Hey, Everyone! Just a he/him here falling deeper every day into the pit of nerdom. Video games, comics, anime, board games, D&D, Pokémon TCG. I also like coffee, tea, and recent got into vinyls and streaming! You can call me Joshua or Yoshi ^ᴥ^ Please feel free to say hi!
244 posts
Joshua's Decently-Sized Questionnaire
Joshua's Decently-Sized Questionnaire
Beginning Note:
Tag who you want; answer what you want; deflect any question you want with whatever snarky answer you want. I don’t really care, nor should anyone else. The point is to get to know each other, right? Go, be free, my little ones.
1. Preferred Nicknames: Joshie or Hedgie 2. Age: 25 years old 3. Dream job: Writer or Talk Show Host 4. Your 3 Biggest Achievements in the Last Year: Losing 80 pounds; Buying a New Car; Getting and keeping a job at Starbucks 5. Biggest Goal in the Next Year: Pursue my desire toward a career in Group Management, Leadership, and Investing. 6. Favourite Robot: GLaDOS… You monster… 7. Favourite Colours: Purple and yellow 8. Favourite Animals: Hedgehogs, owls, foxes, and otters 9. Favourite Flower: Daffodils 10. Favourite Video Game: Bioshock Infinite 11. Favourite Real Villain in History: Velociraptors 12. Favourite Magical/Mythological Creature: Dragons 13. Favourite Monster: Cthulhu 14. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 15. Favourite Book Series: Harry Potter 16. Qualities You Admire most in a Person: Mercy and grace 17. Favourite Bedroom Decor: Christmas lights 18. Favourite Added Flavour: Peppermint 19. Favourite Food Dish: Caesar Salad (with chicken or salmon) 20. Favourite Musical: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 21. Favourite Comic: The Walking Dead 22. Favourite Board Game: Betrayal at the House on the Hill 23. Favourite Card Game: Cards Against Humanity 24. Favourite Cards Against Humanity Card: Fuck Mountain 25. Favourite Breakfast: Most things involving eggs 26. Favourite Thing to Do Alone: Read 27. Favourite Modern Technology: Robots and lasers 28. Most Important Piece of Clothing: A hoodie 29. Where do you most want to travel to and visit: The UK 30. Favourite Ice Cream Flavours: Whiskey Coffee, Stout, and Mint Chip 31. What Superpower Would You Choose: Healing 32. Favourite Superhero: Batman 33. If You Had to Have Your Birthday on a Holiday, Which Would You Choose: Arbor Day 34. Favourite Quality in a Bar/Lounge/Club: Decent lighting, and, comfy chairs. 35. Favourite YouTube Video: The Death and Return of Superman 36. Favourite Movie Trilogy: Star Wars IV-VI 37. Favourite Band: Nickel Creek 38. Favourite Pokèmon: Dragonite 39. Video Games That Made You Cry: Ni No Kuni; The Last of Us; Red Dead Redemption 40. Comic Character You Thought You’d Hate, but Didn’t: Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) 41. Favourite Anime: Princess Jellyfish 42. That Sport That You Call A “Real” Sport: Soccer 43. Favourite Hangout Spot: Coffee Shops 44. Something Not Many People Know: I’m surprisingly introverted 45. Favourite Sound: The ocean shore 46. Something You’re Insecure About: Whether or not I’m a good kisser 47. What You Want Most in Life: To spend the rest of my life with someone that loves me. 48. What You Want Them to Say at Your Funeral: This man loved people, and it mattered. 49. Guilty Pleasure: Gummies and Peppermint 50. What is the Most Essential Ingredient to a Good Sandwich: Avocado
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