I like ranpoe if you haven't noticed

787 posts

My Comfort Aesthetic

My Comfort Aesthetic

My comfort aesthetic

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More Posts from Lemonys-snickers

2 years ago

Did Mllard return for Radi? The invisible boy in Holliw City????

Some things I want to know:

-Where are Kim and P.T? I have an idea on where they could've gone but I need ANSWERRSSS

-Where the heck did Lilly go?? She just got dragged away and disappeared in amod im worried abt her

-And a whole bunch of things at the end of tdoda that were left unknown... the world got saved and then they almost immediately went to their new loop and we didn't see any more of loads of people the ending was just really quick

-This is a kind of extension to the last one- Did the souls in the library find peace? It seems a lot of them were just vomited up over a cliff and the whole place was still probably wrecked due to caul so i can imagine there's loads of misplaced souls around there

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2 years ago

Horace: *Does anything*


Horace: *Does Anything*

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2 years ago

could you explain the post about shoelaces and presidents? it would be greatly appreciated thank you

Sure! Do you mean this post?


So, it started in a post in 2012 (or earlier, I don’t know the exact date). As the Urban Dictionary entry explains, you would say “I like your shoelaces” in public as a sort of secret code if you suspect there’s another Tumblr user there. And if there is another Tumblr user, they would reply “Thanks, I stole them from the president” to let you know they understood the message and are, in fact, a Tumblr user. 

I don’t think people do this anymore, and if they ever did, it probably wasn’t a very common thing to do. Maybe they did back in 2012 when the post was recent and Tumblr wasn’t as popular as it is now. 

I also don’t think there’s any deeper meaning to the phrases. “I like your shoelaces” seems like a pretty common and nice thing to say, and if it turns out the person you thought was a Tumblr user doesn’t recognise the ‘secret message’, nothing would happen. But then “Thanks, I stole them from the president” seems weird and specific enough that you would know they understood the ‘secret message’, unlike if they just replied “Thank you”. 

Then other posts appeared making references to the shoelaces and president posts:
