Dazzle - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
D..DAZZLE IS A JULY 16th VICTIM?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

D..DAZZLE IS A JULY 16th VICTIM?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

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8 months ago

Episode review! πŸ‘

Episode Review!

Dazz and Jack are just amazing friends, and I love their dynamic, Jack being jealous over Sun's friendship with Dazz was hilarious to watch also...

Jack got his tiny wings back!

I love how creepy Jack was being.

Also possible issue they let Neptor * COUGH! * Traitor * COUGH! * near computer... that might be a problem. Keep an eye on that if computer starts acting off or weird, we know why.

Episode Review!

"First you break into my house, then you come to my place of work, and then you tell me you have a bounty hunter?!"

Yep. πŸ‘ Seeing Moon and Ruin work together is neat! I can tell Moon REALLY wants to strangle Ruin. (Honestly, can you blame him?) Ruin also isn't at all sorry the death of trillions ( On the one hand, I get he thinks he did the right thing, but on the other... YOU KILLED TRILLIONS! You should be sorry, but he's not.) Ruin,buddy, I want to like you, but you make comments like that, and it makes it hard to root for you. Watching Ruin have to carry Molten was funny, and hearing Moon say, "Did I stutter?" Was the cherry on top.🀣 a little karma for what Ruin did.

Episode Review!


He finally got that new body, and he looks sick!

I'm happy for him but one thing I want to ask

Did anyone else think or feel that Monty was a little saddened or disappointed that he couldn't be the one to finish Foxy's new suit? Maybe I'm reading into things, but I feel like he's a little disappointed and maybe a bit jealous? Or I am completely reading into this. Also, Foxy and F.C. have swords now. Swords.

F.c. has a stinkin' sword!

Who gave him a sword?!

10/10! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

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8 months ago



Dazz got her new body, and she is... ADORABLE! This is one of the cutest designs I have seen on this show. She's also basically been adopted by Sun, but also not really. The point is that she lives with them all now, and that makes me happy 😊 she's also gonna help Sun and Moon in the daycare. YAY! Plus, I'm sure Fazbear should be happy. Free child labor. This company really stinks. But I think we all need to pay attention to Dazzle's old body, Moon seemed interested in it like there was something about it, something odd/off. That may come into play later. Also Moon, buddy,....


what do you mean "not my problem"?

What until he finds out Ruin betrayed them... again.


First, Dazz gets her new body and a new home, and now Molten is starting to become his own person... animatronic? Point is he's almost free almost. Molten looks so happy to be free. This episode also did reinforce my hatred for Creator he needs to die. The lore we got on Molten was interesting he's basically a living portal! That is stinkin' awesome! Plus, if he's on their side now, he could come in handy when this all goes to poop.

I'm happy for the guy.

And last but definitely not least...



I really loved this episode and how everyone bounced off each other in this episode. I'm happy for all the actors,editor(s), writer(s) etc...involved.

Some fun things we learned in this episode...


Vageta works for the I.R.S and has been helping Monty for years to avoid paying taxes. πŸ‘ the family that crimes together, stays together.

F.C. knows about the show The Boys! And his currently favorite show is Gen v

F.C. plays Gta v

Monty is very proud of Vageta! Yay!

F.C. hates the British... don't invite Michael over.

Judging from Puppet's reaction, I'm guessing that was Foxy's first time calling her babe! Cute.

Puppet still kinda considers Jack her kid. Puppet, you got a weird family tree.

Foxy would not love Puppet if she was a worm! 😧

And most funny to me

Freddy may not know that one of his best friends is DATING his Mom! Oh boy, that's gonna be a fun interaction

Freddy: THAT'S MY MOM!😠

Foxy: * Nervous laughter *

Puppet: Freddy, stop threatening your maybe, possibly, step-dad.


I NEED that interaction, SO BAD!

Pretty happy day all things considered πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 😊


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11 months ago
Here Is My Attempt At Making Dazzle In Gacha! With No Other Reference To Influence My Design For Her,

Here is my attempt at making Dazzle in gacha! With no other reference to influence my design for her, I think they turn out wonderfulβ™‘

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9 years ago
Today It Was Actually Cold Enough To Enjoy Warm Apple Cider And Wearing Sweaters!

Today it was actually cold enough to enjoy warm apple cider and wearing sweaters!

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8 months ago

"I'm Sorry."

"I'm Sorry."

(Tumblr, i swear to fucking god, 25MB is not that much.)

anyway- i am slowly catching up with all the art i just suddenly am getting dumped with on. there's just so much happening--- and i wanna do so much like omg-

anyway trauma ✨

[EP: Dazzle Reveals The TRUTH in VRChat (LAES)]

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7 months ago

You can never have too many friendship bracelets

You Can Never Have Too Many Friendship Bracelets

(Tumblr it's 22MB why u gotta be sucha bitch about it- i swear to Monty-)

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6 months ago

Here's to my fav comfort show that brings me nothing but tears and heartache for a year round already <3

Here's To My Fav Comfort Show That Brings Me Nothing But Tears And Heartache For A Year Round Already

yeah, that took a little while and was a pain. i take back every positive thing i ever said about shading. hate that.

we've got the entire celestial family +lovers and also Solarmoon hinted in the bg bc try and stop me.

textless and one with a filter bc vibe

Here's To My Fav Comfort Show That Brings Me Nothing But Tears And Heartache For A Year Round Already
Here's To My Fav Comfort Show That Brings Me Nothing But Tears And Heartache For A Year Round Already

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5 months ago

"My Beast."

"My Beast."

ok so, ik he's a worm, but- over on this blog we follow the 'Rez is a snake' hc supremacy.

bc worms disgust me. and while it's a cool thought to think of a planet like a rotten apple and him a worm u can also just go normally w/ venom and make him a venomous snake

also bc snakes r cute, cool, hot, awesome, hell like i'm gonna miss out on the opportunity of drawing a snek char (semi) consistently.

no txt under

"My Beast."

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10 months ago
Source By MR__icky

source by MR__icky

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7 months ago

"Lunar's SECRET PLAN" Episode! (Me Gushing Over an LAES Episode)

MY GOD, I ADORED today's episode of the Lunar and Earth show. Dazzle being a helpful bean, Sun being a big brother (no pun intended), Earth being a goofball, Lunar being a lit--UH, I mean, fun-sized trickster grump, GIANTS IN THE DAYCARE--I LOVE IT!

And I thought Lunar and Earth helping Sun with his goose magic was funny! Earth's "sibling dynamic" line is so true. It's practically her catchphrase by now, but I sure ain't complainin'! :D

Lunar actually did fool me the first time he did the thing when they were by the ball pit. I didn't even realize he did it again before it became obvious. I'm around 5' 2'' years so I can relate to Lunar's frustration, but if we're small then WE ARE GOING TO BE PROUD OF IT, DAMMIT! And he DID have a bit of a sense of humor about it, mimicking the Jaws theme when in the ball pit after Earth pointed out that only the top of his head was visible.

And MY GOD, Sun/Happy Boy was SUCH a butt of a big brother. XD It was freaking funny how merciless he was with the teasing. I mean, he started it around less than one minute into the video! Maybe he was a bit mean, but he was genuinely apologetic when he thought he went too far.

It was nice that Sun was having a good day, joking and laughing. I mean, he was ACTUALLY laughing, not just wheezing or huffing a few times. I'm super proud of him. His problems and trauma aren't over, but he's still come a long way.

NOW FOR EARTH: I LOVE Earth's sense of humor. I love how hammy and silly she is, first was the whole "L-L-L-L-LUNAAAR~!" from the last laes lore episode, then today it was her "I have been learning PROOOGRAMMING!"

I wish I was half as confident as she is about putting the energy into the silliness. It's in my range of humor, and sometimes I can be hammy in front of others but I can also backtrack. I just get worried people think it's stupid instead of silly and that I'm being stupid. I just need people who I trust to really know me, I guess.


I thought of a good nickname for Lunar: BLUEBERRY MOONCAKE!

If you don't know what a mooncake is... it's banned in several countries so that's understandable.

Finally Dazzle--sweet baby girl. She went from throwing a toy in Lunar's face because it was funny to offering to find that FREAKIN' DONUT THING, WHICH COULD'E BEEN LITERALLY ANYWHERE IN THAT WAREHOUSE-SIZED ROOM. She's definitely learning stuff from Sun, and he already trusts her enough to let her find it on her own. Yes he goes to help her at the end BUT YOU CAN'T DENY HOW CUTE THEIR BOND IS!

And now... quoting this genuinely wonderful exchange:

Lunar: I don't even know how I can hear you right now.

Earth: It's because I'm YELLING~!

Lunar: ...FAIR ENOUGH!


Lunar: NO!

Earth: SO WE'RE COOL!?

Lunar: YEP~!

Earth: OKAY~!

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5 years ago
Hhhhmmm. What Do You Think?

Hhhhmmm. What do you think?

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1 year ago
Dota 2 - Cheat Death

Dota 2 - Cheat Death

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1 year ago
Dota 2 - Healing Lotus

Dota 2 - Healing Lotus

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