lizardthemaggot - Call me Lizard or Liz
Call me Lizard or Liz

22 | F (she/her) | Digital Illustrator | Metalhead | MaggotI hate AJ Good

75 posts

Lizardthemaggot - Call Me Lizard Or Liz - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
If You See This On Your Dashboard, Reblog This, NO MATTER WHAT And All Your Dreams And Wishes Will Come

If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.

1 year ago

Bro imagine...

...if Craig left Slipknot and became one of the Nameless Ghouls.  A part of me likes to imagine he’d have a more unique mask to compared to the others, and maybe it would even have some spikes?  Idk that’d be crazy tho.

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1 year ago

I’m literally fucking devastated

First Aether gets sacked from Ghost all because of his conflicting tour schedule with one of his other bands, and now Craig is gone from Slipknot and has already been replaced by a new guy.  

I’m just at a complete loss for words.  So much has been going on in my life, but when I listened to their songs, and when I saw pictures and videos of these bands and these guys engaging in their goofy shenanigans and what not, it helped me forget about all the garbage in my life that felt out of my control.  They helped me escape reality for just a little bit, and it made me feel like things would be ok, or even better.  

Now it feels like both those things have been taken away from me by yet again more circumstances out of my control.  All of this is just almost too much to bear rn.  I’d like to think that this too shall pass, and afterwards I’ll just return to being fine again, but at this point idk if/when I’m gonna be fine again, cuz I’m certainly not fine atm.

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1 year ago
Vertical illustration, in predominantly ochre, yellow and brown tones, with the exception of a little blue on the floor.
A small red silhouette walks, torch in hand, along a sort of deep canion whose two sides are lined with a long row of giant silhouettes, statues or real skeletons?
All these great mummies are draped in long shrouds of the same yellow as the surrounding décor. Only their heads and build differentiate them. Some wear papal mitre-like, bearing the Ghost grucifix in different styles. In the row on the left, an arm is outstretched, from which hangs a chain and a grucifix.
Swarms of birds fly out of the sockets of some of the skulls.
The red silhouette represents Cardinal Copia in his cassock.
Close-up of part of the left-hand row, showing a mitre with a grucifix and the outstretched arm with the pendant.
Close up on the silhouette of the cardinal. He's still very small in this shot, given the gigantic silhouettes all around him.
He is holding a flaming torch in his left hand and seems to be looking up at the faces of the giants.
Close up on part of the right-hand row, where we can see different styles of Mitres and skull shapes, as well as the swarms of birds escaping from the orbits.

-the Weight of Legacy-

My second remake of a work by Beksiński. I love doing Ghost Beksiński crossovers so much, this certainly isn't my last.

I made this because today I was unable to make any progress on the commissions, a complete block, so I let off steam on this piece of work I'd left on hold in my WIP files.

Don’t forget that you can support me on Ko-fi.

1 year ago


Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats
Joey Jordison With Cats

joey jordison with cats

1 year ago
The Last Uno Night With The Emeritus Brothers.
The Last Uno Night With The Emeritus Brothers.

The last Uno night with the Emeritus brothers.

Congratulations, Papa Emeritus IV.

[My Socials] | [Prints]

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1 year ago

The blatant ableism some of you Joey fans have towards him and his Transverse Myelitis is really shocking.

How could u claim to love someone so much and then ignore/put down his struggles with a disease like that.

And the people who also ignore his looks after his weight gain? Shame on you honestly, because weight does not define someones attractiveness. He was handsome and beautiful until the end, and those who choose to ignore that, again, shame on you. You cant pick and choose. He is a human being too, and also: weight gain is quite normal during treatment for transverse myelitis, but even if it wasn't caused by that: It is none of our business!

He's not just some small bean for you to say "aw look he's so cute look at how tiny he is," then proceed to ignore him past the year 2013.

He was handsome and gorgeous until the very fuckin' end.

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1 year ago

Agreed 100%

can we agree that joey jordison

1 year ago
So Unwell For 2010 Joey I Swear, He Puts That Blue Eyeshadow On And My Brain Goes Ooga Booga

So unwell for 2010 joey I swear, he puts that blue eyeshadow on and my brain goes ooga booga

1 year ago
Happy Birthday To Joey!

Happy birthday to Joey!

Almost forgot it?!?

1 year ago
Popia Ref Sheet, This One Was Fun! Ill Probably Draw Him In A Completely Different Way In A Couple Of
Popia Ref Sheet, This One Was Fun! Ill Probably Draw Him In A Completely Different Way In A Couple Of
Popia Ref Sheet, This One Was Fun! Ill Probably Draw Him In A Completely Different Way In A Couple Of

Popia “ref sheet”, this one was fun! I’ll probably draw him in a completely different way in a couple of weeks tho lol

1 year ago
Oh My God, I'm So Tired Of Drawing Him, But It Was Worth It":)
Oh My God, I'm So Tired Of Drawing Him, But It Was Worth It":)

–Oh my god, I'm so tired of drawing him, but it was worth it":)

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1 year ago
Nahhh Totally Didn't End Up Putting This One Off For Like Two Months Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Anyways Here's

Nahhh totally didn't end up putting this one off for like two months nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Anyways here's the second installation of my Bisexual Lighting Series with none other than Joey!!!  You will always be number 1 in my heart  🖤🖤🖤

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2 years ago
After A Little Over A Month Of Putting This Off, This Here Is My First Installation Of My Bisexual Lighting

After a little over a month of putting this off, this here is my first installation of my Bisexual Lighting Series, and what better way to start this off than with my favorite Slipknot member wearing one of my favorite masks of his!  I'm really happy with how this piece turned out, especially with me having recently switched to a new art program.  I couldn't be happier with the results! More pieces like this to come!

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2 years ago

To the army of thot bots that randomly decided to follow my account

Why tf would you follow an account that is only semi-active (I usually just post my art on here then fuck off again for a few weeks) and expect to get *any* sort of response in a reasonable amount of time I’m also broke as hell lmfao fuck off I ain’t payin u fake hoes shit ALSO also do y’all scammers really expect mfs to fall for ur blatant scam with ur empty ass profiles like if ur gonna try and get some money from ppl at least make *some effort* to seem legit besides putting some chick from the first page of google images as ur profile pic lmfaooooo

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2 years ago
Just Who Could This Mysterious Madman Be???Not Dead Yet. Still Working On Art. More To Come.

Just who could this mysterious madman be??? Not dead yet.  Still working on art.  More to come.

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2 years ago
Asidro Is A Submissive And Docile Little Fae Which More Powerful And Dominating Dragons Use As Their

Asidro is a submissive and docile little fae which more powerful and dominating dragons use as their own personal "butler." Typically they’ll assign Asidro with more menial tasks such as cleaning or running some sort of errand.  When alone and not being given any tasks, they will typically curl up into a tiny ball and cry themselves to sleep, trying to forget the abuse their father put them through as a hatchling. I've been making art I swear, and I promise more will come; it's just that most of my art projects I've been working on are more personal projects which I'd rather not post.

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3 years ago
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! 

 Here's part 4 of a project I've been working on off and on.  Actually finished this at the beginning of the month but hey, what a better way to celebrate my fav holiday than by posting some artwork of my fav skelly?

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3 years ago
CW: EYEBLEEDING COLORSNothing Much To See Here; Just Lizard Being Her Usual, Obnoxious Gay Self. Ideally

CW: EYEBLEEDING COLORS Nothing much to see here; just Lizard being her usual, obnoxious gay self. Ideally I wanted to replicate this pose; but after struggling for a while using both the image and a model I attempted to pose I just kinda gave up.  Also recently finished another piece so I might post that soon.

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3 years ago
Drew This Back In Like March Lmfao.Not Posting My February Art For Reasons. You'd Know If You Followed

Drew this back in like March lmfao. Not posting my February art for reasons.  You'd know if you followed me on Twitter where I'm usually a bit more active.

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3 years ago
Uploading This Before Its Too Late. Also Damn How Is It 4/20 Again Already? Anyways Here's Ya Boi Weed

Uploading this before its too late.  Also damn how is it 4/20 again already?  Anyways here's ya boi weed wolf at it again on this great holiday. I'll upload the shit I drew back in like February and March sometime I swear.

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4 years ago
This Is Part Two Of A Drawing Project Where I Create Manga-style Illustrations With The Music I Listen

This is part two of a drawing project where I create manga-style illustrations with the music I listen to as my main inspirations for the subjects.  Tried something a bit different this time and I think it looks good (besides the blatant shit image compression of course but whatever). Reference Image

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