lokismoldertongue - Loki Smoldertongue
Loki Smoldertongue

"Gentleman by Day, Dreamer Philosopher by Night, Pervert by Choice, Rebel Artist by Fate." Thespian/Cat lover/Environmentalist/Writer/Digital Artist/Master Chef/Vampire ☮️😎www.Instagram.com/@rebel.artist_byfate

491 posts

You Forget, My Pet, That I Have Been Nothing If Not Benevolent. I Have Yet To Deny You Of Pleasure, But

You Forget, My Pet, That I Have Been Nothing If Not Benevolent. I Have Yet To Deny You Of Pleasure, But

“You forget, my pet, that I have been nothing if not benevolent. I have yet to deny you of pleasure, but that does not mean that I will not do so.” #picoftheday #personalquote #pervertbychoice #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #wordporn #lokistyle #godofmischief #hiddlestoner #badass #naughtyking #confessionsofapervert #masochisticlion #gentlemanstyle #gentstagram #gentstyle #diablo #afashionado #angelordevil #thedevilsinthedetails #talldarkandhandsome #therebelinmewillneverdie #naughtybynature4ever #saturdayfunday #midnightconfessions #lustanddesire #lokisdirtywhispers #silvertongue

  • bleubourbon
    bleubourbon liked this · 6 years ago

More Posts from Lokismoldertongue

6 years ago
Beauty Is The First Glimpse Of The Divine. Wherever You See Beauty, Remember You Are On Holy Ground.

“Beauty is the first glimpse of the divine. Wherever you see beauty, remember you are on holy ground. God is close.” ~ Osho #picoftheday #personalart #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #artistsoninstagram #hiddlestoner #smoldertongue #gentstyle #gentslounge #beautiful_world #beautifulplaces #prague #praguebynight #cityphotography #andrewsmolderphotography #philosopherspath #nightcruising #freedom (at Prague, Czech Republic)

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6 years ago
#repostingagoodone "Each Time A Man Looks Into Your Eyes, He Is Only Searching To Find Himself; For He

#repostingagoodone "Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he knows already, that he is part of you." #picoftheday #blueeyes #personalquote #thranduilcosplay #artwork #painting #digitalart #deviantart #artistsoninstagram #andrewsmolderartworks #blondeloki #elvishking #throwbackpic #lokistyle #digitalartist #deviantartist #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #flashbackwednesday #lokistyle

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6 years ago
#repostingjustbecauseilikeit I Enjoy The Night, The Darkness, Where I Can Do Things That Aren't Acceptable

#repostingjustbecauseilikeit “I enjoy the night, the darkness, where I can do things that aren't acceptable in the light... I'm the gentleman who will claim you the way you have always dreamt of being claimed. When I tell you clearly, that you are mine … You will not only know it, but your soul will feel it.” #lokisilvertongue #picoftheday #personalquote #tomhiddleston #lokisdirtywhispers #smolderpoetry #artistsoninstagram #hiddlestoner #godofmischief #darlingmemes #gentstyle #gentlemenstyle #writersofinstagram #nightlife #nightconversations #smoothtalker #goodnight #smoldertongue #lokistyle #badassstyle #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilsinthedetails #diablo #afashionado

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6 years ago

#repostingagoodone "I am a tale, a book, written in different languages and styles..I can’t be read, can’t be understood..I preach darkness. I don't inspire hope, I control the shadows. They do not control me. It's up to you to find the light in my words." P.S. You still think I’m dead?😏😈#personalquote #smoldertongue #lokisilvertongue #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #hiddlestoner #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #gentstyle #gentstagram #gentlemanstyle #poetsofig #badass #devilwithblueeyes #devilwithin #seductionofsouls #souleater #thedevilneverlookedsogood #thedevilhasstyle #classy #elegance #gentleman #smolderstyle #artwork #artistsoninstagram #thedevilsinthedetails #talldarkandhandsome #andrewsmolderartworks

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6 years ago
#repostinganoldedit There's Always 2 Sides Of Everyone...the Devil & The Angel. The Question Is Who's

#repostinganoldedit There's always 2 sides of everyone...the Devil & the Angel. The question is who's who? #picoftheday #personalquote #pervertbychoice #godofmischief #angelanddevil #diablo #deviantart #digitalart #digitalartist #deviantartist #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #artwork #repostingagoodone #flashbackwednesday #throwbackpic #lokistyle #legendary #andrewsmolderartworks

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