Crying Over Hands - Tumblr Posts

jonathan crane?!?!?!
please accept this sketch as sustenance, i'm struggling to put him into digital. also used a voltaire photo as a reference.

riddle me this, riddle-man... are you hiring?
i forget how to render every fortnight or so. that alone is highly amusing to me. non-dotty version under the cut.

how do you render aaAAAAA- mr riddler you're next. hopefully.
wondering if i should leak my shadow company oc a little because the act of drawing camo is almost enough to prompt me to scream about him and i'm 90% sure my friends are getting fed up with with screenshots😔
then again he isn't cooked fully soooo-
lads please don't eat half your body weight in palabok when the eggs suspiciously don't taste eggy anyways good morning/afternoon/evening/night that is today's post
give me five minutes to figure out my old discord login aaaa
this site will be the reason my language skills get a 5% boost this isn't even funny anymore nym.
no tuve tiempo de practicarlo- mis primos saben español- ni mis padres ni mis primos patriarcales saben español. comprendo más español que TAGALOG- NO LOS HABLO-
además de mis primos matriarcales- a ellos se dice "no hablamos español con tus primas" AAAAAA QUIERO ESCUCHAR- ESTOY ESCUCHANDO-
...and my actual mother tongue? hindi ko alam. wala akong alam. i'm using google translate, prayers, vague phrases i've retained and my one fluent friend and offering sinanglaw to whatever higher power there is.
haha. imagine i had an oc who could comprehend either- AAAAAAAAAAAA
if you're part of the team, the unit, the company, wherever, beware: moth is the type to affirm. as long as you're considered a teammate, you're getting praised-

old or current unit, he doesn't care. might fumble a little with addressing people but he's adjusting-
get positively reinforced B)
"Ading- matalas ang mata mo! Nice shot!"
"Wh- Sergeant that's not my name-"
"...Right then. You have very good eyes! Good job on the field! Keep up the good work, trying your best is the best!"
"...!?" [Shadow.exe has stopped working]
I WISH MY LAPTOP MADE NOISE i wish it sounded like a bus engine i wish it sounded like a plane taking off i wish it sounded like a hurricane i just wish it would
it's radio silent when i'm running it and it invokes the wrath of hell and all those who have succumbed to the heat death of past universes to overheat it until it crashes in the five minute lifespans it has between powering it on it is like a mirage of functionality as whenever i open something of mild interest it oh-so-silently shifts the screen back to black as though it is dying its next thousandth death only to be revived in the next fifteen seconds by the press of an enter button i do not fear your time constraint i need this revision
one must imagine sisyphus happy
jd i am so sorry i've figured out your backstory i'm so sorry i'm sorry
guys i've written a thing for moth. it's long, so i'm unsure whether or not i should split it all up and link it, or post it all in one and let it stay connected. aaaaaaaaaaaa it's not heavy lore or anything-
workin' on some johnstantine

no solid reference or anything so the proportions and face might look a bit naff. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
theoretically the character sheet doesn't need an accompanying image, but i don't want him to just be text on a background.
i love you cicero i love you virgil i love you ancient rome
for future reference: guys where do you post fanart do you @ them or do you go straight to inbox
i don't remember it at the moment but one of the best fanfictions i've ever read is unironically an othello one. as in "Virtue? A fig!" othello. yes it's getting late where i live how could you tell-
at this point Moth's character sheet is basically done, but i don't have the drawings done so 😭
Silly thoughts
Moth must be one of the more well-adjusted people in Shadow Company. Not a lot of trauma written on his face, that's for sure.
Well, he does obscure his face, too. But it's not as though he's actively hiding it. Actively hiding anything. Secrets? What of them- anything you need to know about him is in his file!
What do you mean you "don't have it"?
Miscellaneous Moth Doodles

no context, no thoughts, head empty. just moth.
vroom vroom if anyone's wondering, no i'm not dead or anything i'm collapsing under a lot of classwork but i swear i'll be back to fixation posting anyways cicero haunts my dreams