loreofthelost - Worldbuilding

worldbuilding and head canons for Descendants

75 posts

Your Headcanons Are Really Interesting! In Your AU, Both Freddie Facilier And Claudine Frollo Have Brothers?

Your headcanons are really interesting! In your AU, both Freddie Facilier and Claudine Frollo have brothers?

Thanks for the question. So yes they both have brothers, Dr Facilier has three children who have the Facilier name and live with him. Freddie Facilier who is 15 Celia Facilier who is 11, and then Jonothan Facilier who is 17. Jonothan goes by Jon and is friends with Freddy Frollo. Dr Facilier does have other kids but they don't live with him. Now for Claudine, Claude Frollo has several kids but he only acknowledges three, Claudine who is 19, Freddy Frollo who is 17 and Catherine Frollo who is 10, Claude Frollo has father more kids but they live with their mothers. Claudine also has a few half-brothers through her mother but she doesn't who they are or her mother is.

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More Posts from Loreofthelost

1 year ago


There are three schools on the isle, Dragon Hall, Serpent Prep and Crow Academy (Witch School). However, there is a lack of education on the Isle, classes focus on how to be evil instead of things like English, Math and Science. This means that most people can only do basic math and reading. Even children whose parents do know how to do math or read properly aren't likely to teach their kids that, as they will prioritize survival skills.

Books are rare on the Isle, those that come on the barges are either to damaged to read or are taken to Dr Facilier's Library. Having books is a sign of power.

Originally Dragon Hall was the only school but as more children were born Serpent Prep and Crow Academy were opened. Not all children attend school some are homeschooled, and some simply don't go to school at all. If you attend school you are expected to turn up late, and not partake in lessons.

By the time children are 9-10 they are expected to be in some manner of employment by or for their families, the age children are put to work varies between households, by the time they are teenagers they are given harder more demanding jobs or are made to do the backbreaking physical labor that the adults don't want to do.

It isn't required to go to school, but there isn't actually that much to do so the kids go anyway to learn about scheming, fighting and general wickedness. Detention and punishments are given out for things like helping someone pick up their books etc.

Skipping class happens often though the teachers don't make it easy for the kids, Bill Sykes has provided the school with several vicious dogs around campus. Fighting happens often and is encouraged by the teachers as way of solving arguments. There is also a lot of gang activity that happens, properly more so than anywhere else.

Known Classes Underwater Science History of the Wharf Selfishness 101 Enrichment Villainy Through the Ages Tall Tales and the Tellers who Tell Them Evil Schemes and Nasty Plots Evil P.E Wickedness Advanced Vanities Artists and Thieves Scheme management 101 Unnatural Biology

Known Teachers Dr Facilier Lady Tremaine Yen Sid Mother Gothel Madam Mim Queen of hearts

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1 year ago

Do you respond to DMs?


1 year ago

Got any hc for Tiger Lily x Lampwick in your au?

A few, I think they met after Tiger Lily came to Auradon with Peter Pan when Beast was trying to join all the kingdoms and lands together, they became friends, they started dating when they were 16. Alexander in their oldest child and he wasn't planned, they were 21-22 when Tiger Lily got pregnant, about four years later they had, Tiger Peony. When they got married, they had both the kids as parts in the ceremony. I imagine that they'd be the cool young parents, who everyone got along with. Tiger Lily is a fashion designer, and Lampwick owns a restaurant.

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1 year ago

VK Gangs

The Rotten 4                                                                                                            Leader: Melisandre Le Fae                                                                                      Second: Jadir Bin Jafer                                                                                          

The Lost Children                                                                                                    Leader: Anthony Tremaine                                                                                      Second: Maximus Mim                                                                                            

Diego’s Devils                                                                                                          Leader: Diego De Vil                                                                                                Second: Jada Balroulbadour                                                                                   

The Lost Revenge Pirate Crew/Uma’s Crew                                                          Captain: Uma Facilier                                                                                            First Mate: Harrison Hook                                                                                       

The Queen’s Fury Pirates/Harriet’s Crew                                                              Captain: Harriet Hook                                                                                              First Mate: Will Starkey                                                                                          

The Exiled                                                                                                              Leader: Megara Olympian                                                                                      Second: Charlie Hannon                                                                                          

Asylum Sisters                                                                                                        Leader: Tara D’Arques                                                                                            Second: Lydia Snoops                                                                                            

The Nightmares                                                                                                      Leader: Conner Creeper                                                                                          Second: Oscar Boogie                                                                                            

The Burbers                                                                                                            Leader: Jasmine Bin Jafer                                                                                      Second: Hugo Rourke                                                                                             

Silver Witches                                                                                                          Leader: Ginny Gothel                                                                                              Second Maddy Mim                                                                                                

The Hearts                                                                                                              Leader: Scarlett Hearts                                                                                            Second: Connie Cheshire                                                                                  

The Carnies                                                                                                            Leader: Hermione Bing                                                                                          Second: Harold Badun                                                                                            

The Claws                                                                                                                Leader: Malcolm Mor’du                                                                                          Second: Nancy Nanny                                                                                            

The Merchant Punks                                                                                                Leader: Leo Silver                                                                                                    Second: Violet Bogs                                                                                                

Freddy’s Angels                                                                                                      Leader: Freddy Frollo                                                                                              Second: Jonathan Facilier                                                                                      

The Gypsy Kids                                                                                                    Leader: Esme Ayres                                                                                                Second: Alia Green                                                                                                

The Brawlers                                                                                                        Leader: Dominic Salt                                                                                    Second: Killian Turner

These are the gangs that have been acknowledged by the other VKs and have spots in the GC, sometimes other groups will pop up, but they don’t tend to last long. The Leaders are the people who lead their gang, then the second is like the next in charge, sort of like a right-hand man. Some gangs also have stipulations for joining, (I’ll make separate posts about each of the gangs later.

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