Fanfic X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


shu should’ve perfected his time traveling magics before inviting you to tag along.

angst & fluff! tw: shu losing you (briefly)


“So, this spell can take us back to the past? As in… any time, any place we want?” Your brows are raised, a skeptical look making your features scrunch up (rather adorably, in Shu’s opinion).

“Within reason, yes..” Shu states, his usual catlike grin sweeter somehow as he gazes at you. His hands are clasped in front of him, and he might’ve been the picture of innocence if it weren’t for the way his eyes glinted with excitement and mischief as he watched you. He tends to be.. Softer, when you’re around. It’s something you’ve only just noticed, though you’re pretty sure Shu doesn’t even realize it himself. That’s just as well, if you ever brought it up to him, you’re sure he’d deny it completely.

Shu clears his throat, continuing. “Like, we can’t go anywhere where our past selves were in that moment. Something.. Ah, something about..” Should he make a Doctor Who reference? He shouldn’t. But he does. “Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey—” You groan and smack his arm dramatically, and Shu can’t help but chuckle as you glare up at him in mock annoyance.

“I will forever hold a grudge against Vox for showing you that fucking series.” You grumble halfheartedly. Shu shrugs, an easy smile curling on his lips as his right hand comes up to pat you on the head absently.

“Not sorry for being a geek, and it will happen again.” Shu says teasingly, eyes twinkling with joy. Mere moments later, he’s whispering an incantation under his breath, one that is foreign to you. From a poof of purple smoke appears a large black leather bound book. The large tome falls into his awaiting hands, and the sorcerer presents it to you with a flourish.

You raise a brow, eyeing the book suspiciously. It’s not as though you don’t trust Shu… You just don’t trust a spell that he’s never tested out for himself. Still, the way his eyes sparkle with excitement and anticipation makes you want to forget all of your apprehension and just roll with it.. So, begrudgingly, you do.

“Alright. Alright, fuck it!” You laugh. Shu’s grin sharpens into his natural smirk, and he taps the page with the pointed nail of his index finger.

“Then,” Shu breathes pausing for dramatic effect, “let’s do this thing.”


This wasn’t the plan. You weren’t supposed to get separated during the time traveling process, not in a way that would make it difficult to find each other. Shu has been searching for upwards of an hour now, and he’s starting to get antsy. The panic is creeping up on him like a cat playing with a mouse, shooting sharp little sparks of anxiety through his bones with every passing second. You two hadn’t jumped that far in the past, just into the late 90’s to test the spell out for safety purposes, so why—?

“Shu..? Shu!”

Upon hearing his name in that oh so familiar voice, Shu immediately turns around to see you making your way through the bustling crowd of people and closer towards him. When you’re finally at arms length, Shu reaches out and grabs you by the wrists, tugging you into him and wrapping his arms around you protectively. You choke on a cry, leaning into his hold as you desperately seek out his familiar touch. Unbeknownst to you, he’s using his magic to check you over for any injuries or trauma you might’ve sustained during time traveling.

“I’m.. Really glad that you’re okay.” He exhales, his shoulders sagging in relief when he finds that you’re mostly unscathed. You nod your head against his shoulder, trembling slightly. There’s so many people around the both of you that nobody really seems to notice nor care that you two are there, or perhaps they can’t see you due to Shu’s magic? You aren’t sure. You don’t really care enough either way. You cling to Shu, fighting back tears that had been threatening to fall.

“Mm. Me too, I really.. I didn’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t find you. I thought I was gonna be lost here forever!” You let out a watery laugh, sniffling as one of shu’s hands comes up to rub comforting circles into your back. He nods, sighing with a guilty smile.

“I guess this is my bad. I’ll give this time traveling spell a solid 50% on its success… and I’ll test it on myself a few more times before inviting you to tag along again, okay?” He says softly, still keeping you close to him. You nod, feeling the air around you shift as Shu begins to chant the incantation that will send you both back to present time.

“Yeah. Yeah, okay.”

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1 year ago

Childe x depressed gn!reader

Hi guys, another WIP of mine that I was struck by motivation to create. I really need to work on my already started pieces of writing but I can’t so here I am with random fics. Hope you enjoy! Also Happy New Years! Lightning24680~

Everything starts with an idea, an emotion. He was your emotion. He was like the ocean rough and cold a never ending deep of mystery and darkness, and yet he was calm too, he could be comforting like the small laps of the water at your heels as you walk across the beach. You never quite understood how you and him clicked. You were unextraordinary and you quite honestly felt as if you contributed nothing to this earth constantly wondering why you bothered. He was the opposite and yet the same. He was always in the rush of battle, a never ending wave of determination and strength, but his dull blue eyes mirrored the self loathing of your own.

When you two first met it wasn’t true love or anything special, hell it wasn’t even unique, but it was still a moment that was yours.

You were a Fontaine citizen, you loved your books and writing more than you’d ever cared for the drama of a trial, and still you were dragged to his. Seeking inspiration and maybe just a tad bit of real excitement instead of the fantasies created in your mind you took a seat in the plush red seats of the Opera Epiclese. At first nothing struck you as interesting it was merely another debate.

And then the murmurs started and your gaze was drawn up to the shock in the Chief Justice’s eyes as he read aloud a sentence that should have been impossible…guilty. Your gaze was immediately taken to him, with his vibrant ginger hair and the expression of an impatient man on his face. Then the flash of purple and the crimson of his mask, his light grey’s and browns traded for pitch black and, stunning purple with the eye catching blood red.

In that moment intrigue spiked in your heart, motivation in your mind, something you thought had been extinguished long ago rising in your brain. You shifted in your seat practically hanging off the edge, as everyone else watched in horror as the Garde Meks were taken down with the electro currents he’d thrown so carelessly yet precisely, you watched with interest.

And when he was taken down and away defeated you watched in awe at the small and tired grin on his lips, he wants more you realized, and so did you.

You were up and on your feet lightly shoving through the crowds and following the guards before you even realized what you were doing, writers instinct, which you’d long supposed to have left you taking over once again. As you finally caught up with the Garde’s you could only stare as they propped him, the fascination of your interest on a chair before walking a few feet away assuming him harmless, you knew he wasn’t.

As you walked towards him curiosity in your eyes and courage in your steps you noticed how he tensed up as if he sensed your footsteps no matter how quiet. His gaze darted up to yours his dull blue eyes making your breath catch in your throat, untold horrors lied behind those eyes you knew. And then his voice, sounding so very dangerously guarded this close, asked those 3 damning words.

Who are you?

I’m Y/n and you are Tartaglia, you had stated calmly a hint of excitement in your voice, he sensed it of course.

It’s Childe, he replied smoothly his tired body poising itself in a seemingly open way, you could see his walls though. He was a good actor, someone who’d learned to put on the masks of a thousand characters never appreciating his own.

Maybe neither are you if we’re being honest you had replied without thinking. His gaze studied you carefully like he wasn’t sure what mask to put on to appease you, so he brushed you off instead.

Maybe…or maybe your reading into it too deep his low voice tumbled out in a sigh of someone still processing the fact they’re no longer free, but a prisoner of a crime uncommitted, and with an audience of people unable to care.

The Garde’s came back too soon leading him away and with a tilt of your head you noticed the familiar gleam of his vision gone. Curious, you muttered to yourself before turning around to grab your book and head back to your home, the motivation to write had struck you like one of his electro bolts. You hadn’t noticed how dull blue eyes glimpsed back at you a lingering feeling of curiosity showing on his small turn of the lips.

Maybe he’d meet you again, the curious sun peeking through the clouded depths of that murky blue. Yes he would see you again he decided, there was something of an urge to know more, and he wasn’t one to ignore.

Curiosity you decided was the emotion he was. He led to excitement and to something new, and you thought to yourself maybe that’s what you want, and instead of waiting for adventure to find you, you should follow him just to see if the wild call of the ocean is enough to satisfy the sun.

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1 year ago

Kpop x Blk reader request are open.

Hello, I'm taking request for Kpop groups x Blk reader. Boy or Girl groups. Blk Fem Reader or Blk Male reader. I'll write whoever you want just let me know which group they are from so I have the right person and I can do my little research on them.

I don't write requested smut so I deeply apologize.

If you want you can check out my MASTER LIST

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