60 posts
Lionlamb79-blog - Just Having Fun - Tumblr Blog


Y'all better stay the hell away from my gas stove ! Weak ass bitches can open a window.

I ship this

I don't about the temps in the rest of the world but around here it's as hot as Satan's dick at a MidSummer Orgy!
Absolutely....hoo rah

I just threw up a little...and besides that's dead blood..it's not healthy for a vampire
i soso wish anne rice had known about menstrual cups she would’ve had lestat doing shots out of them
If your Dick is pretty.
Reblog 💕

120 Best Gay Themed Movies (1974–2017)

Omg Suzy you’re so crazy
I don't want to get my hopes up but....
It is TRASH! I think of this line all the time. The quintessential mic drop!

ANGELA BASSETT Waiting To Exhale, 1995
Absolutely gorgeous!

Van Gogh themed wedding
I support this message. Some of us barely survived!

Samuel J. Palmer - http://sjpalmer.art/

heart - shaped scallion found In pho . reblog for good luck & yummy soup 500000 forwver
I like to call this " the butt hurt generation" because everyone is walking about butt hurt that in a world of 8 billion people, everything is not about them or that life doesn't pamper them the way that want it to. Perhaps a less civilized way of saying "individualistic behavior" but it amounts to the same concept of bratty self-agrandizing thought process. Get over yourself really!
Sarahthebookfairy’s tiktok
Superrrr common on here too

I'm down with the BLT people too!
Tldr: I need a BLT pride flag.
Story time: I painted my nails with my wife’s nail polish to look goth for a day and surprise her at work. Great times to be had but I never removed it because I forgot nail polish remover is a thing!
I’m at work, we have old school blue collar conservative dudes that are blunt and nice. (Pending you arnt too open about yourself)
I am in the lunch room and one member who I call “Slick” looks at me. His expression was a mix of betrayal and confusion. His mouth agape and his eyes sunken with sorrow and hurt. “Well hey (bear) what’s with the nails. Are you one of them BLT people?”
Internally I held in a laugh. I told him the goth tale and he happily told me to use some chemicals they had in the back that would take it right off. I ain’t telling them I’m Pansexual, because I don’t want to lose my job and they don’t need to know. But, I now associate myself as part of the BLT community.
I need a pride flag made and it’s colors form a BLT sandwich.

To the NFL and its players, If I have brain cancer, I don’t ask my dentist what I should do.. If my car has a problem, I don’t seek help from a plumber! Why do you think the public cares what a football player thinks about politics? If we want to know about football, then depending on the information we seek, we might consult with you, but even a quarterback doesn’t seek advice on playing his position from a defensive tackle! You seem to have this over inflated view of yourselves, thinking because you enjoy working on such a large scale stage, that somehow your opinion about everything matters. The NFL realizes the importance of its “image” so it has rules that specify the clothes and insignia you can wear, the language you use, and your “antics” after a touchdown or other “great” play. But somehow you and your employer don’t seem to care that you disgrace the entire nation and its 320 million people in the eyes of the world by publicly disrespecting this country, its flag, and its anthem! The taxpaying citizens of this country subsidize your plush work environments, yet you choose to use those venues to openly offend those very citizens. Do you even understand what the flag of this country means to so many of its citizens before you choose to “take a knee” in protest of this “country" during our national anthem? You may think because you are paid so much that your job is tough, but you are clueless when it comes to tough. Let me show you those whose job is really tough.