loser-of-hearts333 - hold onto your butts brochachos
hold onto your butts brochachos

44 posts

Loser-of-hearts333 - Hold Onto Your Butts Brochachos - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago
loser-of-hearts333 - hold onto your butts brochachos
8 months ago

don’t!!! fake!!!! your!!!! interests!!!! to!!!! make!!!! someone!!!! like!!!!! you!!!!

8 months ago

the sound of moving water is the best thing in the world. rain falling, waves crashing, fountains tinkling, streams gurgling, a lake lapping, cascades crashing, springs burbling...it's all so beautiful.

8 months ago
loser-of-hearts333 - hold onto your butts brochachos
8 months ago

i hope shein gets shut down i hope ai projects get shut down i hope billionaires go bankrupt i hope public transportation expands fast i am so tired of the world’s bs

8 months ago

Why do witches like always wanna fatten kids up before they eat them?? fat is like the grossest part of meat

8 months ago
I Like How Derek Somehow Made It To Jennifers Car In Broad Daylight Without, I Dunno, Sending People

I like how Derek somehow made it to Jennifer’s car in broad daylight without, I dunno, sending people screaming or getting picked up for littering blood everywhere.

8 months ago


8 months ago

relationships and jobs are temporary. your shitty unpopular tumblr blog is forever

9 months ago

always remember gay men are the reason we dont have to pay for public bathrooms in canada

9 months ago

Is there a word that’s a mix between angry and sad

9 months ago
loser-of-hearts333 - hold onto your butts brochachos
9 months ago
loser-of-hearts333 - hold onto your butts brochachos
9 months ago

there’s something so gender affirming about having a bandaid on your forefinger

11 months ago

hi everyone i hope you dont mind if i

(hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws)

11 months ago

the only reason why ten year old girls are destroying stupidly overpriced products at sephora to make “skincare smoothies” is because they aren’t being given access to a yard with a variety of mud, sticks, rocks, puddles, and old ceramic planters to make potions in. the children yearn for the apothecary

11 months ago

Just me and the freak I pulled by being a bad bitch

11 months ago
loser-of-hearts333 - hold onto your butts brochachos
1 year ago

*gasp* how did you defeat my evil plan?

(evil plan being to eat snacks instead of having a well rounded dinner)

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1 year ago

I've never watched a single episode of spn but I've been thinking about the implications of being stuck inside a meme

I've Never Watched A Single Episode Of Spn But I've Been Thinking About The Implications Of Being Stuck
1 year ago

I know we always fail at this but can we please use different tags for the PJO TV series? Like #pjotv? Because I dread if the Shadowhunters thing happens again and the book fandom cannot escape the TV Fandom and vice versa.

It's so much easier if we agree on distinct tags so you can easily navigate which version of Canon you are referencing.

1 year ago
Santa Is On Strike Due To Global Warming. All Presents This Year Will Be Delivered By Sasha The Christmas

Santa is on strike due to global warming.  All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger.  Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.

2 years ago

I firmly believe that the marauders would’ve called lily ‘headlights’

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2 years ago

family vacations are hard