He's Lying. He's A Thirteen Year Old Boy As Of The Start Of Dragonflight.
He's lying. He's a thirteen year old boy as of the start of Dragonflight.
Wrathion: I’m a responsible adult!
Anduin: *raises an eyebrow*
Wrathion: I’m an adult.
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O5-7 'Teeth' Headcanons
Teeth's human form can open 24 different mouths if so inclined. Each of these mouths, barring the main, more human one, contains rows of sharp teeth like a shark. This human form is a feminine-leaning androgynous individual standing at anywhere from 5'2 to 7'6, depending on their mood. Elder gods have quite a bit of control over their disguises.
Their snake form can range from the size of a lil baby garden snake to about 100 light years. To put that in perspective, one light year is about 300,000 kilometers (186,000 miles). To completely surround the Earth, something would need to be about 25,000 miles long, or about 40,075 kilometers. This means Teeth could completely surround the Earth...
750 times.
If my math is correct, and please do correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT: Update, I'm 80% sure I was incredibly wrong. Like, somewhere in here I forgot to carry 37 zeroes. Please, I'm begging you all, CORRECT ME.
They're somewhere between the type of deity Mekhane and Yaldaboth were and the type of deity the Rainbow Serpent was, specifically between where 'silly goofy yet incredibly terrifying snake' becomes 'OH MY MEKHANE WE'RE SCREWED' and 'I mean, at least they have morals. The galaxy is still going to get eaten whole, tho' and 'WELL F*CK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW, WE'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE A PLANET TOMMOROW.'
They only accept SOME human sacrifices, and even then, they only eat the really evil ones alive (Rap!$ts, people who unalived the innocent, chomos, you know the type). If you get sacrificed you'll probably just end up working for the Foundation for a little bit as a level 1 staff member and leave, perfectly safe.
She would lovebomb EXACTLY like a mormon mother, manipulation, brainwashing, and accidentally raising an entire generation of gay atheists included

Who's gonna hug him though.
What if Anduin just straight up doesn't know. Just, like
Kalec: Oh give him a break, he's literally 13.
Ebyssian: The Blue Aspect makes a fine point.
Sabellian: All the more reason I should be in charge!
Shaw, who knew Wrathion was a child and simply did not mention it whatsoever, to ANYONE, even Edwin's d3ad body: Oh, yeah, Wrathion is 13. ANYWAYS-
Alls I'm saying is. If Anduin treats Wrathion like they're both exactly the same age. Nobody ever thought to think maybe that says something about Anduin.

'Two in dragon years' no b!tch you're literally just two. No dragon years about it, you're a small child.
Even now, he's only 13 years old.
Stop sexualizing Wrathion.
,,,,,,,uhm,,, this big boy is constantly on my mind lately so

NO NO NO NO Don't do Wrathion/Kalec, Wrathion is a child. He's 13.
Make them brothers. Give us the Malygos and Neltharion bonding we were so deprived of but make it Kalecgos and Wrathion. Also isn't Tyry also Kalec's ex? For some reason I ship her with Tarecgosa, but, as Tarec is currently d3ad, she can be with whoever she wants
Other than that, I agree with your take. Also Khadgar/Kalec for live. GIVE IT TO ME.
Dear Blizzard, please take Kalecgos out of Jaina's story.
No, I'm not saying SHE deserves better, I am a PROUD Jaina hater, I'm saying that you should REPLACE HER WITH KHADGAR IN KALEC'S STORY. This is bisexual Kalecgos and homosexual Khadgar erasure.
For spice, make it so neither of them has any idea that they're dating until someone (preferably Modera or maybe Rommath) points it out to them.
Modera does it in an attempt to be their mother. Rommath does it because 'These gay Kirin Tor archmagi are f*cking idiots and watching them be in denial is causing me physical pain. Literally.' (He actually does it because he's now kinda maybe allies with Kalec because of the whole Sunwell/Aveena thing)