lina-lovebug - Autogirls

22 β˜† help i found another fictional husband β˜†

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Lina-lovebug - Autogirls - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago

sorry to be nasty but i want angel to spit in my mouth soo bad jbvhtfhim I CANT EVEN JUSTIFY IT

he’s just so ughf 🀀🀀


.....wait. I kinda get it tho.....

9 months ago
9 months ago
9 months ago



9 months ago
Screenshots from Batman Beyond, season 1 episode 10, "Spellbound." Bruce is up on a ladder, relocating some books in shelves, and Terry looks at him from the floor. Bruce, ill-tempered, tells Terry, about a case he's suspicious about: "She's just a troubled kid lashing out at Daddy."
Bruce continues: "Nothing for you to get involved with."
Terry, impudent, tells him "Guess you're the expert on troubled kids."
Terry asks "You collect them, right?"
Bruce turns around and glares at him from above.

in a literal sense, this is just a funny moment regarding a case that terry is right about involving an unimportant tertiary character. spiritually, this is about stephanie brown, and I'm gonna kick up the ladder from under that man.

9 months ago

Have ya seen visorless scott summers in the comic ?? I swoon - like THAT IS THE PRETTY BOY of the x-men alongside Angel β™‘β™‘β™‘

Have Ya Seen Visorless Scott Summers In The Comic ?? I Swoon - Like THAT IS THE PRETTY BOY Of The X-men
Have Ya Seen Visorless Scott Summers In The Comic ?? I Swoon - Like THAT IS THE PRETTY BOY Of The X-men

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9 months ago

out of curiosity how old are you and how long did it take you to learn how to write well? do you have any tips or resources you'd recommend if someone wanted to improve quickly?

Hi! I'm 21, soon to be 22, and I've been writing since I was 14.

I first started on Wattpad (pray for me), and to be honest, you gotta work on it. I look back on my 15-17 year old writing and CRINGE. I took a lot of advice from my English teachers and my college professor. But I also read A LOT.

I improved just because I've been doing it for so long, but I also think writing essays and reading does great for anyone. And I mean essays for class because not all of us want to write, but we look for bigger words or adjectives to push us over that word limit.

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9 months ago

don’t you ever read a piece of fanfiction so good you just

9 months ago

I'm OBSESSED with your nightcrawler smut😭😭😭😭 tysm there's not enough x reader fics with best boy

Ur welcome!! I love Kurt sm! I hadn't seen a lot of him growing up so seeing X-Men 97 had sparked my love for our blue toned boy.

9 months ago

3 holes for a reason

the holy trinity of Xmen 97 glowups

The Holy Trinity Of Xmen 97 Glowups
The Holy Trinity Of Xmen 97 Glowups
The Holy Trinity Of Xmen 97 Glowups
The Holy Trinity Of Xmen 97 Glowups
The Holy Trinity Of Xmen 97 Glowups
The Holy Trinity Of Xmen 97 Glowups

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9 months ago

Yooo I just found out about you after getting into X-Men '97, do you have an intro post or other active socials?

I do not, but I should pin this.

I do write more frequently on AO3, as it is my main source of writing.

Requests are currently CLOSED. I post pretty infrequently on here, and only open requests when I'm lacking creativity.

Heretic - Nightcrawler X-Men 97 fanfic

Little Dancer - Nova Ultimate Spiderman fanfic

Somebody to Love - Poly Crowley/ Aziraphale fanfic

Cassieopeia - Percy Jackson fanfic

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9 months ago

A biker came up to my window, tapped on it, waved at me and drove away.

I think I'm in love.

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9 months ago

β€” blue lock! boys reacting to you accidentally confessing to them.

I.e you accidentally text them instead of your friends. maybe a little ooc so bear with it.

blue lock x reader.

 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
 Blue Lock! Boys Reacting To You Accidentally Confessing To Them.
10 months ago

hELP I just started Blue Lock and already have a fanfic planned!!

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10 months ago

My theory on why Erik doesn't seem to care much about Wanda and Pietro is because of their mother. Erik ADORED Magda, only for her to abandon him when his Mutant powers were revealed to her. And we all know that Erik holds grudges, so it wouldn't be surprising to see that he resents the children who came from the woman he loved.

AND I fully believe in "seeing yourself" in someone and hating them. Pietro and Erik could be TWINS! So Erik seeing Pietro definitely manifests into some twisted self hatred that then is plastered onto his son.

Therefor, Lorna is his favorite and she can do no wrong in his eyes.

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10 months ago

Pietro: you look pretty

(Y/N): I'm sorry?

Pietro: uh, I said you look shitty! *speeds off*

(Y/N): . . .okay?

Erik: do not fret. I wouldn't have even approached you. My technique is start a fight that spans over twenty years

Charles: *confused in telepath*

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10 months ago

Me when I've already spend more than 30 minutes looking for a specific fanfic

Me When I've Already Spend More Than 30 Minutes Looking For A Specific Fanfic
10 months ago

Wanda: so you don't check up on us, but you had a secret child you catered to and give her your last name?

Erik: I play favorites. You should know this.

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10 months ago

Hey could you maybe do a sleeping headcannon with Magneto?


Erik has trouble falling asleep. For a long time, he'd be plagued with flashbacks of his past or nightmares about losing the ones he loves. At most, he's been used to getting four hours max of sleep per night. The first time you both slept together, you found it strange how he just lays flat on his back with his arms at his sides like a psychopath.

But when you joined him more frequently, you made him talk more about his nightmares and. . .he couldn't believe it. Slowly but surely, he'd start getting seven hours of sleep. He HATES sleeping alone, so he'll often drag you to bed with him, and your position is in place. He lies on his back, one arm around you and your head on his chest. It's typical but it brings him peace and quiet. And he's always up before you, bringing you breakfast and re-filling your water before awaking you with a forehead kiss.

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10 months ago
Leave My Southern Belle Alone

Leave my southern Belle alone 😀😀

10 months ago

Rogue is a surprisingly light sleeper. You try and sneak away? She grabs you and yanks you back into bed. You turn over? One eye opens and she groans before shuffling deeper into the sheets. You're showering? "Suga', why didn't you wait for me?" She's definitely the type who starts on her side of the bed but halfway through the night, she's drifted onto your side and you wake up in a tangle of limbs.

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10 months ago

Scott is a HEAVY sleeper. HeπŸ‘ isπŸ‘ aπŸ‘ dadπŸ‘ sleeper. He will either sprawl across the bed, limbs spilling out and loud snores coming from him. Or on days when he's especially tired or getting shit from Logan, he likes to be held. The X-Mens leader likes to be spooned. He likes to slump into bed, earning a familiar giggle from you - you know the drill. He gets on his side and you scootch over, wrapping your arms around his frame and softly snuggle into the crook of his neck and shoulder. He likes feeling your heartbeat against his back and your gentle breathing, which lulls him to sleep within minutes.

Also if anyone ever finds out, he will deny it until the day he dies.

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10 months ago

Gambit is the type of sleeper who differs from day to day. Of course, he likes his side of the bed and slowly letting the night lull him to sleep. But he also has nights where he wants to stare at you. You thought it was creepy, at first. But you learned that his longing gaze was because he felt like he didn't deserve you. (Thanks Jean). He had a rough past and meeting you, loving you? The swamp rat himself couldn't believe it. So every night, you curl his hand in yours and settle your head on his chest whilst telling him that he's deserving of all the love in the world.

So, instead of dreading going to an empty bed, now Gambit longs to have his chere whispering sweet nothings to lure him into sleep.

And yes, he wakes up before you to stare at you just a bit longer before waking you with a hundred kisses.

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