lemons-pears - "please get off my mind."
"please get off my mind."

nym / they/them

75 posts

Lemons-pears - "please Get Off My Mind." - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
lemons-pears - "please get off my mind."
5 months ago
I Apparently Cannot Sleep Tonight So Im Giving Myself Another Hour Of Awakeness. Anyways I Drew Fanart.

i apparently cannot sleep tonight so im giving myself another hour of awakeness. anyways i drew fanart.

@mr-1-2-3-4 apologies for the scuffed hand and anatomy and perspective i did this in like 8 minutes but POPCORN IS REAL NEAT-

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5 months ago
It's So Crunchy, But-

it's so crunchy, but-


he's older than some lieutenants. hell- some captains.

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5 months ago

Questions, Questions, Questioning.

gotta love queuing posts lmao:

"Hm? Me?" A question from one of his rookies, catching him off guard, "That's... completely none of your business."

A chorus of 'please sir's and 'please sergeant' trying to butter him up. 'But sergeant, you're the best at these', 'You always answer our questions', 'Maybe we can defend you?' - completely inappropriate topic mid-training out on the track. Ugh.

"No, look, I understand the curiosity - you're like toddlers. Insatiable things," Groans, grunts and unsatisfied whines. From to-be soldiers, no less. Moth's busy drinking from a bottle of water, then answering, settles, "But, I won't carve my whole heart out to you, alright?"

Code for 'I'm telling you a secret'. Code for 'Don't tell a soul'. Lean in, like a huddle.

"I guess... I kissed a girl in sixth grade. If- if that crosses anything off mentally-" Well, there goes half the internal bets.

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5 months ago

LOOK AT THEM👍❗❗🫂🫂🫂🫂 aaah- even if he is $1 Moth is Moth either way-

@mr-1-2-3-4 you made me re-download gacha in the middle of a restaurant so i can shamble together Moth- i am FLATTERED i am 😊😊😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

LOOK AT THEM Aaah- Even If He Is $1 Moth Is Moth Either Way-


(did him in gacha club tho-)

Need I say more why I hate Moth’s design, god I need to change it. I couldn’t do his hair in Gacha so I give you Moth that cost 1$

Need I Say More Why I Hate Moths Design, God I Need To Change It. I Couldnt Do His Hair In Gacha So I


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5 months ago

If Moth in my opinion is known as the “the Shadow Father” for that one meme

In Moth’s opinion would he hate Orion in a way because they basically share the rookies?

Because this a small chunk from a Shadow story I’m working on🥲

Jack says as they both heard Moth get dog piled by some rookies, that got to come due to good behavior, Orion looked down at Moth

“Your turn to watch them.”

Orion said with a evil-ish smile as Moth struggled to get up

“This sweater is new. And you got them to dog pile me.”

Moth said looking up at Orion, who waved his hand dismissing the rookies who just went to sit in a pile of hay. Orion pulled up Moth and helped him to dust off

“You good?”

Orion said already knowing the answer

“No. No I’m not ok, I just got dog piled by mine and your kids.”

Orion laughed a bit

“Ha! Well don’t take them away from me when it’s my turn to watch them”

“we had training”

Moth grumbles and you know that, Orion goes to speak but before he can, they both hear the rookies starting a fight, they both ran over to break it up

(I will change it if you want me to, hope I spelled that right)

i think this is also a question for @zante-selachi just to be safe, but i'll provide my own viewpoint! if this goes off track a little it's because it's early soz-

No, Moth does not hate Orion. He does look up to him (for being a half-decent authority figure and also physically- Moth is kinda short in comparison haha-) and make of that what you will.

Despite what the rookies insist, Moth doesn't fully view himself as their 'father': he feels responsible, as an officer should, but because Orion is their captain, he feels the authority automatically goes to him once he enters the room. If they wanna call him 'father' then he won't argue, though. Some of them are Moth's kids until Orion takes the reins but Moth would never admit that.

That being said, Moth does view the rookies as kids because they somewhat remind him of his niece so it's easier to deal with them as such.

Moth could never hate a man like Orion (or what Orion appears to be whenever he's around).

Do ask more if you've got further questions❗i just read this before i had to leave so it might be a bit messy-

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5 months ago

how? how you may ask?

How? How You May Ask?



How? How You May Ask?

a dust cover shouldn't take me this long 💀💀💀

if y'all see me posting about this a lot it's called either pride or hubris.


howdy, one might ask 'hey nym, how's the costume coming along?'. to that i will ask:

how does one go about making tobin's spirit guide when they're unwilling to pay for a copy of the actual thing?

i am foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog oscillating between my classwork and plans.

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5 months ago


howdy, one might ask 'hey nym, how's the costume coming along?'. to that i will ask:

how does one go about making tobin's spirit guide when they're unwilling to pay for a copy of the actual thing?

i am foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog oscillating between my classwork and plans.

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5 months ago


the hive mind wants to go to comic con. problemos:

i don't have a costume

so, my dumbass went "haha, ghostbusters" since that's the spooky fixation.

hello back problems i have until the end of the month to make all the props aka proton pack with storage, ghost trap, tobin's spirit guide and maybe ecto-goggles. as of writing it is the 6th of october. i am equipped with cardboard.


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5 months ago

this seems interesting! MOTH GET OVER HERE-

Step right up! Step right up! Take a peek into the sergeants psyche-

"Don't think like that, Dion said not to think like that-" Standing there, looking at his rookies after being informed that one of them keyed Graves' car, eye twitching under his sunglasses. "Ah... fuck.". His mind is a treasure trove of secrets. Their helpfulness though? ...Eh, unless you want to hear about all the stuff he's cover up. The old him would've disciplined the hell out of misbehaving rookies.

But nowadays? What would probably shock a mind reader the most- all those situations of rookies screwing up and Moth oh so graciously sweeping it under the rug and taking the fall time and time again before his superiors find out. There's just a barage of thoughts about hiding things.

"It'll be alright, gotta think of how to do this..."

Car driven into a ditch? Gotcha. Torn uniform? He'll fix it, borrow his in the meantime. Forgotten equipment? Take his gun, he's fineee. Need a note of approval? He can forge one, c'mere- you... seriously tossed a flashbang into Graves' office by accident? ...Don't ever say I've never done anything for you-

-And that's all the stuff in Shadow Company. Externally?


Anyways, honourable mentions:

A LOT OF CALLBACKS TO THERAPY. He's standing with clenched fist and s voice reminding him why his knuckles are a bit screwed. De-escalation.

Recipes. On one hand, "They don't deserve anything extra because of [---] incident.". On the other hand, "Hhhh the rations aren't good this time- think think think-". They're a constant nagging sometimes.

Oh wow [insert superior] is cool as hell.

Oh, wow, [insert most members, really]? Cool-

No thoughts sometimes. Genuinely has the worst brain fog.

🕺 🎵 DANCE DANCE DANCE- Yes, seriously. He follows musical theatre emotions rules he bounces and rocks when pleased and why? THE MUSIC IN HIS HEAD- SSHUT UP MOTHH THEY WANT ACTUAL INFORMATION--

"I miss him." "He's not dead?" "I miss him."

Thought about not screwing up his chances in Shadow Company. No more grave mistakes.

This mind reader could be in the infirmary trying to get medical information from people and Moth's thoughts are all "Damnit not again- Captain's mad- aaaah-" because he doesn't understand exhaustion are you sure you're not asthmatic or something? He's thinking about whether or not to disclose past injuries and it's concerning sir- sir- sir???

Shadow Company OCs question!!!

If a mind reader was snuck into the shadow company base, and they started reading your OCs mind… what would shock the mind reader the most?

I’ll go first: Adam on certain days, will be talking with a shadow, and he would just randomly start thinking about how he would go about making a certain plushie. I’m talking sewing patterns, materials, tools needed, the whole shebang. He’s quite literally making a plushie in his head, albeit at a much faster speed than it would take in real life. Then after the conversation is over, he’ll just stand there for a moment… then go find someone else to talk with. Then it’s repeat the process over and over again until he’s needed for something or the day ends. He does this because he’s trying to decide who he wants to make a plushie for the next day. And he’s also trying to get a feel for the person in order to exclusively make the plushie for them. So he’s talking with them, and he’s also planning out the plushie or pillow, and changing it as he sees fit as he’s talking it out with them so he can fix it to how he thinks the person would like it best

Adam doesn’t really know very much about company trade secrets since no one teaches him or tells him the plan because he’s not a soldier, so the only time he ever hears about the missions is when someone tells him about it, but it’s only about past missions. In the end, the mind reader would only be able to get individual Shadows’ weaknesses that have talked to him in sessions (he’d never reveal them willing), instead of Shadow Company as a whole.


Now it’s your turn! Use as many or as little ocs as you’d like!!

I challenge(optional): @pampanope @olibird @mr-1-2-3-4 @tw1nkee28 and you! ^-^

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5 months ago
5 months ago

Exam season is coming up in few different counties so here is some stuff to listen to if you don’t want to leave the ghostbusters addiction alone but also want to study!

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5 months ago
We Came, We Saw, We're In The Middle Of Kicking Its Ass- What Was Your Name Again? Beetle-

We came, we saw, we're in the middle of kicking its ass- what was your name again? Beetle-


guess who forgot how to render again ❗❗❗ i watched ghostbusters for the first time a fortnight ago and it changed part of my brain chemistry. helloooo new people to draw- my brain also wanted beetlejuice, so-

alternate versions under the cut.

We Came, We Saw, We're In The Middle Of Kicking Its Ass- What Was Your Name Again? Beetle-
We Came, We Saw, We're In The Middle Of Kicking Its Ass- What Was Your Name Again? Beetle-
We Came, We Saw, We're In The Middle Of Kicking Its Ass- What Was Your Name Again? Beetle-

fun fact: my partner in crime sent me a picture of the real ghostbusters cartoon because i was struggling with drawing faces and uh- aha- ☺

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5 months ago

it's late and i am essaying but god, i'm scared.

the voices are speaking to me and they want to bust some ghosts

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6 months ago


vroom vroom if anyone's wondering, no i'm not dead or anything i'm collapsing under a lot of classwork but i swear i'll be back to fixation posting anyways cicero haunts my dreams

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6 months ago

These? Oh, they aren't of any-

"Mercado!- Wh-" Dead in his tracks for a moment. Ah. No wonder his friend was screaming bloody murder in the middle of the field. Captain's already ahead with the others, and Moth could've done with one more lap around the place. Then again, he also tripped earlier, so it wasn't likely he would catch up too easily - low energy, long day.

"Hey, Dan," Hissed through clenched teeth as Moth crouched down to look at him. "Hala- it hurts, sir." It's quite simple.

Mercado's sat up, though grounded, one knee bent and being cradled, the other leg extended out. Click of the tongue and a quiet "Right then.". Fiddling a little, taking off a boot past its many secure ties. Gently- oh so gently- taking the ankle into his own two hands, and- "Scream when it starts hurting."

Pressure. That's how it always worked when he was younger. Using his thumb to put pressure on certain regions and slightly tilting at the joint. Ignoring the way his sergeant would cuss him out in a variety of different ways: "Tangina-" One area, "Ay- bobo-", another area, "F-FUCK-!" Bingo. Eversion.

"-Cado, it'll be fine," He speaks, peeling back the sock to check the skin, already starting to discolour slightly. Bruising. No way in hell is he letting him walk back without assistance. "You've just sprained it. Hurts more because these boots don't make it any better." Possibly a lie, though if it helped to hear then Moth would tell him anything.

Sorting it out. Normally, the stash of bandages is for his own personal use, but the truly injured take priority. Sitting with his legs crossed, foot on his lap, being wrapped with practiced precision. "Heh- with the way you're working at me, you should've been a medic."

"Ah, that's my sister. Hands are too rough for that," Tying the last of the bandage off, shifting the sock back over it all. "After you're back, I'll try and buy you a couple days off. Don't worry about it, just rest up. No walking it off."

"Dan." Packing everything up - taking any of Mercado's heavier belongings to carry himself.

"-And I'll do the paperwork, too. See if you can get rest without duty, you're my responsibility,"

"Danilo." Stern. Snaps him out of it.

"Yes, Cado?" Stare back.


Concern's written all over Mercado's face: "...Your hands are...".

Looking down.


Dusty, dirty, covered in blood and scraped a little raw. He didn't just trip and fall - he pretty much ate shit after missing a rock and mis-stepping. Now that he's stopped to think about it, his foot feels like it's on fire. It's not great. It's not a main concern. It's not...

...Not sterile- "Ah! Cado- Don't worry- it's not an open wound or anything. Can't get infected, alright? We'll... still get the bandages changed, though." But the look on his friend's face doesn't falter at all.

Warmth rushing to Moth's face. Red. Running down his cheek, even. No, later. If it's cut then that's a later issue. Right now?

Loosely putting the boot back on his comrade. Helping him up to his feet. Slinging an arm over his shoulder. They'll walk eachother back - stumbling, but walking. They'll sit down and wait until a medic attends to the sergeant, and then he'll wait until his friend is properly admitted. Then. Then...

He'll check himself in the mirror later to see if there's any wounds left to lick.

Normally by then, they aren't of any concern.

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6 months ago
6 months ago

Silly thoughts

Moth must be one of the more well-adjusted people in Shadow Company. Not a lot of trauma written on his face, that's for sure.

Well, he does obscure his face, too. But it's not as though he's actively hiding it. Actively hiding anything. Secrets? What of them- anything you need to know about him is in his file!

What do you mean you "don't have it"?

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6 months ago

at this point Moth's character sheet is basically done, but i don't have the drawings done so 😭

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6 months ago

i don't remember it at the moment but one of the best fanfictions i've ever read is unironically an othello one. as in "Virtue? A fig!" othello. yes it's getting late where i live how could you tell-

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6 months ago

old, unfinished doodles from earlier this year.

(ft scarecrow, penguin and riddler GOTHAM'S FINEST)

Old, Unfinished Doodles From Earlier This Year.
Old, Unfinished Doodles From Earlier This Year.
Old, Unfinished Doodles From Earlier This Year.
Old, Unfinished Doodles From Earlier This Year.
Old, Unfinished Doodles From Earlier This Year.

one day at least one of these is getting a digital render. one day.

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