They/Them. Dyslexic. (18)

86 posts

Spencer Get's Drugged And Aaron Takes Him Home

Spencer get's drugged and Aaron takes him home

Spencer knew that drink tasted funny. He shouldn't have drunken it- he really shouldn't have taken a drink from the unsub at all! But, that's undercover work for you. As Spencer stumbles back to his desk, he knows he can't take the metro home alone tonight, it wouldn't be safe. He tries to pack his things, but his fingers won't move or grab the things properly.

"Reid?" It's Hotch, standing by the side of desk. Hotch wasn't with him on the undercover mission and is therefore in his normal work suit, which makes Spencer feel very out of place in his skinny jeans and tank top. Going undercover as a young bisexual man in a gay club known for drugs and hook-ops means you need a certainly look. "Mhmm?" Spencer muses and attempts to grab his book from the desk. Hotch takes it and puts it in Spencer's bag.

"I've been made aware you've likely been drugged"

"Likely, huh. Mhm. I have" Spencer throws his head back on the last word and regrets it instantly as the bright lights blind him and he jerks his head down to the floor. "Reid?" Hotch asks, placing a hand on the younger man's lower back. "Mhmm?" Spencer glances to the older man, confused as all hell as to why his boss is touching him. "Is there someone to take you home?"

"Noooo, well, no. No." Spencer shakes his head, trying to hike his bag onto his shoulder. "N- But, but, there's, couch, in the room, Garcia stayed in, the-"

"Absolutely not Spencer" Hotch half scolds, making Spencer pout in the middle of the office. He'd normally never make such a face but, the drugs are making him all loopy. "I, why not? I can't, I'm not in a state to..." Spencer falters, he's not sure what he was trying to say. "I'll take you home, alright? There's no reason you should stay here or make your own way home"

Spencer whines lightly, feeling his knees go weak. "Don't you need to get, home to Jack?" Hotch's face is blurry mess, Spencer can't see, he tries to think of what drug would make me feel like this, but he's mind is a mess and he doesn't understand anything. "Jack can wait the 13 extra mintues it takes for me to drop you off" Hotch grabs the bag that was hanging off Spencer's elbow. "13 mintues? how you know that?"

"How i know how long it takes? I've driven you home before, when you were in protective custody, I was the one to take you home" Hotch explains, gently turning Reid around to the way of the door. "Jacket" Spencer protests, sloppy on his feet. Hotch glances to him, confused. "My jacket, I'm cold"

"Um" Hotch glances around "You didn't have a jacket to work tonight Reid" Hotch says, Spencer pouts, he's so cold, how do people go clubbing in tank tops and not get cold. Spencer throws an arm over Hotch's shoulder's for some more stability. "Okay...." Spencer mutters, stumbling along with Aaron. Spencer struggles to walk with him to the elevator. Like his feet are pointing outwards and not straight out like normal.

Aaron sets him against the elevator wall and Spencer grabs the handle with both hands, the world suddenly spinning. "Reid?" Aaron's looking down to him, trying to help him stand op a bit straighter. Aaron's hands are under his armpits, what's he doing? His feet stumble back and he's back in the corner of the elevator. "Reid can you hear me?"

Spencer can't get his head to nod and just hums instead. "Okay, let's just get you home" Aaron says. Spencer hums, trying to move Hotch's hands but he fails, it's too hard.

"I know it's an unpleasant touch but I don't want you falling" Aaron says. Spencer groans, he's so tired, so dizzy, so confused. He just wants to go to bed. He needs sleep "Wow, Reid, Reid!" Spencer's leaning against Hotch now, Hotch's got arm around him. Spencer let's his head rest on Aaron's shoulder, he can't make himself move, his body is too slack. "Spencer, are you alright?"

Spencer lazily paws at Hotch's chest, leaning against him for stability "Ah..huh" He tries to nod but his head goes in a circle. Aaron moves Spencer's hands to hold around his neck. "Hold on okay? Tight" Aaron says as Spencer's fingers curl around his neck. Spencer hums as Aaron grabs his legs and swings him op in his arms. Spencer feels the cold rush his skin as he's carried outside.

Aaron sets Spencer down in the passenger's seat of Hotch's car. Something soft is draped over him, his bag is set in his lap and some hair is tucked behind his ear. "Spence?" "Mhmm" He hums. "Are you alright to be home alone?" Aaron asks, getting in the drivers side.

His words come out in a mumble. "need, have, to" The car starts and Spencer feels himself fade a bit, he's so damn tired. "Um, well. you could stay with me if you don't feel safe being alone"

"" Spencer shakes his head. "Fine" He leans his head back. "I'm fine" Spencer mumbles. Spencer sleeps through the ride. He's frazzled when Aaron's moving him again. He clings to Aaron's neck as he's lifted from the seat. "Mhmm" "Just relax Sweetie" Aaron reasures, pushing the door shut with his hip. Spencer doesn't even question the nickname, he barely notices it at all, only tucking his head into Aaron's shoulder.

Aaron brings him inside, Spencer doesn't know if he slipped Aaron a key to his place or if he just found it in his bag. He doesn't care. Spencer's back meets the soft sheets of his bed. His shoes are slipped off, socks and then a blanket is laid over him. Spencer blinks as Aaron tucks him into bed. "Mhmm, thank Hotch" Spencer mutters softly.

"Get some rest okay?" Aaron brushes some more hair behind Spencer's ears. Spencer tries to nod, but needs op nodding his eyes instead of his head. "Call me in the morning, alright? I need to know you're okay" Hotch says, gently caressing Spencer's cheek.


Spencer wakes op to the sun shining through his window, he glances to his nightstand, there's a tall glass of water by his phone. He picks the glass op, downing the whole thing in one go. He sets it down again, noticing the small piece of paper laid down by his phone.

You promised to call me when you woke op

-Aaron Hotchner

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More Posts from Lover-i-lover

1 year ago

Movie night

You settle on the couch with a bowl of chips and some soda. Spencer sits down beside you, seeming nervous and tense. It's your first movie night together and while you're in a nervous extied state, Spencer seems to be head for an anxious state. You find yourself rocking slightly, a trait you've picked op from Spencer. The movie starts, and you smile widely, bringing your legs op to sit criss cross apple sause, or as Spencer has told you, like a tailor. But it's way more fun to say criss crosss apple sause.

Spencer insisted you picked the movie. You didn't agrue. It's a new movie, like came out a week ago. It's a movie about a young boy gathering and selling seashells while learning about the sea. You glance over to Spencer as the into plays, he's gripping the ege of his couch, knuckles white. You graze a hand over his knee, watching him tense op more. "Spence, are you okay?" You ask, turning your full attention to him. "I'm fine" He promises, brushing your hand off. You pull it back, accepting it as no touch day. You're half way through the movie when you realize, you've been touching and hugging Spencer all day, if he was really that uncomfortable wouldn't he have pushed you off.

You look back to him, he's got a pillow craddled in his lap, he's hugging it, leaning over it. You try to subtlety eye him op, hoping for another clue. But you are not subtlet at all and he catches you. "Is something wrong?" Spencer gulps. "With you, yes what is going on with you?" You state, reaching for the remote and pausing the movie. Spencer shallows, shaking his head. "No, nothing's wrong"

"Spencer, you've got a pillow in your lap and hugging it for dear life something is wrong" "nothing is wrong"

"Then why can't i touch you?" You chuckle, leaning an arm down on your knee, bracing your head on your hand. Spencer gulps again, blushig a bright pink and you ready youself for a long talk of germs. "I'm sorry, i, i just. This feels a lot like a date and i don't like touching on dates becuase i get anxious" his grip on the pillow tightens.

"Baby, we're just watching a movie on your couch, nothing you don't want to happen is going to happen, if you get uncomfortable, i'll leave" You slowly put a hand over his. Spencer smiles silghtly, gently turning his hand over and inter lacing their fingers. "I know that, okay i know that" He sounds like he's trying to reasuring himself then you. "Oh honey, can i give you a hug?" You ask, feeling your eyes grow watery. Spencer nods and you move in to hug your boyfriend. Your arms settle around him, drawing him in close. He wraps his arms around you, slowly, but affectionnately. "There we go, it's okay Spence" You comfort him, laing your head in the crook of his neck. Spencer tugs at you and you crawl into his lap, moving the pillow from between you. "I'm sorry, it's not that i don't want you to touch me it just makes me nervous"

"i know, you'll use to it, i hope" You say, brushing a hand op the back of his neck and into his curls. You pull back, focusing on his lips, would kissing him be too much? "Would you mind if i kissed you?" You ask Spencer, grabbing ahold of his curls lightly. "No, i wouldn't mind" Spencer answers , leaning in to met your lips. You press your lips firmly against his, enjoying his reactions. He shivers under you and you pull back. "How about, we can finish the movie, or we can head to bed ealry if you like?"

"We'd wake op ealier then normal what's- oh, you mean....."

"Yes i mean we could go have sex" "I'd like to finish the movie first, i, actualy really like it" Spencer mutters, cheeks flushing a deeper red. You brust out laughing. "Oh how i love you Doctor Spencer Reid" You seize his face with both hands and kiss him firmly.

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1 year ago


You wake to a soft tapping sound against the windows. You glance to the slightly open bedroom window, you never liked sleeping with the windows open but Spencer has reasured you countless times that having a slightly open window on the 6th floor of a building was a 0,000085 percent of any violent crime.

There's rain pelting the windows, sending a chill through your bedroom. You snuggle in close to Spencer's neck, pressing yourself flush in behind him.

Spencer makes a small purring sound, the cutest sound he makes when he wakes op. You press a small kiss to his neck, shushing him gently, hoping to not derail the rare night of good sleep he is getting.

"Don't shush me" Spencer half groans, shifting against you. "Why are you op?" He asks, fingers grazing you arm. You sigh, you really didn't want to wake him, but Spencer is and will always be a light sleeper. You nuzzle close to his neck.

"Just the rain, sleep"

"The rain?" Spencer questions with a yawn as he reaches down and tugs the covers op to your necks. "Mmm, sound, temp. Just sleep"

Spencer relaxes into your grip, and soon enough he's back asleep. The rain has always been a comforting sound for you. But not at night, at night any rain, soft or harsh wakes you and may keep you awake for hours if you let it.

Spencer shifts, snoring lightly. You remind yourself that you too rarely get a good night's sleep and close your eyes. To help yourself fall asleep, you go back to an old favorite trick. You slowly slip an am away from Spencer.

You feel around your nightstand, feeling the familiar texture of your earplugs. You pop them in and wrap your arm back around Spencer. You cuddle close, burying your head in the crook of his neck and getting a leg back between Spencer's. While that started as something Spencer asked for, it's become something you do out of habit. It's a nice touch for you both.

It takes only a few seconds for you to fall asleep behind Spencer.

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1 year ago


You were done, everything was hurting and you just wanted to go the fuck home. The first thing you did, was tell Hotch, who immediately send you and Spencer home, as you are in no condition to drive. Spencer had packed your things for you, telling you to just relax the best you can. He bent down, helping you put on compression socks, it didn't always help, but you're hoping it'll work today.

"Are you sure you don't have any painkillers with you?"

"Yes Spencer for the millionth time i use the last one!" You yell, you didn't mean to, but you're just so irritated. Spencer gives you the look, and your shoulder shrugs sag. "I'm sorry, I just....No, I don't have any more pain meds left and it's getting really bed" You explain as Spencer helps you into a soft par of slippers.

"I'll stop by the pharmacy on our way back and you can see if you can get some sleep?"

You smile, he's too sweet to you sometimes. "Thank you" You brush a hand over his hair.

Spencer help you to the car with a blanket and a pillow, it's about 9pm and while you are tired, the pain is making you restless. When you finally get more painkillers, it makes the pain dull, but not go away, now your whole body just aching instead. So Spencer does what Spencer does best.

He makes you comfortable.

He feeds you all the food and drinks you can think of, makes all the stops you need to get out and stretch, and when you finally fall asleep, he drives carefully.

Spencer doesn't wake you op when you arrive home. You blink your eyes open as Spencer tucks you into bed. Your body still aches but the drowsiness outweighs it and you fall asleep again. Spencer tucks himself in behind you, careful to not make your pain worse by cuddling you.

You guide his arms to places it doesn't hurt too badly and the two of you fall asleep.

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1 year ago

Spencer and y/n

There might be mistakes, i'm not great with grammer in any language. English is my second language.

You knew Spencer would be late coming home tonight. If he came home, so you decide to indudge yourself by looking around his apartment. You hadn't told Spencer you were staying over until he came home but figured you didn't need to. He'd be happy to see you, right?

You'd certainty be happy to see him again. When he'd rushed out this morning you were barely awake, it was around 4:30 and he'd kissed you goodbye and along with an apology for ruining your weekend plans of staying in with him.

You'd had half a mind to grab him by his tie and drag him back into bed, but not the strength to do so. So that was you got, your weekend of cuddles and kisses turned into no cuddles, and one kiss. You're not mad but a little disappointed to have his job yet again ruin a planed weekend. While you yourself are in the FBI, you're in a white collar crime unit and therefore you're safe from being called in on your days off.

You try to be understanding, but sometimes it sucks to left alone in the early morning hours. You'd thought about going back to your own apartment, but decided against it. You'd just cleaned op after dinner, and definitely didn't look through his entire kitchen out of pure curesoist. You put on your favorite music before looking through the first of many bookshelves.

You find a book that looks a bit out of place. A book you know isn't Spencer's normal type. It's the romance novel you've been rambling about for almost a week now. Maybe you left your own copy here by actident and Spencer set it away without looking closely. You pull it out and run your hand over the cover. It's not the same addition as yours. It's a newer. Why would Spencer have your favorite book?

If someone else left it here Spencer would have returned it emetlltly.

You yelp as arms settle around you. You hadn't heard Spencer come home over your music.

"I figured you'd find it eventually " He murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. "Don't scare me like that!" You reach back and half heartily slap his side. He huffs. "Don't snoop around my appartement then" he mumbles, swaying the both you of you from side to side.

You find this behavior odd, sure you like it but it's not normal for Spencer to initiate physical touch. "Hey.. You alright Spence?" you ask, setting the book back on the shelf. You'd discuss it later. You wrap your arms around his. Spencer tucks himself further into you, face burried in your neck. "Tough case?" You question, knowing it had to at least an important case for him to be woken op at 4 in the morning.

"Mhm" He finally hums. You're sure this case was a couple, maybe a boyfriend killed his girlfriend or the other way around, it's the only good reason for Spencer to act like this. "A couple huh?" You ask, maneuvering around to look at the man still clinging to you. He won't met your eyes, only hiding his face in the crook of your neck. "Mhm" you hear him mumble some more but you can't hear him clearly. "What was that Spence? " You ask, gently rubbing his back.

He pulls from just enough to be understandable. "The wife and the mistress killed the cheating husband and left him naked and wrote 'cheater' on his chest with lipstick, then dumpped him in front of a strip club" His breath sends a shiver own your spine. "Damn okay, that's a lot" You say, letting him hide in your embrace. "I'm sorry.....Are you hunrgy?" He shakes his head. "Well, couch cuddles?" You ask, sliding your hand op into his hair, ruffleing it slightly. Spencer nods and you drag the both of you to the couch. Spencer moves to lay under you and you let him, hoping the pressure would help calm him. You settle atop him, carefully avoiding his hipbones knowing laying on them would make you both uncomfortable.

You lay your arms around his neck, shivering as your top slides op and reveal a bit of your lower back. Spencer's arms wrap tightly around you, warm and comforting. You don't bother turning on the TV, only wanting to enjoy Spencer's company. "Spence" You say, shifting slightly. "Yes?" He answers, shifting under you as well. "Why do you have that book anway?"

"You've being talking about it for a while, i wanted to know what it was about"

"So you going to read it?" You asks, laying your head in the crook of his neck, pressing a quick kiss to his skin. "Is that a promblem?" Spencer asks, grazing his hand op under your shirt to feel the warm skin of your back. "No, no i'd love if you'd read it. But be warned" You chuckle "It's not as innocent as it looks"

"I think i'll be alright" Spencer mumbles, sounding tired. You close your eyes, it's not that late, but it's the weekend so sticking to a sleep schedule isn't a high priority at the moment. "Thank you darling" Spencer mumbles. "What for?" "Being here"

"Of course, i love you"

"I love you too"

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1 year ago

4 am.

Spencer is wake at 4am reading, you making him go back to bed.

You find yourself waking op in darkness, you glance to your alarm, t's 4 am.

You softy reach out, finding only cold sheets where Spencer should be. You turn over fully, searching for Spencer. When you find nothing at all, you tramble out of bed, panicking.

You flick on your reading light. Your first thought is to call Hotch, but you need to be sure that Spencer's gone and not just in the bathroom. You pull on the shirt Spencer left on the floor when you went to bed.

You grip your phone tightly as you check through the living room, then the kitchen, then the bathroom, you're about to call the whole team and tell them Spencer is missing when you hear a chair creaking.

You walk to your shared study, seeing light on beneath the door. You gently crack the door and sigh happily as you see Spencer sitting at his desk with at least 7 different books.

"Spence..." You call, rubbing your eyes. Spencer quickly turns around, hair a mess, only in his underwear and glasses and with a bit of blue pen ink on his fingers. "H-Hey..." Spencer croaks. Your shoulders sag.

"It's 4 in the morning, what the hell are you doing Spence?" You ask, walking to Spencer and grabbing both his shoulders.

"JJ called.....needed help with some chemical stuff and I, just got invested" Spencer blushes in the yellow light of the study. You lean your head on his.

"Have you learned what you needed?"

"Yes..." Spencer mutters, pushing his glasses further op on his nose. That makes you smile a bit. "Then call JJ and then you are coming back to bed"

Spencer looks down in shame. "What? Out with it Baby, now" You demand, squeezing his shoulders "I, already have" Spencer mumbles, refusing to look at you.

You grab his chin and force him to look op. "We'll talk about this tomorrow, you are coming back to bed and cuddling me" You drag him op from the chair. Spencer nods and lays his glasses by the books.

"Of course, it's early morning and we should be sleeping" Spencer relents. You press a kiss on Spencer's cheek. "Mm, now come on, Bed" You say before dragging him back to your bedroom.

You toss the shirt you were wearing back on the floor. You settle in bed with him. Spencer opens his arms for you to tuck yourself into, and so you do. Snuggling op close to him.

"When did JJ call?" You ask, laying your head in the crook of his neck. "At 3:43 am"

"Damn it Spence, i, never-" You yawn. "mind, it's fine, but promise me, the next time the team calls at night, you find what they need, then go back to bed. Okay?" You tell him, wrapping an arm around him, feeling the skin of his back.

"I will, promise" Spencer says with a small nod, tracing circles on the skin of your lower back.


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