stiles proclaimed.
Theo smiled at his boyfriend. “I love you too” he said.
Stiles lean on to peck the Chimera on the lips. “Come on, let’s go to bed” the human said cocking his head towards the bedroom.
Theo breathed out and followed his boy. Stiles cuddled him and Theo felt calm enough to sleep.

Theo woke up one morning and to his surprise the space next to him on the bed was empty. He rapidly checked to see if Stiles was home or not. He located the human on the living room.
When he went to meet him he found him ‘sleeping on the sofa’. Theo could only laugh at the sight, he remembered what happened last moth when he had a nightmare.
“So... I have to wake you up, but you don’t?” Theo asked Stiles in a playfull manner.
But Stiles didn’t answer.
Theo rolled his eyes in a fond way. “I know you are not sleeping Stiles, your heartbeat is too fast to be asleep.” The Chimera said.
Stiles grunted.
“So...what happened, nightmare?” Theo asked.
“Insomnia” Stiles responded opening his eyes to meet Theo’s.
“Wake me up next time, I want to help you too” Theo said sincerely.
“I know... but there’s really nothing to do when I’m like this... I just can’t sleep and you looked so peaceful...” Stiles argued.
“I can think of various activities we can engage in to make you tired” the chimera said suggestively.
Stiles huffed a laugh. Theo smirked at him.
“Do you think we actually work good together because we are kinda similar?” Theo asked getting closer to his boyfriend.
Stiles gazed at the chimera curiously. “Maybe, you get me better than anyone else” Stiles said.
“Yeah same here” Theo claimed.
The pair intertwined their hands looking fondly at the other.
“I’ll make breakfast, what do you think of waffles?” Theo said.
“Mmm, Stiles loves!” Stiles said happily.
“Me or the waffles?” Theo asked seductively.
Stiles huffed a laugh and kissed his boyfriend full on the lips.