little-dove529 - Not Of This World
Not Of This World

I'm just a 27 year old lady navigating through life with a mug of tea

306 posts

Little-dove529 - Not Of This World - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Kinda just Jesus being savage bible history but Godspell made me do it.

TW: Religion, Christianity, forced labour Okay, so there's this line in the bible which is also in Godspell and it says "If a man in authority asks you to go one mile with him, go with him two," Modern Christians usually take this to mean that if someone asks you to do something even if it's something you don't want to do, you should do it anyway to the best of your abilities and "Go the extra mile" as the saying goes. However... Jesus did not mean this at all. Basically in Roman times when Jesus lived, a Roman Soldier could ask any citizen he passed while walking to carry their heavy packs for them for a mile regardless of whether that person was physically able, or had something better they needed to do. It was an oppressive rule using the citizens like pack animals. However, the law stated that Soldiers were only permitted to use the free labour for (in today's measurements) about one mile. If a soldier went against this, he would be shamed for overworking the citizens and it would kind of make a fool of the soldier. Now, what Jesus taught was that when the soldier commands you to go one mile with him, you should go two instead. This meant you were pretty much ridiculing the soldier and showing them to be oppressive and abusing their power. It would also discourage the soldier from commanding more people to be used like pack animals. So, yet another example of Jesus preaching peaceful protest against a fascist government. The dude was punk. And now I have the entire Godspell show running through my head.

1 year ago

This made me cry 🥺 I didn’t expect the last part.

Radical Goodness part 4: our world

“I know kindness exists because I am kind. You say, ‘people aren’t good.’ But I am People. I am good. You are wrong.”

Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World
Radical Goodness Part 4: Our World

radical goodness part 1

radical goodness part 2

radical goodness part 3

I will continue to do fandom updates but I will also keep doing ones from our world. I've got a list and my adhd brain has never been so happy about the fact that there's a list.

1 year ago

I definitely would!!! My deck of cards and card shuffler would be the first things I would put in my bag 😭

Not That Any Of You Would Play Solitaire At Work, Right? Right?

Not that any of you would play solitaire at work, right? Right?

2 years ago

the movie we actually wanted

The Movie We Actually Wanted
2 years ago

Crochet hook in hand.

My life coming together

with every stitch.

Tags :
2 years ago

I got 99 problems and being trapped in a decaying body in a money hungry society on a dying planet in a mysterious dimension may be one.

2 years ago

How beautiful it is that the second human being was taken from the side of the first, so that nature might teach that human beings are equal and, as it were, collateral, and that there is in human affairs neither a superior nor an inferior, a characteristic of true friendship.

Aelred of Rievaulx, Spiritual Friendship, trans. Eugenia Laker

2 years ago

Neurotypicals will make the loudest schloppiest eating sounds you’ve ever heard and wonder why you can’t sit next to them while they eat, this post was brought to you by misophonia and autism

2 years ago

I’m INFJ and have always been fascinated with stoicism. Coincidence? I think NOT!!!!!

The 16 Types As School Of Philosophies
The 16 Types As School Of Philosophies
The 16 Types As School Of Philosophies
The 16 Types As School Of Philosophies

The 16 types as School of Philosophies

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else @mbtitime and @typefy

2 years ago

“Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”

— Bil Keane

2 years ago

“Just a reminder in case your mind is playing tricks on you today: You matter. You’re important. You’re loved. And your presence on this earth makes a difference whether you see it or not.”

— Unknown

2 years ago

The Cats 1998 version is my all-time favorite!!!!

The fact that both my DVD collection and the poems I can recite from memory can be summed up as "emo furry" is kinda concerning.

The emo part is 1. The Batman (2022) and 2. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe and that Twilight Ice and Fire poem (by Robert Frost?)

The furry part is Cats. The 1998 version on DVD and the Naming of cats, along with probably a lot of the other songs.

2 years ago
little-dove529 - Not Of This World
2 years ago

My new favorite flower ^_^

Have You Heard Of Cupcake Cosmos?
Have You Heard Of Cupcake Cosmos?
Have You Heard Of Cupcake Cosmos?
Have You Heard Of Cupcake Cosmos?

Have you heard of cupcake cosmos? 🧁🌸

Tags :
2 years ago

good communication so rare these days

2 years ago

Don’t fck up something you can’t ever find again.

2 years ago

a lot of shit changed me.

2 years ago

Your future needs you, your past doesn’t

2 years ago
little-dove529 - Not Of This World
2 years ago
little-dove529 - Not Of This World
2 years ago

“Speak only when your words are more beautiful than silence.”

— Imam Ali

2 years ago

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

— Khail Gibran

2 years ago

Strawberry Shortcake & Lemon Meringue Cardigans by theycallmelash

(she doesn’t have a shop but is planning to start one soon)

(here is OP explaining her technique and where she found her patterns)

2 years ago
The Legend, Bob Ross - A True Shaman Of Serenity.

The legend, Bob Ross - a true shaman of serenity.