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Não sei o que estou fazendo na minha vida | ↑20 | She-Her/They-Them

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Imagine If You Made It Back Home, But Were Given A Mirror By Crowley So You Can At Least Talk To Your

Imagine if you made it back home, but were given a mirror by Crowley so you can at least talk to your friends in TW. It's not the same as being there, but it's something. You complain to Adeuce and Grim about your life one night; your parents are still fighting, your friends bully you, you feel so alone. You just want a hug. And so they pull you into the mirror and take you back. All the boys are there, ready to welcome you home. Finally.

They’ll break the mirror for good too. To let you go at all was a mistake. You should stay by the sides of the people who love you.

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More Posts from Littlemissazul

4 years ago
The First Thing I Thought About When I Saw His Groovy Lolol
The First Thing I Thought About When I Saw His Groovy Lolol

The first thing I thought about when I saw his groovy lolol

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4 years ago

Yay!!! Requests are open! I hope you dont mind if I ask a few! Can you make hc Of the yandere octavinelle boys who accidently turns into kids and the fem darling they who usually avoids them has their mother mode on, constantly pampering them, doting on them caring and taking care. Can you also do what happens when they turn back to normal and remember everything? And can you do it separated and together the characters? Thank you 😁

ya i got u bb! enjoy!

Yay!!! Requests Are Open! I Hope You Dont Mind If I Ask A Few! Can You Make Hc Of The Yandere Octavinelle

Azul expected nothing short of a nightmare when he woke up to find out that he had turned into a child. It’s embarrassing, and he hates it with his entire soul. What he doesn’t expect, however, is for you to find him cute and pity him, to the point that you welcome him into your arms.

He adores it. He laps up the attention and absolutely refuses to step away from you. You just think you’re being a good person by pretending to be a maternal figure, and you take his clinginess as validation that you’re doing a good job.

When he turns back, his clinginess won’t stop. He’ll smoothly remark about what a doting person you were. There’s no need to be so cold to him now, isn’t there? After all, he’s felt first-hand how much of a warm person you actually are.

Your mistake was being kind to him. He might have been deterred if you had constantly shown him the cold shoulder, but knowing that you have the capability to love him makes his advances all the more crazed. There’s no telling what lengths he’ll go to to get that warmth back.

Yay!!! Requests Are Open! I Hope You Dont Mind If I Ask A Few! Can You Make Hc Of The Yandere Octavinelle

Our dearest Jade is an opportunist, and being transformed into a child is the perfect chance to wiggle his way into your graces. He’s going to wield this new form of his to the max. He’s going to make himself as vulnerable as he can to get close to you.

He’ll want you to do everything. Feed him while calling him cute nicknames, cradle him in your arms while he throws a fake tantrum just to get you to hold him, hold your hands at any given moment... He’s a cunning one, and he’s going to make the most of this.

Once he turns back, he corners you fast. Surprise, surprise, he remembers it all! He’s shaking with delight at seeing your horrified face; my, you never fail to surprise him with your reactions!

He’ll have many plans for the two of you once you’re in his grasp. He never knew you had such a warm, maternal side, and he’ll be very happy to put that to good use once the two of you have kids of your own.

Yay!!! Requests Are Open! I Hope You Dont Mind If I Ask A Few! Can You Make Hc Of The Yandere Octavinelle

Other than size, nothing changes much for Floyd. Like always, the first thing he does is hunt you down, and he’s in for a surprise when you pick him up and ask him why he’s a toddler. He doesn’t care; he’s too happy at the fact that you even acknowledged him!

Like Jade, he’ll be a demanding little boy. He isn’t going to go to bed unless you crawl in with him, and he isn’t going to put on his clothes unless you dress him! He’ll smile and giggle sweetly when you oblige; little do you know that he knows perfectly well what he’s doing.

When he turns back, he’s going to be crazed for your love. He’ll hunt you down and squeeze you tightly, calling you cute and purring about how much of an adorable mom you were! Also like Jade, he’ll remark about how he can’t wait to have his own little ones with you; you’ll be a great mother!

If you push him away, he won’t be happy. Why are you being mean? Are you going to hurt him with the same hands that brushed his hair? Dear Shrimpy, you should know better! He’ll laugh loudly and pull you close before whispering a warning. It’s not good for soon-to-be mothers to be so stressed!

Yay!!! Requests Are Open! I Hope You Dont Mind If I Ask A Few! Can You Make Hc Of The Yandere Octavinelle

If all three of them turn into little babies, you can bet that they’re gonna team up. Three devious little minds, all with one goal. You won’t stand a chance. They’ll put on their best acting to get you to pity them and agree to take care of them.

They’ll all compete to gain your attention. You’ll just think they’re just being fussy babies, but in reality, they’re trying to be the one to steal your heart. From puppy eyes to tantrums, you’ll have your hands full with trying to wrangle them.

All three will also resort to teaming up once they turn back. They’ll compromise; trying to compete might open up holes for you to escape. And we can’t have that happening now, right? It would be a waste of such hard work...

They’ll want you to be as equally doting as when you were when they were kids. They think it’s cute, watching you blush as they invite you into the bath. You had no complaints when they were small; why be shy now? You should agree while they’re using their nice voices, lest you end up at the mercy of their unrestrained anger.

Yay!!! Requests Are Open! I Hope You Dont Mind If I Ask A Few! Can You Make Hc Of The Yandere Octavinelle

enjoyed what you read? consider checking this out!

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4 years ago

Ahhh, thanks for that work of art with the beautiful Eliza! If nobody wants to marry her, I will happily marry! Let's be happy in the realm of the dead

Ahhh, Thanks For That Work Of Art With The Beautiful Eliza! If Nobody Wants To Marry Her, I Will Happily

💍Even In Death, We Shall Love //Yandere! Eliza X Reader//💍

Even In Death, We Shall Love //Yandere! Eliza X Reader//

This lovely GIF was made by the amazing @flowerofthemoonworld​ !!

I love our new Ghost Girl, Eliza!! I’m totally going to write much more for her very very soon


Icy beads of sweat were rolling over the sides of your face. You could feel every eye in the room peering at you, watching your every movement. There was a faint whispering blowing through the crowd or maybe it was the chubbier ghost mumbling as he read off a decaying book. Either way, the murmurs blew over you causing packs of goosebumps to spring over your skin. This was wrong…all of this was too wrong. A faint dying noise in the background began to amplify. It’s screechy, sizzling cacophony rang in your ears causing you to cringe. It took a moment before the buzzing static turned to comprehensible words. 

“You may now kiss the–”

Something sharp wrapped around your arms, digging into your tender flesh, scraping past the skin, and nesting into your muscles. You came to let out a cry of pain. When something equally cold brushed clumsily against your dry lips. It was bloodless and chilly, like icicles drilling into your plump lips. A kiss of death you realized, as you cracked open one eye nervously. You scanned Eliza’s pale purple face. Despite her closed eyelids, you could still see how an expression of pure ecstasy was painted over her visage. You could feel your heart speeding up, pounding against your rib cage with an unsteady rhythm. 

Boom, dup dup, dup, dup dup, boom, boom, dup ( I actually looked up the sound a heart makes) 

There was something bitter about the way Eliza pushed her body against yours, something suffocating, like invisible chains that slithered around your neck wrapping all so tightly that no breath dared pass through your mouth. Everything in that dreadful moment felt unstable like the whole world was melting away. One second you were plagued with an endless shiver, the next you where evaporating under a sicking heat. Was it Eliza? Or rather her ghostly presence that was causing this unsteady shift in the atmosphere, was it just your brain playing a trick on you, laughing at your distress as your nerves grilled away?


When Eliza finally pulled away you felt a tiny wave of serenity wash over you. “Eliza dear” a gritty creaky voice spoke out from somewhere across the room. You didn’t dare to attempt to sneak a peek at who it was. Instead, your eyes remained glued on your new “wife”. Her smile splitting ever larger as she pulled you close whilst nodding suspiciously.

“Oh, darling” she uttered as she cradled your face in her silk-covered hands. Her thumbs traced invisible trails over your damp skin. “You’ll love the realm of the dead! It’s all so amicable and intangible. Everything feels so cozy and now with you at my side, we can live out the rest of eternity in our own little homey castle! It’s better than any nightmare!” Unlike the other ghosts, Eliza’s voice was clear and smooth, smelling of lavenders and the freshness of early summer when she spoke. It was hard to believe that such a lively voice belonged to the princess of the dead. A tragic female fatal that had die eons before your ancestors were born.

The once brightly lighten cafeteria began to fade into black. The once sturdy ground keeping you up cracked under your feet transforming into rubble shards. Each tiny fragment disappeared into the darkness of the dying room. Eliza’s arms dropped from your face, slowly running them down to your waist. She hugged you close, burying her unlively face in your chest. The two of you were falling, falling down an endless spiral of darkness. Trapped and bounded together.

In a haze, you didn’t notice when your back landed against a sandy solid terrain. Barely feeling the impact, instead, your eyes linger on Eliza who laid atop of you, nuzzling her smiling face deeper.

Gradually you pushed yourself into a sitting position, watching as Eliza followed your gestures straddling your waist and looking at you with such an expression you had never seen before. It was like someone had lifted the earth’s weight off her shoulders. Her body was relaxed almost like putty in your hands as you instinctively placed your hands on her hips.

“We’re finally together my love! All these years I’ve searched for you! We’ll stay here for the rest of forever. In the land of the dead rotting together as the happiest couple!”

After 500 years of searching the Ghost Bride had finally found her one true love!


Tagging: @ghostiebabey​ , @delusional-obsessions​ and @twstpasta​ who are also huge lovers of this wonderful Ghost Girl!!

Even In Death, We Shall Love //Yandere! Eliza X Reader//

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4 years ago

Ehhh... Only 75% compatibility with my fav Satan TwT (but 93% compatibility and great sexual chemistry with Lucifer is also not bad)


🔮 match yourself or your oc today!

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