Lazzykunn - Choo-choo!

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credits to the BRILLIANT artist
I need more scenes with them ♥️

Q&A Facts

First of all, I want to inform that my internet is screwed up. I don’t know what is happening but I didn’t have internet all day and probably won’t have it tomorrow. I am using a “Mobile Partner” so I will try to post the most I can about Momocon (well its only this and probably a gif of the new clip but you get me).
I watched all the Q&A video from Vivziepop panel and there was a lot of wonderful things people asked. Also thanks to @kaedesan721 for giving me some extra info about the panel.
1. Someone asked if fat nuggets is in hell because of random reasons or if he is an “evil pig”. Vivz answered that those kind of facts are still in construction.
2. Someone asked about the creation of the characters. Alastor was created in the Hazbin world because he already was an old, long-time, character that Viv had changed a lot of times. So she kept him, because she liked the way he is and she rearranged him for the story of Hazbin Hotel. Angel was based in Arackniss. Arackniss was created first but then Vivz decided to give him a more funny personality and that’s how Angel Dust was created. Husk was based in a sketch Vivz’s little sister did long ago, she just changed some things and thats how Husk was created. Charlie “just appeared” in vivz mind and she decided immediately that Charlie would work as the main character. There was already another demon called Charlie but still, Vivz decided to keep the name anyway.
3. There are some jokes that were scraped from the pilot (I hope they show us those someday).
4. There will be also a lot of cameos in the pilot, from different characters that come from old and new shows created by Vivzie
5. Sir Pentious was originated because vivz likes cobras and cliché villains, also she wanted to do a really funny villain with the typical minions. “A cynical, derpy, classy villain”
6. The series will be 30 episodes long, the idea is from each one to be 30 min long, but given the reality of the case, it depends on the amount of help the show’ll receive how long every episode will be (15 min or 10 or whatever).
7. In a question about the pilot, Viv said after it’s release it’s up in the air about its future, but it’s a bright future. Studios have been “sniffing around.” There’s interest but nothing concrete.
8. The pilot, of course, will be the last animation of Hazbin for this year, because producing more takes a lot of time. But, there will be comics and maybe other content about the series. As Vivz said “whatever that takes the production going”
9. Alastor is Vivz favorite because he was the first one created from all the cast of Hazbin Hotel (I mean who doesn’t love the daddy deer demon I am right?)
10. Vivz is working in the script of two zoophobia cartoons, but the productions of them will come “when they can”
11. Vivz will try to connect all her shows together but is difficult because they are very different from each other, in context and locations.
12. Alastor has a deer tail? Not even Vivzie knows because Alastor has never been seen without his jacket
13. Indeed Angel will have a boyfriend, but Vivz didn’t tell if we have already seen the lucky guy or not. (should we do a bet? Lmao).
14. Alastor is the hardest to animate/clean up of all the characters according to Vivz, Tom and Ashley. (I guess its because of his hair and ears).
15. Alastor is definitely part of the main cast. Although all attention is going to be centered in Angel, Charlie and Vaggie, Vivz confirmed Alastor is going to be in a lot of episodes too, while characters like Husk and Niffty and the others are going to be in some episodes sometimes.
16. In terms of writing, Angel is the hardest because “his complex brain” and the huge level of sass that Vivz doesn’t have. In contrast, Charlie is the easiest to write.
17. Vivz is not going to do big changes in zoophobia characters. Only a little bit in narrating. Figurate out “how to tell the story better”.
18. Hazbin Hotel is indeed a musical and Vivz plan to keep it that way.
19. Vivz likes edgy characters but after adjusting Alastor into the 30s themes, she discovered he would work better as a “Cheshire cat villain”. Grimm but still goofy, someone who wants to mess up with everybody. Like an edgy-funny, instead of an edgy-edgy character.
20. Someone DARED to ask where the Egg bois come from and if its Sir Pentious the one who lays them. Vivz said that the answer will appear later in the series and that the eggbois’ origin is going to be something funny, a joke, and Vivz doesn’t want to spoil that. But in the meantime, we are free to think whatever we want about it. (lmao I laughed so hard at that moment my father almost kill me for waking him up haha).
21. Some Hazbin Voice Actors could work for the zoophobia shorts, but most of the zoophobia VA are going to be new.
22. Lucifer is not going to be in the pilot, but will appear “very soon” after that
23. Alastor’s song is like 2 min long (Vivz didn’t say that but someone that was in the panel told me)
24. Viv did acknowledge in the stream that the clip they showed is the reprise of Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow when talking about the musical talents she got on the show.
25. Vivzie said Charlie has another song in the pilot, but they are not going to show that until its release. She has wants the series to have a song number nearly every episode.