Vacation (Nanami X Reader)
Vacation (Nanami x Reader)
Part four of the you die in Shibuya mini-series
CW: angst, death, injury, jjk season two spoilers
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Taglist: @starlightanyaaa @unforgettabie (let me know in the comments or send me an ask if you want to get added)

There have only been three times that Nanami Kento has truly not been in control of his emotions. The first took place when he was in high school, and his best friend died before his eyes. The second took place mere hours ago, when he found Ijichi’s crumpled body on the ground. And the third?
Well the third was right now.
Right now as he knelt over your charred body, ignoring his own severe injuries. Just how cruel could fate be, making him watch as his beloved was incinerated before him because he wasn’t fast enough?
In disbelief he reached out and touched your cheek. Your skin made a dull crackling sound and stuck to his fingers when he pulled them away. You didn’t move. You didn’t breathe. He leaned down and pressed his ear to your chest, searching for a heartbeat.
In that vast and terrible silence, his imagination began to fill it with the steady thump of your heartbeat, the reassuring whoosh of air entering and leaving your lungs. Because you couldn’t be dead. He simply couldn’t comprehend it. He had bought that diamond ring for you mere days ago. You hadn’t worn it yet. He had awoken this morning to your warm body in his arms. He couldn’t accept a world where you wouldn’t be back in his arms at the end of the day.
Eventually the imaginary sound of your breathing was replaced by the sound of waves lapping on a beach, and his last thread of sanity snapped.
Of course none of this was happening. He merely had a bad dream while napping on the beach. The two of you had honeymooned in Malaysia. You were waiting for him in the beachfront hut the two of you had purchased. All he had to do was travel this last stretch of beach and he’d be back with you forever.
Staggering to his feet he began the long trek back to you, stumbling and twirling in an elaborate and deadly dance as he went. Unaware of anything happening in the real world, his body functioned on autopilot. Unrelenting in his determination to reach you, he ignored reality until finally, finally, he was so close to reaching you. But something stopped him and drew him back into the real world momentarily.
A quiet broken voice broke his trance. Blankly, he stared at the teenage boy who had spoken. The boy seemed familiar…right. His name was Itadori. Itadori took another shaky step forward.
Suddenly everything came crashing back onto Nanami. Looking away, he closed his eyes, willing all the memories away and waiting to be reunited with you. Exhaling deeply, he relaxed, preparing to be at peace, but a pair of familiar hands cupped his cheeks.
His eyes snapped open, and once more he found himself gazing into your beautiful ones.
Breathing your name, he reached out and attempted to touch your face, but you stepped back before his fingers brushed your smooth, unmarred cheek.
“My love.”
You gazed at him with such love, Nanami felt a great gaping pit in his chest.
“You’re not done yet. Help our Itadori one more time.”
Nanami’s eyes widened and you smiled sweetly at him.
“You’ve got this.”
From behind you, Haibara shot him a thumbs up. As the two of you began to disappear Nanami’s best friend called out to him.
“We’ll be waiting for you!
Taking a deep breath, Nanami turned slowly and offered Itadori Yuji some final words of encouragement.
He rasped with a comforting smile, gazing upon the boy he cherished like his own son.
“I’ll leave the rest to you.”
And with those words, he departed to join you and Haibara on an eternal vacation.
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More Posts from Lees-chaotic-brain
just read some azriel x reader angst that broke me so bad i can't
Vacation (Nanami x Reader)
Part four of the you die in Shibuya mini-series
CW: angst, death, injury, jjk season two spoilers
YDIS Mini-Series Masterlist | JJK Masterlist | Blog Navigation
Taglist: @starlightanyaaa @unforgettabie (let me know in the comments or send me an ask if you want to get added)

There have only been three times that Nanami Kento has truly not been in control of his emotions. The first took place when he was in high school, and his best friend died before his eyes. The second took place mere hours ago, when he found Ijichi’s crumpled body on the ground. And the third?
Well the third was right now.
Right now as he knelt over your charred body, ignoring his own severe injuries. Just how cruel could fate be, making him watch as his beloved was incinerated before him because he wasn’t fast enough?
In disbelief he reached out and touched your cheek. Your skin made a dull crackling sound and stuck to his fingers when he pulled them away. You didn’t move. You didn’t breathe. He leaned down and pressed his ear to your chest, searching for a heartbeat.
In that vast and terrible silence, his imagination began to fill it with the steady thump of your heartbeat, the reassuring whoosh of air entering and leaving your lungs. Because you couldn’t be dead. He simply couldn’t comprehend it. He had bought that diamond ring for you mere days ago. You hadn’t worn it yet. He had awoken this morning to your warm body in his arms. He couldn’t accept a world where you wouldn’t be back in his arms at the end of the day.
Eventually the imaginary sound of your breathing was replaced by the sound of waves lapping on a beach, and his last thread of sanity snapped.
Of course none of this was happening. He merely had a bad dream while napping on the beach. The two of you had honeymooned in Malaysia. You were waiting for him in the beachfront hut the two of you had purchased. All he had to do was travel this last stretch of beach and he’d be back with you forever.
Staggering to his feet he began the long trek back to you, stumbling and twirling in an elaborate and deadly dance as he went. Unaware of anything happening in the real world, his body functioned on autopilot. Unrelenting in his determination to reach you, he ignored reality until finally, finally, he was so close to reaching you. But something stopped him and drew him back into the real world momentarily.
A quiet broken voice broke his trance. Blankly, he stared at the teenage boy who had spoken. The boy seemed familiar…right. His name was Itadori. Itadori took another shaky step forward.
Suddenly everything came crashing back onto Nanami. Looking away, he closed his eyes, willing all the memories away and waiting to be reunited with you. Exhaling deeply, he relaxed, preparing to be at peace, but a pair of familiar hands cupped his cheeks.
His eyes snapped open, and once more he found himself gazing into your beautiful ones.
Breathing your name, he reached out and attempted to touch your face, but you stepped back before his fingers brushed your smooth, unmarred cheek.
“My love.”
You gazed at him with such love, Nanami felt a great gaping pit in his chest.
“You’re not done yet. Help our Itadori one more time.”
Nanami’s eyes widened and you smiled sweetly at him.
“You’ve got this.”
From behind you, Haibara shot him a thumbs up. As the two of you began to disappear Nanami’s best friend called out to him.
“We’ll be waiting for you!
Taking a deep breath, Nanami turned slowly and offered Itadori Yuji some final words of encouragement.
He rasped with a comforting smile, gazing upon the boy he cherished like his own son.
“I’ll leave the rest to you.”
And with those words, he departed to join you and Haibara on an eternal vacation.
Hello! I'd like to give Inumaki an ugly Christmas sweater (with high neck ofc) that was knitted by reader. It was her first time, but sweater still looks nice; and probably there is a bear pattern or written something cool and funny.
Good luck!
Ahhh this is so perfect for him, I love it! Also, credit for the text on the sweater goes to that one jjk x reader texts person who has Inumaki's name saved as toge bear. Lmk in the comments if you know who it is.
CW: Singular mention of puke (as a description of a color), crack, fluff
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For weeks you had toiled on your secret project, working well into the wee hours of the morning. Weeks of finger cramps, endless frustration, and eyes burning from a lack of sleep. But finally. Finally, it was done.
Holding out the monstrosity you had created, you couldn’t help but to cackle with glee at your horrific creation.
All your hard work and sleepless nights had finally come to fruition, and in your hands you now held the world’s ugliest Christmas sweater.
The base was a puke green shag, mottled with random patches of mud brown. Neon orange sequins had been sewn winding around the arms, the pattern imitating lights strung around a tree. And to top it all off there was a misshapen white bear with lopsided violet eyes on the front above the words ‘My Toge Bear.”
It was perfect. It was divine. It was your best work yet. Carefully wrapping it in navy tissue paper and placing it in a silver bag you throw open the door to your dorm and make your way to your boyfriends dorm.
You call as you burst into his dorm.
“I have something for youuuu!”
His eyes light up and he quickly pauses his game before swiveling in his chair to face you.
You had barely extended your arm and offered him the gift bag before he reached out and snatched it. Scurrying over to the corner of his room, he sat with his back to the wall and eyed you suspiciously as he opened it. And finally, the moment you had been waiting for arrived. Your boyfriend looked at your creation for a couple of seconds, silent.
You were practically wriggling with glee, dying in anticipation for his reaction to your gift. Slowly he looked at you, and an evil smile spread across his face. He stood, and retrieved a gift bag of his own from his closet and handed it to you.
Wait, where was his abject horror? His look of acute betrayal?? What was with that look on his face? You were beginning to feel a little uneasy.
He motioned for you to open it, before retrieving the hideous sweater and what-did he just put it on?
A sly little grin flashed across his face, quickly replaced by one of doe-eyed innocence.
I love it! He signed, gesturing for you to open your gift. Now open yours!
Filled with trepidation, you slowly pull whatever is lurking in the gift bag out into the light. Staggering back, you dramatically fling your hand against your forehead as you drop your gift. Your handsome, loving, loyal boyfriend had finally revealed his dark side. Laying crumpled in a pile on his hard wood floor was not a ugly Christmas sweater, but an ugly Christmas dress, made of itchy wool and covered with bells and flashing lights.
Do you like it?
His shoulders were shaking with the effort of suppressing his laughter, making his signing choppy. Giving him a half-hearted glare, you made eye contact and that was the end.
The two of you burst into hysterical peals of laughter as you wheezed and leaned against each other. The second one of you was beginning to calm down, the other would hiccup and start giggling, starting a whole new round of cackles.
Once you had managed to get yourselves under control, the two of you each put on your respective gifts and had a photoshoot, dramatically posing with exaggerated facial expressions. As the two of you rolled on the ground, practically sobbing with laughter after Toge attempted to throw a sultry look of his shoulder for the camera, you fell in love with him all over again. This was what you wanted your future to look like; enjoying spending time with the man you love, while laughing over mundane things such as an ugly Christmas sweater.
For my End of 2023 Collab with @ponderingmoonlight, all of the Inumaki spots are taken, but there are still two spots available for Megumi, and all three of the Nanami slots remain open!
Check out Carina's availability for Gojo, Choso, and Itadori here!