llamaisllama777 - LLAMAISLLAMA777

206 posts




Dazz got her new body, and she is... ADORABLE! This is one of the cutest designs I have seen on this show. She's also basically been adopted by Sun, but also not really. The point is that she lives with them all now, and that makes me happy 😊 she's also gonna help Sun and Moon in the daycare. YAY! Plus, I'm sure Fazbear should be happy. Free child labor. This company really stinks. But I think we all need to pay attention to Dazzle's old body, Moon seemed interested in it like there was something about it, something odd/off. That may come into play later. Also Moon, buddy,....


what do you mean "not my problem"?

What until he finds out Ruin betrayed them... again.


First, Dazz gets her new body and a new home, and now Molten is starting to become his own person... animatronic? Point is he's almost free almost. Molten looks so happy to be free. This episode also did reinforce my hatred for Creator he needs to die. The lore we got on Molten was interesting he's basically a living portal! That is stinkin' awesome! Plus, if he's on their side now, he could come in handy when this all goes to poop.

I'm happy for the guy.

And last but definitely not least...



I really loved this episode and how everyone bounced off each other in this episode. I'm happy for all the actors,editor(s), writer(s) etc...involved.

Some fun things we learned in this episode...


Vageta works for the I.R.S and has been helping Monty for years to avoid paying taxes. 👍 the family that crimes together, stays together.

F.C. knows about the show The Boys! And his currently favorite show is Gen v

F.C. plays Gta v

Monty is very proud of Vageta! Yay!

F.C. hates the British... don't invite Michael over.

Judging from Puppet's reaction, I'm guessing that was Foxy's first time calling her babe! Cute.

Puppet still kinda considers Jack her kid. Puppet, you got a weird family tree.

Foxy would not love Puppet if she was a worm! 😧

And most funny to me

Freddy may not know that one of his best friends is DATING his Mom! Oh boy, that's gonna be a fun interaction

Freddy: THAT'S MY MOM!😠

Foxy: * Nervous laughter *

Puppet: Freddy, stop threatening your maybe, possibly, step-dad.


I NEED that interaction, SO BAD!

Pretty happy day all things considered 👏 👏 👏 😊


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More Posts from Llamaisllama777

7 months ago



First one up Monty and Foxy show....

OH MY GOHS!!!!!!!

This episode was crazy! Charlie is still very in danger! Puppetmaster is still on the loose, and we may lose Foxy AND Puppet soon. Maybe we will have to see how this plays out, but from what Foxy said, if Puppet has to leave this dimension, he will go with her, which is actually kinda cute. He's willing to leave his entire dimension to be with her. Aw.

Vageta came in handy here. Vageta, you have earned even more of my respect and are slowly becoming one of my favorite characters.



Did puppetmaster...? Or is this something else?!

We got to wait till tomorrow to find out!


On a lighter note... WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOME DAZZLE! It's gonna be fun having Dazzle live with them now. Sun still feels very guilty for what happened for Dazzle to become like this. And I can't disagree with him. He is basically responsible for her being dead. Even though it wasn't him or his fault, he still feels responsible.



Not gonna lie. This was a fun episode.

Just your basic Q&N. I hope we get more of these like one for Moon, Earth, and Lunar, maybe even Jack or Eclipse? I love it when we get to see into the characters' thoughts and their takes on things. Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica did one of these today too. GO WATCH IT! 👉

Only if you want tho.

One thing that Sun said that kinda made me sad was when Someone asked what type of person Sun would like to date and he said because their lives are always in danger of being killed by the Creator or Fazbear or some other danger that having a relationship is kinda pointless plus he said they could get kidnapped or be used to hurt Sun in some way. I mean, he's not wrong, but... I don't know it just feels sad. Monty and Earth are in a relationship and while yes they know there is always the chance one of them could get hurt or kidnapped they don't let that stop them from being in a relationship and it shouldn't stop Sun! He should be able to have a relationship with someone without the fear of them getting hurt. Hopefully, one day, he can.

11/10! ✨️ 😲

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7 months ago



Guess who's back! Back again! Guess who's back! Tell a frie... okay enough, Eminem references. Nebula is back! It's been a good while since we last saw her. Seriously, when was the last time we saw her? So, apparently, she's been watching Lunar these past few weeks, keeping taps on him for the Astrals. She did calm some of my fears of when Taurus arrives, he won't IMMEDIATELY try and kill Lunar, he needs a reason to. If Lunar doesn't give him one, he's good. So, Lunar did kinda win the trial. Hopefully, Taurus will listen to the Astrals rules and not try anything sneaky. Still very weary of Taurus, tho and my dislike of the Astrals only grows cause apparently they have BANNED Nebula from talking to Earth! What the butt!? I mean I kinda get it, Earth is too close to this and Nebula talking with her especially during this time complicates things so I get it but still, it just unfair Earth can't hang out with her friend hopefully we can fix that soon also, Earth is singing open arms from Epic the musical! I LOVE EPIC!

Nebula, it was great seeing you again. I hope you can help us if poop hits the fan.


Moon answers YOUR questions! Ya! I love this thumbnail, and also, giving Moon a turtle neck was just a genius idea! Seriously, this design is perfect! So, a lot of fun questions were asked here like apparently Moon really likes sea animals, hasn't tried ramen yet, and he says if him and Monty worked together constantly their is a likely chance one of them would kill the other or they would destroy the world... so good to know. Moon also says he hopes to take a LONG vacation with Sun when all this Star power/Dark Sun/Nexus/Wither shard business is done and over with, and honestly, they deserve it! I hope they take a vacation they could use it. Moon is still hating on Nexus and his name, which I loved that I need Moon and Nexus to hurl insults at each other. I need that so, BADLY! Again, you know I love these types of episodes and hope we may get one for Solar if he comes back and hopefully one for Eclipse... speaking of Eclipse..


R.I.P Monty and Foxy show, Hello Eclipse and Puppet show! It's official Puppet, and the family are moving to that new dimension and Eclipse and Puppet are taking over the channel. So,guess Monty borrowed the retirement idea from Foxy and is just gonna chill and pop in the LAES and TSAMS good for them. The ending with Monty and Foxy was cute. They started the show HATING the other and only becoming friends cause Monty bashed Foxy's head in, but now they really are true friends, I'm gonna miss having them interact 🤧 I'm sorry... I need a minute. Monty even gave Foxy a USB sticks one with Foxy's old memories, and Foxy trashed it cause he's happy with the new him... I love that so stinkin MUCH! That's character development right there 👏

I feel bad for Eclipse, tho. Signed a contract he can't get out of. I honestly wouldn't blame Eclipse if he turned evil again cause of this little stunt Puppet pulled, but hey, at least Puppet hated having to do that, so that's something. Also, Francis is gonna follow Puppet and the others to that other dimension. 😃 I feel bad for them.

Wow, a lot of things happened today.. wow.

I thank God that these shows exist!

I'm serious. I really do love these shows, Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine THANK YOU for all you and the others do. I hope you guys know we all love these shows and you guys.

Goodbye MGAFS,and hello EAPS!

12/10 👏 🎊👏🎊👏

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7 months ago



I really love these Q and A videos they've been doing lately. A lot of interesting questions were asked in this episode, and two things I want to talk about that were brought up

1. Monty

2. Nexus

Monty treats Earth like a princess, and that is adorable! Monty does really love Earth, and it shows. Monty, yes, has his flaws (and crimes). Earth admits it as much, but when push comes to shove, Monty is a good person. He loves Earth and her family and wants to keep them safe. When poo hits the fan, Monty is there to help the family. He's the only one who is on Moon's level of intelligence next to Eclipse. He's Lunar's best bud next to his brothers and he is willing to risk bringing the wrath of the Astrals down on himself just to help and protect Lunar, and while yes, Monty and Sun have and probably will continue to butt heads, he loves that family TO DEATH! He shows he loves them and would do anything for them. Monty really has changed since the beginning of the show.

Now, onto Nexus...

Nexus, look, I'm sorry for what you went through. Losing Solar like that was hard, and I get it you were grieving. Everyone was grieving, and when you found a way to bring back Solar, you all jumped at that. And you felt a lot of pressure to bring him back not just for your sake but for them and also feeling pressured by Old Moon to "Protect the family" and "Do what it takes to keep them happy" you were under a lot of pressure I get it and you probably feel betrayed by them... but Nexus, you betrayed them first. You complained that Earth wasn't helping. She offered you help, but you rejected it! She asked multiple times. "Are you okay?" And you said "ya." Which was a lie. Even during family therapy, you lied and said you were okay. You weren't. You were willing to go behind everyone's backs and kill someone to bring Solar back. That's not okay. Even if it was a bad person like Ruin or Bloodmoon, that's still not good. Plus, you don't even know if Solar wants to come, and you forcing back to life in such a way probably wouldn't have gone over well. And when they all try to tell you that you are going over the deep end, you pushed them farther away, saying you don't care. And then after, they are forced to lock you in a cell to stop you from doing something stupid that you will regret look I get it you felt betrayed but Sun didn't mean to leave you in that cell for that long he got sucked into another universe and had to deal with Joker from Persona. He was gonna come back sooner, Nexus, he was. And then you get the idea to be the villain cause they are treating you like one.. Nexus, they aren't treating you like the villain, they were trying to stop you from doing something stupid. Then you go and try to kill Bloodmoon and are willing to let YOUR OWN SISTER die just so you can destroy Ruin and Bloodmoon. That's not right! And you act like you got betrayed? Buddy, YOU BETRAYED THEM FIRST!!!!!!! They didn't abandon you and try to kill you. They extend the olive branch to help you and help you work through your problems, but YOU said no. Not them. You went off the deep end and were going to do something the family wouldn't like, and something they knew wouldn't be good/would hurt you. They were trying to protect you cause you were their family, but you didn't care. You tried to kill your own sister. You called her "collateral." That is not cool. Whatever is making you out like this, maybe it's a shard of a Wither storm making you act like this, or maybe there is some chip in you making you like this, or maybe you did just snap but whatever the reason everything you did was not okay. You hurt your family, and depending on if this is really all Nexus' actions or he's being influenced by something will determine if he deserves some forgiveness or not.

If he is influenced by something, then ya, you deserve some forgiveness

But if this is just all him, then Nexus, you deserve NO forgiveness. You hurt your family, you tried to kill your own sister, and that is something that is hard to forgive. Don't expect them to cause no one would blame them for not forgiving him. No one like that deserves forgiveness.

Also fact I learned about Earth. Her favorite Mlp character is Fluttershy, same as Moon.


Well, Sun finally gets to relax... can't say the same for Moon tho.

Emperor Eclipse has re-entered the building yall!

So, Nexus is sending drones to Emperor Eclipse's dimension and Dark Sun has sent spies there to find the Wither shard, and now Moon and Emperor Eclipse have made a deal to help each other get rid of Nexus and Dark Sun. Add another ally to the list. Emperor Eclipse will be a very helpful ally, but he is an Eclipse, especially an Eclipse that won, so keep an eye on him.

Emperor Eclipse is actually kinda menacing, I don't know why? Maybe it's just the fact he won in his universe or his dimension or just his presence it scares me.


Eclipse and Puppet look super cute in the thumbnail! I'm sorry just had to say that.

So,Eclipse has been doing some dimensional tinder hunting and stumbled upon a new universe that spawned from the destruction of the 5,000 universes that Ruin destroyed. So this universe is like a patch-job universe. A universe made up of bits and pieces of the universes that got destroyed. So, in this universe, Roxy isn't around she was discontinued by the company, and Foxy took her place in this universe. Sun and Moon aren't separated yet in this universe, they might not even be the daycare attendent here? Freddy might not exist in this universe, and Henry might own Fazbear in this universe, not William. Also, Monty still exists in this universe. You can't escape him, Eclipse.

Puppet seems to like this place, Eclipse seems to like it too. So, it seems like Eclipse, Puppet, Foxy, and F.C. Will be leaving soon. What will become of the channel? Will Monty have to find a new co-host? Will Puppet and Eclipse take over the channel? Also, Puppet mentioned that if they take F.C. the Astrals may come after them. So, that might be a problem.

Good news Solar is coming back soon! 👍 😃

So, all and all awesome episodes, I loved all of them. The LAES one was cute, TSAMS gives us some more allies, and MGAFS gives us a look at a universe we may see a lot of soon.

11/10 👏 👏 👏

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