60 posts
Lionlamb79-blog - Just Having Fun - Tumblr Blog

Hate to break it to you but Louis wasn't exactly straight....

Hate to break it to you but Louis wasn't exactly straight....
Absolutely not again

Even more so when you mis-behave!

I would like to just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful Lewis Pullman, son of the great Bill Pullman, is. Like sneak attack pretty! Damn Bill...thank you again for your gifts to this world!
Wasn't Ru on Star Trek once?

William Friedkin as in the director of The Exorcist

Cruising (1980) // dir. William Friedkin
Ya know I'm constantly reminded how much I underestimate Russell Crowe as an actor. He almost had me turned on for him a few times.

THE SUM OF US 1994 | dir. Geoff Burton & Kevin Dowling
Ok Netflix...I'm going to give you one more shot with another favorite series of mine but I swear to Satan...if you and AMC fuck up #IWTV....I'm coming for you! With all my demon brethren!

Question: If your bottom is on top and doing all the work, are they fucking themselves and are you still the "top"?


I miss real cartoons!
I am once again asking you to watch freakazoid
Saving this for when I need a hearty laugh
Next thing you know they'll be hooking it up to AI to get it to tell us about life then and it will integrate and create a race of pod people....

old gods are waking