Mysteries are meant to keep u wondering, curiosity is a blessing, excitement is invigorating, adrenaline keeps me on my feet, and fear can be conquered, never stop daring to dream because regret haunts you, determination is a choice, freedom is something you have to fight for, change is inevitable and unending, choices can define you, personality is what you make it to be, never give up ~Lightning 24680
9 posts
Childe X Depressed Gn!reader
Childe x depressed gn!reader
Hi guys, another WIP of mine that I was struck by motivation to create. I really need to work on my already started pieces of writing but I can’t so here I am with random fics. Hope you enjoy! Also Happy New Years! Lightning24680~
Everything starts with an idea, an emotion. He was your emotion. He was like the ocean rough and cold a never ending deep of mystery and darkness, and yet he was calm too, he could be comforting like the small laps of the water at your heels as you walk across the beach. You never quite understood how you and him clicked. You were unextraordinary and you quite honestly felt as if you contributed nothing to this earth constantly wondering why you bothered. He was the opposite and yet the same. He was always in the rush of battle, a never ending wave of determination and strength, but his dull blue eyes mirrored the self loathing of your own.
When you two first met it wasn’t true love or anything special, hell it wasn’t even unique, but it was still a moment that was yours.
You were a Fontaine citizen, you loved your books and writing more than you’d ever cared for the drama of a trial, and still you were dragged to his. Seeking inspiration and maybe just a tad bit of real excitement instead of the fantasies created in your mind you took a seat in the plush red seats of the Opera Epiclese. At first nothing struck you as interesting it was merely another debate.
And then the murmurs started and your gaze was drawn up to the shock in the Chief Justice’s eyes as he read aloud a sentence that should have been impossible…guilty. Your gaze was immediately taken to him, with his vibrant ginger hair and the expression of an impatient man on his face. Then the flash of purple and the crimson of his mask, his light grey’s and browns traded for pitch black and, stunning purple with the eye catching blood red.
In that moment intrigue spiked in your heart, motivation in your mind, something you thought had been extinguished long ago rising in your brain. You shifted in your seat practically hanging off the edge, as everyone else watched in horror as the Garde Meks were taken down with the electro currents he’d thrown so carelessly yet precisely, you watched with interest.
And when he was taken down and away defeated you watched in awe at the small and tired grin on his lips, he wants more you realized, and so did you.
You were up and on your feet lightly shoving through the crowds and following the guards before you even realized what you were doing, writers instinct, which you’d long supposed to have left you taking over once again. As you finally caught up with the Garde’s you could only stare as they propped him, the fascination of your interest on a chair before walking a few feet away assuming him harmless, you knew he wasn’t.
As you walked towards him curiosity in your eyes and courage in your steps you noticed how he tensed up as if he sensed your footsteps no matter how quiet. His gaze darted up to yours his dull blue eyes making your breath catch in your throat, untold horrors lied behind those eyes you knew. And then his voice, sounding so very dangerously guarded this close, asked those 3 damning words.
Who are you?
I’m Y/n and you are Tartaglia, you had stated calmly a hint of excitement in your voice, he sensed it of course.
It’s Childe, he replied smoothly his tired body poising itself in a seemingly open way, you could see his walls though. He was a good actor, someone who’d learned to put on the masks of a thousand characters never appreciating his own.
Maybe neither are you if we’re being honest you had replied without thinking. His gaze studied you carefully like he wasn’t sure what mask to put on to appease you, so he brushed you off instead.
Maybe…or maybe your reading into it too deep his low voice tumbled out in a sigh of someone still processing the fact they’re no longer free, but a prisoner of a crime uncommitted, and with an audience of people unable to care.
The Garde’s came back too soon leading him away and with a tilt of your head you noticed the familiar gleam of his vision gone. Curious, you muttered to yourself before turning around to grab your book and head back to your home, the motivation to write had struck you like one of his electro bolts. You hadn’t noticed how dull blue eyes glimpsed back at you a lingering feeling of curiosity showing on his small turn of the lips.
Maybe he’d meet you again, the curious sun peeking through the clouded depths of that murky blue. Yes he would see you again he decided, there was something of an urge to know more, and he wasn’t one to ignore.
Curiosity you decided was the emotion he was. He led to excitement and to something new, and you thought to yourself maybe that’s what you want, and instead of waiting for adventure to find you, you should follow him just to see if the wild call of the ocean is enough to satisfy the sun.
albalion09 liked this · 1 year ago
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More Posts from Lightning24680
Genshin Scenarios
Well hello again tumblr~ I haven't updated in quite a while, sorry about that. My writing mostly happens when I have the motivation or when I have a big amount of time on my hands. I do love it though so I'll always come back to it! Anyways enough about me, you came here for a story so it's up to me to deliver!
~The scenario this time is none other than...what if you were Dottore's child? I finished the Sumeru archon quest recently and oh boy does Dottore make my blood boil, but his character is just written so good I couldn't resist the idea~enjoy!
II Dottore and his unexpected experiment turned weakness.Feelings can be tortuous can’t they? Pt.1
What if you were Dottore’s child? Crazy I know or is it?
Obviously you wouldn’t be some normal run of the mill kid, but this isn’t a Frankenstein story either your birthing is…unique
So it all came down to a rebellious stage from Dottores segments or at least one of them. They took some of his DNA and while they were out in Teyvat they found what they were looking for, the abyss.
They left Dottores dna with the abyss and with that the abyss herald two months later handed you to Dottores segment and he returned to Zapolyarny palace.
Dottore was…not in a particularly good mood that day, he threatened to eliminate his segment if they didn’t “for Tsaritsas sake tell me what you did?!”
The segments apparently weren’t phased at all and all they told him was that you were human and you were his, not his segments, not anyone's but his.
Dottore didn’t see any usefulness in you and he clearly didn’t want you, but when he had ordered his segments to get you away from him and to someone who would take you( he hadn’t been completely heartless when he was sure you were his) the segments ran into the other harbingers.
Oh and what a mess this was now. They had run into Columbina, Tartaglia, and Arlecchino.
The three harbingers seeing the baby were shocked, even Arlechinno who was usually cold, expressionless, and collected was stunned.
However they came to a very different conclusion to why Dottores segments had you. They were convinced Dottore had been planning to experiment on you.
Dottore who had been planning to keep you a secret no longer had the choice when they forced him before Pierro and the Tsaritsa herself and what a messy meeting that was.
The segments hadn’t had any reservations in telling them what they’d done, however they left out the abyss and claimed “mysterious circumstances.”
And with that the Tsaritsa declared that you would be raised here in Zapolyarny palace and that the segments would teach you with help from Columbina and Tartaglia.
Arlechinno had tried to take you into her orphanage and Dottore would have accepted if his clones hadn’t fervently disagreed and outright thrown a tantrum about how “she’ll ruin a perfectly good little specimen!”
So with that your care taking was primarily given to Columbina and Tartaglia. Columbina was mostly stationed in snezhnaya and as number three the Tsaritsa and Dottores clones trusted her to watch over you.
Tartaglia on the other hand had been in the abyss and would be able to help you understand everything that came with coming from the abyss, such as time going quicker but never truly aging. Or at least aging slowly.
As a big brother he took to the role of teaching you and caring for you quicker than anyone even himself would have thought.
Later on you would become attached to a certain harbinger someone who you would relate to greatly what with being in the abyss and being considered an “experiment” but that’s another story.
You didn’t know that Dottore was technically your father and you’d never questioned at least out loud who your parents were if anything you just considered Tartaglia your parental figure as your “big brother.”
Dottores segments had taught you as well in your childhood though rarely. Things finally got interesting with their specimen though when you had shown a large interest in inventing.
You however weren’t a scholar and didn’t have an interest in going to “some huge fancy school for pompous fools.” You were interested in learning but only in what interested you and on your terms on your time.
You are extremely smart, just because you take learning in different ways than what would be expected of you doesn’t make you dumb at all, after all everyone’s learning habits are different and can’t be considered the same.
Even though you came about by mysterious abyss circumstances you looked extremely similar to Dottore obviously because of his dna. You never questioned it although you noticed.
Your hair was different shades of blue though the most noticeable were the dark streaks of midnight blue that seemed to swirl in and out like stars.
Your eyes were a deeper red than Dottores, though a dark wine red that when you were angry turned almost black illuminating the bright red star pupils you had…the sign of the abyss or better known as Khanri'ah
You had a deep interest in inventing with the skill and genius to back it up. Even with Ajax’s urging to focus more on fighting which you also loved you were more curious in all the chaotic and destructive devices you could invent.
After all, how else are you going to become a harbinger…oh yeah probably should’ve mentioned you were of course interested in the currently open 8th seat.
So of course you begged Pierro and Ajax to let you go to Dottores lab to beg him to teach you...this will be interesting.
Alright that’s the end of pt.1 courtesy of tumblr’s word limit. I will be making a pt.2 of course, after all the most interesting parts haven’t even begun ;) ~ Lightning 24680~ see you soon!
Arlecchino Head-canons!
Hi everyone! So Arlecchino....I love her, she's so well designed and I love her character story so far and dialogue. I'm super excited to see more of her honestly! So of course I came up with some personal head-canons of mine for her. I'd love to hear other people's head-canons about her too if anyone would like to add theirs!! Well have a good night/day/whatever time-zone you’re in and enjoy! Lightning24680~
I see her as asexual and celibate for a lot of reasons
1) She’s a Fatui Harbinger who is running an orphanage and is dedicated to preventing Fontaine’s prophecy from coming to fruition, when is she gonna have the time to be fucking someone?
2) Her attitude is so focused on her goals and sex honestly seems like something I could see her viewing as beneath her or not worth her time, why would she indulge in “pleasure” with someone else when she could be furthering her plans to keep her homeland from drowning
As cold as she seems at first glance I’m honestly super intrigued by her character because besides Childe (debatable point yk since he’s mentioned world domination but I can go on abt that for hours) she’s the only Fatui Harbinger we’ve seen who seems to care about a goal larger than themselves that ACTUALLY benefits people they either care about or their nation
Her goal isn’t self-centered or from what we’ve seen so far I wouldn’t say it is
I personally think her character has SO MANY possibilities, I’m super excited by her and can’t wait for more of her lore
By her design and how we saw her interact with Furina, she seems like she takes very good care of herself and puts effort into looking presentable and intimidating, I’d guess that she’s practiced a long time in keeping a calm yet passive aggressive attitude and facade
Almost like Lyney and Lynette she’s a good actor, she has a good poker face
She only engages in small talk when she feels like it could gain her either an advantage or it helps her in a strategic way, otherwise I see her as someone who’s very straight to the point and a “don’t waste my time with insignificant things” kinda person
I find her as a put together person she plans out what she’s gonna say like I pointed out earlier she’s strategic. Arlecchino knows that words can get you places just as much as action, she’s careful because she wants to efficiently get her way and nothing less will do
I can totally see her as a perfectionist but strangely also as an improviser. Yes, she’d LOVE if everything went according to plan and she expects her agents and “children” to carry out her plans accordingly. However she also accepts that sometimes things will not always go your way plan and she’s perfectly prepared to deal with any situation that doesn’t turn out how she’s planned
I haven’t decided yet whether I could see her being a fan of theatrics and operas, because on one hand I can see her appreciating the dramatics that go into a planned performance and personality, I could see her respecting actors and magicians doing their stunts and tricking/ manipulating the audience into believing what the actor/ magician wants them to see or believe
Yet at the same time I can see her being very against the dramatics and theatrics not only because of Furina’s attitude but because she would consider it “too over the top” or silly and that the people involved in such things might not take anything seriously, excluding Lyney and Lynette
Just wanted to mention, in your Arlecchino headcanons, you said you saw her as asexual, but then described her as refusing to indulge in pleasure/sex. That's actually being celibate (choosing not to have sex/relationships) which is different from being asexual (not experiencing feelings of sexual attraction).
Thank you Anon for informing me about this! This was a mistake on my part for not being more concise about how I viewed her. I really appreciate you letting me know this, I’ll be sure to edit this to make it clear and correct!
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Hi guys here is the first chapter, of my soukoku fic where Chuuya goes back in time to stop Dazai from leaving the Port Mafia. This is not going to be accurate to canon timeline, since this is my own fic it will follow whatever crazy plot/ timeline I create lol. I will be doing my best to keep the characters not OOC, however if there are some OOC moments sorry! Without further ado enjoy!!! Let me know what you think! ~Lighting 24680
It was a dark night on the streets of Yokohama. Fog covering the stillness of the water under that fateful bridge where a certain bandaged soul had found a men-tee of who with that encounter had found a family and a home. This bandaged soul of course has a name, a name both feared and respected even in the darkest parts of the city where only the dangerous and gifted go. That name is Dazai Osamu, and for Dazai's men-tee Atsushi and co-worker Ranpo it was a name invoked to aggravate the dark and dangerous such as a certain Port Mafia executive and the Port Mafias "dog". Of course for a person as calculating and broken as Dazai he was given a title to fit after all as the former youngest executive of the Port Mafia he didn't make it with nothing to show for it. The Demon Prodigy didn't make it there without memories that haunt even him.
Only one person had ever come close to understanding the complicated and hidden mystery of the person behind the mask of the Demon Prodigy. Of understanding Osamu. That title was a facade hated by it's owner as much as it's owner hates himself. For all his faked exuberance and mischievousness with a smile perfectly crafted to never slip, Dazai is disturbingly emotionless with an intelligence that had and will save him and the agency from destruction countless times. He's emotionless in the way that a mirror in a dark room will always show you a reflection but it will be shrouded in shadow. Until with no warning the door to the room is opened and cracks of light shine on the mirror and suddenly your eyes that were dull and blank now have light in them and for a moment you can see into the mirror before the door is slammed shut again.
There was only two people who had been able to open that door before and only one remaining who still can. This person as you can imagine is special to Dazai, not that he'd ever willingly admit to his rival being able to see him in a way only one other person has, not that he'd ever admit to caring for the Port Mafia executive he'd once called his partner. No he'd never admit to caring for Nakahara Chuuya...at least not by saying it outright.
Currently said executive is speeding along the roads in a red glow telling of his ability "𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜" a set look laid upon his face as he drove on his beloved motorcycle to the looming tower of the Port Mafia headquarters where he had been summoned from a mission by his boss, the bastard leader of the Port Mafia Mori Ougai. As Chuuya slid off his motorcycle and sped through the doors and into the elevator,blood left over from his previous mission slowly dripping down his coat he wondered what his boss had called him for he'd asked well not really it was more of a demand than anything to come meet with him immediately. Chuuya's face went hard with wondering what was so horrible that his boss had demanded him to immediately meet him.
As the elevator dinged and opened letting him onto the floor where his boss' door faced him. As Chuuya opened the door he found his boss sitting at his desk awaiting him. Before Chuuya could sit down or ask Mori what was happening and what he needed to do three words left Mori's mouth that left Chuuya stiff and shocked still, dread and irritation filling him. "It's about Dazai".
Genshin s/o meets your younger self
Hi everyone! I know I've been inactive for a few months and honestly I've just been so unmotivated lately, but I'm back now! So I've just been having this idea in my head for awhile what if the genshin boys and girls by some mysterious unknown circumstance meet a younger you who's like the polar opposite of who you are now? I thought it'd be interesting to try and write this so if it turns out being crappy I guess I tried lol. Well hope you enjoy! Characters include: Childe, Scaramouche, Heizou, Wriothesley, Beidou, Shenhe, and Yelan.
There will be a Pt.2 to this! Lighting 24680~

Childe has no idea how this happened as he stares at the kid that just appeared in the middle of his fight with a small bunch of treasure hoarders that he’d easily eliminated. The kid looked at him they were the splitting image of his s/o, y/n. The kid looked at him unimpressed as they looked around the “battlefield”. The kid sighs as they walk up to him “look Mister I’ve got no idea in hell who you are or where the hell I am and considering the fact that I’m in what seems like Liyue I’m gonna assume I’m in some fucked up dream" the kid said to him. Childe just stood there unsure of what to say or do.
This kid couldn’t possibly be his calm and polite s/o! Y/n would rather say the most ridiculous phrases they could think of then swear. But the kid standing in front of him looked like a carbon copy of his s/o he couldn’t deny that this was too freaky to be a coincidence.
Childe raised his eyebrow and bent down on one knee so he was eye-level with the kid. He put on his friendliest smile well that's not a very polite thing to say to someone you've just met! He scolded the kid gently before introducing himself. My name is Childe and you are?
Younger you just looked at him in disbelief for a solid minute before questioning in the most sarcastic and mocking tone Childe had heard in his life (seriously this kid could rival Scaramouche!) are you serious? Like legitimately serious...you're name is Childe? Younger you scoffed before a mocking smirk crossed their lips, that's so fucking stupid of course that's your name ginger.
Childe was incredulous, his jaw dropped open at the boldness of this kid! Why listen here you-! Childe was cut off by the kid saying well anyways my name is a LOT better, my name is Y/n don't forget it loser. Childe's eye's widened oh no no no, there wasn't any WAY that this bold, sarcastic little kid was his s/o!!
Oh crap...Childe muttered as he looked at the kid before him who was currently looking away from him bored.

It had started off as a normal boring day for the sixth harbinger who admittedly had nothing to do and had disappeared from the sight of his subordinates. He would've been with you if it wasn't for your annoyance of a job (being an experienced adventurer in the adventurer's guild). So it came as quite the surprise annoyance of the harbinger to deal with a kid who looked exactly like you.
Scaramouche has never been and will never be someone to ignore the possibilities of supernatural dealings. He doesn't trust the world, why would he not believe in coincidences of all things! How unbecoming of him would that be?
All he does is look at the younger version of you (who had crashed into his legs and had been running from something...) unimpressed. I assume your name is Y/n? He asked with a small sigh of irritation at his walk being interrupted, if only it had been his you that had interrupted him.
Younger you looked at him surprised and not bothering to hide it (unlike him). Wow Mister how'd you know that?! Younger you asks him curiosity swimming in their eyes. Yeah! My name is Y/n the one, the only, at your service...well for the right price! Younger you points their finger at him dramatically a gleam of mischief in their eyes.
Scaramouche has no idea what to do with this younger you, he’s half tempted to just leave this little you here and walk off. However he knows you would scold him big time if he did that curse you for being that metaphorical angel on his shoulder. He sighs irritatedly as he turns to where younger you had been standing only to see younger you was not in fact there…Oh for the love of-! Scaramouche grumbles as he’s forced to now put effort into finding this little you…and off he goes on his new babysitting task.

H⃞ e⃞ i⃞ z⃞ o⃞ u⃞
Heizou the master detective himself! Let’s be honest he’s not gonna be thinking of something supernatural or mysterious or anything along those lines when he walks into the Tenyrou Commision only to see mini you. Surprised yes he 100% is but he gets over it quickly and focuses on how the hell is he going to get mini you back to their timeline?!
Simple answer…he goes to Kujou Sara and charges her with babysitting you while he goes off to investigate what could’ve caused mini you’s appearance. And what a mistake that was!! He got back to the Tenyrou commission only to be told that you had been “kidnapped” by a mysterious tall figure with horns and Kujou Sara had gone after you. Heizou could practically hear his eye twitching in disbelief as he face-palmed and went off to find you, Itto, and Sara.
When he finally finds mini you with Itto his jaw drops because there you are covered in mud and flowers as you giggle and laugh while you beat Itto in an Onikabuto match. He’s practically stunned speechless because the Y/n he knows absolutely HATES being dirty and is very much a “neat-freak” as he so often teases you about. As soon as mini you sees him they come over and drag him over by the hand all the while talking rapidly (in bad grammar might he add!) about “I was totally destroying Mr. Oni here in our Onikabuto face off, and Mr. Detective you should’ve seen how we hid from that tall lady with the red mask!”
Mini you was laughing and talking a mile a second! Heizou just stared as a small smile appeared on his face looks like he had a lot to learn about his s/o from when they were little because as long as he’d known them they’d always talked deliberately and calmly this was so unusual to him and he found himself enjoying it as he sat down with mini you and Itto he finally processed what you’d said. Wait Y/n what did you say you did to the talk lady with the red mask?! He asked you his face going pale as he heard his name yelled angrily in the distance HEIZOU!!!

He’s the Warden of the whole damn Fortress of Meropide and a Duke of Fontaine he’s seen some weird shit before! Hell this man legit has an ancient evil entire SEA that glitters basically in his basement and he’s just above it drinking tea~and going about his day, like he’s gonna be phased by a teenage you appearing outta nowhere.
Anyways it all started with Wriothesley walking into his office and up the stairs only to stop in his tracks and raise an eyebrow as he sees why seems to be you just well…shorter sitting in his chair snoring away and like a classic teenager had your feet propped up on his desk.
Only that wasn’t classic you behavior, you were one of the most polite people Wriothesley knew and he’d never once seen you look so mannerless, it was obvious to him that something had happened to you or at least that this wasn’t his you. So he summons Sigewinne to his office and before she gets there he wakes “you” up. Younger you startles awake with a mumble of what the hell I was having a good dream! Only to see Wriothesley and let out a very undignified yell tumbling out of the chair and onto your ass.
Wriothesley let a smirk flit over his features for a second as he watched you fall out of his chair before saying in a smooth voice “ well good morning to you too little delinquent” he lets out a small chuckle as he stands with his hands in his pockets as he looks down on younger you.Younger you just stares up at him in surprise a disgruntled look on their face before they fully take him in and all they manage to get out is a “holy shit someone pinch me ain’t no way this is real” before suddenly getting knocked out with a tranquilizer dart.
Sigewinne stood in the door way her tranq gun in her hand a proud smile on her face “I’ve knocked the intruder out your grace!” She announced to Wriothesley who just sighs as he looks at younger you’s unconscious form and laughs a little.
Thank you Sigewinne he says exasperatedly before saying I’m going to steep some tea and walking away. How was he going to explain this to Sigewinne he thought to himself as he walked away a glint of amusement in his eyes as he remembered younger you’d reaction to seeing him.

Beidou is a free spirit and a force to be reckoned with and she loves you to the bottom of the depths and back so when she finds a kid that resembles you sleeping in your spot on your guys shared bed in her cabin instead of you she gets worried. She knows that when she left her cabin last night you had been sleeping there in that exact spot and she’s just a lot little pissed that someone would have the nerve to kidnap you from under her nose on her ship and replace you with some kid! In any case she gently wakes up this supposed random kid only to be shocked when the kid slaps her hand away and sleepily sits up with a yawn. Beidou glares at younger you. Hey you little rascal what’s your name and why in the name of the archons are you on my ship! She proclaims loudly.
Younger you looks at her confused ah my name is Y/n Ms….? Younger you trails off as they stare at Beidou analyzing her clearly planning out what to say as she’s just stuck in place speechless as she looks at this strange kid that is apparently her s/o which is strange because her Y/n certainly doesn’t think before they act as she’s so fondly learned (you once jumped onto a sea monster effectively scaring the shit outta her.)
Beidou keeps staring for a minute before calling up to her crew, SET SAIL FOR JUEYUN KARST!! The adepts should be able to fix…whatever happened here she sighs as she looks at younger you who’s become transfixed with her eyepatch.

Shenhe takes the situation better than anyone else. In fact she…kinda just assumes this is some human thing she doesn’t understand yet. When she finds little you in your house’s living room curled up on the couch stuffing heartstring noodles into their mouth she doesn’t even question it besides the fact that your in strange clothes she’s never seen before in a color scheme she had no idea you liked, the warm hues surprising her since she’d only ever seen you in cool colors.
My dear why have you…grown smaller? She asks little you politely. Little you turns around confused their mouth half open and noodles dripping out. Who are you? Little you questions her nonchalantly like it was normal for strangers to be in their house but like Shenhe was some “new stranger.”
Now Shenhe is confused little you clearly isn’t her s/o, at least not the version of you that belongs in her timeline. Now that she’s focusing on little you she can sense a faint spiritual energy on you. Oh dear I believe Cloud Retainer may have an answer for this come with me Y/n she tells little you kindly holding out her hand for little you.

Yelan works for Ningguang she’s seen weirder things, hell she’s done weirder things. When she finds you randomly out near the golden house after hearing rumors of “a warrior with a red mask inside the golden house” getting prepared to go inside and fight the warrior to claim the Mora, well she’s surprised and then surprise turns to understanding when she sees your small form you can’t be older than 14 she thinks to herself as she makes her way over.
Before you can do anything she’s already tied you up in her hydro ropes and picked you up slinging you over her shoulder with a sigh of amusement. Younger you reacts exactly how she’d expect with a “tantrum” yelling about how some strange lady shouldn’t be trying to kidnap a “formidable fighter.” She chuckled a ghost if a smirk dancing across her lips. Sure little one as if I didn’t just tie you up in the span of two seconds she scold younger you.
Now let’s get you to Bubu Pharmacy I’m sure Dr. Baizhu would be more than happy to help me figure out what happened to my calm and levelheaded s/o she says as she easily carries you towards Liyue Pavilion. All the while younger you is complaining and muttering. Simply put by the time Yelan gets to Bubu Pharmacy her eye is twitching, she has dirt on her outfit, and younger you has one of her gloves in their mouth as a makeshift gag. Baizhu simply raises an eyebrow and opens his mouth to speak before Yelan interrupts him and raises her gloved hand long story she says as she mercilessly plops younger you on the flour with a THUD! Just fix them please she says with a groan.