Love How Tumblr Has Its Own Folk Stories. Yeah The God Of Arepo Weve All Heard The Story And We All Still
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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More Posts from Leftcheesecakephilosopher
What happens when you don't report pornbots

What you can see here are among the most popular posts of the last month for the convin (Connor/Gavin Detroit Become Human) tag for the last month. And presumably popular in lollipop, cityscape, rick day, eva long, dostoyevsky, and all the other random, unrelated tags added to these posts.
You can see two identical posts made by separate bots that feature a (so, disguised, you don't know whether the address is safe/where you're going) link to a website that contains an image of a pretty young women (but who knows what else).
Each post is liked by about a dozen other bots, and only bots. (I reported them all, so can confirm their profiles were obviously those of bots/porn bots.) Some of them even use the same image in the pfp. Some are developed blogs full of porn images, some are clearly newer and don't even have a pfp yet. They are all gaining legitimacy from each other by the likes which act as links to their Tumblrs, and adding legitimacy to the post they have liked, which links to their ultimate goal: the site where they make money in undoubtedly dodgy ways.
They are doing this to legitimise their websites for search engines like Google, but if you don't care about that, it has the same effect in your Tumblr tags.
If we don't stop them, ALL your favourite hashtags are going to be full of meaningless posts like this, and probably porn you don't want to see (very different from porn you DO want to see).
This is why we report and block, lads. Not just because they are annoying and irrelevant to us, but because if we don't stop them they will take over this hellsite, and they very clearly do not understand the nature of the hell in which we live.

Ok I shall send one in based on one of my favorite childhood fairytales: The Steadfast Tin Soldier where either AfO or Yoichi is the tin soldier
This one always makes me cry.
Both of them are soldiers but Yoichi is THE soldier. They were both made from the tin of a melted down spoon (they're bigger than normal ones) but Yoichi was the second one to be made, so he's missing an arm. When the child they belong to takes them out, Yoichi notices a very handsome dancer made of paper, with a single sequin on his belt holding his outfit together. The dancer has one arm behind him, leading Yoichi to think that he's also missing an arm. He talks to the dancer and they get close, but later AFO warns him not to get too close to his brother. The dancer ignores this and the next day, keeps talking to him on the window sill. AFO gets angry and tries to push him off, but Yoichi takes the hit instead.
Yoichi gets stuck in the rocks, but is too proud to call for help. Some other kids find him, stick him on a paper boat, and have him set sail. The rocking terrifies him, but he tries to be brave and doesn't say anything, even when the boat goes into a tunnel where rats demand he pay a toll. Luckily, the current was too strong for them to catch him. Unluckily, he goes over a waterfall and ends up in the water, and is now utterly terrified.
His shaking attracts a fish, which eats him, and he's once again, stuck in the dark. Until the fish is lifted out and cut open by the child's father, as he had been on a fishing trip. Unable to believe his luck, the child takes Yoichi back to his room where he reunites with the paper dancer.
AFO is insanely jealous that Yoichi chose to greet the DANCER first instead of him, so he gets the child's friend to throw the dancer into the fire. However, paper doesn't exactly go where you want it, and the dancer just manages to miss it. Unfortunately, Yoichi leaped after the dancer, and tin is much less fluttery, so he falls into the fire.
AFO is horrified and tries to go after him, but can't as the child is now playing with him. All he can do is watch as the dancer manages to jump into the fireplace and burn with his brother. The next morning, the child's mother would see a piece of tin melted into the shape of a heart next to a sequin burned black as coal.
I left it ambiguous on who the dancer is, because there's not a lot of description for her, but I like to imagine Second as his hair matches the fire.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your gift :)
What are dead man walking tornadoes? :O
it’s a multi-vortex tornado. i dont remember the tribe it originates from (i think it was cherokee), but there’s a native american legend…? saying? that goes “if you see a man in a tornado, you are about to die.”

the most infamous shot of a dead man walking tornado hit jarrell, texas in 1997

it did so much damage to the town it caused the scale that tornados are measured by, the fijita scale, undergo revisions, and it made anchoring buildings in the tornado alley region pretty much mandatory. (it took the entire town off the map. only those who had taken shelter outside of the town or in underground bunkers survived.)
two more examples of dead man walking tornadoes looking like a person are a tornado from 2011 that hit cullman, alabama

and a tornado from 1975 that hit xenia, ohio

Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse. It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable. As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of. - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
Fanfic Thieves on Youtube
A collection of youtube channels have been uploading preexisting fanfictions in videos with little to no credit to the original authors. These are not podfics, these channels copy-paste the fics into text-to-speech readers then upload the unaltered audio over static or unrelated backgrounds, either art that is also stolen or mobile game footage. In addition to not naming the authors, they alter the title to make it that much harder for readers to recognize or find the original uploads. Some go so far as to pretend they themselves are creating the fics in question. Many claim that their stealing actually helps give fics "exposure" despite the intentional steps they take to conceal the origins of the fics they profit off of. However, this practice has lead many authors to discontinue fics after the frustration of having their hard work stolen. Many of these channels claim they will remove videos upon request, but will either argue with the author in order to keep it up, or simply unlist the video for a time until they think the author isn't paying attention anymore. And their solution to receiving strikes against their channels in the past has been to further obfuscate the origins of their content instead of even considering asking first.

”I got caught stealing, so instead of not stealing anymore, I’m doubling down on stealing even more so it’s harder for people to find out and prove I’m stealing. Stealing doesn't count if the specific person I stole from didn't call me out. I am the real victim.”
That, plus the incessant tag scumming in all the videos (spamming unrelated tags in order to appear in more search results) proves to me that these are lazy attention seekers who don't want to put in creative effort when they could just leech off of the passion of others.
In order to report them, go to their channel's "About" page and click the flag icon. Said icon might be behind the three dots in the top bar on mobile. Go to "Report User" at the bottom and tick the "spam and scams" button. This will allow you to list multiple videos as offenders instead of reporting them individually. Youtube's policy states that video spam constitutes:
Massively uploading content that you scraped from other creators.
Auto-generated content that computers post without regard for quality or viewer experience.
If you recognize one of your fics among the stolen, say so in the additional comments box, and perhaps call out the channel directly in the video's comments. If you recognize someone else's fic, please let the original author know so they can report the channel as well. Many have been confronted for stealing previously and refuse to admit wrongdoing.
Most of what I've found has been My Hero Academia fics since that's my fandom and those are the ones I can recognize as stolen, but there are many other channels that steal from other fandoms, so I invite anyone and everyone to reblog this with their own findings.
The reality is that this extremely low-effort content and new youtube channels are both very easy to make, so most likely they'll start new channels once the ones on this list are run through. But hopefully, if we all work together and keep whacking these moles, perhaps we can instill that same defeatism they caused so many creators who didn't deserve it, and eventually they'll give up.
My sincerest thanks to everyone who helped bring additional channels to my attention. A special thanks to ao3 user InArduisFidelis who brought the initial attention to the issue, and @owlf45 whose work was stolen.
Links under the cut.
YurikoFanfics - Not only stole content, but acted in comments as though they were the one writing these stories.
What-IF-Anime - Has the exact same "disclaimer" about not being the original author as the one above. Either they're the same person or the thieves are stealing from each other.
quirkywhatif7 - Either an alt of the above, or all these people are talking to one another because this one made a community post identical to a comment the one above made in response to being called out (the above screenshots).
DekuFanfic - It's the same fucking guy again.
InfiniteParadoxfanfics - Nothing notable, same deal as the others.
WhatIfAnimeChannel - Admits in their community posts that other people write the fics they post but still doesn't give credit. Migrated to a new channel after issues with youtube, likely being flagged previously.
WhatIfAnimeAll - Alt of above.
FWNWorld - Makes sure to tell you that the videogame footage is theirs, but can't bother to credit anyone else.
WTFW - Claims to have "[A] team of talented writers, voice actors, and artists work together to create immersive fan fiction stories that are sure to captivate your imagination." Just the same test-to-speech stolen content over videogames. So straight up lying claiming that everything is theirs (and that anything they make is quality).
MHA2.0Fanfics - Lots of crossover theft.
Collerwhatiif - Pretty sure this one is the same guy as the previous 2, also has one for another fandom.
ko_sensei - Another that claims to have a "team" that makes the stories they steal: " passionate about creating compelling and engaging fanfiction that explores the various "what ifs" in the anime universe."
FantasticWhatIf - Multifandom stealing, uses the exact same bs disclaimer as many others.
LettuceHeadFanfics - No credit, no acknowledgement of anything. Next one is an alt.
brocollifanfics - Alt of above, once again admits to stealing with a declaration of "☆If you want to takedown any videos. You can mail us or leave a comment below the video☆"
whatifofficial786 - Focuses on MHA/Naruto crossovers. Identical format.
NotWhatIf - I've lost track of who's an alt of who but yet another identical format, descriptions, and bullshit claims of "enhancing the viewer experience" by putting a robot voice over bootleg fortnite footage.
weebxds - Same again.
ItachiFanfics - Naruto channel, we can at least confirm that this one is run by a human given the rare different descriptions and a real voice at the beginning of videos before the robot comes back.
WhatIfDN - As if mockingly, a bunch of videos have a "credit" section in their descriptions that is of course blank.
SpiceandBooks and spiceandfiction - Apparently Youtube itself has started picking up on the bullshit, because this multifandom channel is being dinged as ai spam so they started a new one.
theoriginalastra - Doesn't even bother with disclaimers, the following are multiple alts/potential alts for different fandoms.
SillySenpai12 - Highschool DXD alt.
RosieRealms - Naruto alt.
DekuWhatIfs - Potentially another astra alt but not sure, doesn't matter because all these channels do the same thing anyway.
AnimeStark688 - No credits or disclaimers.
Please take the time to report these channels, spread this post around, and reblog with any additional offending channels you find.