levia-chan - Mellisa

18 y.o. || English isn't my native language, so I'm sorry for possible mistakes || Oh, and requests are open, btw :D

130 posts

Yes, Yes, And Yes Again!

Yes, yes, and yes again!

Of course, I understand that there is not much information about Michael, but even so it is too much.

If you think about it, if he was so bad and dangerous, then why did he save MC's ass several times already? Why do the characters remember him with nostalgia? If he was really bad, would he apologize to MC? And these questions can be continued.

People really need to make him a scapegoat. Yes, I know that not all authors are like that, I know that some see Michael's real character and behavior and write it well in their fanfics. But some change them to such an extent that the character changes beyond recognition. It's like they're writing about a completely different character.

If they really want the cruel and dangerous Michael so much, then let them start playing "What in hell is bad?", there is enough of this good.

i will never understand the fandom‘s obsession to make Michael an unreasonable, deadbeat and violent angel, who can‘t even wrap his head around the idea of consent EVEN THO IT’S CANON THAT HE‘S NOT FOND OF ANY FORM OF VIOLENCE AND EVEN SIMEON STILL CALLS HIM A GOOD ANGEL

i don‘t think Simeon would lie to us about his perception of Michael, considering Raphael even insulted Mike without consequences following up.

Nor do i think Raphael would stay with an absolute piss–stain of an angel during the celestial war because he didn’t want him to be alone.

Michael IS very questionable and has very petty motives as well as having committed to identity theft to see the brothers, but you can still see the reasoning behind his actions and dig into his character. Villainous Michael is a baller idea, it’s brilliant even, but there needs to be a level of sticking to what the game gives us about him.

it’s so weird and infuriating, it doesn’t make sense.

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More Posts from Levia-chan

11 months ago

Reblog if its ok to spam you with boops

1 year ago


Hi everyone! This post was created to navigate through some posts and will be updated as new posts become available.






Other works are under development 🏃🏃🏃

1 year ago

You know, I recently watched the post @luckykittysshowerthoughts and I came up with an idea.

Imagine that MC and Michael finally met, no matter where - in Devildom, in Celestial Realm or in the human world - and just got to know each other normally.

Then, when they were alone, Michael began to sincerely apologize to MC for the traumatic events they had been through. Perhaps he made a bow.

At first, the MC were confused, because it's not his fault, why is he apologizing?

However, the more time passed, the more cracks appeared in their facade. In the end, all the emotions experienced surged with great force, and the facade collapsed. MC is just starting to have a real tantrum. Their legs stop holding them up, and they just fall to their knees.

Michael immediately knelt down after them and wanted to comfort them, but began to hesitate whether he should touch them. But when, in search of support, the MC themselves rushed into his arms and began to sob on his shirt, he did not mind. He just hugged them soothingly and began gently tracing circles on their backs with one hand. His halo shone with a warm, even light, and his wings shielded them from the outside world in a protective manner.

An angel would whisper all sorts of gentle and soothing things and promise to protect them. He would sit in this position until MC calms down. If they fall asleep on him, he will take them to the bedroom and put them to bed. Michael would stay with MC for a while.

He would surely give his blessing to MC and make sure they had a good sleep.

Michael takes his promises seriously, so he wasn't going to leave it like that. He will definitely keep his promise to MC, no matter what it takes.

11 months ago

MC: *for the first time found themselves in Devildom*

MC: And I like you~

Lucifer: And I'm not.

MC: So, we both have no taste :)

Lucifer: What?

MC: What?


*in the background, the brothers are dying of laughter*

Lucifer: What did you just say?

Tags :
1 year ago



A/N: Well, for some reason Tumblr doesn't have many works with demon!MC, so I decided to try to write my own, I hope you like it :3


- No.

- MC, please think again. I assure you, this pact will benefit both of us! - that annoying sorcerer won't leave you alone.

He's been trying to get you to make a pact with him for quite some time. You don't want that. Which, in fact, led to your current situation. You're desperately trying to get away from the sorcerer somewhere far away, and he's still following you.

- I said no. Look for some other demon to make a pact with them.

It seems suspicious to you that such a powerful sorcerer is persistently trying to make a pact with you. You don't have such a high rank and you barely match the level of the fallen brothers, so why would he do that?

Solomon already has 72 demons under his control, so what would change if you joined this list? If he wants a pact with you just because you're closely related to the seven brothers, then he won't get it.

- MC, listen, I don't just want to make a pact with you. I see great potential in you! If we combine our knowledge and abilities, we can achieve a lot! Besides, we will certainly be able to learn something new from each other! - he was hoping to convince you with that sweet talk and friendly smile.

Oh, Diavolo, this man is really testing your patience.

That's it, you've had enough.

You stop abruptly and turn to face him. "Listen, I'm flattered by your desire to make a pact with me, but I doubt we'll be able to learn anything from each other. Besides, you overestimate me. I'm not that strong, and I don't want to be overshadowed by a human."

Now that he finally had your attention, he took your hand in his and gently ran his thumb over your knuckles.

- You're being too hard on yourself. You have your strengths, and I have my weaknesses. If you're still not sure, then how about showing off our skills to each other?

You wanted to object, but first you decided to weigh the pros and cons. In the end, you decided that a show of force wouldn't hurt and would perfectly show who you'd be connected to if you did decide to make a pact.

- Okay, I'm interested. But after this show, my decision will be final. Either we make a pact or not, it's up to me. Is that clear? - you took your hands out of his hands.

Solomon nods his head. He understands your conditions perfectly and will be ready to fulfill them, even if everything turns out not in his favor.

- Great! Now it remains to decide exactly where we would like to do this.

Both of you turned your heads at the same time towards the old dark forest not far from you. There is almost no one there, except for some rarely passing animals, plus it is far from the busy city.

Just perfect.

- Huh, I think great minds think the same way, - you laugh and start moving towards the forest first.

Solomon didn't mind that you were leading him. It didn't take you long to get to the middle of the forest, where you are surrounded only by earth, rocks and some sticks. You are accompanied by a light cool wind that makes the hairs on your skin stand on end, because you were not wearing enough warm clothes.

He noticed that you were shaking a little, so he immediately took his coat and draped it over your shoulders.

- Are you cold? - he was smiling as he put his coat on your shoulders. "I wouldn't want you to freeze. You still need to demonstrate your abilities, MC."

You fell into a stupor for a while. You didn't expect such gentlemanly behavior, especially from him.

- What about you? You people are more fragile. A little breeze won't kill me. Take care of yourself, wizard - you tried to give him back his coat.

The last thing you need is for him to poke you in the face what a sissy you are for the rest of the day.

The sorcerer, also stubborn, forced you to keep his coat with you. "I want you to know that I'm not like other people. Besides, the turtleneck suits me fine," he fiddled with the fabric around his neck.

Well, if he insists, then who are you to refuse?

Now that you have reached the perfect location, you have a large empty space at your disposal.

You turned your head towards him and tilted it slightly. "So, are you starting or am I?" you're flexing your fingers in preparation for the demonstration.

Solomon laughed and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. "Come on, please, demons go ahead."

- Wow, look at the gentleman, - you smirked.

At first, you stretched your hand out and felt the breeze passing through your fingers. You put your middle finger and thumb together and started concentrating. Magic began to crackle in the air. When a ball of magical energy formed in your hand, you turned all your attention to one object.

You looked at a large boulder and sharply reduced the sphere, after which you sent this small ball to the boulder. In just a second, a rather powerful explosion occurred. Strong air currents formed, as well as debris of different sizes, which began to fly in different directions. Some even flew in your direction.

- MC! - Solomon grabbed your arm and tried to pull you away, but you didn't even move.

You looked at the wreckage and clenched your hand into a fist. The stones stopped abruptly in the air and began to fall to the ground under the influence of gravity, forming small craters.

Since the danger has passed, the sorcerer has released your hand. He breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at you worriedly. "You could have been hurt, you know? It's good that you have a great reaction."

- I know my abilities and I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure of my own safety. But it's nice that you're worried about me when you should be thinking about yourself.

He chuckled as it was his turn to show his strength. He will prove that he is worthy to make a pact with you.

- Let's see if you'll keep thinking I'm weak. Oh, and by the way, you're not getting seasick in the air, are you? - he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

- No. Why-

You didn't have time to finish and understand what was going on, because you suddenly flew into the sky. The only thing that could soften your fall is the edges of the trees.


Solomon was next to you in a second, but he was much better at floating in the air than you were. Watching you awkwardly hanging in the air, he covered his mouth, trying to hide a chuckle. - Well? Are you having fun?

You stared at him, kicking your legs in the air. "What do you think? You just shot me like a projectile from a catapult! And without any warning!"

- You'll get used to it soon, but for now let me help you, - he flew up to you and took your hands. He began to guide you, and now your flight has stopped being so erratic.

It took your breath away to realize that you were so high above the ground. "You don't send everyone you meet flying, do you? Because it's a great way to make enemies."

- Don't worry, I'm not that reckless, - he smiled and gently lowered you both down. "I only do this with those who are really interesting to me and with whom I want to become closer."

You fell silent, feeling his gaze on you. "Solomon, - you haven't called him that for quite a while, - if you want to make a pact with me just because I know my brothers well, then you don't have to continue. I don't like being used."

He seemed to be taken aback by this response. "Is that why you've been rejecting the pact all this time?"

-... Well.. Why else would you sign a contract with me?..

Solomon gently took your hand. "MC.. Pacts are not something you will make with someone for no reason. What I want from you means more to me than strength or power."

Your feet finally touched the ground, and you were speechless after such a subtle confession. You can't even look at him.

- It looks like I'm making things too complicated, - he noticed your stunned state. "According to our agreement, I will accept any decision you make. Pact or not," he lowered his head and looked away, preparing to face rejection.

Before he left, you grabbed his arm and stopped him.

- The pact. I want to make a pact with you.