Smolderstyle - Tumblr Posts

“I’ve seen the way you look at me, eyes darkening, a perfect blush breaking over your skin. You think of me often when you are alone, don’t you? You think of how tormenting my touch would be. How delightful it would be to have me fill you. You dream of me until a name is gasping from your throat in a torrent of mews; the name of Loki.” #personalquote #personalart #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #godofmischief #lokiedit #snakegod #naughtyking #artwork #digitalart #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilsinthedetails #digitalartist #lokistyle #jotunloki #pervertbychoice #rightfulkingofjotunheim
“Do you know what I would do to you? I wouldn’t even touch you; not at first. I would bring you to arousal by whispering in your ear as you lay before me. Once you had reached that point, only then would I begin to touch you. But I would not finish you. No, you would have to beg me to even go near your womanhood. When I do take you, you will never be the same. You will worship me by giving me your body.” #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #godofmischief #lokistyle #snakegod #pervertbychoice #talldarkandhandsome #thedevilsinthedetails #badass #lokisarmy #hiddlesarmy #thespian #hiddleston #intheendyouwillalwayskneel #cravesubjugation #wordporn
“Rain is falling and I’m standing here alone Rain is falling and my heart is turned to stone. No more dreaming, nothing left to do I’m just losing you... What a pity when there’s nothing left to say, What a pity you just turned and run away No more stories this is how is got to be Nothing left to me...” #personalquote #personalart #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #smolderpoetry #tomhiddleston #tomhiddlestonedit #artwork #hiddleston #thespian #writersofinstagram #hiddlestoner #artistsoninstagram #betrayal #rainisfalling #loveisaflamethatcantbetamed #lostlovequotes #betrayalbwy #hiddlesarmy #godofmischief #lokisarmy #missingyou #thinkingabouther #daydreamernightthinker #philosopherspath #wickedgame
Loki (undercover in NY): I feel like I’m ready for any dangerous situation that might come my way, provided I have the Tesseract on me. P.S. What happens in NY, on Broadway... #personalquote #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #tomhiddleston #tomhiddlestonedit #digitalartist #lokisarmy #lokistyle #godofmischief #hiddleston #hiddlesarmy #funnymeme #talldarkandhandsome #pervertbychoice #jonathanpine #hiddlestoner #betrayalbwy #betrayalbroadway #thespian #thedevilsinthedetails #wheninnewyork #gentsstyle #hiddleseffect (at Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre)

“To trust is a profound commitment, and to trust is to make oneself vulnerable...because you’re putting your faith in the hands of someone or something which you expect to remain constant, even if the circumstances change...I think about certainty and uncertainty. Trust is a way of managing uncertainty. It’s a way of finding security in saying, ‘Perhaps all of this is uncertain, but I trust you.’ Or, ‘I trust this.’ And there’s a lot of uncertainty in the world at the moment, so it becomes harder to trust, I suppose.” P.S. If I trust you, don’t make me regret it! #quotestoliveby #tomhiddleston #thespian #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #personalart #tomhiddlestonedit #artwork #digitalartist #digitalart #smolderstyle #godofmischief #betrayalbwy #betrayal #nytimesinterview #hiddleston #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #betrayaltomhiddleston #hiddlesedit #thethrillisgone #betrayalbroadway #talldarkandhandsome #trustquotes

“If you’ve seen the present, you’ve seen all things, from time immemorial into all of eternity. For everything that happens is related and the same...Although you can’t change the past, but you can improve your future by doing the best you can in the present.” Done this one for @ravenrebelpoet friend, @detectiverenner 😎 #personalart #personalquote #artwork #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #smolderstyle #smoldertongue #digitalartist #digitalart #chrisevans #scarlettjohansson #jeremyrenner #elizabetholsen #captainamerica #scarletwitch #hawkeye #blackwidow #natasharomanoff #wandamaximoff #clintbarton #steverogers #marvelfanart #marvelfan #avengersendgame #captainamericaedit #marveledit #hawkeyeedit #blackwidowedit #scarletwitchedit #endgameedit

“What happened to us? She was lightning and I was thunder, but the timing was always slightly off...Now I’m sad and have a passion for the unknown, and distant places. I want to see the world. And I would love it, if I just had the chance to get away for a little while. But sadly, things aren’t that easy; desire won’t change a thing...” #personalquote #personalart #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #thespian #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #hiddleston #hiddlestoner #betrayal #betterlove #poeticsoul #godofmischief #blackandwhitephotography #digitalart #digitalartist #lokisarmy #hiddlesarmy #betrayalbwy #betrayalbroadway #confessionsofapoeticsoul #lostlovequotes #beyondtheinvisible #sadnessquote #wanderer #philosopherspath
Sky is not a limit for me; because I have no limit for myself in life. Because life is a world full of risk taking and possibilities. No matter how hard or easy life is; I will always find a way to enjoy myself; even in the mist of circumstances; because problems is a sense of adventure in sheep's clothing. #personalquote #artistsoninstagram #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #tomhiddleston #godofmischief #lokistyle #motivation #gentstyle #nolimit #nevergiveup #philosopherspath #confessionsofapoeticsoul #limitless #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #besmart #believeinyourself

“To see is to devour...I suppose I’m fascinated by the private vulnerability and the exterior of people. I think that’s an essential truth. I sort of quite like trying to find what makes people tick behind the construction of their identity.” P.S. Don’t threat if I’m gonna burn this place down!🔥🔥Hehehe...😏 #personalquote #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #personalart #smolderstyle #artistsoninstagram #lokistyle #godofmischief #lokisarmy #confessionsofapoeticsoul #snakegod #talldarkandhandsome #philosopherspath #digitalart #digitalartist #rebelartistbyfate #pervertbychoice #gentsstyle #gentleman
You already know that I love cake, @hiddleston.pine.and.more but I’m not here just for the sweet treats or the birthday cake.😎Your birthday celebration is one I wouldn’t want to miss because you are a special person to me – I hope you know that.😘Have a blissful and blessed birthday!🍾🎉🎁 #personalquote #happybirthday #birthdaywishes #tomhiddleston #smolderstyle #artistsoninstagram #smoldertongue #talldarkandhandsome #tomhiddlestonedit #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #writersofinstagram #gentstyle #friendship #cakelover

“I will do nothing that you do not wish me to. But keep in mind, Midgardian, that these hands and this silver tongue are capable of making you wish for much.” #personalart #personalquote #tomhiddlestonedit #artistsoninstagram #newartwork #digitalart #writersofinstagram #digitalartist #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #lokiedit #godofmischief #lokisarmy #tomhiddleston #talkdarkandhandsome #hiddlesarmy #drloki #lokiday #lokiseries

I’m fascinated by the private vulnerability and the exterior of people. I think that’s an essential truth. I sort of quite like trying to find what makes people tick behind the construction of their identity.#personalquote #personalart #artistsoninstagram #digitalartist #smolderstyle #writersofinstagram #smoldertongue #godofmischief #lokiedit #tomhiddlestonedit #tomhiddleston #talldarkandhandsome #badass #gentsstyle #loki #pervertbychoice #twhiddleston #rebelartistbyfate #thespian #philosopherspath #gentlemanstyle #knowledgeispower #beevil #everyvillainisaheroinhisownmind #hiddlesarmy #britsplaythebestvillains #lokisarmy

“Let me tease you, pleasure you, fulfill your every desire. Let me bite your neck softly as I enter your warm depths. Ask for more, I shall give you more. I want to make you sweat profusely, want to make you call out to your king, want to make you create those little noises that make me feel so powerful. And when I’m done with you, when you’re too tired to speak, I shall scoop you into my arms and hold you until I can feel your warm breath against my chest, dreaming about my touch.” #personalart #personalquote #smoldertongue #smolderstyle #tomhiddlestonedit #writersofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #tomhiddleston #digitalart #digitalartist #loki #godofmischief #lokiedit #talldarkandhandsome #gentstyle #pervertbychoice #naughtygod #lokisarmy #hiddlesarmy #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #sharpdressedman #thespian #wordporn #lokiswhispers #seizethenight #carpenoctem #nightconfessions #betweenlightanddark #lust
"In the stillness of headstones,
Darkness is my blanket.
And forever is my song.
In the arms of stone angels, I'm not afraid.
Because finally and completely,
I belong."

“I’ve always liked the time before dawn because I do my best thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. No interruptions. No noise. I like the feeling of being awake when no one else is. So, I slept under the moonlight and set my soul free, caged within jars like fireflies. And found peace that makes me feel right, like home...” #personalart #thespian #smoldertongue #personalquote #artwork #selfportrait #talldarkandhandsome #gentsstyle #artistsoninstagram #smolderstyle #thedevilsinthedetails #badass #writersofinstagram #godofmischief #digitalartist #lokistyle #wordporn #darkhairgreeneyes #burdenedwithgloriouspurpose
“I suppose I’m fascinated by the private vulnerability and the exterior of people. I think that’s an essential truth. I sort of quite like trying to find what makes people tick behind the construction of their identity.” #personalquote #personalart #smolderstyle #twhiddleston #thespian #tomhiddlestonedit #hiddlesarmy #lokisarmy #lokistyle #godofmischief #fridayfun #mashupvideo #funny #britsplaythebestvillains #talldarkandhandsome #imtryintogetabunchofbitchestokneel#thisismybargainyoumewlingquim

“I Am Loki. Of Asgard…See I’ve Come To Burn Your Kingdom Down And No Rivers And No Lakes Can Put The Fire Out. I’m Gonna Raise The Stakes, I’m Gonna Smoke You Out.” #personalart #digitalartist #artistsoninstagram #thespian #smoldertongue #personalquote #newartwork #smolderstyle #lokiedit #lokisarmy #twhiddleston #godofmischief #talldarkandhandsome #agentofchaos #britsplaythebestvillains #hiddlesarmy #digitalart #intheendyouwillalwayskneel #tomhiddlestonedit #glorious #lokiseries #youweremadetoberuled #chessgame #timesticking⏳ #imgonnaburnthisplacetotheground

“Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long time..Stole many souls..And the games I play are different than the variants that you're familiar with. The rules are made to be bent, broken, shattered - and somebody always gets this case it's you!”😈😈😈 #personalquote #thespian #smoldertongue #godofmischief #gentlemanstyle #thedevilsinthedetails #princeofdarkness #purpleaesthetic #burdenedwithgloriouspurpose #smolderstyle #digitalart #pride #daydreamernightthinker #lokistyle #redhairblueeyes #portraitphotography #digitalartist #thedevilneverlookedthisgood

“I look like an angel, but I'm not. The old rules of nature encompass many creatures like me. We're beautiful like the diamond-backed snake, or the striped tiger, yet we're merciless killers…So, tell me..Ever danced with the Devil under the pale moonlight?” #personalart #thespian #digitalart #burdenedwithgloriouspurpose #smoldertongue #talldarkandhandsome #killergaze #badass #devilishlyhandsome #theprinceofdarknessisagentleman #smolderstyle #intheshadows #moonlight #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #digitalartist #godofmischief #portraitphotography #shadowking #tribaltattoo #luciferstyle

The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist. But then again...I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good. 😈 #personalquote #smoldertongue #thespian #godofmischief #personalart #smolderstyle #badass #burdenedwithgloriouspurpose #suitstyle #thedevilneverlookedthisgood #sharpdressedman #lokistyle #portraitphotography #gentstyle #picoftheday #talldarkandhandsome #vampirestyle #blackstyle #devilishlybearded #classydapper