livingformintyoongi - Who Is My Heart Waiting For
Who Is My Heart Waiting For

• Massi • She/Her • Gemini • Requests: Closed

149 posts

Me Now (sorry, I Promise I Will Make The Pending Requests )

Me now 💀 (sorry, I promise I will make the pending requests 😔)

*update 💀

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More Posts from Livingformintyoongi

8 months ago

Hi!!!, How are you, I just read your one shot of Tae, called "Misunderstanding" and I loved it 💕, I wanted to ask you for one of him, where reader has had a bad day and is feeling a bit down, Tae realizing this, does a lot of things to comfort her, like cuddling.

Take your time to do it, thanks~ 💜💜.

Just another bad day

Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted
Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted
Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted

a/n: Hi! Thanks for making this request and for having loved "Misunderstanding", I really love this kind of situations, I was so excited to do this ^^. I hope it's what you expected, and sorry for the delay, I'm doing the requests in order and it's really hard to do more than one in one day. wc: 1.9k

Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted

You had had bad days in your life, like that time when you erased your thesis and had to do it from scratch, or that other time when your puppy disappeared for hours because the girl who was supposed to take care of it had left the door open. You could go on listing all the bad days you've had in your life, but this one? This one topped them all.

It all started when you woke up and realized that your alarm had decided not to go off this morning. To get to work on time, you were supposed to get up at six-thirty at the latest. It was eight o'clock. You decided that taking a bath wasn't important enough, you could do it at night without any problem. You got dressed as fast as you could and ran to the bus stop.

You were only a few feet away when it pulled away, leaving you at the stop, praying that the next bus would arrive as soon as possible. You gave up after ten minutes. You approached the edge of the sidewalk, trying to see if there were any cabs coming that you could hop into. 

For a second, you thought your luck had changed the instant you saw a cab approach you and accept the ride. That illusion was lost along with the car's gasoline when you were still half way there. You had no choice but to pay the fare and run half the way to work.

When you saw the big sign with the company's name on it, you almost cried with happiness. You crossed the street, this time much calmer, you still had 10 minutes left before the start time. 

But this was absolutely nothing to what happened next.

Today you had a very important meeting at work, one where they had practically promised you that you would get the promotion you had been waiting for years, something you knew you deserved, because your performance in this job had been impeccable. 

You had to lock yourself in the bathroom so that no one would see you crying from the impotence after they announced at the meeting that the promotion had been given to a guy who had joined the company only a year and a half ago. You weren't surprised to hear that it was the boss's son.

Still, you got up and tried to put your best face forward to the other workers, you knew none of them were to blame. The rest of the day continued with little accidents that were causing the urge to cry and the lump in your throat to become more and more unbearable.

To your good fortune, the trip home wasn't so horrible. You left on time, made the bus without any problems. You tried to concentrate on the pain your heels were causing in your heels instead of the constant throbbing that prevented you from breathing normally. All you wanted to do was lie down on your bed and sleep until tomorrow. 

You watched the bus window, letting one tear of the many you had been holding back come out as soon as you noticed the raindrops falling outside. You forgot to bring your umbrella. You wiped the tear away as quickly as you could, taking a long breath and letting your head fall back against the uncomfortable chair. Just a little longer, you thought, a few more minutes and you would finally be home.

Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted

Taehyung had arrived half an hour earlier than he was supposed to. They only had a photo shoot and an interview today, so he hadn't been surprised to get home so early either.

He wanted to call you to ask if you wanted to get something special to eat or if you had gone to dinner with some friends from work for the promotion you had told him you were getting today. He was almost as excited as you were when he heard the news and really wanted to celebrate in a big way, but he didn't want to overwhelm you either.

It took him a good few minutes to finally decide that making you dinner himself would be the best gift. There was nothing better than celebrating between the two of you, alone, comfortable and warm at home, especially when they had announced on the news that it would rain today.

He smiled big at the thought of how happy you would be to come home to find him waiting for you with open arms and a dinner specially made for you with the intention of celebrating your amazing work. 

He didn't count on the fact that you would come home soaked from head to toe, shivering from the cold and with slightly red eyes and nose. For a moment he almost went into a crisis.

"Honey, what happened, why are you so wet?" he ran to greet you at the door, grabbing your shoulders and trying to see your face. He knew something was wrong just by seeing how you avoided looking him in the eye.

"I forgot my umbrella" you whispered, leaving your heels aside and walking barefoot to your room. You needed to take a shower as soon as possible, you didn't want to get sick now, that would be the last straw. 

Taehyung followed you from behind quickly, resting his hand on your waist in an attempt to keep you on your feet. You looked so weak that he actually thought you would pass out right there. 

"Did you eat something? You look so pale," he paused in the doorway of your bedroom door, watching as you pulled your pajamas out from under your pillow. You were moving much slower than usual, and that only made his anxiety and worry increase even more, "Y/N, I'm starting to worry, did something happen at work? Did someone hurt you?" he moved closer to you, taking your shoulders as carefully as he could.

It almost broke his heart to see your tear-filled eyes and your bottom lip barely sticking out. "I'm so tired" you sobbed, wailing in frustration as you felt the tears just wouldn't stop falling. Still you tried to wipe them away with your shirt sleeve, "Today really was a horrible day. I could barely make it to work on time, my feet are killing me, and my stupid boss gave my promotion to his son" you said, trying to calm your sobs. You hated crying in front of your boyfriend. "I couldn't even go home in peace because I completely forgot that there was rain tonight." You shook your hair a little, sighing as you watched small drops of water fall to the ground.

Taehyung wasn't sure what to say. He hated seeing you like this, he had never seen you like this in the first place. He knew he might not be able to comfort you with his words, but he hoped he could with his actions.

"Why don't we take a long soak in the tub? We can stay a while relaxing there, try out the new water pumps we bought at Mrs. Kang's store" he whispered, pulling you gently until you were in his arms. He rubbed your back with his hand, while the other gave little pats on your head, "Then we put on those bear pajamas, remember them? You fell in love with them the first time you saw them in the online store." Taehyung smiled as he felt you nod against his chest. He kissed your head, keeping his lips against your hair for a few seconds before speaking again, "I made dinner, it might be a little cold when we're done, but we can heat it up in the microwave if you want, though we could also order takeout."

"Your dinner" you whispered, hugging his waist weakly. You felt a little better than when you arrived, but you still felt too collapsed to be able to hug him back properly.

"Well, my dinner it is," he laughed softly, pulling away just inches to kiss your forehead, "we could have a movie night, how about The notebook?"

"No, that one depresses me" you looked at Tae, letting your weight fall lightly against him, "Let's watch a romantic comedy, like The proposal, or 13 going to 30."

"Okay" Taehyung bent down a little, just enough so he could slip his arm behind your knees and waist, lifting you up in his arms and carrying you to the bathroom. "Let's go to the tub."

Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted

"And... done" Taehyung smiled, watching as your hair fell down your back, this time completely dry. "I reckon I did an excellent job, what do you think?" he hugged your waist, kissing your neck playfully. 

"I think you're the best thing that could have happened to me in my life" you whispered, turning to look at your boyfriend. He too had slightly damp hair, but only a little. His smile was so big that it ended up rubbing off on you almost immediately. He was right, long soaks in the tub were quite the mood lifter, or maybe it was just your boyfriend.

"You'll make me blush" he chuckled, resting his forehead on your shoulder. His hands caressed your abdomen, forming little circles around the bears your pajama print was wearing. 

"I'm just telling the truth" you turned around, hugging his neck and closing your eyes. The smell of his oatmeal shampoo flooded your nostrils. You loved that smell. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here."

"Well, you would have fallen asleep without tasting my amazing signature dish," he murmured as he brought his nose close to yours. One of his hands stopped on your cheek, lightly caressing your cheekbones. He, unlike you, didn't have his eyes closed, refusing to do so and miss the sight of your beautiful face. Your long eyelashes, your reddish lips, your smile, every mole and mark you had. He didn't say it, but he also constantly wondered what would have become of him without you. "I love you, Y/N" he whispered against your lips, smiling "more than anything in this world, and I will do whatever it takes to keep the smile on the one I love."

You felt a slight tug on your chest, causing you to open your eyes. His gaze was so intense that it made your legs tremble. You let out a small sigh, momentarily looking at his lips.

"You don't need my permission to kiss me, you know?" he laughed playfully, pulling you closer by the waist so he could spread kisses all over your face.

"Taehyung!" you squealed with laughter, trying to resist his displays of affection. You both knew you weren't trying the least bit hard at that. 

Taehyung smiled at hearing your laughter again, pausing for a moment to look at your full face again. You looked so beautiful. "I'm sorry," he said softly, waiting for you to calm down a little from your laughter. 

As soon as you did, he kissed you. He caressed the back of your neck with his thumb, moving his lips against yours softly. He enjoyed slow, emotional kisses, they were his favorite.

You sighed as you felt his tongue enter your mouth, letting him explore at his leisure. He always took his time.

"I love you" he whispered between kisses, gently leaning you back on the bed.

"I love you more" you smiled, tangling your fingers in his hair.

"Liar" he laughed against your lips, hugging your waist.

"Liar" you smiled, breaking that little line that separated his lips from yours.

How you loved coming home on days like these.

Hi!!!, How Are You, I Just Read Your One Shot Of Tae, Called "Misunderstanding" And I Loved It , I Wanted


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7 months ago

I had forgotten to say thanks for the mention AH- sorry 😔 thanks so much for the recommendation! It means a lot coming from you (I usually read your fics to get some inspiration because otherwise the inner smut doesn't come out 🫠).

Smut recommendations 📚

⭐️ = personal favorite

Admin note: This is a work in progress, come back later :)

Last update 27 July


Will it fit? by @jeonsweetpea ; So what if your roommate caught you masturbating? At least he forgot about it the next day. But he can’t exactly forget the big dildo you left in your shared bathroom…

Squirtle by @kooyeux ; Boyfriend discovers that he can make you squirt and he becomes obsessed with it.

Everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer by @slut4jeon


V-Day special by @explicit-tae ; You ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special.


Bad decisions by @trivia-yandere ; you allow a stripper to fuck you in front of your brides' maids and maid of honor.


⭐️ TO BE yours by @muniimyg ; oc has always had a crush on her bodyguard, namjoon.

⭐️ Tastes like royalty by @sluttyandere ; your spoiled life as a princess came to a bloody end when the kingdom is overthrown, and you have yet to learn of the consequences of being a brat.

Lozenge of Love by @bunnyksj ; Namjoon fucks you when hes high.

Bad guy by @joonberriess ; getting back at your cheating (ex) boyfriend by fucking his dad, Namjoon <3


Do I wanna Know? by @bunnyksj ; If your husband can sleep around, going after any woman he can get his hands on, what's stopping you from getting back at him by sleeping with your coworker?


Work night by @livingformintyoongi ; They could be former classmates, always fighting for being the class #1. Been rivals through college, and now ended up working for the same company.


None yet :(

8 months ago


💕= Fluff

✨️= Smut

🥀= Angst

⚡️= Suggestive

💌 = Readers favorite

🩵 = My favorites


Nothing yet...


To Get To You 💕⚡️🩵

-> Request: Hii, i just found your blog and saw that you are accepting requests, could i ask for a fic where the maknaes set you up with yoongi? Kind like frenemies to lovers? Like you and yoongi are constantly bickering and the rest of the guys cannot take it anymore of how much chemistry you guys have. Rom/com kind of vibe.

Pool Party✨️

-> Request: They are playing truth or dare with some friends at this pool party. Their friends know they like each other so they dare Yoongi to kiss her inner thighs, and yn to kiss his happy trail. Next round they ask him to kiss her tits and her to put her hands inside his swim trunks and stroke his dick.

She gets very horny by it so she excuses herself to one of the rooms and Yoongi follows her, they have a bit of a talk about what happened back there and he tells her that he was left wishing he could finish what he started and she tells that she can finish it now. He uses some of that technology tongue with her and then fucks her silly (Yoongi is kind of obsessed with readers big tits. When they are done, their friends are waiting for them outside laughing and saying that their plan worked

The New And The Ex ✨️🩵

-> Request: Reader has a crush with jk since they were young (they were neighbors growing up). Now they are 26 yo. Taehyung throws this party and they both attend.

She hears him talking with his friends about how he never liked her and was just close to her because he helped him study and their parents were friends. But in reality he likes her, he was trying to play it cool.When oc hears that she runs off.

A few days later she meets with Yoongi (an old friend, they had a fling a while ago) at her house and he holds her in his arms.

One thing leads to another and they fuck and while they are doing it, Jungkook barges in (he has her house keys and was worried because she doesn't reply to his texts) and sees them, but they don't stop.

Work Night ✨️

-> Request: They could be former classmates, always fighting for being the class #1. Been rivals through college, and now ended up working for the same company. They get teemed up for the same project and end up working late at the company building. Yn and him start bikering about some dumb shit, tension builds up and they fuck on top of his work desk

First Time ✨️🩵💌

-> Request: yoongi fucking his girlfriend raw for the first time and her telling him to cum inside because she wants his babies

Numb To The Feeling ✨️

-> Request: Yoongi and song numb to the feeling by chase atlantic.

Punishment ✨️

-> Request: yoongi being a brat tamer. Basically just the reader or y/n having an attitude on purpose and just being a brat and yoongi punishing her with sex and spanking? Also preferably rough sex.

Hoodie ✨️🩵

-> Request: Yoongi fucking his gf in his hoodie. first he will cuddle with her in the kitchen while leaving kisses on her neck and then he will slowly become horny and at one point he will say 'I want to fuck you while you are wearing my hoodie'.


Nothing yet...


Namjoon Headcanons (Chubby!gf) 💕🩵

-> Request: Namjoon HC as bf to a chubby girl.


Just a taste ✨️🩵

-> Request: Jimin and yn being exes and meeting again at their best friends wedding (the groom is jimin's best friend and the bride is yn's). Their friends know that they still love eachother, so they make them sit together, but they bicker for the whole celebration.

When it's time to leave, she doesn't have a ride home, and jimin offers himself to take her to her place. Once they get there, she asks him if she wants to go upstairs, to have a final drink. They talk about their break up, and when he's about to leave, he kisses yn and have make up sex against the kitchen counter.


Just Another Bad Day 💕🩵

-> Request: Reader has had a bad day and is feeling a bit down, Tae realizing this, does a lot of things to comfort her, like cuddling.

Taehyung's headcanons (BF who's in love with you). 💕🩵

-> Request: A hc of Tae in love with reader, being just friends.


5:30 A.M. ✨️💌

-> Request: Jungkook and YN laying in bed cockwarming while watching a movie and they fall asleep. Jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night and is still inside YN so he wakes her up by sucking her tits and asks her if it's ok to fuck because he is hard.

The Best Way To Shut Someone Up ✨️

-> Request: yn and jk have been in the same friend group since highschool, but they could never stand eachother (he always pranked her, would't say bully, but hasn't been exactly nice to her either). She always stood silent, until one day she just gets fed up and starts arguing back, he might tell her 'oh shut up!' and she could say 'make me'

Friend-to-friend support ✨️

-> Request: He gets home after a stressful day at work and goes to her bedroom. While she's laying in bed just scrolling through TikTok he lifts her shirt up, no bra, and starts sucking on her big tits while she keeps scrolling like it's nothing. Just no explanation, she understands he had a rough day at work and lets him have his way sucking and playing with her tits and fucking her, because he would let her do the same with him. They might be talking about what went wrong at work, how was her day... just casual conversations! After sucking - and playing with her nipples for a while, he fucks her (raw) doggy style and cums inside.

Summer Days ✨️💌

-> Request: Jungkook eating her gf out by the pool while she's laying on the lounger and enjoying the sun because he's so pussy whipped he just can't control himself.


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7 months ago

( continuation of talking about the SIFO couple but didn't want to bother you with another rb hehe )

They are about to leave in my head rent free 😣 I'm so happy you have more drabbles of them, that's so excitingggg. This reminded me I need to fill the thing for your tag list aaahhh

Yes! I'm actually really excited to post about them, but I wasn't sure whether to finish the core story and then upload drabbles or do it randomly 😫

8 months ago

I recently dyed and cut my hair (because I love experimenting with it lol) and I just tried an Instagram filter and nothing to say, I fell in love with me, my self esteem went from 0 to 100 in a second.

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