lina-lovebug - Autogirls

22 ☆ help i found another fictional husband ☆

638 posts

Druig Fell In Love With A Girl From Another Timeline, A Mutant, But Hundreds Of Years Passed And He Assumed

Druig fell in love with a girl from another timeline, a Mutant, but hundreds of years passed and he assumed she died.

He sees her again but her eyes are orange and red and her body aflame after she kills a Deviant.

You weren't just a Mutant. You were the Phoenix.

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More Posts from Lina-lovebug

3 years ago

Imagine visiting your wife Xialing at work:

Imagine Visiting Your Wife Xialing At Work:

"Hello my beautiful wife."

"Get your hands off them." Xialing ordered her security, the two on either side of you letting go of you. You smiled widely despite them, making your way to her. You expected this kind of treatment. No matter what you said, neither believed that you were together, that she was even married. Xialing never wore her ring at work, and spoke little of her personal life. It was better this way, it was safer for you. If anything were to happen to you, she'd never forgive herself. It was better this way. Besides, she liked keeping you to herself. You never would have showed up out of the blue, but this was important. It was life and death, at least that's how you explained it on the phone. She could see though, it was neither that serious nor would it ever be.

"You forgot your lunch." She took the container from you, giving you a kiss. Her lipstick smudging on your cheek. You tried to ignore the look she was giving you. You sighed, slightly embarrassed. "Okay, maybe not life and death, but I can't let you go hungry can I?" Funny, sweet, she found herself falling for you all over again. Her guards looked at her sideways, but she chose not to take notice. She wasn't the affectionate type, at least not with anyone else. You brought our this softer side of her that reminded her so much of her mother. She was beyond grateful for you and the leftovers you brought her. You were the best part of her day.

"Thank you."

3 years ago

Blurb request: seeing Din’s face for the first time?

I hope you wanted a blurb of me waxing poetic about Pedro’s face because that’s what you’re getting

Blurb Request: Seeing Dins Face For The First Time?

“Can I talk to you?”

You looked up from the tunic you were darning to see Din standing at the bottom of the ladder from the cockpit. He seemed tense, and you set the tunic and your needle aside to give him your full attention.

“Of course. Everything okay?” you asked.

He nodded, not coming closer to you.

“I...I want to...” He took a deep breath and released it, his armoured shoulders rising and falling with the movement. “I want you to see my face.”

Your lips parted in surprise, and you had to force yourself not to show the jolt of excitement that had went through you at his words; even if this really was what he wanted, you didn’t want him to think that you had been waiting impatiently for it. Of course you were happy that he trusted you enough to show you his face, but you would also be happy to spend the rest of your life never seeing it, as long as you got to spend it with him.

“If you’re sure,” you said gently.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, Din turned so that his back was to you. You held your breath as he lifted his hands to the base of his helmet, and the soft hiss that it made as he unclasped it echoed in your ears.

You didn’t release your breath as you watched the helmet rise slowly, revealing a head of tousled brown hair, sticking up in some places and flattened in others in a way that you couldn’t help but find endearing. Finally, he turned to face you, and you exhaled.

Din was beautiful.

You were certain that you would have thought so no matter what he looked like, because he had been beautiful to you for as long as you had known him. It was only confirmed to you now as your eyes drank him in.

Big, brown eyes, so brown that they seemed almost black in the dim light of the ship’s belly. There was a softness to them that made you falter, the brows above them drawn just slightly together in a way that told you he was nervous. You longed to smooth away the deep line between them and soothe his fears.

A strong, curved nose. There was a faint scar over the bridge of it that you ached to trace your finger along, or to nuzzle with your own nose, or to soothe with your lips. It had been broken, probably more than once.

Full lips, the bottom one seemingly perpetually pouting. There was a tiny notch in the middle of his bottom lip that you couldn’t wait to kiss. His lips were parted ever so slightly, not smiling but not frowning either.

A strong jawline with a smattering of dark facial hair, the same hair that framed his top lip and reached down onto his forehead in rebellious strands. His skin had a warmth to its look, made even more jarring by its contrast to the cold metal you were used to seeing. Your fingers twitched at your side to reach out and touch it.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and you realised that you had been staring in silence for too long.

“Hi,” you said, for want of something better to say, and your face split into a beaming smile. Din chuckled softly and the unfiltered sound was beautiful, and then he smiled back at you and that was beautiful too.

“Hi,” he replied, his voice clearer and richer than you had ever heard it.

You had stepped up to him without noticing your feet moving, and you lifted your hand hesitantly.

“Can I...?”

His eyes widened.


His cheek was soft and warm beneath your touch, and your heart seemed to relax in your chest when he let his eyes drift shut and leaned his cheek into your palm. Your thumb traced along the hardness of a cheekbone towards the softness below and the tickle of facial hair, and you couldn’t stop yourself leaning in until your forehead was pressed to his.

Din let out a shaky breath as your heads met, and you felt its warmth on your lips. You had stood in this position hundreds of times, but then your skin had met the icy solidity of beskar and a flat, unyielding surface. Now, warm skin met yours, and a forehead scrunched against your own, and the tip of your nose created a hollow in the softness of his cheek identical to the one that his nose created in yours. Your hands slipped into soft locks of hair.

Your lips almost brushed against his.

“I knew it,” you whispered against his lips, and he opened his eyes to look into yours; all that either of you could see were your love’s eyes.

“Knew what?”

His words were spoken on a breath and you caught them in the space between the two of you with a gentle press of your lips to his. You opened your eyes to see his again, and you smiled softly before speaking.

“Brown eyes.”

3 years ago

Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear

Summary: With Emily finally back from the dead, it seems like the best time for Y/N and Spencer to vow to love each other till death do us part.

warnings: mentions of Emily's death, allusions to sex, weddings, drinking mentions.

word count: 4,424

a/n: this is for @starry-eyed-spence and @simmonsmilf cm fanfic week, for an alternate ending to an episode for It Takes A Village and Proof. I think season 7 deserved to be bookended with Weddings!

Amethyst Quartz

NSFW one-shot of what happened between the ceremony and the reception will be posted separately and linked in the fic

When she pictured her wedding day, she imagined a long white dress and a sharp-dressed man who her dad loved, and her grandma sitting in the front row, crying as she smiled. It was a day she visioned for years, and yet nothing will ever live up to the actual day.

Once Spencer’s knee healed, they started planning for the wedding. Then JJ was transferred from the unit, Emily died, Aaron went to Pakistan and the team broke up. It was a rough 2 years in the office, it got in the way of planning, but the biggest setback was caused by two little pink lines.

Amethyst was born in the midst of all the changes, it was nice to have Spencer howe for a while but she missed the office life. Sometimes, strapping their little girl to her chest and going in to file paperwork just to feel something while Spencer was teaching at the academy. And Aimee loved it too, she loved to walk around and place papers in new piles, smiling and waving at all the new faces and listening in to all the cool noises of the fax machine, all the printing, and the constant phone calls.

One phone call she’ll never forget.

“Y/N,” Derek's voice was on the line before she could even say hello. “I need you to get in contact with Hotch, Reid, Rossi and Anderson, we need the whole team. I found Ian Doyle.”

She was extremely glad to have brought Aimee with her that day, when Declan ended up missing and they had no idea who else families were at stake before Ian was brought in. Spencer and Rossi arriving back at headquarters not that long after, Spencer immediately held his little girl, snuggling her in the briefing room as they waited for the rest of the team to assemble. Unbeknownst to them that Aimee was going to get to meet her Aunt Emily that day.

“Welcome back,” Derek cuts the conversation short when Hotch walked into the room, bearded and tired from his long flight home.

“Thanks. Everybody have a seat,” he brushed it off.

Y/N sat down beside Spencer, Aimee’s fist wrapped around her finger as she sat in Spencer's lap, overlooking her aunts and uncles from the table.

“Why? What’s going on? Everything alright?” Derek automatically jumped to defensive.

“Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team. As you know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her,” Hotch explains. Face straight and to the point as everyone gasped and looked around at each other.

“And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know, and she stayed there until she was well enough to travel,” he adds to the crowd of shaking heads and disappointed scowls. “She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security.”

“She’s alive?!” Penelope cries, a tear spreading down her cheek in both excitement and horror. She can’t believe she was lied to and yet it's the best news she’s heard all day.

“But we buried her,” Spencer asks, holding Aimee closer and settling in his despair.

“As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision, if anyone has any issues they should be directed towards me.”

“Any issues?” Derek finally speaks, fighting through the confusion and deflecting his pain with anger. “Yeah, I got issues.”

That’s when the footsteps approach, heads turn to the door and there she is. Emily Prentiss in the flesh, alive and healthy and more beautiful than ever before.

“Oh my god,” Penelope cries again, standing from her chair and rushing to her friend's side to hug her. “You’re home, you’re really here.”

Emily holds her back, closing her eyes and taking in the first hug after almost a year without her.

Spencer hands Aimee over to Y/N, standing to go give Emily her next hug before turning her towards them. “You left before you could meet our little gem,” he says quietly. “This is Amethyst, but we call her Aimee.”

Emily picks her up smiling at Y/N, “hi to you too, she’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Y/N cries a little as she hands her over. Knowing just how much her death hurt Spencer, and how much this is going to mean to him going forward. “I went into labour 4 days after you— well after you died?”

“I am so sorry,” Emily explains, looking up from the 7-month-old in her arms and looking around the room. “Not a day went by that I didn’t want to…”

Derek looks at her, pouty and unable to process the fact that she’s real, that she didn’t die in his arms and he did in fact do everything for her. “Really,” she points her response to him, calling him over with her eyes. “You didn’t deserve that, and I’m so sorry.”

They hug with the little one between them, Y/N joining in, then Penelope and soon enough it’s a BAU group hug. “There’s so much I want to tell you guys, and I will I promise. But right now I really need to know what’s going on with Declan?”

She hands Aimee back to Y/N, patting Spencer on the back before getting the show on with road, like she never left.

Now, two weeks later, she’s still unmarried, carrying her baby around the office as she waits for the team to come home from another terrible case. She’s using her free time before they go home to organize, with Penelope’s help, of course, they’ve been able to put together a whole wedding in under 3 weeks.

She needed to pick up her dress, Aimee’s dress, Spencer’s tie and other accessories as well as the rings. Penelope was making sure the flowers, centrepieces and food were delivered. They paid extra for the inconvenience, the fast set up and it’ll all be in Rossi’s backyard tomorrow evening.

Spencer has no clue, and normally he would know something was up, but he’s a little spacey currently. Between bouts of rage, fits of sassy comments and silent treatment. He was really mad at his friends, stressed at home with Aimee's teething and overwhelmed with his personal issues. He’s been different lately, and he needs this.

“This whole thing gave me an ulcer,” Emily adds, “please don’t give me another one. Please come to Rossi’s tomorrow night?”

Spencer sighs. Leaning back on his plane seat and closing his book, “it’s my wedding, of course, I’ll be there.”

Her eyes widen, “how did you know?”

“She’s my wife, I’m not sure if you’ve ever met her but she talks very loudly on the phone… I’ve heard every conversation she’s had this week through the baby monitor because she thinks planning and breastfeeding at 3am is a great way to multi-task as if the monitor isn’t on.”

Emily laughs, “she has mom brain now.”

Spencer smiles again, “I just wish you were here to see her when she was a newborn, she was so tiny I couldn’t believe someone could be so small?”

Emily smiles back, “I’ll be sure to be here for the second one.”

Spencer's eyes widen and his head tilts, “that might not be for a while… one is enough I think id like to sleep a bit more before we bring in a second in, I’m exhausted.”

She hums, “I always knew you’d be a good dad, though. I’m so happy for you both.”

“Do you want to be my best man?”

“Seriously?” She gasps, “you wouldn’t want Morgan or Hotch?”

He shakes his head, “I love them, they’re like brothers to me, but I think you’re my best friend other than Y/N.”

“Awe,” she lays a hand on her heart. “Spencer, I’m honoured you’d pick me. I love being best friends with you.”

“I don’t suppose you have something green or purple to wear tomorrow?” He teases, “Y/N will be pissed if you’re up there and not on theme.”

Emily just laughs, she missed him way more than she let herself, feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotion. “I love you, Spence, I hope you always know that.”

“I know,” he nods, “I don’t say it enough, I realized that when you were gone. But I love you, all of you actually.”

She smiles fondly, pressing her lips together as she relaxes in her seat, “we know.”

At home, Y/N places Amethyst in her crib carefully to ensure she stays asleep. Flicking on the white noise machine, then the monitor, before sneaking out of the room and closing the door. Running off to their bedroom where Spencer is sitting beside a salt lamp, reading to himself.

“What would are you visiting tonight?” She whispers as she crawls into bed beside him.

He closes it before she even gets under the covers. “Why are you hiding the wedding from me?”

She sighs in defeat, shoulders dropping and pout forming. “Who told you?”

He points at the monitor, “the crazy lady who feeds our kid at night.”

She covers her face with her hands and tosses her head back, smacking the wooden headboard with an, “ow…” Making Spencer laugh at her. “I wanted it to be a surprise cause you’re so grumpy.”

“can you blame me?”

She looks at him again, just as soft as before but curious as to what he could possibly be so upset about. “Your best friend came back from the dead, so what if JJ lied to you, you cried on her couch like 3 times? Just on the nights that I wasn’t home.”

“It’s more than that,” he gets a little defensive. “I don’t have any siblings, no one has ever really wanted to protect me and my feelings other than Emily. She is the cool older sister I always needed, and living in a world where she didn’t exist was the worst thing but what’s worse is Hotch and JJ didn’t think our team could handle knowing that secret so what else are they willing to keep from me?”

“I know you love her, but they had to keep her safe. And she’s not safe if all 6 of her best friends knew she was alive, it would be very noticeable to people watching if you didn’t have the kind of reaction you had. If you knew and Doyle saw you, he’d have no problem killing you or me or Aimee for Emily’s location,” Y/N was right. She always was. “it was for a good reason, you need to let it go. As much as I love you, this little hissy fit about secrets isn’t cute.”

“I know,” he sighs, leaning back against the pillows now too. “I’m excited to finally marry you tomorrow, I’m more excited to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“What would you do without me?” She teases, leaning over for a quick kiss, but he pulls her in to stay.

His arms wrapped around her, lazily kissing each other in the almost dark room, it’s calm and quiet and lovely. So much different from how it normally is at this time of night recently. Amethyst is sleeping for once, they’re alone and he’s not on call. So his hands start to travel down her back and under her underwear as he cups her ass.

Pulling her into his lap, grinding her against him as they kiss. “No, we need to sleep for tomorrow…” she whispers as his kisses travel down her neck.

“Pre-wedding quickie?” His bottom lip sticks out as he pouts.

She shakes her head, “how about between the ceremony and the reception we sneak off and do it in the guest room?”

He kisses her neck again, “fine, I guess you win.”

She snickers, rolling off and back to her side of the bed, “I’m so exhausted, we have to get up early tomorrow, your mom’s flying in with your aunt Ethel on Rossi’s jet, Derek is getting them cause he's the best with old ladies. JJ is taking Aimee for the day and Penelope is going to take you to get your suit fitted.”

Spencer reaches over to turn off his lamp before cuddling into her, “how did you do all this so quick?”

“I’m used to pulling all the strings to get what I want, I had no problem using my FBI letterhead to get people to do what I wanted…”

He kisses the side of her neck again, arm tightening around her waist as she pulls the blankets up around them.

Penelope was fastening his boutonniere when Derek walked in with Diana and his aunt Ethel. He was swarmed with hugs, his cheeks were pinched and aunt Ethel really wasn’t that fond of his newly grown facial hair.

“I like it,” Diana counters. “It makes him look like a man, a man who’s getting married.”

Spencer can't help but smile, “I’m so glad you could make it for this.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, believe me. And the girls said I have to bring home lots of photos, so I brought a few disposable cameras,” she digs through her purse and takes one out. Scrolling along the side to prepare the tape before aiming and taking possibly the worst photo she could of him, but he just smiled.

“Why don’t you both go take a look around the yard, Rossi is out there, I’m sure he’d love to answer all your questions about the property,” Penelope adds, shuffling them out of the room so she can finish putting Spencer in his suit.

“Not so fast,” She stops Derek from slipping out. “Put your suit on before you go get a drink, it’ll ruin the atmosphere if they see you without it on.”

Spencer shoots a glare at him, “there’s no stopping her. She’s the wedding planner.”

“From hell,” Derek whispers under his breath as he yoinks his arm from her grip and sticks his tongue out at him playfully.

“And this is exactly why you aren’t the best man,” she shoots back, following him into the bathroom to help him get ready.

Thus giving Spencer a moment to escape. Wondering down the hallway to the master bedroom where Y/N was standing by the window in her gown, watching the people mingle while Aimee had a nap in her playpen.

“Hey,” he whispered from the door, “you look beautiful.”

She turned with a smile, “thank you, but you’re not supposed to be looking at me yet.”

Spencer’s eyes welled up, his throat got thick and suddenly he was overwhelmed by the fact he was about to marry the love of his life. “I wanted you to see my reaction before anyone else,” he manages to whisper, walking towards her and wrapping her up in his arms. “I love you so much.”

Her hands snake inside his jacket, feeling his back, over his dress shirt and lightly running her nails over him. He settles almost immediately in her arms and kisses the side of her neck, “I love you more, Spence.”

After their long hug, he sits on the edge of the window with her, watching everyone they know interact. Y/N’s parents and siblings, aunts uncles and cousins that he’s heard of and barely knew, his mother and Gideon with Rossi and JJ…

It was such an interesting group of people, “oh good, he made it,” Y/N smiled, pointing down at Arminius who was placing a Crystal beside everyone's name place on the dinner tables. It was so much more extravagant than Spencer ever expected.

“You did a wonderful job with all this,” he gestures at the scene before them.

“You’re anxious?” She turns to him and opens her arms, “come here.”

He wraps his arms around her and holds her close to his chest, kissing the side of her neck gently and taking a few deep breaths. “I love you, I just hate talking in front of crowds about my feelings…”

“They already know you love me,” she teases. “If you stutter or cry, it’ll be fine because they all expect it. They know you’re a bumbling fool when it comes to me, and it’s cute.”

“Spencer Reid!” Penelope shouts from the doorway, followed by Aimee’s startled crying.

They pull apart, glaring at Penelope before Y/N goes to pick her up.

“I’m sorry, but you’re not supposed to be in here. We start in 15 minutes,” Penelope announces.

“I’ll see you out there?” Spencer asks, still anxious even though he knows she’s coming.

Y/N walks over with Aimee in her arms, kissing his cheek gently and leaving a lipstick stain. “I’ll see you out there.”

He kisses the top of Amethyst's head before heading out, Penelope in tow and Derek not far behind. Emily is downstairs in her green dress, drinking some champagne when she sees them.

“Ah!” She shouts with her arms raised, “you guys look amazing!”

“Thank you,” Spencer straightens out his suit. Nervous as ever.

“Ready to do this?” Derek places a hand on his back.

“No,” he sighs, “but I don’t have a choice Penelope will kill me.”

“Correct,” she calls out from where ever she’s disappeared to.

Derek and Emily take turns attempting to calm him down before they take their spots at the alter, waiting anxiously for his bride to make her way down. The music starts to play and he can feel the tears start to gather. Welling in his eyes as Henry scatters flowers down the aisle and Amethyst gets carried in with Penelope, but he cries when he sees her.

The love of his life is in a lilac dress, smiling graciously as she makes her way towards him. And he’s fixated on her and her alone, taking her hand when she reaches him, looking into her beautiful eye with a sweet smile and a trembling lower lip. He’s never been this in love, and he has a feeling it’ll only keep growing.

There wasn’t anyone there to officiate and Spencer barely noticed until Y/N’s attention moved to the audience, where Diana was standing and walking towards them, “surprise…” Y/N whispered.


“For those of you who don’t know, Spencer’s mom Diana used to read him little love poems when he was a kid… I think it’s why he’s so wonderful now,” Y/N explains to everyone.

“I did,” Diana smiles, opening her sheet of paper as everyone in the audience sits.

Spencer’s so shocked that they managed to plan all this without him, and yet it’s perfect.

“I always hoped I’d be able to say a few words at Spencer’s wedding one day,” Diana starts. “From the moment he learned how to walk, Spencer has been taking care of me, learning how to be the best man in the world and preparing for the life I always knew he’d have. He’s a very kind soul, he’s always been so delicate and yet so incredibly strong. Picking up any broken pieces he finds and putting people back together.

“When I met Y/N for the first time I knew she was special, I knew that Spencer had found his person and that she was meant to be in his life. And the more I saw them together, the more they interacted— the more I realized that together Y/N and Spencer are like kintsukuroi. Which just means golden repair in Japanese, it’s the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. Y/N’s the golden glue, taking something broken that is trying so hard to fit in and making it beautiful. Together you’re priceless art, and that little girl you made is just further proof.”

Y/N silently cried, whispering a thank you to Diana, looking back at Spencer with glossy eyes and a sweet smile. He looked just the same.

“The happy couple has opted out of the traditional vows,” Diana adds. “Instead they’ve written their own, Y/N if you’d like to start…”

“Okay,” she turns to Spencer with a deep breath, she lets go of his hand and reaches into the pocket of her dress hearing some of the gasps in the audience and turning to them. “Pockets, cool right?”

It makes everyone laugh, including Spencer who really needed it. He was so anxious and she could see it. “Spencer and I work together, and I collect rocks… well I collect crystals to be exact. And I keep them on my desk for good luck with all the things we see every day.

“Spencer was the only person to ask about them, and then the following week he gave me a new rock every day, and I still have them all,” she holds the rocks in her hand for everyone to see. “A Rose Quartz for love, Serpentine for new adventures together, Chrysocolla for new beginnings and opportunity. But my favourites are the Kiwi Jasper for mutual support and trust, and the Ruby in Zoisite for finding the joy in life with someone… all things that came true for us.”

She puts them back in her pocket and takes out another single rock. “This is a clear quartz, just a regular crystal, but it amplifies energies and protects…” she slides it into the pocket of his suit jacket. “So whatever we feel for each other today will only grow as long as we have that. And I vow to love you forever.”

Spencer reaches into the pocket, behind the new rock she just added, to take out his tiger's eye. “She gave me this for good luck, I have it in my pocket for every case, I always feel it under my vest. It pokes me right in the heart and it reminds me that she loves me and I have someone to go home to, two someone’s… it brought me the best luck in the whole world with you and Aimee, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly explain how much I love you, but my god, I love you so much.”

It makes the audience laugh, and then a chorus of sniffles returns. Tear-stained cheeks watch as the two of them make heart eyes at each other, “I love you too,” she replies with a smile.

He takes her hands again, “I vow to protect you more than any of these rocks, not to be cheesy but you’re my rock. You’re my whole world and I love you so much it hurts. I’m never going to stop loving you.”

She grips his face and pulls him into a kiss, making everyone laugh once again, Diana included. “I guess you can kiss the groom…”


“Ladies and gentlemen,” Penelope’s voice is heard over the speakers. “If you could please clear the dance floor, the bride and groom would like to have their first dance.”

With Y/N’s hand in his, they walk to the centre of the floor where the crowd is circled around. The band started playing their song as his arms wrapped around her waist.

Swaying together with everyone watching was so strange, but this was their song. She was his favourite crystal, his arms wrapped around her snugly, resting his head on her shoulder as she sang along to the song… a song he’d never know if he didn’t meet her.

“Do you always trust your first initial feeling,

Special knowledge holds true, bears believing.”

He can feel her hands roaming his back, trading her weight back and forth as they swayed with more purpose, Y/N pulled back enough to look at him, holding his face in her hands.

“I turned around and the water was closing all around like a glove, like the love that had finally, finally found me,” she whispers.

“Then I knew in the crystalline knowledge of you,” he replies just as soft, forgetting the audience behind them and getting lost in her eyes.

“You drove me through the mountains,

Through the crystal-like and clear water fountain,

Drove me like a magnet,

To the sea,

To the sea.”

She can’t help but smile. Knowing what they planned to do next, holding his hand and letting him lead. One hand remains on her hip as he takes the other in his hand. Tossing her out with a spin before she returned to him.

“How the faces of love have changed turning the pages,

And I have changed, oh, but you, you remain ageless!”

Spinning her around, she’s nothing but smiles as everyone cheers and claps. Joining the happy couple on the dance floor with their partners. Twirling around with smiles and laughs to the song that represented the almightily love Spencer had for his wife.

His wife.

“I turned around and the water was closing all around like a glove,

Like the love that finally found me.

Then I knew in the crystalline knowledge of you.

Drove me through the mountains,

Through the crystal-like and clear water fountain!

Drove me like a magnet,

To the sea,

To the sea,”

And then they saw Amethyst in Penelope’s arms, swaying around with her aunt on her way over to them. Spencer reached out for her, taking her in his arms and inviting their little girl into their dance. It was the happiest he’s ever been, with the two people he loves the most, with everyone else who means the world to him there to bear witness.

Y/N’s dad steps in then, extending a hand to have a dance with his daughter as Spencer keeps swaying with his. Almost 10 months he’s been a father and it’s still the most surreal thing in the world to see her smile and giggle with her big brown eyes and chubby little cheeks. So much like him yet so much like her mom.

She plays with his tie as he holds her, kissing the top of her head gently before looking around. His mom was dancing with Derek, Emily and Penelope were cuddled into one another as they swayed to the music. JJ and Will having a moment while little Henry ran around with Rossi’s dog… it was the happiest he’s ever seen his friends.

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@happymangospot @mugi-chwan95

3 years ago
I 100% Believe This Is The Reason.

I 100% believe this is the reason.

3 years ago

I Pick You

spencer reid x fem!bau!reader

I Pick You

request: @exhaleli - apple picking, bff + pining

warnings: pining, fluff, brief mention of biting/chewing

wc: 2.5k

a/n: oops this got longer than i planned. special thanks to @lowensashleigh for beta reading and helping me find a good ending 💕


“Pleeeeeeease, Spencer?” You stuck your lower lip out, pouting. “It’s one day and by the end, you’ll have some deliciously fresh apples to take home.”

You had been trying to go apple picking all season long, but now time was running out and you had failed to make it to the orchard. Soon enough, the apples would be rotting and you will have missed out.

So you strode right up to Spencer’s desk before heading home from the day and asked if he would join you for a day at the orchard. You normally wouldn’t have to beg like this, but the concept of snacking on unwashed fruit was less than appealing to him.

Spencer warred with himself internally. He wanted nothing more than to spend a whole day with you, his best friend. But apple picking? It wasn’t exactly his cup of tea. But then he looked at your eyes, your eyes that took his attention hostage, and there was no other option. “For you? Anything.” And he meant it. Although maybe a little more than he let on.

“Yes! Thank you, thank you!” You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “Okay, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, noon.” Without even thinking, you landed an excited kiss on his cheek before scampering back to your desk to retrieve your bag and head home for the night. You couldn’t believe what you had just done, but you tried to remain calm and collected.

Just before you were out of sight, you turned around to flash one more smile Spencer’s way. And if you had turned sooner, you would have spotted the dusting of pink on his cheeks left behind by the lingering warmth from your lips.


The next day, the car ride to the orchard was like any other ride with Spencer. He shared an unending amount of information you had no business knowing, yet you listened with rapt attention, genuinely enjoying his ramblings. And you had no idea just how much it meant to him that you listened when no one else would.

Spencer caught himself rambling and would slow down or even stop talking altogether, but you would always follow up with a question that invited him to continue. His eyes lit up as he recounted fact after fact, story after story that tied each fact to relevance in his or your life.

Arriving at the orchard, you jumped out of the car and gripped Spencer’s upper arm, dragging him along behind you to the entrance to the field. You grabbed a basket and headed into the aisle running between the first set of trees.

“I don’t even see any apples, are we too late?” Spencer voiced his thoughts aloud. Was it hopefulness you could hear hinted in that voice? Oh, boy.

You couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Spence, the trees by the entrance are always picked clean. We have to go back a bit further to find the trees that haven’t been touched.”

“Not been touched, that sounds good.” He mumbled as he continued trudging down the walkway with your arm tucked into his. The warmth of his body cut through the cool of the autumn air that nipped at every inch of available skin.

After walking in peaceable silence toward the far side of the orchard, you finally started seeing some of the fully stocked trees. You reluctantly let go of Spencer’s arm and ran up to the nearest tree. “These look perfect!” You shouted excitedly, causing Spencer to join you. “So what, we just take them?” He looked skeptical.

“Yes, come here.” You waved him closer. “We pick as many as we want, and then they’ll charge us for them when we leave.” You leaned in closer, “but that means we can eat as many as we want before we check out.”

“That seems like stealing.” He pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes.

“I’m kidding, but they do expect that people will snack on one or two as they go. It’s part of the experience.” You shrugged and reached back to pluck an apple from the nearest branch. Then you held it up in front of him. “First fruit. Take a bite.”

Spencer’s eyes widened in nervousness and his muscles tensed. “Uh, you know what, why don’t you take the first bite?”

You knew this would happen, you simply wanted to see what he would do. “Oh, don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little unwashed fruit?” You nudged his arm with yours and your teasing was met with an awkward chuckle. “Again, I’m kidding, Spence. You don’t have to eat it.” Instead, you took a few tiny bites around the outside, the telltale crunch a soothing sound to your apple-loving ears.

You watched his shoulders ease as you chewed and swallowed a few times. “This is one good apple, you sure you don’t want a bite?” You offered it forward. You could see the temptation swimming in those nervous eyes, the look of true consideration. But he would never-

Before you even knew what he was doing, Spencer snatched the partially eaten apple from your hands and sunk his teeth into it. You knew your surprise showed on your face. But you noticed that he had bitten right where you had already taken your bite. So he would rather eat after you, something else he so seldom did, than bite through the unwashed skin. “Oh my gosh, I thought I brought Spencer Reid here, but this-“ you waved your arms up and down gesturing to him, “-this does not seem like the Spencer I know. You just- you ate after me, Spence.” Your hand flew to your chest just over your heart, feigning the deep honor such an act gave you. Except you weren’t faking anything, maybe just a dash of extra dramatic flair. You truly were honored that Spencer was comfortable enough with you to be able to eat after you. You were best friends, had been for a long time, but this was a new level. And you couldn’t deny that it made you smile.

Swallowing his bite, Spencer looked right at you. “I- um, you obviously wanted me to eat it and I figured that was safer. I mean, I know you, better than anyone else I’d say.”

If he was trying to settle the butterflies that suddenly metamorphosed in your belly, it wasn’t working. “Come on, let’s pick some for the basket or else we won’t actually have anything to take home.” You laughed through the fluttering and turned back to the trees.

Together, the two of you walked along the line of trees, plucking apple after apple and dropping them gently into the basket. You tossed a few apples to Spencer along the way, but he only managed to catch about half of them. No matter, it still managed to elicit laughter from both of you.

“What say you, Sir Reid, dost thou prefer an apple pie or an apple strudel?” You called across the walkway to the man who was busy inspecting the options. You were happy to see his mouth crack into a grin at your question, or likely more at your choice of vocabulary.

“Is that an offer for one of them?” He asked excitedly, forgetting to return the favor with the playful speech.

You thought for a moment over how to respond. Then it hit you. “Only if you agree to help me.” He looked up at you. “It’s part of the exper-”

Then you spotted it: the most perfect apple, plump and juicy, you could tell just from looking up at it. You stood up on our tiptoes and stretched as tall as you could. But you still came up a few inches short.

Before you could even turn, you felt the familiar pressure of a body behind you. “I got it.” Whether he was aware of it or not, Spencer’s body was pressed up against your back as he reached up. You saw the arm outstretched above you and the long fingers wrapped around the apple, pulling it quickly from its branch.

As he lowered his arm, you turned around to face him. You felt you should take a step backward, but something about this close proximity, the tree at your back, the towering man in front of you, it felt right.

But Spencer stepped back, not far, but enough to open up a bit of space between you. Was that a twinge of regret you felt?

Spencer’s mind was whirring with so many thoughts and feelings he wasn’t even totally sure what he was doing. He didn’t want to move away from you, but he didn’t want to ruin what he had with you. Sometimes he couldn’t believe you were his best friend, and that he was yours. You could pick anyone in the world and you picked him to spend your time with. He couldn’t risk ruining it by letting something happen that would reveal how much you truly meant to him. So he forced himself to step away from you, despite everything in him telling him to lean in closer.

He held his hand out to you and you gratefully took the apple from his hand. “Thanks, Spence. You know, I think this right here is the perfect apple.” Your voice was soft, no need for volume when it was just the two of you standing before each other. It even seemed as though the orchard had simply emptied of other people, leaving just the two of you in the world.

“How can you tell?”

How could you tell? The coloring was even, dark yet still vibrant enough that you knew it wasn’t rotting yet. It was of average size and hung high enough that most folks already through this area had missed it. When you squeezed, the apple was firm. It was perfect.

“Something about it just feels… right.” You shrugged your shoulders slightly, stealing Spencer’s eye contact and holding it in yours.

He nodded along and you had no idea what was on his mind. Then he reached his hand out and wrapped it around yours, the one holding the apple. “I think I know what you mean.”

Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the heat of his hand melt into yours. You pulled your hand away and bent down to retrieve the basket of apples from the ground near your feet. You avoided looking at Spencer for fear of how the next few moments might transpire. Had he felt the same thing you had as your hands touched? Of course not, he was likely repulsed by the action. So you brushed it away, or attempted to at least.

“We should probably go now,” your eyes were glued to the basket in your hand. “It’s going to get cold fast once the sun starts to set.”

Just then, you felt a hand slip into your free one and tug gently, an invitation to turn around. You spun and found Spencer looking at you with the most focused yet conflicted look he could give. There was only a moment for you to be confused over what was happening before your hand was tugged forward once more and Spencer leaned forward, closing the gap between you.

His lips met yours with surprising force. Spencer knew if he took his time he would never follow through, and he knew this was it, this was the time. So he kissed you, conveying all of the pent up feelings he had been too afraid to admit for… well, months.

And as soon as his face came hurtling toward yours, you felt an unbearable relief, an excitement. When your lips touched, you let his mold to yours, a feeling you had been dreaming of for far too long.

The basket of apples dropped, forgotten, to the ground, and your hand came up to rest along his jaw. The feel of his face beneath your fingers was like the purest honey, natural and sweet in its very nature. Little did you know that your touch ignited his cheek, spurring him on in his endeavor to taste your own sweetness.

When you pulled away, his lips dragging forward with no desire to let you go, you smiled in delight at the sight the two of you made. Deep in the orchard, apples long forgotten, the sun just starting to fall beneath the horizon, emitting a radiant glow over you both among the trees.

You lowered your hand so that both were held within his. You could, in all honesty, stay like that forever and be completely content.

“I really like you, Y/N. You know I’m not the best at knowing the right things to say.” Spencer’s voice was soft, almost timid. Like he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

You knew not to laugh, that he was so genuinely him, you adored him and everything he did and said.

“Well I really like you, Spencer Reid. You don’t have to always say the right things, you did a pretty good job at showing me.” You grinned shyly. “Why didn’t you say, or do, something sooner? Why now?”

“I just don’t quite understand how I’m so lucky to have you as my best friend, I mean you could be friends with anyone and yet you choose me?” His voice was verging on shaky, yet there was a sense of confidence to it that made your heart smile. “Today just, I don’t know, reminded me that I like doing these kinds of things with you, but not just as your friend.” He let out a long breath.

“Spence, you’ve always been my number one. You’re my very best friend and I wouldn’t want to do these things with anyone else.”

“You mean that?”

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something that sparked an idea. You reached down and once again held up the basket of apples you had collected. “Spencer Reid, do you know what you have in common with this apple?” You held up the perfectly plump fruit you had pointed out earlier.

He shook his head and scrunched his brow, trying hard to see where you were going with this.

“I picked this apple,” you held it up and spun it in your hand, then dropped it back among the others and looked him in the eyes, ”and I pick you.”

Then he took the basket from you and you took his hand into yours and pulled him back down the aisle of trees toward the exit. Hand in hand, it was exactly as you wanted.

After taking a few steps, Spencer leaned over toward you and said softly, “you know, technically I was the one who picked that apple. You couldn’t reach it.” With his lips pressed tightly together, that signature sly grin spread over his face and you shook your head at him, swatting at his chest.

“Oh shut up”, you laughed as you continued your sunset stroll through the apple orchard, your greatest prize walking beside you all the way.


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