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Não sei o que estou fazendo na minha vida | ↑20 | She-Her/They-Them

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Hi! Stoked About TW Finally Coming Out! Could I Have Reaction Headcannons For Yandere Azul, Leona, Jade,

Hi! Stoked about TW finally coming out! Could I have reaction headcannons for yandere Azul, Leona, Jade, Floyd, and Ruggie? How would they react to finding their darling that escaped them a few years ago only to realize they have a child (they are the father and that's possibly reason for their escape)?

Coolio concept!!!! Hope you like these ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ I left the child’s gender neutral, so you lovely readers could decide on your preference.


•Azul can vividly remember the day that you vanished. It hadn’t left his mind since they very day it happened, and it feels like yesterday to him. The pain is still there, it’s very real- and he’s been distraught and inconsolable since you disappeared. He’s become extremely cold and calculated, using everything he could to hunt you down, but nothing came up. A few days had become a few weeks, which turned into a few months, which turned into a few years. He felt empty without you, and he simply hadn’t been the same since.

•When he does hear about you whereabouts, though, Azul’s heart just about stops. Jade reported someone that looked exactly like you, living in a small village, extremely far inland. Nowhere near the sea, not even near a river or lake- instead it’s high in the mountains, where you thought nobody would ever find you. Azul drops everything that instant to go and see you himself- if it really is you, then you’re come back with him. Now.

•Azul sees you again from a distance, so joyful, glowing and smiling brightly, and his heart just about stops beating. He nearly cries, all of his bottled up feelings hitting him at once. He missed you more than you could even fathom, and you’re here. You’ve been here all this- …why is there a young child with you?

•At first, Azul is pissed. Seeing you holding on to the kid’s hand, who looks about three, hearing them call you ‘mom’- he’s not even paying attention to the appearance at first, thinking that you must have run away for someone else and had a child with that person, but then he sees it. Wavy, silvery hair. Your eyes. Beauty mark below their lip. This child is… eerily similar to him. That, of course, is when it clicks; this is his child. You didn’t just run away alone- you took his child with you. Your child. He’s a father.

•Azul approaches you with a smile, taking your wrist before you notice him. Your blood turns into ice when you see him there, like some kind of nightmare sprung to life, but he’s completely serene on the outside. Your child barely even notices how terrified you are, instead only noticing “hey mister, you look like me!” while Azul just happily states that he’s their father and has come to take you both back home. He takes you away from your little hideaway that instant, the intense grip on your wrist letting you know that you aren’t going anywhere. He is going to have recount word for word why you left, and everything he’s missed while you were gone. He’s not missing another second of your life, of your child’s.

•He is going to love his child, no matter what. They’ll be so spoiled and adored, they’ll never notice just how unhappy you are with their father; or how strange it is that he didn’t even let you go back for your things, or even leave your new home. They’ll just end up loving Azul, and he ends up being a surprisingly sweet father- it’d be nice if you weren’t stuck with him. Don’t expect to get away now, though. Azul isn’t letting even leave the house anymore, and will be very, very protective now that you have a child together. You’re a family now- and he isn’t going to let you rip that family apart.

•“My dear angelfish, we have a lot of catching up to do.”


•How you even pulled this off is a mystery of it’s own, but regardless, Jade is intitally calm at your escape. Nobody but Azul and Floyd will notice how tense he’s getting over time, growing more and more aggravated as he is continuously unable to locate you. But he’ll do it eventually, and you best be ready when he does- because it’s going to be rough when he does.

•You’ll likely have been moving constantly to try and keep away from Jade. Never staying in one place for too long, moving on to the next, trying desperately not to leave a trail while caring for the little one. But one day, you drift a bit too close to the northern beaches connecting to the Coral Sea while travelling; and it’s Floyd that spots you from the water, with a child no older than two in your arms. He tells Jade in an instant, who’s at the surface within the hour. He stalks you until nightfall, without you getting even the slightest hint that something is off on your end.

•The second Jade lays his eyes on the child, he knows he’s the father. The razor sharp teeth when they yawn? Mismatched eyes, one yellow and one eye matching yours? Yeah, it’s a dead giveaway. He could almost laugh, really, putting two and two together very quickly. You ran away because of this one… well, playtime’s over. It’s time to come back now.

•Once you stop to rest, and you and your child are fast asleep, that’s when Jade strikes. A little spell to extend you and the young one’s slumber, picking you both up and taking you right back ‘home’. Your things come with you, but he’ll confiscate anything you don’t need- like sentimental items- and hold them hostage until you earn them back.

•Jade makes sure his child wakes up first, so he can ‘explain’ everything before you can, as well and spend some time with them. He’s rather fond of them quite quickly- they remind him so much of you- and you’ll probably wake up to see Jade holding your child in his arms, running a hand through their hair while smiling at you. But the smile isn’t a pleasant one; it sends shivers down your spine, and reeks of danger. If his presence and your capture wasn’t enough to shake you to your core, then the look on his face most certainly will. He’ll ask you what happened, he’ll listen to your excuses. But it won’t change your fate- you aren’t leaving again. Especially not with your child in tow too.

•“Why don’t you start explaining from the beginning, my little anemone?”


•You have singlehanded pissed off Floyd for years by doing this. His good moods become next to impossible to come by, and he’s beyond inconsolable without you. He’s angry, he’s depressed, Floyd doesn’t even know what to do. The most important person in his life is just gone, his precious shrimpy is just gone, how is he ever supposed to be happy now? He doesn’t feel like doing anything, and he’s more brutal and violent than usual while working for Azul. Honestly, it’s the two of them that start hunting you down, because Floyd’s too angry to even bother. He wants you back, but his time is consumed with venting by “squeezing” poor souls to make him even more upset.

•Floyd’s mood genuinely brightens for the first time since your disappearance the very second that Jade comes in, saying he saw you. Floyd doesn’t wait a single second- he has Jade tell him where you are, and he’s there in an instant. There is almost zero time between the moment he hears “(y/n)’s been spotted” and the moment he’s right where you are.

•There is also zero time in between seeing you and hugging you. Floyd runs up and tackles you the absolute second he sees you, his hug almost bone-crushing. Intentionally so, it’s part threat. In truth, he doesn’t even notice the small child at first, and it’s only when he hears a small voice ask “who’s that?” when he stops and looks down at them. The moment he does though, he is grinning from ear to ear. The hair, the eyes, the teeth- it’s all identical to him. Just guessing the age by the looks of them too… well, he’s got it figured out within a few moments.

•He picks up the kid and twirls them around, hugging them, excitedly talking about how he’s their dad and how incredibly happy he is to see them! Honestly, he’s so incredibly happy about it, you might even be fooled into thinking that he’s fine. It’s almost cute, even, but you’ll snap out of the second he gets a death grip to your wrist and drags you right back from whence he came. The entire way, Floyd is getting to know the little one, anxious to introduce them to Azul and their uncle Jade. If his child is anywhere near as chaotic as he is, they’re probably excited out of their mind, to tell the truth.

•Everything seems like such a sweet, beautiful union, until Floyd asks Jade to watch to watch his “precious guppy” for a moment. The grip on your shoulder says more than enough as he leads you off to a side room, hugging you again. But this time, he’s not smiling. He’s crying. He’s got a hand on your neck, applying some pressure- enough to threaten, not to choke. Just a warning. He’s going to bask in yoir presence for awhile, so glad his precious shrimpy isn’t dead and is here with him- with such a cute little guppy, nonetheless- but he’s also going to make very, very sure you don’t even consider walking away again. He refuses to go through that horrible experience one more time- no matter what, you will know that your place with him. So why don’t you hug him back now?

•“You won’t even think about leaving me again, will you shrimpy~?”


•Leona is beyond angry, he’s absolutely bloody livid from the very first day you’re gone. In truth, he’ll take advantage of his royal blood and have his guards looking everywhere for you. Day and night, they’re searching, all while Leona himself is hunting for you too. It may be troublesome, but you’ve gone and done it now. He’s not going to wait until you’re back, that’s it. No questions asked.

•He’s waiting in his room when you’re dragged back to him, the royal guards pulling you before him with your child held tightly to yoir chest. Leona, similar to Jade, knows the very instant that he looks at this kid that they’re his child. The ears, the hair, all of it is a dead ringer for it being his child. The moment he notices this, the guards are dismissed, but left standing outside in case you try anything funny.

•Honestly, the kid is probably freaked out at first- Leona is intimidating when he talks to you, demanding an explanation, demanding answers. He never yells, he never hurts you, but he isn’t letting you do anything until you start talking. He calms down the second he sees the child though, to an extent. They look so much like you… and honestly, he’d thought about kids a few times back before you disappeared- now being confronted with it, he was having a lot of feelings about the whole thing.

•He’s genuinely softer, kinder to his child though. He speaks more gently, kneels down to their level- talks to the. He explains as best he can what’s going on, and honestly if the kid tries to hug him, hold his hand, anything- he wouldn’t push them away. He just lets his kid so whatever, basically let them understand that he’s not going to hurt them.

•You always, always have escorts now whenever you aren’t with Leona. Your child does too, even when he’s going to play with Cheka or talk to his uncle. It may even seem like you have a semi-normal family life there, if it wasn’t for Leona or his guards hovering near you at every possible moment. Security in the palace is also far, far tighter, as Leona was smart enough to paint the whole thing as a kidnapping incident- and now that you’re stuck with him, it’s best to play along. Leona is very intelligent, and now that you’re with him again, he’s going to make sure it stays that way, and his child isn’t going anywhere either. Regardless of the effort he has to spend, you are going to stay in that palace, end of discussion.

•“You’re staying right here from now on, herbivore.”


•He wasn’t the same after you left. All his duties to keep Leona in line? Ignored. Causing any sort of mischief? Doesn’t happen, it’s eerily quiet. Hell, he barely bothers to eat anymore unless he has too- Ruggie is nothing like himself. Every single second that wasn’t spent doing something he literally had to do, it was spent looking for you. In truth, he was starting to get discouraged when he finally found a sign; someone saying that they’d seen you, stopping by the town to buy food. They said that you had a young child with you, which instantly has him concerned. Did somebody else steal you away from him? Was he too late?

•Ruggie eventually tracks you down, and his entire mood brightens when he sees the kid. That little one is his spitting image, so there is absolutely no way in hell they’re not his. Seeing them, he doesn’t waste any time teasing and toying with you like he normally would- he gets your attention right away, telling you to come over to him. Don’t even try to run- he can easily catch up to you.

•He’ll go back to your home first, seeing how you’ve been living- why pick this life over him? You could have built a better life together, just like he said you would! He knows how it is it live a hard like like that, so why run from something better? You could have raised this kid as a pair, he was there for you! Why did run away? Why did you try to take his child away from him? He has so many questions, and using his unique magic to force you to pack your things, he’s going to be asking all his questions as you do. Don’t try and ignore him either- he’s not going to put up with that, not after all this.

•Ruggie is going to make up for lost time with his kid- playing sports and games, bonding, everything. If his kid is much like him, they’ll also end up a troublemaker, and he may even try to get them to work with him. Let him know if their other parent is acting strange, or trying to run again. The child you tried to save is suddenly Ruggie’s spy too, making it twice as hard to escape him. Not that he’s going to let you pull that stunt again, though. You aren’t even leaving the house after this.

•“Did you really think you could outrun me?”

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More Posts from Littlemissazul

4 years ago

Imagine if you made it back home, but were given a mirror by Crowley so you can at least talk to your friends in TW. It's not the same as being there, but it's something. You complain to Adeuce and Grim about your life one night; your parents are still fighting, your friends bully you, you feel so alone. You just want a hug. And so they pull you into the mirror and take you back. All the boys are there, ready to welcome you home. Finally.

They’ll break the mirror for good too. To let you go at all was a mistake. You should stay by the sides of the people who love you.

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4 years ago

Hi!! I read the reunion with the dorm leaders headcanon, would it be okay to ask for vice dorm leaders as well?

yee come get ur juice

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

It’s obvious to everyone that Trey’s faking his happiness once you’re gone. He believes that he has to stay strong for his dorm, even if his heart is shattered beyond repair because you’ve left him.

He knows it’s not good if he sulks in his room, so he resorts to taking late night walks in the rose garden, mourning by himself. You’d smile so sweetly at him while painting the roses together, and his heart aches for you.

Trey feels a heavy impact on his back, and he falls face first into the ground, getting a mouthful of dirt. He scrambles up, thinking it was Ace playing a prank, only to find you, equally winded as him, sprawled out on the ground.

Trey reaches gently for you, his fingertips ghosting over your skin as if he can’t believe that you’re here. When you blink and look up at him, that’s when he engulfs you in a hug, holding you tightly and not wanting to ever let go.

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

Savanaclaw nearly falls apart after you leave. Ruggie’s a mess, sobbing and crying into his bed on the daily, refusing to do anything productive due to his immense grief. He loved you like life itself, and you’re gone.

Ruggie’s out on a chore from Leona, who forced the hyena into doing something to take his mind off of his grief, when something crashes into the window and onto the floor of the cafeteria.

The entire scene is a mess. There’s dust everywhere and people running around, but through it all, Ruggie sees you and panics. He drags you out of the mess and to the Savanaclaw dorm before bursting into tears at seeing you again.

Leona will mutter about how “sappy” it is but give you two space. Ruggie’s missed it all: your touch, your warmth, your kindness... The feeling of you stroking his ears is enough to catapult him into another sobbing mess.

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

If Octavinelle was a calm lake with you, it’s now a whirlpool of madness without you. Jade has practically lost all sense of calm, becoming almost as snappy and feral as his brother without you there to keep him under control.

Azul has to go to Crowley and beg for the Headmaster to find a fix before Jade tears down the entire school with his bare hands in a futile attempt to mitigate his grief.

The moment you pop out of the mirror, you’re practically thrown at Jade. Jade looks at you quizzically before pouncing on you, his long arms tucking you into his grasp and finally calming down.

It’s almost like his monstrous side was never there now that he has you. He’s smiling sweetly and talking politely again, smoothing out your hair and pressing a quaint kiss to your forehead.

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

Jamil too doesn’t take your departure too well. He’s always struggled with bonding and being true to those around him, and you were one of the very few people that he could trust and be himself with.

He’s taking a break for himself outside, sitting near the entrance of the school by the statues of the Great Seven when he notices a shadow falling towards him. Instinctively he reaches out his arms.

And you fall right into them. He takes a few steps backwards, trying to regain his balance and nearly screams when he sees that it’s you sitting in his grasp. You scream too, before throwing your arms around his neck.

He’s shaking, clutching onto you like you’re going to disappear again, breathing out that he’s missed you more than you could ever dare to imagine! He’s dreamt of holding you again like this, and he couldn’t ask for more.

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

Rook does everything his dramatic self can do to try and take your leave with grace. He tries to muster up his usual smiles and flourishes, only for them to all come off as strained and unnatural.

He flees to the forest’s grottoes, sobbing to himself while reliving all the sweet memories he had made with you here. Not even the warm sunshine or the innocent wildflowers can console his misery.

One day, Rook comes again to the grotto, ready to bawl his eyes out when he notices a figure sprawled out on the ground. Curious, he approaches, only to let out a shriek and throw himself onto you when he realizes that it’s you.

He’s lugging you back to the school, bursting into the Pomefiore dorm with his rekindled bravado and crowing to whoever’s near that you’re back! You’re a little winded, but it’s still you! And Rook is overjoyed at that.

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

You were the perfect older sibling to Ortho, and it’s like you took a chunk of his life when you left. Ortho’s devastated, and he’s always crying by himself in his room. Nothing seems to console him; the loss of someone akin to family is hard on the young boy.

He’s sniffling in the courtyard by himself, the chocolate milk Idia got for him abandoned by his side. Ortho hears a distant shriek and a loud crash, followed by a bunch of leaves falling from a nearby tree, and he moves closer.

When you fall from the branches and tumble onto the ground unceremoniously, Ortho’s vision goes blurry as he wails out loud and runs towards you. He’s wrapping you in the biggest hug, crying about how he missed his other older sibling.

Ortho’s back to sunshine and rainbows once you’re back. He’ll drag you off to the Ignihyde dorm to yell the news to Idia, and the younger Shroud brother will do a little happy dance around the dorm to celebrate your return!

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

Despair and departure aren’t foreign feelings to an old soul like Lilia, but your leave is different. You’ve loved and cared for Lilia in a way that touched him personally, and the old fae suffers without you.

None of Silver’s or Sebek’s antics can get him to cheer up, and Lilia sulks by himself in the dark, gloomy corner of the school. He mourns by the bats, wishing you were here to dispel his sadness.

Unable to handle his grief, Lilia decides to take matters into his own hands. With Malleus, they create a portal and summon you. The amount of magic it takes puts a heavy strain on his body, but he pulls through for you.

Lilia nearly passes out in your arms from happiness and fatigue when you reach forward to embrace him. Little one, please don’t hurt his heart anymore! Stay by his side, and he’ll be as right as rain.

Hi!! I Read The Reunion With The Dorm Leaders Headcanon, Would It Be Okay To Ask For Vice Dorm Leaders

enjoyed what you read? consider checking this out!

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4 years ago

Hi! May I request a yandere Azul with the yandere prompt number 06, please? Thank you~

Hi! May I Request A Yandere Azul With The Yandere Prompt Number 06, Please? Thank You~

♡ Azul Ashengrotto ♡

His gloved fingers continued to stroke your hair endlessly as your head was placed on his lap, the dim room just bearly providing any light for you to stay awake. Azul's voice felt so distant, so unreal, to the point that you weren't even sure if it was him who you were talking to not too long ago. No matter the time or place, Azul was your source of comfort and safety - he made sure of that.

Yes, he had done a lot of work in order to be where he is, but it was finally paying off. By now you clung on to him as if he was your life support, the one person who was able to help you escape the darkness. Terrible loneliness and sorrow filled your once pure heart and the cracks were finally starting to show. He planned this, all of this, and you were finally falling for his trap.

You were falling for him.

Azul, he... He just wanted to keep you, to keep you safe, by his side, for the rest of eternity. He was always such a greedy little creature, always keeping his most beloved possessions close, including you.

“I love you so much, you have no idea to what limits I’d go to prove that to you.” he whispers to himself as tears prick his eyes, the maniacal grin plastered on his face.

He had you just where he wanted you to be.

Tags: @hookrunt-official, @twst-rose-prisms, @xwildskullx, @pumpkiethepie, @bittersweet-faerietale

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4 years ago

Ahhh, thanks for that work of art with the beautiful Eliza! If nobody wants to marry her, I will happily marry! Let's be happy in the realm of the dead

Ahhh, Thanks For That Work Of Art With The Beautiful Eliza! If Nobody Wants To Marry Her, I Will Happily

💍Even In Death, We Shall Love //Yandere! Eliza X Reader//💍

Even In Death, We Shall Love //Yandere! Eliza X Reader//

This lovely GIF was made by the amazing @flowerofthemoonworld​ !!

I love our new Ghost Girl, Eliza!! I’m totally going to write much more for her very very soon


Icy beads of sweat were rolling over the sides of your face. You could feel every eye in the room peering at you, watching your every movement. There was a faint whispering blowing through the crowd or maybe it was the chubbier ghost mumbling as he read off a decaying book. Either way, the murmurs blew over you causing packs of goosebumps to spring over your skin. This was wrong…all of this was too wrong. A faint dying noise in the background began to amplify. It’s screechy, sizzling cacophony rang in your ears causing you to cringe. It took a moment before the buzzing static turned to comprehensible words. 

“You may now kiss the–”

Something sharp wrapped around your arms, digging into your tender flesh, scraping past the skin, and nesting into your muscles. You came to let out a cry of pain. When something equally cold brushed clumsily against your dry lips. It was bloodless and chilly, like icicles drilling into your plump lips. A kiss of death you realized, as you cracked open one eye nervously. You scanned Eliza’s pale purple face. Despite her closed eyelids, you could still see how an expression of pure ecstasy was painted over her visage. You could feel your heart speeding up, pounding against your rib cage with an unsteady rhythm. 

Boom, dup dup, dup, dup dup, boom, boom, dup ( I actually looked up the sound a heart makes) 

There was something bitter about the way Eliza pushed her body against yours, something suffocating, like invisible chains that slithered around your neck wrapping all so tightly that no breath dared pass through your mouth. Everything in that dreadful moment felt unstable like the whole world was melting away. One second you were plagued with an endless shiver, the next you where evaporating under a sicking heat. Was it Eliza? Or rather her ghostly presence that was causing this unsteady shift in the atmosphere, was it just your brain playing a trick on you, laughing at your distress as your nerves grilled away?


When Eliza finally pulled away you felt a tiny wave of serenity wash over you. “Eliza dear” a gritty creaky voice spoke out from somewhere across the room. You didn’t dare to attempt to sneak a peek at who it was. Instead, your eyes remained glued on your new “wife”. Her smile splitting ever larger as she pulled you close whilst nodding suspiciously.

“Oh, darling” she uttered as she cradled your face in her silk-covered hands. Her thumbs traced invisible trails over your damp skin. “You’ll love the realm of the dead! It’s all so amicable and intangible. Everything feels so cozy and now with you at my side, we can live out the rest of eternity in our own little homey castle! It’s better than any nightmare!” Unlike the other ghosts, Eliza’s voice was clear and smooth, smelling of lavenders and the freshness of early summer when she spoke. It was hard to believe that such a lively voice belonged to the princess of the dead. A tragic female fatal that had die eons before your ancestors were born.

The once brightly lighten cafeteria began to fade into black. The once sturdy ground keeping you up cracked under your feet transforming into rubble shards. Each tiny fragment disappeared into the darkness of the dying room. Eliza’s arms dropped from your face, slowly running them down to your waist. She hugged you close, burying her unlively face in your chest. The two of you were falling, falling down an endless spiral of darkness. Trapped and bounded together.

In a haze, you didn’t notice when your back landed against a sandy solid terrain. Barely feeling the impact, instead, your eyes linger on Eliza who laid atop of you, nuzzling her smiling face deeper.

Gradually you pushed yourself into a sitting position, watching as Eliza followed your gestures straddling your waist and looking at you with such an expression you had never seen before. It was like someone had lifted the earth’s weight off her shoulders. Her body was relaxed almost like putty in your hands as you instinctively placed your hands on her hips.

“We’re finally together my love! All these years I’ve searched for you! We’ll stay here for the rest of forever. In the land of the dead rotting together as the happiest couple!”

After 500 years of searching the Ghost Bride had finally found her one true love!


Tagging: @ghostiebabey​ , @delusional-obsessions​ and @twstpasta​ who are also huge lovers of this wonderful Ghost Girl!!

Even In Death, We Shall Love //Yandere! Eliza X Reader//

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