11 posts
Littlemissscareali - Tumblr Blog

you telling me, they’re meant to be the same person
man looks like yung lean

the day the crow remake comes out is the day i mourn

“it’s a wonderful role, and it’s a role that you have to take risks with and it gives you wonderful opportunity to take those risks and stretch; you tell me how someone who’s come back from the dead is going to behave”
brandon lee on the set of the crow.
[interview unknown]

“buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever”
- the crow (1994)
dir’ alex proyas
rip brandon <3
i rlly want a white cat named gabriel:/

bts of billy wirth, kiefer sutherlund and jason patric on the set of the lost boys. ft some crew members
-the lost boys (1987)
dir’ joel schumacher

laughing brandon on the set of the crow
-the crow (1994)
dir’ alex proyas

bts of brandon lee on the set of the crow
-the crow (1994)
dir’ alex proyas
rip brandon

picture of billy wirth skating between scenes of the lost boys
-the lost boys (1987)
dir’ john schumacher
also there was supposed to be a scene of dwyane skating but it got cut:/

“it can’t rain all the time”
-the crow (1994)
dir’ alex proyas

three most underrated characters, also five years ago, yesterday brooke died :(
-the lost boys (1987)
dir’ joel schumacher