lees-chaotic-brain - lee's chaotic brain
lee's chaotic brain

18𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒊'𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔

715 posts

Blond O Sonic Shimmer Trap By The Arctic Monkeys, Geto, Any Sort You Want, Curious To See How You Interpret

blond o sonic shimmer trap by the arctic monkeys, geto, any sort you want, curious to see how you interpret the lyrics if you do pick my ask :3

Blond O Sonic Shimmer Trap By The Arctic Monkeys, Geto, Any Sort You Want, Curious To See How You Interpret

WC: 1.7k

CW: suggestive, reader has female pronouns, reader is a bit unhinged, kinda stalkerish behavior from geto, nothing serious though

Notes: i'll admit i had a bit of trouble with this one, but i also had a lot of fun and liked how it turned out!! thanks for sending this in nonnie!! but let me know what you think of how i interpreted the lyrics!!

listen to this while reading

taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight (lmk if you want to be added to the event taglist!)

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Blond O Sonic Shimmer Trap By The Arctic Monkeys, Geto, Any Sort You Want, Curious To See How You Interpret

The first time he saw you you were dancing. The sparkling of your black dress had caught his attention, drawing his eyes past the flashing strobe lights and crowd of writhing bodies straight towards you. It was almost like you were calling out to him, telling him to watch.

And so he did. He watched as you twirled and swayed and moved with the music, dancing with wild abandon. Your dancing wasn’t particularly skilled, but there was something so raw, so real, about the way you moved. Something that compelled the viewer to want to get to know you. 

Black as a beacon

In a river of shimmering fog

But Geto Suguru was not known for his forwardness when it came to interacting with women, particularly pretty women. So week after week he returned to watch you dance, always from a distance, never approaching you. In that time, he was only able to learn three things about you.

One: you were always wearing what he came to identify as your signature red lipstick. It was a unique shade, equal parts dark and bright that drew attention to the shape of your mouth. And he paid a lot of attention to your mouth. 

Fighting back his intrusive thoughts and vivid imagination he watched your mouth move as you sang along to songs. He watched the way your lips parted when you threw your head back, exposing the long column of your throat when you were fully immersed in a song. He always watched you, entranced by your spirit.

Two: you went to the club to dance every Friday night. It took him a little while to figure that out, but once he did he made sure he was always free on Friday. 

And finally, three: you were always alone. In the months he had spent watching you, he had never seen someone with you. You arrived alone, and you left alone. You didn’t seem like someone who would be hard pressed for friends, so this oddity only served to pique his interest more.

She was hard to ignore

Yes she was

He didn’t realize how much he had come to depend on his weekly sightings of you until you stopped showing up. For four weeks straight there was no sign of you, and it was unnerving. He immediately jumped to worst case scenarios and feared he would never see you again.

As soon as that thought entered his head, he immediately regretted not approaching you sooner. God he was such an idiot. He should have gotten to know you when he still had the chance, when you still showed up every week, instead of being such a goddamn coward. He promised himself that if he ever did see you again, he wouldn’t let his anxiety get the better of him. Next time he saw you he would say something.

So when he walked in the fifth week of you not being there and spotted you, he made a beeline straight towards where you were dancing, not allowing himself a chance to second-guess himself.

“Excuse me!” He has to shout to get your attention, and he taps you on the shoulder for good measure. You turn, and his breath catches in his chest when your eyes finally meet his. “U-uh hi.”

You squint at him, then your eyes light up in recognition. “It’s you!! Stalker guy! Finally grew some balls and approached me, huh?”

Stalker guy?!? You think he’s been stalking you? Well, technically he was, but he wasn’t trying to be creepy or anything. He just found you intriguing. He opens his mouth to say as much, but you cut him off with a laugh.

“Oh my god, the look on your face!!” You wheeze, folding over with the force of your mirth. Straightening you wipe a tear away and catch your breath. “Don’t worry. I didn’t think you were creepy or anything.”

You lean in, so close he can feel your breath hitting the shell of his ear, causing a full body shudder to run through him. “In fact, I was a little flattered that a man as attractive as you would go out of their way to watch little ol’ me.”

“Come outside with me.” He blurts before he can stop the words from leaving his mouth. Surprised, you jerk back a bit and peer into his face and he can tell your guard was up. “Why…?”

Realizing how it sounded, he immediately backtracked. “No no, I just mean I want to talk! To get to know you. I’ve regretted not getting your number for the last couple of weeks and you seem really interesting and I’m so sorry that is not how I meant it-”

“Okay.” Your simple reply cuts through his flustered rambling. “I’d like to get to know you too.”

And as you take his hand and lead him outside, a thrill runs through him, and he can’t help but wonder if every second with you was going to be this entertaining.

Well, time tastes bland

When she's not around

Stepping out into the cool night air, the two of you stand there for a moment taking in the refreshing feel of the breeze. 

“So.” You glance over your shoulder at him. “I don’t know what you had in mind, but I’m in the mood for a drive. What do you say? I didn’t drink and my car is right over there.” You gesture towards the left, in the direction of a volkswagen beetle. 

“Sure. Sounds good to me.” He smiles at you. He always takes a taxi to the club in case he has a drink, so it’s not like there’s anything keeping him there. “Shall we?”

You grin at him and skip off to your car. His heart skips a beat, and all he can think about is what he has to do to make you grin like that again. He could look at your smile all day. However, his internal simping was cut off by you yelling.

“Motherfucker!” You’re staring at the side of your car, then turn your furious gaze on the Cadillac parked haphazardly next to you. Hurrying over, he looks at what you’re looking at and understands why you’re upset. The car next to you had left a long scratch on the driver’s side of your car when pulling in, and instead of leaving their information, they had left a post-it. A post-it with a cheeky ‘sorry’ scrawled across it hastily.

“Sorry??!” You growl, rage radiating off you. “If you were sorry you would fucking pay for it!!!”

And before he can intervene, you let out a cry of rage and rip the side mirror of the offending car. For a moment all is silent and the two of you just stare at the mirror in your hands. You, with perplexed satisfaction, and him with shock.

Eventually you break the stunned silence. “Well, the asshole had it coming.” His eyes snap up to meet yours and the two of you dissolve into hysterical laughter. 

Yep. Things were never boring when you were around.

And she snapped

Wing mirrors off of Cadillacs

The particularly pretty ones

He can tell you’re up to something when a flash of mischief crosses your face and you unlock your car. He watches with anticipation as you fish your tube of lipstick, a sticky note, and a ballpoint pen out of your glove compartment. 

Quickly, you reapply your lipstick and kiss the mirror, leaving an imprint of your lips on it before balancing it on the windshield of the Cadillac. Then you spin around and write something on the sticky note, not letting him see what it says before slapping it on the car next to the mirror and getting into your own car. Gesturing for him to get in the passenger seat, you wait until he’s in and buckled before peeling out of the lot. 

You glance over at him, and as soon as you make eye contact the two of you are howling with laughter again. Once he calmed down enough to speak, he asked what you wrote on the post it note between gasping peals of laughter.

“Oh, that?” You smirk. “So sorry about your car!! I didn’t want to have to bend down to reapply my lipstick.”

“No you didn’t.” You look at him solemnly. “I did.”

The two of you were sent into yet another fit of laughter, the sound ringing out from your car, filling the cool night air with your joy.

And that

Meant she never had to strain her back

When she was putting her lippy on

While that night had been the first you spent hanging out and driving around aimlessly, it certainly wasn’t the last. There was something addictive about you, from the way you simply didn’t care what others thought, to the sound of your laugh. God, he could spend the rest of his life listening to your laugh.

Throughout the course of the many nights spent causing mischief and laughing he got to see the different sides of you. Sure, he was first interested in you because of how carefree and wild you were, but as he got to know you better, he realized that that was but one facet of your incredibly complex personality. 

You could be mischievous and wild and carefree, sure, but you were also immensely kind, as well as insanely smart and you had a melancholy side at times. But your complexity only added to his growing feelings towards you. 

While it was your wild side that ensnared him at first, it was you as a complicated and messy whole that made him fall in love. And he couldn’t have been happier that you trapped his heart at first sight because if you hadn’t he wouldn’t have met the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

She floats like a niccy rush but she stings like a B-flat

The Blond-o-Sonic Shimmer Trap

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More Posts from Lees-chaotic-brain

8 months ago

✨️Put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers :) 🎶

Put 5 Songs You Listen To, Post It, Then Send This Ask To 10 Of Your Favorite Followers :)

oh. um..

I Miss Having Sex but at Least I Don't Die Anymore by Waterparks

This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy

I'm Born to Run by American Authors

Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold

Something to Remember by Matt Hansen

thanks for sending these in @berryzxx @moonlightazriel!!! sending one back, but i'm assuming you already filled it out lol.

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9 months ago

ahhh thank you so much for the tag!! mine checks lmao.

Ahhh Thank You So Much For The Tag!! Mine Checks Lmao.

tagging: whoever wants to join!!

found a fun little personality test!

Found A Fun Little Personality Test!

i am open tagging as always bc i wanna see everyone’s results!!!!!!

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8 months ago

who is the ****** in your bio?? you don't have to answer if you don't want to i was just curious!!!


it's challe from sugar apple fairy tale

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8 months ago
Since Yall Liked My Niche Fic Meme So Much Heres Another One

Since y’all liked my niche fic meme so much here’s another one

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9 months ago

Which one of the JJK men/boys would grab your hand, wait for a bit and then raise it up to press a kiss to your knuckles?

this is very cute. it also got very out of control. i apologize.

How would/would he kiss your hand??

Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

Bows with a dramatic flourish and takes your hand like he's going to kiss it. Instead he started chewing on your knuckles, ignoring your swatting and screeching in favor of gnawing and drooling all over your hand

GOJO, inumaki, toji (if he's in a playful mood), ATSUMU

Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

The two of you are cuddling, your intertwined hands resting on his chest as he leans against your front. You're using your free hand to scroll through social media when he picks up your hand and presses your palm to his lips, lingering there for a moment. When you look down at him curiously, he just gives you a sappy grin and tells you he loves you.

geto, OSAMU, SUGAWARA, asahi, akaashi, YAMAGUCHI, YUUJI

Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

Kisses your hands when you dance in the kitchen, or on romantic dates. Not an everyday occurrence, but when it happens it's always very sweet and tender. He's a gentleman through and through.

NANAMI, daichi, AKAASHI, megumi, kuroo (he tries)

Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

Why would he kiss your hands when he can kiss all over your adorable face and lips???


Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

That's really cheesy and embarrassing. Why would he ever do that?

megumi, TSUKISHIMA, sukuna, SAKUSA

Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

Maybe during quiet moments at home. He doesn't like pda, but he supposes it's fine if you're not in public.

MEGUMI, sakusa (if he knows your hands are clean), iwaizumi, kenma

Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

Wants to, but he's too shy </3


Which One Of The JJK Men/boys Would Grab Your Hand, Wait For A Bit And Then Raise It Up To Press A Kiss

Too dense to consider kissing your hand.


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