Rock n roll fanKiss 5/07/23W.A.S.P. 19/03/23 18
143 posts
Livrandon2006 - L Blackie Lawless - Tumblr Blog
Blackie lawless , till lindemann , joe Elliott , Paul Stanley, Peter criss .
Reblog if you like waffles or if you want your 80s rock star crush to fuck you into next week

Taken by me Xx except for the first one my mum took that

New hair

CONNIE AND ME she’s so cute

l feel like till said to the makeup artist “ make me look like Madonna “

Why must l be small 😢l swear if l meet blackie lm gonna be so small next to him and probably would have to look up at him 😭😭
Hey, I saw you're really into Blacky Lawless and W.A.S.P! Do you have a recommendationa on how to start getting into the band? Like which album is the best in your opinion, if there are documentaries to watch about the band, which interviews are really interesting, etc... because I would love to get to know the band more but I don't know where to start :(
Hi yes lm a massive fan of blackie lawless and W.A.S.P. L unfortunately don’t know anything about starting a band , But l can answer your other question l first listened to first blood last cuts that’s a great album in fact every album is amazing , from what l know l don’t think there is any documentary’s of W.A.S.P. but any blackie lawless interview is great because l find his voice singing or not captivating
l saw W.A.S.P. in March so if you would like to know about their concerts or you can look at some pictures l took
Ps blackie and wasp / other bands have helped with my mental health blackie got me out of a dark place which lm still struggling with
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Will do

Got my nails done black, first time having acrylic nails
l want black and it don’t fade away -blackie lawless

l will do anything and l mean absolutely anything for this man l love him so much for god sake l kept screaming l love you blackie when l saw them back in March also thanks to blackie he helped me better person mentally and has made me get better ( lm still dealing with )

Some are present some l got myself
It’s my birthday in 2 days