livingformintyoongi - Who Is My Heart Waiting For
Who Is My Heart Waiting For

• Massi • She/Her • Gemini • Requests: Closed

149 posts

There Are No Words To Describe How Much I Loved This Fic, It Made Me Feel So Many Things In Such A Short

There are no words to describe how much I loved this fic, it made me feel so many things in such a short time, I didn't even realize when I finished, and it was so, but so wonderful that I felt empty when I finished it 😔.

P.s.: my relationship with this Jk is mixed, I loved him too much, but after what he did I couldn't forgive him 💀 still I'm fond of him and if he ever appears in a drabble I'll be there because I can't not love him 😫.

P.s. 2: author, I adore you, you're the best, thank you for sharing this work of art 🫂💕.

rock god


you’ve got one year left to either finish your novitiate and become a nun like your parents always wanted, or leave the order and live a secular life like you’ve always wanted. but the fact that a sister’s flirty nephew is staying in the convent for the summer provides a perfect distraction to such headache.

♔ PAIRING: rockstar!jungkook x novice!reader

♔ GENRE: 80s au, angst, smut, humour, fluff, s2f2l

♔ WORD COUNT: 16.3k another long one i’m sorry

♔ WARNINGS: minor characters death, religious themes, catholic guilt, smoking weed, swearing, sacrilege and exhibitionism: fingering in a church, profanity, blasphemy, quiet sex & loss of virginity (you’re probably thinking girl AGAIN?), protected sex, betrayal, one mention of rape

♔ AUTHOR’S NOTE: for an atheist i do seem to write a lot about religion lol. the first song jk writes & performs for reader + the inspiration for the title is rock god by selena gomez, and the second one church by chase atlantic. i recommend you listen to them in advance☺️ also, we’ll pretend jk is blond in the banner okay?



The day was going incredibly slow, as all of last month’s had.

Most people would attribute that to the fact that you were a novice, but their idea of what that entailed was far from the reality. Contrary to popular belief and even if some sisters wished it was the case, cloistered nuns didn’t spend all day just praying. There were many other things to keep busy with in a convent, such as attending to one’s studies, doing household chores, or working to bring money in and keep the place going. Free time had never been the part of the day you looked the most forward to, though, until recently. Not that it got any better then.

Contradictory as though it was, you were kept from the present by the same plaguing thoughts you didn’t want to be left alone with… And sometimes, such as now, you didn’t have any choice but to force yourself back into reality, running late as you were.

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More Posts from Livingformintyoongi

8 months ago

Congrats on 300!!! 👏💙 Since I found your blog from the Bring on the night series I think is only appropriate to send the emoji that is song related hehe so, 💐 + yoongi ♡

Congratulations again, you deserve it! I can't wait to continue reading your work uwu

Thanks for being so sweet ^^, tbh, this is one of my favorite couples in this series, I really love their interactions and how they've been acting as a couple for so long, even if none of them assimilate yet <3. This is kind of a prequel, so to speak, the song as such describes how their relationship starts and pretty much determines the kind of interactions they would have in the future (5 years later, where SIFO begins).

That said, here's the song I have to represent this couple:

Congrats On 300!!! Since I Found Your Blog From The Bring On The Night Series I Think Is Only Appropriate

The new title track from BOTN's album, Shoot Me, echoed loudly in the venue they had rented for the listening party. There was smoke on the floor, lights of various colors were moving in patterns around the walls. There were dozens of people, each one more famous than the last, all dancing and singing along to the new song that all the critics were saying would be the new hit of the year. It probably would be, it was Yoongi's favorite song on the entire album, at least it would be until tonight, he didn't think he could ever listen to it again without banging his head against the table.

"Can I have a mimosa?" you smiled brightly, resting both arms on the bar. Your eyes roamed over each of the various liquors and spirits on the other side. You weren't an expert drinker, but the colors of the bottles combined with the party lights made them look quite bright and aesthetically pleasing. You watched as the bartender nodded slightly and went to get the stuff to make your drink. It was only until you followed him with your eyes that you noticed a head of what appeared to be black or blue. In the dark-haired man's hand was a small glass with a ball-shaped ice that took up most of the space. You assumed it was whiskey.

He lifted his head lazily, sighing as he kept his gaze fixed on his glass. He gave it a swirl and finished drinking what little he had left. You, for your part, were attentive to his every move and expression. There was something about his thin lips, pale face and catlike eyes that made you curious in a way you hadn't been in a long time.

"A mimosa for the lady," said the bartender from earlier, setting the glass down in front of you. You jumped in your chair at the fright he gave you. You took the glass and shot a glance at the man in the suit, who gave you an amused expression as he gestured towards the guy sitting next to you. You rolled your eyes, taking your drink in one gulp in an attempt to forget the heat that had appeared on your cheeks as you were caught watching the boy next to you.

Half of your drink disappeared in the first gulp, and as soon as you set it down on the bar you looked back up at him. He still seemed too engrossed in his own world to pay attention to you, and judging by his annoyed look, the place he was in mentally was not in the least bit pleasant.

"Bad day?" you asked close to his ear. The music was too loud and you didn't think he'd be able to hear you if you didn't move closer to him. Your smile faltered a little as you saw his face head on. He was so handsome.

"Excuse me?" he frowned slightly, tapping his fingernails against the clear glass of his glass. His eyes studied you from head to toe, your face didn't look familiar to him at all, but judging by how you acted with him, it seemed you were, or were you just like that with everyone?

"I asked you if you were having a bad day" you repeated, this time bringing your index finger right between his eyebrows. You laughed as you watched his eyes follow your finger in confusion. "Your face is crying out for help, you seriously look like you're hating life right now."

"Oh, well, maybe it's because I am hating it" he muttered under his breath, turning his full attention back to your face. Why were you acting like you were close? Did he sleep with you at one time and had forgotten about it? No, he didn't think that possible, you were too different from any other girl he had been with before, and he wasn't the type of guy who drank until he forgot what happened in the night.

He noticed how you picked up your glass and drank what was left in one gulp, letting out a satisfied gasp before turning back to him, "Then dance with me" you said in a cheerful tone, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up so you could lift him out of his chair.

"What? no, forget it, I don't dance" he shook his head quickly, trying to release himself from your grip in a not so rough and rude way. Yes, he may not be an extremely friendly person, but that didn't mean he would turn down your offer petulantly, at least not when he had three glasses of whiskey on him.

"Everybody dance, plus it helps to relax the body and up the amount of endorphins the body produces, and I can tell you need some of those," you said as you dragged him onto the dance floor. He might have been verbally refusing, but his body was putting up no opposition.

"You just made that up, didn't you?" he raised his eyebrows, pausing as you did. You turned around, giggling playfully at the sight of his expression. You could get used to seeing that shit-eating grin he was wearing right now.

"Totally, although that's probably true, you know, dancing is a type of exercise and exercise releases endorphins" you nodded firmly, taking his hands to rest them on your waist; you, for your part, rested yours on his shoulders.

Yoongi took the time to look at every feature of your face, from your big, bright eyes to the freckles on your cheeks, you were not his type at all, moreover, he preferred a girl with slanted eyes and thin lips a thousand times over someone with a puppy face. However, there was something about your cheerful gaze and bright smile that made him rethink his tastes. You had an interest in him, that much was obvious, perhaps, if you asked him to go somewhere more… private, he'd probably fuck you until your memory was fuzzy and your legs were shaky.

But you weren't asking him that, instead, you were trying to convince him to dance with you to release endorphins. This was the strangest conversation he'd had with a girl in years.

"So, what's got you like this? I mean, you look awfully attractive with your 'I hate everyone' look, but there must be a reason behind it, right?" you cocked your head to the side, watching his expression closely.

"Does that matter?" he laughed softly, settling his hands on your lower back as he pulled his body even closer to yours. "I doubt you came over to talk to me just to find out what's got me in a bad mood."

"Sure I did…sort of" you laughed softly, tangling your fingers in his hair. Now that there was a little more lighting in the place, you could tell that actually the color of her hair was navy blue. It suited him quite well.

"So you didn't talk to me just because you wanted us to fuck?" he whispered against your neck, brushing your hair with his nose. A shit-eating grin appeared on his face as he noticed the way you trembled slightly at that suggestive little act.

"The thought crossed my mind, I'd be lying if I said otherwise" you pulled away just enough to see his face, smiling defiantly at him, "but the mood needed to be warmed up, and you definitely weren't cooperating with your unfriendly face."

Yoongi licked his lips, grabbing your wrist and turning around, ready to take you to one of the bathrooms that were on the premises so he could do his thing, "Well, I'm in a better mood now, why not-?" he cut off his sentence as soon as he felt you pull him hard, almost causing him to fall to the floor.

"Oh, no, don't even think about it" you laughed, hugging his waist with a big smile on your face, "right now I want to dance."


"Nope, shut that pretty mouth of yours, honey" you pressed your finger to his lips, raising your eyebrows, "let's dance until our feet hurt, then you'll take me for a drink at the bar and, only after that, you'll take me to your car so we can fuck, because no way am I doing it in a bathroom, I don't want to get infections."

An incredulous laugh escaped Yoongi's lips. Normally he wouldn't listen to something like that, he probably wouldn't even have let himself be dragged to the dnace floor in the first place, let alone buy a drink for someone he would only have a wild night with which he would most likely forget the next day, but how could he say no to you when you were smiling at him like that? How could he when your eyes were looking at him with the glare of the lights reflected in them?

"Do you want to release enough endorphin before we have sex?" he said in a teasing tone, smiling involuntarily as he watched your expression get even brighter, if that was even possible.

"Totally, I think we're starting to get along…"

"Yoongi" he replied almost instantly, waiting for you to tell him your name in return.

"Y/N" you took his hand, shaking it firmly, "it's a pleasure, Yoongi."

"Same here, Y/N" he replied with a smile, keeping his grip just as firm as yours.

He tried to completely ignore that it was the first time in his entire life that he was telling his real name to one of his one-night stands.

Congrats On 300!!! Since I Found Your Blog From The Bring On The Night Series I Think Is Only Appropriate

taglist: @thunderg @minjianhyung @queenv1997 @yoongtism @lizzymizzy-blogg @superbbananananana @drpepperobsessed @themwordsblog @taekritimin123 @bluecloudss


300 followers party.

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8 months ago

Me now 💀 (sorry, I promise I will make the pending requests 😔)

*update 💀

7 months ago

Lol, it's me 🤝😔

I love love love making covers for fics I'll never write. I've had more fanfic covers and headers than works I have actually written 😭🤌

I Love Love Love Making Covers For Fics I'll Never Write. I've Had More Fanfic Covers And Headers Than

Also up to make fic covers for others 🙈

8 months ago
-> Guide:

-> Guide:

♤ = To be started.

♡ = In process.

◇ = Almost finished.

♧ = Finished.

○ = Redoing.

-> Guide:

She's All I Wanna Be | Kim Seokjin x fem!reader ○ [5.4k]

-> Part of BOTN series.

-> Summary: You were Jin's childhood friend, the one who always went to all his bass practices, the one who went to all his mini concerts, the one who tested the songs before he played them live, you were even the first person he ran to tell the news that his band had been dominated to his first award.

The problem with this? You were always just that to Jin, the typical childhood friend he wouldn't give up for anything in the world, but would never see as anything more.

A few months ago Jin started dating yet another girl, a certain Yeji, whom he had met in college.

You were starting to feel how awful it was to be just another friend, and you wanted to give it your last try before giving up forever with Jin and moving on with your life.

Cruel Summer | Maknae Line x fem!reader ♡ [947]

-> Summary: Reaction of the maknae line based on Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift.

Right Person, Wrong Time | Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader ♡ [3.3k]

-> Part of College!AU series.

-> Summary: Have you ever met a person who is just everything you thought you would want in this life? Someone who would make you feel dizzy every time your gazes crossed, who would make your legs stop working just with a kiss, someone who just by touching your hand would make the whole world spin and time around them stop.

You had done it, you had the chance to be with the one who probably could have been the love of your life, the person with whom you could have spent every second of your existence in this world, loving him, adoring him, feeling him.

You could have had everything at your feet, but life isn't roses; you won't always get what you want, you won't always have a happily ever after, and you knew that so damn well. Life was unfair, and it only took him forcing you to let go of Jeon Jungkook for you to realize that.

Request #16 | Jung Hoseok x fem!reader ♤

-> Part of College!AU series.

-> Summary: To be write.

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8 months ago
-> Guide:

-> Guide:

💕= Fluff

✨️= Smut

🥀= Angst

⚡️= Suggestive

-> Guide:

Enchanted [Hoseok x fem!reader]

-> Summary: A small drabble I wrote based on Enchanted by Taylor Swift ^^. As to give some context, Reader is younger sister of Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung, who in turn are children of the emperor and Jungkook is the son of a king.

Misunderstanding 🥀 [Taehyung x fem!reader]

-> Summary: It's basically your reaction to hearing about the dating rumours between Taehyung and Jennie while the two of you are still in a relationship. And obviously, he is trying to fix things as quickly as possible.

Call it what you want 💕 [Yoongi x Idol!reader]

-> Part of the activity of 300 followers. Based on CIWYW by Taylor Swift.

-> Guide:

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