End Of 2023 Collab - Tumblr Posts
End of 2023 Collab Masterlist
Masterlist for my end of the year collab with @ponderingmoonlight!
Open! Send in your asks!
Collab Guide Post

Fics by @ponderingmoonlight
Yuji Itadori
Ice Skating Date You take Yuji ice-skating

Fics by @lees-chaotic-brain
Megumi Fushiguro
Promise Ring You give Megumi a promise ring
Love of My Life You tell Megumi that he's the love of your life
Inumaki Toge
Aquarium You take Inumaki on a date to the aquarium
Ugly Christmas Sweater You give Inumaki an ugly Christmas sweater
Perfect You tell Inumaki that he's perfect
End of 2023 JJK Collab (CLOSED)
Welcome to this collab event with @ponderingmoonlight!
Our friend @sitarawrites has an irl emergency so she won't be able to join us, but everyone send her lots of good thoughts and love and support!
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Information about this event:
-Each of the writers participating in this event will select two characters
-Each writer will have three available slots for each character, meaning each person will write a total of six 300-800 word drabbles
-The three available slots for each character are a date, a gift, and something you want to say to them
-We will select the asks we use on a first come first serve/whichever one speaks to us the most basis, so make sure to send them in soon!
-I will be taking the Megumi, Nanami and Inumaki asks
-@ponderingmoonlight will be taking the Choso, Gojo and Yuji asks

-Pick your character! Your choices are Megumi, or Inumaki
-Tell the person who is writing for your character what date you want to take them on, what gift you want to give them, or something you want to tell them
-That's it! It's that easy
To @lees-chaotic-brain: I want to take Megumi on a picnic date somewhere that has a lot of meaning for us
To @ponderingmoonlight: I want to tell Yuji that he did well and I'm proud of him

Take Megumi on a date (Available)
Give Megumi a gift (taken)
Tell Megumi something important (taken)
Take Inumkai on a date (taken)
Give Inumaki a gift (taken)
Tell Inumaki something important (taken)
Take Nanami on a date (Available)
Give Nanami a gift (Available)
Tell Nanami something important (Available)
i want to tell megumi hes the loml
Yes! Omg this is literally so cute I'm in love. @kasumitenbaz i'm willing to bet you'll like this :)
CW: None! fluff, mentions of past trauma I guess, comedic mentions of nudity, crack
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After everything that happened since you joined Jujutsu Tech, you finally had time to relax and enjoy spending time with Megumi. After all, it was New Year’s eve and there was nowhere you would rather be than cuddled up with your boyfriend in his dorm.
Watching the snow fall outside his window, you contemplated the events of the past year, all the trauma and fear you had endured and overcome together.
Suddenly becoming emotional, you turned in his arms and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
Your sleepy boyfriend inquisitively lifted his head from the pillow and readjusted so the position was more comfortable for you.
“What’s up?”
You snuggle closer to him and smile against his neck.
“I was just thinking about how grateful I am that we can just cuddle like this together. That we made it through, and now we’re stronger than ever.”
Megumi was silent for a moment before responding.
“What made you think about that all of a sudden?”
You can feel the deep rumble of his voice against your cheek.
“I’m not sure. I guess I was just reminiscing about everything that happened this year. And I don’t know, I’m just really happy right now.”
You squirm in his grasp until you manage to pull away far enough to give him a cheesy grin.
His eyes soften as he tucks you firmly against him.
“‘M grateful too.”
He mumbles, before burying his face in your hair and tightening his hold on you.
“Now stop being all cheesy and philosophical and let me nap. You know that Itadori, Nobara, and Gojo are going to make us stay up all night celebrating with them.”
You chuckle, and comply, letting him use you as his own personal teddy bear for a few minutes before you speak again.
“Hey Megs?”
He makes a vague grumpy sound.
“You know that you’re the love of my life, right?”
Still no response.
“Did you hear me? I said that you were-”
“I heard you the first time!”
He bursts out, effectively cutting you off.
“Hey, what's wrong?”
You forcibly pry him off you to take a look at his face, and to your delight and his mortification, his face is cherry red.
“Babe! Are you blushing?!”
He denies it and covers his face with a pillow.
“Of course I’m not. But you can’t just say stuff like that out of the blue! Give me a little warning at least.”
Giggling you yank the pillow out of his grasp and cup his flaming cheeks in your hands.
“Don’t hide your face from me.”
You exaggeratedly plant loud kisses on each side of his crimson face and coo at him.
“Aw, look at how cute my boyfriend is. He’s getting all red just because I told him he’s the love of my life-”
He grabs you and shoves your face against his chest, cutting your voice off. Tangling his legs with yours, he pulls you up a bit so he can press his face into the crook of his neck. Inhaling deeply, he takes deep calming breaths and enjoys your unique mix of scents that makes him feel at home.
You sit quietly, sensing that he needed a moment to process what you had just said. Sure enough, after about thirty seconds he speaks.
“You know, you’re the love of my life too.”
You can’t stop the massive grin that spreads across your face.
“Megs I-”
Gojo, Nobara, and Itadori burst into the room screaming. Nobara flips on the lights, Gojo tears the blankets off the two of you, and Itadori bangs pots together.
Spluttering, your boyfriend gives everyone in the room (other than you) death stares as he tries to protect you from the cold that seeped in in the absence of your blanket.
“Get out! What is wrong with you guys? What-What if we were naked?!”
He blurted, unable to come up with anything else. The room fell into silence.
Then everyone (including you this time) burst into laughter.
“Seriously Megs???”
You wheeze out between peals of laughter.
“What if we were naked?!”
He just sullenly retrieved the blankets and burrowed under them, yanking you under with him.
As he valiantly fought off the three lunatics from ripping the two of you out of your blanket cocoon, you couldn’t help but laugh.
Yes, he truly was the love of your life.
unfortunately my dear friend @sitarawrites will not be able to particiapate in this event due to an irl emergency. Please send her thoughts, love and support.
Due to this, I will now also be taking the nanami asks, and @ponderingmoonlight will be taking the gojo ones.
End of 2023 Collab Masterlist
Masterlist for my end of the year collab with @ponderingmoonlight and @sitarawrites!!
Open! Send in your asks!
Collab Guide Post

Fics by @ponderingmoonlight
Yuji Itadori
(Available) You take Yuji on a date of your choosing
(Available) You give Yuji a meaningful gift
(Available) You tell Yuji something you think he needs to hear
(Available) You take Choso on a date of your choosing
(Available) You give Choso a meaningful gift
(Available) You tell Choso something you think he needs to hear
Gojo Satoru
(Available) You take Satoru on a date of your choosing
(Available) You give Satoru a meaningful gift
(Available) You tell Satoru something you think he needs to hear

Fics by @lees-chaotic-brain
Megumi Fushiguro
(Available) You take Megumi on a date of your choosing
(Available) You give Megumi a meaningful gift
Love of My Life You tell Megumi that he's the love of your life
Inumaki Toge
(Available) You take Inumaki on a date of your choosing
Ugly Christmas Sweater You give Inumaki an ugly Christmas sweater
Perfect You tell Inumaki that he's perfect
Nanami Kento
(Available) You take Nanami on a date of your choosing
(Available) You give Nanami a meaningful gift
(Available) You tell Nanami something you think he needs to hear
I want to tell Inumaki that he is Perfect. He is so expressive and loving even if he can't communicate...I feel like he would be sad for not being enough BUT LIKE HE IS THE NICEST IN WHOLE WORLD 😭😭😭😭 cryin rn
I was feeling really down, but writing this made me feel better, so thank you anon for sending this lovely little idea in.
CW: Shibuya spoilers, mentions of past injury, loss of limb, hurt/comfort, implied depression, insecurity, scars, non-sexual nudity
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“Hey baby, I’m back.”
You called out to your boyfriend as you stepped into your shared apartment. There was no response, but his shoes were in the doorway and his coat was hanging on his hook. Padding into the living space you still couldn’t find him.
“Hey, babe? Toge?”
Concerned you call out again. You knew things were rough for him right now with the five year anniversary of the loss of his arm coming up next week, but you hoped it wasn’t bad enough for him to run off.
The thought caused panic to bubble in you, your chest constricting as you hurriedly went to check the bedroom. The room was a mess, pictures and random scraps of paper strewn about. Picking up a few near the entrance, you realized that they were artifacts of your high school days. Pictures of you and Toge on dates, hanging out with the other second years, and sweet notes he wrote for you made up the mess scattered across the plush carpet.
Then your heart sank. As you surveyed the whirlwind of memories, you realized that they all had something in common. They were all from before the Shibuya Incident. Before he lost his arm.
Following the sound of running water, you pick your way across the room and push open the bathroom door. A blast of steam hits you in the face as you flip the lights and fan on. There he was.
He was sitting in the shower still wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, unresponsive as the near scalding water cascaded down on him. Without a second thought you peel off your shirt and socks before climbing into the shower with him. Crouching before him, you gently brush his sopping bangs out of his eyes.
“Hey babe. Found you.”
You smile softly at him, cupping his face with your right hand. He doesn’t respond, but he leans slightly into your touch.
“Can I hold you?”
You keep your voice gentle and quiet, your heart breaking for him. A slight, barely perceptible nod was the only sign that he even heard you. Maneuvering so you were sitting beside him, you wrap one arm around his back and lean against him. After a moment, he tilts his head so it’s resting on yours.
Sitting in silence, you give him the space and time he needs. After a long stretch of time, he pulls away and turns so you are facing him. You place your hand on his knee and squeeze it, silently telling him that you’re there for him, and he can take all the time he needs.
Clumsily, he begins signing with his remaining hand.
Why are you still with me?
Of all the things he could have asked or said, this was not one of the things you would have anticipated. You take a moment to think. Then you reply simply and bluntly, wanting to make sure that he understood what you were saying.
“Because you’re you. And I love you.”
He looks frustrated and his signing becomes jerkier as he speeds up.
But look at me!
He makes a vague gesture towards his entire body.
“I am. And all I see is the man I love.”
You have an idea where this is coming from, but you want to wait until he says it because the idea that he would think so lowly of himself physically pained you.
But I’m useless! His shoulders slump and he repeats the hand motion. Useless.
“You’re not useless.”
You say firmly.
“Not even in the slightest.”
I am though.
The haunted look of self-loathing looked unnatural on his gorgeous face.
I’m practically useless as a jujutsu sorcerer. I already have this technique that hurts me more than it helps others. Now I can’t even make up for my weakness with my physical ability because I lost my arm.
Tears join the shower water dripping down his face.
And not only am I a worthless jujutsu sorcerer, I’m a pathetic boyfriend. I can’t hold you, the person I love more than anything else in this world, in my arms. I’m not strong enough to protect you. Hell I can’t even tell you I love you with my words!
He averts his gaze to the water going down the drain.
And on top of all that, I’m selfish. I know I’m worthless. I know I’m not good enough for you, but I need you. I’m not a good enough person to let you go.
Finally done, his hand dropped to his side with a small splash.
Your voice is loving, but insistent as you speak.
“Look at me.”
He complies, his lovely violet eyes dark and hopeless.
“You told me to look at you earlier. And I am. Do you know what I see?”
A pathetic man who-
You continue talking, ignoring him.
“I see the man I fell in love with in high school. He’s grown up and changed, but at heart he’s the same person.”
You caress his cheek, looking deep into his eyes.
“His face has sharpened and become more handsome.”
He shuddered against your palm as you brush your thumb along his cheekbone and jawline.
“His eyes show that he’s seen and experienced indescribable horrors. He’s lost that innocence. But I love him all the more for it. Because I’ve changed too. I’ve lost my innocent belief that we are untouchable. I’ve become harsher, more pessimistic, and less emotional. But you know what’s in my heart?”
You take his hand and place it on your chest. Quietly he watches you, and you can see that your words are starting to penetrate the self-hatred clouding his mind.
“In here lives the silly teenage girl who thought that she and all her loved ones were untouchable, invincible. The girl who cared too much about anything and anyone. The girl who spent hours daydreaming about going on romantic dates with her white haired classmate that always had a mischievous spark in his eyes. The girl who kept a meticulous journal of her dream wedding to a boy with purple eyes and beautiful markings around his mouth.”
The corners of Inumaki’s mouth lifted a miniscule amount and his eyes softened as he remembered. Encouraged, you reach behind you and turn the water off. Continuing to speak, you begin removing his soaked sweatpants.
“As for your inability to tell me that you love me with your words, that has never bothered me.”
Placing the sweatpants beside you to deal with later, you gently tug on his arm until he stands and steps out of the shower.
“Honestly, I like it better that way.”
He shoots you a disbelieving look at your words, but allows you to dry him off before helping him into a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants.
“Really, I do. It’s so easy to say the words ‘I love you’ and not mean them at all. It’s a lot harder to fake it or lie if you have to express them through your actions. The way you worked so hard everyday to make sure I knew how you felt made me feel even more secure and loved than a few shallow words could.”
You quickly dry yourself off and change into a fresh pair of panties and a new shirt. Leading out of the bathroom and into your bedroom, you sit in the middle of your bed and lay a towel across your lap before patting it. Obediently he laid down and put his head on your lap. You began drying his hair.
“You’re special, Toge. You express yourself through physical touch and acts of service, and have never verbally said the words ‘I love you’ to me, but let me tell you. Not once, in the five and a half years we’ve been dating, have I doubted for even a second that you loved me. Do you understand? I don’t need you to be able to say the words to me. I already know.”
After you finished drying his hair, he sat up and faced you.
But what about my arm? Do you really want to be with me still? I’m disfigured and disabled.
The look in your eyes is so tender he can barely stand it. Why? Why do you look at him with such love and affection?
You breathe, the look on your face telling him that you knew exactly what was running through his mind.
“I didn’t fall in love with you because of these.”
You squeeze his bicep.
“I fell in love with you because of this.”
You tap his temple.
“And because of this.”
You lay your palm flat against his chest. Looking up at him, he can see the sincerity shining in your eyes.
“I love you for you, Toge. You could be the ugliest, most ratchet mf to ever roam the face of the planet and I would still love you. Because you will always be my person. And I hope that I’ll always be yours.”
He nods, smiling at your word choice as tears well in his eyes, relief hitting him like a freight train as you managed to say exactly what he needed to hear. Tugging your arm, you help him pull you into his lap. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he buries his face in your neck as you drape your arms around his neck and card through his hair.
He presses repeated kisses against the crook of your neck, each one a silent apology for doubting the love you shared.
You rested your cheek against his soft white hair and took comfort in the intimacy of the moment. Kissing the side of his head, you whisper the words you so desperately want him to engrain into his soul and never forget.
“You, Inumaki Toge, are perfect. Just the way you are.”
For my End of 2023 Collab with @ponderingmoonlight, all of the Inumaki spots are taken, but there are still two spots available for Megumi, and all three of the Nanami slots remain open!
Check out Carina's availability for Gojo, Choso, and Itadori here!
Hello! I'd like to give Inumaki an ugly Christmas sweater (with high neck ofc) that was knitted by reader. It was her first time, but sweater still looks nice; and probably there is a bear pattern or written something cool and funny.
Good luck!
Ahhh this is so perfect for him, I love it! Also, credit for the text on the sweater goes to that one jjk x reader texts person who has Inumaki's name saved as toge bear. Lmk in the comments if you know who it is.
CW: Singular mention of puke (as a description of a color), crack, fluff
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For weeks you had toiled on your secret project, working well into the wee hours of the morning. Weeks of finger cramps, endless frustration, and eyes burning from a lack of sleep. But finally. Finally, it was done.
Holding out the monstrosity you had created, you couldn’t help but to cackle with glee at your horrific creation.
All your hard work and sleepless nights had finally come to fruition, and in your hands you now held the world’s ugliest Christmas sweater.
The base was a puke green shag, mottled with random patches of mud brown. Neon orange sequins had been sewn winding around the arms, the pattern imitating lights strung around a tree. And to top it all off there was a misshapen white bear with lopsided violet eyes on the front above the words ‘My Toge Bear.”
It was perfect. It was divine. It was your best work yet. Carefully wrapping it in navy tissue paper and placing it in a silver bag you throw open the door to your dorm and make your way to your boyfriends dorm.
You call as you burst into his dorm.
“I have something for youuuu!”
His eyes light up and he quickly pauses his game before swiveling in his chair to face you.
You had barely extended your arm and offered him the gift bag before he reached out and snatched it. Scurrying over to the corner of his room, he sat with his back to the wall and eyed you suspiciously as he opened it. And finally, the moment you had been waiting for arrived. Your boyfriend looked at your creation for a couple of seconds, silent.
You were practically wriggling with glee, dying in anticipation for his reaction to your gift. Slowly he looked at you, and an evil smile spread across his face. He stood, and retrieved a gift bag of his own from his closet and handed it to you.
Wait, where was his abject horror? His look of acute betrayal?? What was with that look on his face? You were beginning to feel a little uneasy.
He motioned for you to open it, before retrieving the hideous sweater and what-did he just put it on?
A sly little grin flashed across his face, quickly replaced by one of doe-eyed innocence.
I love it! He signed, gesturing for you to open your gift. Now open yours!
Filled with trepidation, you slowly pull whatever is lurking in the gift bag out into the light. Staggering back, you dramatically fling your hand against your forehead as you drop your gift. Your handsome, loving, loyal boyfriend had finally revealed his dark side. Laying crumpled in a pile on his hard wood floor was not a ugly Christmas sweater, but an ugly Christmas dress, made of itchy wool and covered with bells and flashing lights.
Do you like it?
His shoulders were shaking with the effort of suppressing his laughter, making his signing choppy. Giving him a half-hearted glare, you made eye contact and that was the end.
The two of you burst into hysterical peals of laughter as you wheezed and leaned against each other. The second one of you was beginning to calm down, the other would hiccup and start giggling, starting a whole new round of cackles.
Once you had managed to get yourselves under control, the two of you each put on your respective gifts and had a photoshoot, dramatically posing with exaggerated facial expressions. As the two of you rolled on the ground, practically sobbing with laughter after Toge attempted to throw a sultry look of his shoulder for the camera, you fell in love with him all over again. This was what you wanted your future to look like; enjoying spending time with the man you love, while laughing over mundane things such as an ugly Christmas sweater.
i want to give megumi a promise ring!

You give Megumi a promise ring
WC: 1.4K
CW: fluff, implied past suicidal ideation, not beta-read, mentions of past depression
Taglist: @ponderingmoonlight @kasumitenbaz @meguemii (i just tag you two in anything megumi related lol)
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Crystalline flakes of fluffy snow drifted lazily outside your window as you watched. The fabric of your boyfriend's hoodie was soft against your cheek as you snuggled further into his side, stealing more of his delicious body heat.
After glancing at you to make sure everything was okay, Megumi returned to his book, his arm tightening around you ever so slightly. It was at moments like this, when you were spending quality time with your boyfriend and quiet contentment blanketed the air that you felt most at peace. There was no fear to pollute your bodies and choke the air from your lungs. Instead, your lives were rather like the snow falling in sheets outside; serene and comforting.
Contemplating the understated joy of the moment, you realized it was the perfect opportunity to give Megumi the gift you had bought him. Fidgeting with the box in your hoodie pocket, you debated whether or not it was wise to give him such a bold gift. After all, you had only been dating for a little over a year. What if you scared him away? What if he didn’t consider you an irreplaceable part of his future, the way you did him?
Your hesitation as your insecurities nagged at you did not go unnoticed by your boyfriend. Marking his page with a bookmark, he closed his book and set it aside, tenderly kissing your cheek to get your attention.
“Is something the matter, love?” His low, soft voice drew you out of your worries and back into the present.
“No, uh, it’s nothing!” You spoke a bit too hastily, and Megumi raised his eyebrows at you, silently encouraging you to continue. The look on his face telling you he wanted you to just spit it out already. “It’s just, well, I got you something, but I wasn’t sure if you’d like it, or even want it.”
“Let me see it.” He extended a single palm, then sighed, clearly sensing your reluctance. “Whatever it is, I promise I’ll love it, because, er, well, you got it for me so…”
Trailing off, he averted his gaze, his cheeks glowing light pink with embarrassment. Your fears somewhat assuaged, you reached into your pocket, then paused and withdrew your hand without retrieving the small velvet box.
“Look, if you don’t want it, or if it makes you uncomfortable in any way whatsoever, I completely understand. I won’t be offended in the least. I was just thinking about the future, then I saw an ad for them online and got one without thinking-”
“Just hand it over.” He cut off your rambling, slender fingers nimbly snaking their way under the blanket and into your pocket, grabbing the small navy blue jewelry box.
The dark blue velvet was slightly rumpled from you toying with the box, patches of deeper blue showing where your anxiety had brushed the short strands in the wrong direction. Megumi had yet to say anything, and his silence was killing you. While you normally appreciated your boyfriend's calm, inscrutable demeanor, and were totally into the whole moody and mysterious vibe he had going, it was at times like this that you wished he was a little bit better at expressing his emotions. Several seconds passed without a word, and finally you were unable to take it any longer.
“It’s fine! I can just return it-”
“Are you proposing to me-”
You both spoke at the same time, cutting each other off as you made a wild grab for the box. But just before your fingers brushed it, Megumi yanked it out of your reach and clutched it to his chest. You both froze, staring at each other as you processed what the other had said.
“No! I mean-”
“Did you just-”
The two of you spoke over each other again, but this time you motioned for Megumi to go first, firmly clamping your mouth shut.
“Did you just propose to me, offer to return the ring, then attempt to snatch the ring back from me?” His tone was laced with disbelief, and he looked mildly affronted as he grasped the box to his chest as if he was afraid you were going to try to take it back any second. Well, at least that was a good sign. It at least showed that he was interested in the ring.
“No? Well kind of I guess. First of all I was only going to take it back if you didn’t want it, and second of all we’re obviously too young to get married now. That being said though…” You look down, fidgeting with your fingers. “Well, uh, it’s a promise ring, because although we’re too young now, when I look at you I see my future and I want to marry you one day. So uh, I’m not proposing, but-you know what? Just open it. I’ll stop talking now.”
With your permission, he gripped the top of the box and pulled the top up, revealing the ring. It was a simple silver band of medium width and thickness, not unlike the one Yuuta wore on a chain around his neck. It had no visible embellishments, appearing to be like any other ring, and in a lot of ways it was. But the words engraved on the inside of the ring made it special to the two of you.
Forever my reason to live, -Y/N
The five words might stand out to anyone else, and may even be perceived as cheesy by others. But for the two of you those five words were everything. And, sure enough, when he noticed and read the inscription, Megumi’s eyes softened, filled with emotion. Back when the war was still ongoing, the two of you had both lost too many, and experienced far too much. At that point, it was easy for the lazy tendrils of depression to take root in your minds, making surviving feel like a chore neither of you wished to complete.
But somewhere in the midst of the violence and death, the two of you found each other, seeking solace in each other's arms. Slowly, your relationship evolved, and at some point after you stopped living for yourselves, you began living for each other. It became a ritual of sorts to remind each other that they were needed, that they were the reason the other kept going. They were the other’s reason to live. For as long as the two of you survived, so too did hope and love.
Then during the aftermath as you tried to heal and cope with the trauma, the words became a reminder that you had survived. That both of you would continue living, continue moving forwards. To say those words held a deep meaning to the two of you would be an understatement. Those words made up the new foundation you built upon the wreckage from the war. They called up the stubborn seeds of hope, encouraging them to grow, twisting through the cracks in your shared depression and trauma. They allowed those seeds to turn to sprouts, and eventually bloom, filling your lives with hope and illuminating a way forward.
When Megumi looked up, his deep green eyes meeting yours, you can see his emotions swirling in the tears that clung to his waterline, your own tears escaping to slip down your cheeks. Smiling softly at him, he smiles back, and you know he understands everything you are thinking and feeling without having to say a single word.
“Are you sure?” He searches your face for any sign of reluctance or hesitation. “You want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
The quiet wonder and hope on his face nearly breaks you as you gently extract the box from his grasp and remove the ring from its padded bed. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” You reply with confidence, extending one hand towards him in a silent invitation.
He accepts, placing his left hand in yours, and watches as you slide the ring onto his finger. Intertwining his fingers with yours, the two of you quietly admire the ring on his finger while his mind fills with images of a big diamond on yours.
Overcome with love and affection, he leans down and captures your mouth in a gentle kiss. His free hand comes up gingerly, cupping the side of your face, holding you with near reverence. After all, you were the most precious thing he had.
You were his everything; the love of his life, his hope, and his future all bundled into one human being.
You were his reason to live.
Okay, ocean-loving Inumaki, you know? those who love jellyfish and have shark pajamas. Taking him on a date to the aquarium, I feel like he would be very happy and look so tiny 🤏🏻 Whatever. I love how you writing you're great!

You take Inumaki on an aquarium date
WC: 1.4k
CW: mentions of octopi having sex ig, fluff, NOT beta-read, read at your own risk
Note: @kainlvstoge omg i'm sorry this took so long, but thank you so much for your kind words!! i had never thought about my boy inumaki as an ocean lover, but i can see it now that you said it. anyways, i hope you enjoy it!!! also: i had to do a little research for this fic, so take any facts with a grain of salt
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Every single date your boyfriend had taken you on was perfect; like something out of a dream. Picnics in a field of wildflowers on a sunny spring day, stargazing at night from a blanket nest in the back of a pickup truck he borrowed from one of Nobara’s relatives, watching fireworks on a balmy, clear summer night. Every romantic fantasy you ever had, he fulfilled, just by listening to you ramble about yourself.
Which is why you wanted so desperately to return the favor, and take him on his dream date. But there was one little problem. Actually, one looming, mortifying, mountain sized problem: you had no idea what his dream date would even look like. For weeks you pondered, agonizing over whether or not to straight up ask him, ruining the surprise and admitting you’re a terrible significant other in the process. No. You couldn’t ask him. So you did the next best thing, which is why you were currently treating his best friend to coffee.
“So uh, not that I don’t appreciate it or anything, but may I ask why you suddenly insisted on buying me coffee?”
Too nervous to meet Yuuta’s piercing blue-gray eyes, you stared daggers into your innocent chai latte.
“This is actually super embarrassing, but would you mind if I asked you for some advice?”
“I’m not sure how much help I’ll be, but go ahead.”
Starting off, you told him about what a thoughtful and sweet boyfriend Toge is, before moving on to explain your dilemma, asking him for his help.
“And it’s not like I haven’t had a ton of ideas! It’s more like, none of them feel right, and I want this to be perfect.” You finish your explanation, looking at Yuuta hopefully. “So, I was hoping that as his best friend, you might have some suggestions?”
“Actually, I do.” He leans forward a bit, in a conspiratory manner. “Not a lot of people know this about him, so I’m not surprised you don’t, but you can’t tell him I told you, deal?”
You nod, willing to agree to pretty much anything at this point.
“He’s like, obsessed with anything ocean related. I mean, he’s a total geek about it. He’s got tons of facts about sea creatures memorized, and even has this pair of pajama pants with little jellyfish on them. So I’d take him to the aquarium if I were you. Before the two of you started dating, he used to drag me there every other weekend.”
You sat back in your seat, stunned. How did you not know this about him? In a week or so the two of you will have been dating for a year! Smiling, at Yuuta, you return to the campus and thank him profusely for his insight before returning to your room and pulling up the local aquarium’s website. You had a date to plan.
A little over a week later, your one year anniversary had arrived and you were ready. You had told your boyfriend to keep his schedule open because you had a surprise planned for him, so when you were ready with the tickets tucked securely in your bag, you told your boyfriend to meet you at the school gates.
When you arrived, he was already there, and you took a moment to appreciate how attractive he was in his casual clothes. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a baggy white t-shirt over it, his black cargo pants mostly covering his battered converse. Looking up from his phone he waved at you grinning. Running up to him, you flung your arms around his neck, feeling his chest rumble with laughter as he caught you.
“Konbu!” He greeted you, before pulling out his phone and typing something.
You look really nice today :)
“Thanks Toge!! I like your outfit too! It looks very comfortable.” You rub your hands up and down his sleeves for emphasis. “Now let's go!”
You grab his hand, and drag him off to the bus stop, ignoring his protests and questions regarding your date, simply telling him it’s a surprise for a reason.
After a short bus ride filled with mock bickering and laughter, you pull him off at your stop and wait for him to realize where you are.
The aquarium?? He waves his phone in your face, looking at you questioningly. How did you know?
You wink at him. “I have my ways. Now, do you want to go in, or not?”
His eyes widen, and he nods in excitement as he grabs your hand and tugs you along. After giving the lady at the booth your tickets, you let him take charge, as he clearly was well acquainted with the place. Pulling you along, he chattered away excitedly via his phone, spewing random facts left and right.
For example at the shark exhibit:
Did you know that sharks are covered with little teeth called dermal denticles?? That’s why their skin feels like sandpaper!
He pressed his hand to the glass separating him from the shark with excitement in his eyes, as if he were imagining what it would feel like to pet one. You watched him, fascinated with this new side of him you were discovering.
At the octopus tank:
Did you know that having sex gives male octopi dementia? Imagine if humans were like that, it’d be hysterical
You shake your head as he giggles to himself, and let him guide you to the next exhibit.
Finally, the two of you take a break, buying lunch and sitting on a bench to eat. You observe the happiness on his face as he uses his fries to draw in his ketchup, positive the aquarium was the right choice. Sending Yuuta a silent thank you, you begin eating your own lunch.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, leaning against each other as you eat before you speak.
“It’s really cool that you know so much about the ocean and sea creatures, and it’s adorable how excited you get when you see them, but…I don’t exactly know how to say this, but why sea creatures? What got you so into them?”
Thoughtfully, Inumaki takes another bite of his sandwich before setting it down and grabbing his phone after wiping his hands. He types for a few minutes, pausing occasionally to delete a sentence and rewrite it. After what feels like forever, he scrolls back to the top, reads what he wrote, and hands you the phone.
I guess it’s probably because of my cursed technique. There’s not really much sound underwater, you know, but all of these creatures can still communicate. Like, did you know that lobsters pee out of their eyes, and that they pee on each other to communicate? Sure, it’s gross, and I can’t just go around peeing on people if I want to tell them something, but somehow it made me feel less alone. So every time I was frustrated or annoyed, because I couldn't speak, I went and learned something about sea creatures instead of feeling sorry for myself.
As you read, your heart hurt for him, but at the same time you were glad that he had found an outlet for his negative feelings. Handing him the phone back, you pulled him into a hug.
“I think it’s great that you found such a positive way of coping when you felt insecure, but I’m sorry you ever felt that way. I wish you had told me about it sooner, and I wish I had taken you to the aquarium before this.”
He pulled away, and you didn’t need anything typed out to read the vulnerability in his eyes. “I don’t think you’re weird for loving sea creatures at all, and I don’t care that you can’t talk. I understand what matters, so you don’t need to use your words. And, if you’re okay with it, I would love to keep coming back here so you can teach me more about sea creatures. I want to know all sides of you, Toge. There’s not a single part of you I don’t love. So, let’s come back next weekend, what do you say?”
He nodded, and pulled you back into a hug. Nestling into his arms, you soaked up his warmth, feeling his love in his embrace. Because that was enough for the two of you to communicate.
All you needed was each other.